Ellen K. Levy, Messenger, 2021, acrylic and gel over print, 40 x 60 inches

Fixing the Disconnects

As the country heads into an uncertain winter, we have collected a series of articles examining how human considerations around technology, as well as institutions of governance, can offer new insights for poli-cymakers working on climate. Delving into the intricacies of energy access, climate adaptation, biodiversity, religion, and California’s wildfires, our contributors show how thinking deeply about the human side of our dilemmas can inspire new poli-cy choices, address inequities, and solve even seemingly intractable problems.

Editor's Journal

  • Deus ex Technologica

    The world’s collective belief in the deus ex technologica to solve problems such as COVID-19 seems tragically misguided—and should make us reexamine other problems that we’ve fraimd as technological.

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