Cockroaches are well known insects of order Blattidae. The climate of Quetta was favorable for th... more Cockroaches are well known insects of order Blattidae. The climate of Quetta was favorable for the metamorphosis of cockroaches. Two most common species of Quetta city were Blattellagermanica and Periplaneta americana. Cockroaches act as economic pest and their control was challenge for entomologists. In the present investigation, the effectiveness of locally formulated insecticides was investigated against the two cockroach species i.e., Periplaneta americana and Blattellagermanica collected from different localities of Quetta city during the year 2012. The contact jar method was implied. Sixinsecticides were selectedin this study including Baygon, Nature guard, and Mortein Power guard, Furadane, Chloropyrifos and Organochlorine, respectively. From the results of the present study, it was concluded that among the other selected insecticides, Baygon was found to be more effective with 100 % efficacy, because it knock down all the Periplaneta americana and Blattellagermanica at direct contact, while Mortein was found to be next to baygon, whereas the Nature guard and Organochlorine provide almost the similar results and provide 80% efficacy within the contact of 15 minutes, however, Chloropyrifos and Furadan gave 80 % mortality rate after 1 hour contact. Therefore, in our present study, Baygon was proved to be more operational than any other selected insecticides, thence, its usage should be more acclaimed to control the populations of two cockroach species i.e., Blattellagermanica and Periplaneta americana abundantly found in Quetta city of Balochistan.
Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes,... more Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes, so its acquire attention to study and to find solution. It was therefore of interest to conduct study to estimate accumulation of heavy metals in fishes of Zabi Dam Karak Pakistan. Zebi dam is located on North East of Karak city. Three samples of fishes namely Labeo rohita (rahu), Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp) and Goldfish collected randomly from different sides of Zabi dam. Samples were analyzed for these selected heavy metals cadmium, zinc, iron, copper, nickel and lead. The pattern of decreasing concentrations for fishes on average showed the following result Fe>Pb>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cd in which Pb showed highest average result while Cd and Ni Showed lowest. In all the three parts of head, abdomen and tail Labeo rohita the highest concentration is shown by Fe (9.501mg/kg) in head while lowest concentration shown by Ni and Cd (0 mg/kg) in all parts. In case of Cyprinus carpio Pb has the highest level (26.28 mg/kg) among all metals in head while lowest (0 mg/kg) concentration showed by both Ni and Cd.
Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes,... more Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes, so its acquire attention to study and to find solution. It was therefore of interest to conduct study to estimate accumulation of heavy metals in fishes of Zabi Dam Karak Pakistan. Zebi dam is located on North East of Karak city. Three samples of fishes namely Labeo rohita (rahu), Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp) and Goldfish collected randomly from different sides of Zabi dam. Samples were analyzed for these selected heavy metals cadmium, zinc, iron, copper, nickel and lead. The pattern of decreasing concentrations for fishes on average showed the following result Fe>Pb>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cd in which Pb showed highest average result while Cd and Ni Showed lowest. In all the three parts of head, abdomen and tail Labeo rohita the highest concentration is shown by Fe (9.501mg/kg) in head while lowest concentration shown by Ni and Cd (0 mg/kg) in all parts. In case of Cyprinus carpio Pb has the highest level (26.28 mg/kg) among all metals in head while lowest (0 mg/kg) concentration showed by both Ni and Cd.
Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes,... more Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes, so its acquire attention to study and to find solution. It was therefore of interest to conduct study to estimate accumulation of heavy metals in fishes of Zabi Dam Karak Pakistan. Zebi dam is located on North East of Karak city. Three samples of fishes namely Labeo rohita (rahu), Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp) and Goldfish collected randomly from different sides of Zabi dam. Samples were analyzed for these selected heavy metals cadmium, zinc, iron, copper, nickel and lead. The pattern of decreasing concentrations for fishes on average showed the following result Fe>Pb>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cd in which Pb showed highest average result while Cd and Ni Showed lowest. In all the three parts of head, abdomen and tail Labeo rohita the highest concentration is shown by Fe (9.501mg/kg) in head while lowest concentration shown by Ni and Cd (0 mg/kg) in all parts. In case of Cyprinus carpio Pb ...
Prelaminar synthesis of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles supported on bimodal mesoporous silica (BMMs) ... more Prelaminar synthesis of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles supported on bimodal mesoporous silica (BMMs) was carried out by impregnation method. Physiochemical characteristic and structural morphology of synthesized catalyst (TiO2/BMMs) were studied in detail by X‐ray diffraction patterns, N2 sorption isotherms, Fourier transform infrared and ultraviolet‐visible spectra, surface‐zeta charges, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results demonstrated that the anatase TiO2 nanoparticles in size of around 5.06 nm were uniformly dispersed on the mesoporous surface of BMMs. The resultant TiO2/BMMs as photo‐catalyst had extensive effect on degradation performances (93.6 %) of alizarin red dye in aqueous solution, in which the effects of various parameters, such as pH, dose, and pollutant concentration on the adsorption capacity and further photo‐degradation were explored. Meanwhile, the reused photocatalyst...
Abstract Clinoptilolite (CP) with various morphologies, such as spherical, flower, cylindrical, a... more Abstract Clinoptilolite (CP) with various morphologies, such as spherical, flower, cylindrical, and disc-shape, were successfully synthesized in the presence of alcohol solvents with different carbon chain lengths. The structural and textural properties of the resultant CPs were characterized via XRD, SEM, TG-DSC profiles, TEM, NMR, FT-IR spectra, and N2 sorption isotherms. The effect of the additive amount of various alcohol solvents on the induction (nucleation) periods and growth stages of synthetic CPs were detailed investigated. Their activation energies of induction (En) and growth (Eg) periods during crystallization intervals were calculated according to the Arrhenius equation, where the former being larger than the latter, indicating that nucleation is the key step during the whole synthesis of CPs. Particularly, the En value gradually increased as the increasing chain-length of the used alcohol, but smaller than that without additive alcohols. These demonstrations implied that the presence of alcohol solvents is beneficial to promote the nucleation process of synthetic CP. Furthermore, their CH4 and N2 adsorption capacity and selectivity were preliminary explored, showing the highest selective factor of 5.58 at 0 °C for CH4/N2 separation using flower-like CP as an adsorbent. These results suggested a promising adsorbent for wide applications in gas separation.
Evaluations of physico-chemical properties of TiO 2 /clinoptilolite synthesized via three methods... more Evaluations of physico-chemical properties of TiO 2 /clinoptilolite synthesized via three methods on photocatalytic degradation of crystal violet, Chinese
This study was conducted from January 2014 to October 2015 to find out accumulation of heavy meta... more This study was conducted from January 2014 to October 2015 to find out accumulation of heavy metals in fishes and water of Changhoz dam Karak, K.P.K. Pakistan. For this purpose three samples of fishes namely Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (silver fish), Crossocheilus latius (Dogra) and Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Bighead) from different sides and four samples of water from left/north, right/south, front and outer coming region of changhoz dam were collected during the months of February and March 2015. Heavy metals for which these samples were analyzed were Cadmium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Nickel and Lead. In Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (bighead) highest concentration is showed by Iron in region of Scales while Cd and Ni were not detected in any part, other element detected with concentration comparably less to Permissible limit. In Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver fish) highest concentration showed by Ni in Abdomen while in other parts Ni along with Cd were not detected, Fe and Pb showe...
Cockroaches are well known insects of order Blattidae. The climate of Quetta was favorable for th... more Cockroaches are well known insects of order Blattidae. The climate of Quetta was favorable for the metamorphosis of cockroaches. Two most common species of Quetta city were Blattellagermanica and Periplaneta americana. Cockroaches act as economic pest and their control was challenge for entomologists. In the present investigation, the effectiveness of locally formulated insecticides was investigated against the two cockroach species i.e., Periplaneta americana and Blattellagermanica collected from different localities of Quetta city during the year 2012. The contact jar method was implied. Sixinsecticides were selectedin this study including Baygon, Nature guard, and Mortein Power guard, Furadane, Chloropyrifos and Organochlorine, respectively. From the results of the present study, it was concluded that among the other selected insecticides, Baygon was found to be more effective with 100 % efficacy, because it knock down all the Periplaneta americana and Blattellagermanica at direct contact, while Mortein was found to be next to baygon, whereas the Nature guard and Organochlorine provide almost the similar results and provide 80% efficacy within the contact of 15 minutes, however, Chloropyrifos and Furadan gave 80 % mortality rate after 1 hour contact. Therefore, in our present study, Baygon was proved to be more operational than any other selected insecticides, thence, its usage should be more acclaimed to control the populations of two cockroach species i.e., Blattellagermanica and Periplaneta americana abundantly found in Quetta city of Balochistan.
Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes,... more Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes, so its acquire attention to study and to find solution. It was therefore of interest to conduct study to estimate accumulation of heavy metals in fishes of Zabi Dam Karak Pakistan. Zebi dam is located on North East of Karak city. Three samples of fishes namely Labeo rohita (rahu), Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp) and Goldfish collected randomly from different sides of Zabi dam. Samples were analyzed for these selected heavy metals cadmium, zinc, iron, copper, nickel and lead. The pattern of decreasing concentrations for fishes on average showed the following result Fe>Pb>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cd in which Pb showed highest average result while Cd and Ni Showed lowest. In all the three parts of head, abdomen and tail Labeo rohita the highest concentration is shown by Fe (9.501mg/kg) in head while lowest concentration shown by Ni and Cd (0 mg/kg) in all parts. In case of Cyprinus carpio Pb has the highest level (26.28 mg/kg) among all metals in head while lowest (0 mg/kg) concentration showed by both Ni and Cd.
Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes,... more Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes, so its acquire attention to study and to find solution. It was therefore of interest to conduct study to estimate accumulation of heavy metals in fishes of Zabi Dam Karak Pakistan. Zebi dam is located on North East of Karak city. Three samples of fishes namely Labeo rohita (rahu), Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp) and Goldfish collected randomly from different sides of Zabi dam. Samples were analyzed for these selected heavy metals cadmium, zinc, iron, copper, nickel and lead. The pattern of decreasing concentrations for fishes on average showed the following result Fe>Pb>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cd in which Pb showed highest average result while Cd and Ni Showed lowest. In all the three parts of head, abdomen and tail Labeo rohita the highest concentration is shown by Fe (9.501mg/kg) in head while lowest concentration shown by Ni and Cd (0 mg/kg) in all parts. In case of Cyprinus carpio Pb has the highest level (26.28 mg/kg) among all metals in head while lowest (0 mg/kg) concentration showed by both Ni and Cd.
Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes,... more Heavy metals above their permissible limit are extremely threaten for animals and other microbes, so its acquire attention to study and to find solution. It was therefore of interest to conduct study to estimate accumulation of heavy metals in fishes of Zabi Dam Karak Pakistan. Zebi dam is located on North East of Karak city. Three samples of fishes namely Labeo rohita (rahu), Cyprinus carpio (Common Carp) and Goldfish collected randomly from different sides of Zabi dam. Samples were analyzed for these selected heavy metals cadmium, zinc, iron, copper, nickel and lead. The pattern of decreasing concentrations for fishes on average showed the following result Fe>Pb>Zn>Cu>Ni>Cd in which Pb showed highest average result while Cd and Ni Showed lowest. In all the three parts of head, abdomen and tail Labeo rohita the highest concentration is shown by Fe (9.501mg/kg) in head while lowest concentration shown by Ni and Cd (0 mg/kg) in all parts. In case of Cyprinus carpio Pb ...
Prelaminar synthesis of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles supported on bimodal mesoporous silica (BMMs) ... more Prelaminar synthesis of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles supported on bimodal mesoporous silica (BMMs) was carried out by impregnation method. Physiochemical characteristic and structural morphology of synthesized catalyst (TiO2/BMMs) were studied in detail by X‐ray diffraction patterns, N2 sorption isotherms, Fourier transform infrared and ultraviolet‐visible spectra, surface‐zeta charges, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results demonstrated that the anatase TiO2 nanoparticles in size of around 5.06 nm were uniformly dispersed on the mesoporous surface of BMMs. The resultant TiO2/BMMs as photo‐catalyst had extensive effect on degradation performances (93.6 %) of alizarin red dye in aqueous solution, in which the effects of various parameters, such as pH, dose, and pollutant concentration on the adsorption capacity and further photo‐degradation were explored. Meanwhile, the reused photocatalyst...
Abstract Clinoptilolite (CP) with various morphologies, such as spherical, flower, cylindrical, a... more Abstract Clinoptilolite (CP) with various morphologies, such as spherical, flower, cylindrical, and disc-shape, were successfully synthesized in the presence of alcohol solvents with different carbon chain lengths. The structural and textural properties of the resultant CPs were characterized via XRD, SEM, TG-DSC profiles, TEM, NMR, FT-IR spectra, and N2 sorption isotherms. The effect of the additive amount of various alcohol solvents on the induction (nucleation) periods and growth stages of synthetic CPs were detailed investigated. Their activation energies of induction (En) and growth (Eg) periods during crystallization intervals were calculated according to the Arrhenius equation, where the former being larger than the latter, indicating that nucleation is the key step during the whole synthesis of CPs. Particularly, the En value gradually increased as the increasing chain-length of the used alcohol, but smaller than that without additive alcohols. These demonstrations implied that the presence of alcohol solvents is beneficial to promote the nucleation process of synthetic CP. Furthermore, their CH4 and N2 adsorption capacity and selectivity were preliminary explored, showing the highest selective factor of 5.58 at 0 °C for CH4/N2 separation using flower-like CP as an adsorbent. These results suggested a promising adsorbent for wide applications in gas separation.
Evaluations of physico-chemical properties of TiO 2 /clinoptilolite synthesized via three methods... more Evaluations of physico-chemical properties of TiO 2 /clinoptilolite synthesized via three methods on photocatalytic degradation of crystal violet, Chinese
This study was conducted from January 2014 to October 2015 to find out accumulation of heavy meta... more This study was conducted from January 2014 to October 2015 to find out accumulation of heavy metals in fishes and water of Changhoz dam Karak, K.P.K. Pakistan. For this purpose three samples of fishes namely Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (silver fish), Crossocheilus latius (Dogra) and Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Bighead) from different sides and four samples of water from left/north, right/south, front and outer coming region of changhoz dam were collected during the months of February and March 2015. Heavy metals for which these samples were analyzed were Cadmium, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Nickel and Lead. In Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (bighead) highest concentration is showed by Iron in region of Scales while Cd and Ni were not detected in any part, other element detected with concentration comparably less to Permissible limit. In Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver fish) highest concentration showed by Ni in Abdomen while in other parts Ni along with Cd were not detected, Fe and Pb showe...
Papers by tallat khan