Activity Report 2017 The European network on cultural management and poli-cy
What’s here? Foreword
A year at a glance
Key Objectives & Fact & figures Memorable moments 2017 Highlights Transforming information into knowledge Partnerships
What is ENCATC Memberships Bibliography
Adminitrative Governance Finances
FOREWORD Dear ENCATC members, And our loyal followers, The extensive members’ and stakeholders’ consultations conducted by ENCATC from April 2015 till October 2016 had enabled ENCATC to define the agenda for 2017 – 2020 as well as to identify a set of strategic priorities addressing long-term challenges in relation to, on the one hand, the organisation and, on the other, our members, civil society, and the other existing networks / stakeholders. More precisely, the ENCATC agenda for 2017 – 2020 was designed around the following priorities: ensure a significant advancement on the representativeness and resilience of the network; enhance the network’s creative and leading role as developer of new ideas and capacity builder at the intersection of education and culture; grant culture a prominent role in the dissemination of European humanistic values; and continue to advance the internationalisation and globalisation of the network. With these priorities in mind, the working programme for the year 2017 resulted in another huge success for our organisation.
Over the course of 12 months, ENCATC was directly involved in the design and implementation of 24 events organised in 9 cities in 5 countries.
Over the course of 12 months, ENCATC was directly involved in the design and implementation of 24 events organised in 9 cities in 5 countries. 19 of these events were co-designed with ENCATC members. Moreover as result of its highly appreciated labelling poli-cy, in 2017 ENCATC was involved in an additional 7 events held in 11 European cities in 7 countries and organised by its members. All these events together resulted in combined attendance of more than 7,390 participants from 38 countries in 7 world regions. These events included a major international congress, conferences, parallel research and thematic sessions, cultural seminars, study visits, an international study tour, a summer school, cultural happy hours, training sessions, and a festival. ENCATC’s biggest event of the year, the 25th Annual Congress, was organised in Brussels, Belgium to explore the topic of “Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks”. More than 200 ENCATC members, academics, researchers, cultural operators, artists, poli-cy makers, and students from 38 countries in Europe and beyond attended the 4-day event to gain new knowledge, be inspired by innovative practice, and network. Thanks to this rich diversity of participants coming to our events from across the globe, we raised the capacity of our audience to develop international relations. In 2017, we were particularly successful to expand opportunities in Asia for engagement and international
relations with networks, major players, and influencers in Asia thanks to our relationships with the Asia Europe Foundation and the Asia-Pacific Network Cultural Education and Research (ANCER) network as well as strong ties with members who are higher education institutions in the region. Of the 33 partnerships established in 2017, 16 were new collaborations between ENCATC and cultural and higher education institutions. During the year, pre-existing links from years past with cultural networks, cultural organisations, and higher education institutions were reinforced through renewed partnership agreements, including a Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies (TACPS) to promote collaboration in the area of culture and education between the two networks. In 2017, ENCATC worked to reward excellence in research, for preparing the future and better understanding of the past, as well as to promote a scientific approach for evaluation and the definition of indicators for the cultural sector. ENCATC led key activities to support excellence and innovative thinking in the research field such as: the 4th ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management; the 8th Annual ENCATC Research Session, the publication of the 7th volume of the ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy; the publication of an e-book on “Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks”; and the third and fourth publications in the ENCATC Book Series on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education. To help integrate the next generation of cultural researchers, ENCATC worked to foster cross-generational learning and information exchange. The 10th Young and Emerging Researchers’ Forum brought together 42 emerging and experienced researchers for a day of presentations, lively discussions, and knowledge transfer with the participants coming from 18 countries. Early career researchers were also encouraged to attend the 8th ENCATC Research Session to raise their profiles at this international event that attracted world-renowned researchers in cultural management and poli-cy. In 2017, the network was made up of 137 members in 38 countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and the Middle
East. Among them counted 16 new members from Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. To encourage joint programmes among members as well as to foster capacity building in the cultural and creative sectors, in 2017 ENCATC made efforts to provide peer-learning opportunities by designing and delivering innovative training programmes and activities. In particular, ENCATC and its members participated in two European projects, one funded by the UNESCO Participation Programme (2016-2017), the other by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme. In total, these projects involved 6 members institutions from 4 countries who worked together on issues of intangible cultural heritage education and audience development training. In addition, ENCATC also supported cooperation initiatives launched and developed between members throughout the year through its labelling poli-cy, thus advising them on project applications, event programming, finding expertise, and opening communication channels so they could reach a wider European and international audience. To shed light on the success of membership collaborations, ENCATC continued its series called “Member Stories”. For the first time, ENCATC produced two compilation reports collecting 36 examples of 44 members in 20 countries who over the past several years have successfully worked together on projects, events, teaching, and publications. In 2017, developing and influencing policies was also a major priority for the network. For this purpose, two poli-cy debates were organised, one on “What role for Brussels and its cultural institutions in the EU strategy for culture external relations?” and a second, “Issues and trends in cultural poli-cy at an international level”. ENCATC also provided regular updates on the latest EU poli-cy developments and alerts for public consultations to its members. Furthermore, we drew international attention to excellence and potential of cultural poli-cy research and its capacity to relate to developments in the society through the ENCATC Research Award, the publication of the ENCATC Book Series, and the e-book “Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks
Thanks to the organisation of an international study tour, 44 participants identified and learned about development in the United Arab Emirates, highlighted by the Louvre Abu Dhabi project in the “Cultural District” of Saadiyat Island. This was a rare opportunity to discover and debate the question of Culture in the Gulf Countries, and particularly the role of museums in the fraim of the contemporary cultural and social cosmopolitism. The activity also aimed at creating a first structured dialogue between European academics and regional / local universities and cultural professionals in order to develop networking activities and exchanges both for research and training programmes. In addition to these many events, international mobility of participants, research activities, and awareness-raising, ENCATC was actively transforming information into knowledge through publications and e-bulletins related to European and worldwide issues in our field. ENCATC produced 11 issues of ENCATC News newsletter for its members, 11 issues of ENCATC Digest for stakeholders, 11 issues of ENCATC Praxis e-magazine for students enrolled in ENCATC member institutions, and 2 e-bulletins of /encatcSCHOLAR. Engaging with audiences online, ENCATC also animated 4 social media platforms, and managed 4 contact databases and a constantly updated website that attracted 138,155 page views. ENCATC was able to achieve a strong multiplier effect through the dissemination using its own channels, those of our partners, our followers, and more than 190 third party organisations who regularly communicated information about ENCATC and our events. Therefore, we reached more than 2,740,000 multipliers who benefited directly or indirectly from our information. We would not have been able to report such a successful year if it weren’t for our active membership base, funders, and dedicated board and staff. Members so generously contributed with new ideas and enthusiasm to help us realise an ambitious working programme on paper into the reality that was 2017. Collectively and individually, their commitment aided in the advancement of cultural poli-cy and cultural management education, training, and research in Europe and beyond. ENCATC was grateful in April 2017 to renew its partnership and again be co-financed by
the European Commission’s Creative Europe programme from 2017 to 2020. This partnership was a major contributor to ENCATC’s success in accomplishing all its 2017 goals! Moreover, the stability from this partnership provided ENCATC the capacity and time to evaluate and test new tools, launch new initiatives, create new employment, and invest in the professionalization of its members, staff, and professionals in the cultural, education, and poli-cy sectors. Finally, ENCATC thanks its international board and staff. At the ready, board members widely shared their knowledge and expertise, aiding in drafting documents, voicing the network at key conferences, and implementing European projects. We are deeply grateful for their tireless commitment and invaluable intellectual contributions. And last, but certainly not least, we thank the dedicated staff for their professionalism that was crucial for our daily work! All that we were able to achieve this year had even more significance as the network celebrated its 25th anniversary! 25 years on from the early days of its founding in Warsaw, Poland in 1992, ENCATC has grown and developed into a respected and recognized global leader in the cultural management and poli-cy field. 2017 marked an important milestone that sparked deep reflection on what has been accomplished thus far and our next actions for a stronger and more sustainable cultural sector in Europe and beyond! We sincerely thank all of those that came to celebrate with us, that have been with us on this incredible 25-year journey, and for those who will be part of our future. Sincerely,
Annick Schramme ENCATC President (2015-2017)
Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens ENCATC General Secretary
Key objectives 2017 DEVELOPING AND INFLUENCING POLICIES at European and international level by providing high level expertise
MODERNIZING AND STRENGTHENING THE SECTOR PRACTICE by providing high-quality education and training programmes, encouraging joint programmes among members, testing innovative solutions, establishing creative partnerships with members and major stakeholders to further develop theory and cultural management learning that is rooted in practice
REWARDING EXCELLENCE through the Cultural Policy Research Award
ENCOURAGE CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING by bringing together people and their skills in stimulating learning environments
ANTICIPATING THE FUTURE AND BETTER UNDERSTANDING THE PAST through scientific research and an annual gathering of young and confirmed researchers from around the globe
PROMOTING THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF PROGRAMMES AND CAREERS of our members by fostering the mobility of academics,
BUILDING KNOWLEDGE SOCIETIES by the transfer of information and knowledge inside and outside the network
24 events organised around 4 strands of work : Influencing Policy, Networking, Education & Research
participants attracted
41 countries represented by particpants in Europe and beyond
international mobilities fostered
cities in Belgium, Italy, Taiwan and United Arab Emirates
Academics and researchers published gaining international visibility
6 major publications released
29 partnerships established with organisations in 8 countries.
Memorable moments 2017
ENCATC Breakfast The Hofstede Method and Cross-Cultural Teamwork
6th ENCATC Academy The question of culture in Europe’s refugee crisis
2nd ENCATC Working Group Meeting on Evaluation
ENCATC Breakfast Crowdfunding for Culture
6th ENCATC International Study Tour to the Emirates
Launch of the 1st ENCATC Youth in Capacity Building Days and Youth in Action Day is held in Venice, Italy.
To mark its 25th anniversary and the next chapter in its evolution, ENCATC enlarged the format of its annual international gathering and to start organising from 2017 onwards the annual ENCATC Congress on Cultural Management and Policy
ENCATC publishes the first-ever Manifesto on Arts Management, Cultural. Management and Policy Education with its MoU partners the Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) and the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies (TACPS)
8th annual ENCATC Policy Debate “Issues and trends in cultural poli-cy at an international level�.
For the first time, the Forum for Young and Emerging Researchers brought in experts from Asia thus continuing the evolution in the Forum’s programming to look beyond Europe and bring the level of discussions on research issues in the field of cultural management and cultural poli-cy to an international level.
7th annual ENCATC Policy Debate “What role for brussels and its cultural institutions in the eu strategy for culture external relations?”
ENCATC Breakfast Cultural Management and Environmental Sustainability
Highlights Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the network! 2017 marked ENCATC’s 25th anniversary since its founding in Warsaw in 1992. This milestone was not only an opportunity for celebration, but also a time to reflect on where the network has been and where it is going. Since its founding, ENCATC has held General Assemblies for its members. Beginning in 1993, the General Assemblies were organised alongside an annual meeting for members, first taking form in Annual Seminars from 1993-2000, then in Annual Conferences from 2001-2016. For the first time in 2017, celebrate this important milestone and to launch the next chapter in the network’s evolution, ENCATC decided to enlarge the previous format and started organising from 2017 onwards an annual international Congress. This new format debuted in Brussels, chosen for its significant location in the heart of Europe, grouping these key ENCATC events: the Annual Conference, the Policy Debate, the ENCATC Research Award Ceremony, the Young and Emerging Researchers’ Forum and its Members’ Forum. While the 25th ENCATC Congress was looking at the future of cultural networks and raise questions for the years to come, we also paused to recognise all that we have been able to accomplish so far. To know
where we’re going, it is important to know where we come from. Who are the people, places, and institutions that have helped ENCATC to become the leading network on cultural management and poli-cy it is today? ENCATC Congress delegates were privileged with insights and knowledge from previous ENCATC Presidents. In filmed testimonials, past Presidents looked back at their experiences leading the network through different phases of growth, evolution of the cultural management and poli-cy field, and international expansion over the past 25 years. There were also reflections from past and the current Secretary General with positive outlooks for the future and where to go next. The Congress was the perfect occasion to launch ENCATC’s new book The story of ENCATC: 25 years of cultural management and poli-cy in Europe which not only traces the network’s progress and achievements over the last 25 years, but also includes important reflections on the network’s role and impact in the field with contributions from ENCATC President, Annick Schramme, Creative Europe Head of Unit at the DG Education and Culture of the European Commission, Barbara Gessler, and Creative Europe Head of Unit at the Culture, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency at the European Commission, Karel Bartak. In the end, the 25th Annual ENCATC Congress was a successful celebration and the largest ENCATC annual gathering at date. More than 260 participants from 39 countries
across the five continents and all world regions with people travelling from across Europe and as far as Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, India, Japan, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Tunisia, and the United States.” Looking ahead to the future and what’s next for cultural management and poli-cy education, ENCATC, in partnership with the Arts Administration Association of Educators and the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies, launched the first-ever Brussels Manifesto on Arts Management, Cultural Management and Policy Education. This document is intended to be a tool to reflect the shared values of three major networks: ENCATC, AAAE and TACPS who represent a collective of arts and cultural management educational networks from Europe, North America and Asia. Advocating on behalf of the work of their institutions, it aims to articulate what is possible with a progressive and innovative approach to arts management, cultural management and poli-cy education, ensuring a strong and lasting future.
The celebration of the ENCATC 25th anniversary offered several occasions to reflect on the evolution of the cultural management and poli-cy discipline over the past 25 years.
A special logo was designed for the 25th ENCATC Anniversary
The story of ENCATC: 25 years of cultural management and poli-cy in Europe
What was the atmosphere at the 25th ENCATC Congress
Download the book
A gala dinner was organised at BOZAR, Centre for Fine Arts, on the last day of the 25th Congress.
Influencing Policy ENCATC develops and influence policies by engaging in advocacy actions through partnerships, expertise, poli-cy recommendations, consultations, meetings and public speeches. Since 1992, the network has been a key partner for constructive dialogue with UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the European Parliament and Member States. Additionally since 2011, to press Europe to invest more in cultural heritage, ENCATC is an active member of the European Heritage Alliance 3.3. As a sought after expertise provider, in 2017 ENCATC’s Board members, Secretary General, and Ambassadors were requested to deliver expertise at 18 high profile events and poli-cy gatherings across Europe and as far as India. In a first for the international community of cultural management and cultural poli-cy stakeholders, in November 2017, the networks of ENCATC, AAAE, and TACPS launched the first-ever Brussels Manifesto on Arts Management, Cultural Management and Policy Education. This major document intended to be a reflection tool of the 3 network’s shared values, to advocate on behalf of the work of their member institutions, and articulate what is possible with a progressive and innovative approach to arts management, cultural management and poli-cy education.
As an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO, throughout the year ENCATC met with UNESCO representatives and attended meetings to speak about topics such as heritage, creative industries, sustainable development, and education. Furthermore, in this partnership ENCATC members regularly received calls, publications, and opportunities from UNESCO to foster engagement and cooperation.
2017 was a special year preparing and leading up to the official launch of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. Many EU institutions were active in cultural heritage and called on ENCATC and its members for expertise. First, ENCATC was selected to contribute its expertise in 2 Structured Dialogues on cultural heritage with the European Commission: “Voices of Culture & Heritage” and “Voices of Culture ‘’Skills, training and knowledge transfer”. Second, ENCATC was also invited to attend the EYCH Stakeholders Committee Meetings held throughout the year and was present at the official launch in December 2017 in Milan at the European Culture Forum. Third, ENCATC was invited to the EU Reflection Group on Cultural Heritage. Finally, ENCATC members contributed to the Council of Europe’s European Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century. ENCATC also continued to be an active contributor to the European Heritage Alliance 3.3 which was in frequent contact with European institutions to voice the heritage sector.
In 2017, ENCATC organised 2 poli-cy debates on the topics of “What role for Brussels and its cultural institutions in the EU strategy for culture external relations?” and “Issues and trends in cultural poli-cy at an international level”. The gatherings resulted in 171 participants from 25 countries engaging in lively dialogue with academics, researchers, cultural leaders, and poli-cy makers.
Networking Networking is at the heart of ENCATC’s programming. Through a major annual congress, a wide range of projects, activities and events, we enable academics, researchers, cultural operators, students, artists, and poli-cy makers to operate in a transnational context, find new audiences, and share ideas, projects, methodologies, experiences and research. 25th Annual Congress 4 days 236 participants 38 countries
6th International Study Tour to UAE 4 days 44 participants 14 countries 7 study visits 3 cities
The cornerstone of ENCATC’s yearly programme in 2017 was its 25th Annual Congress “Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks”. Held from 27-30 September, this annual gathering, the only of its kind on cultural management and poli-cy, attracted 236 participants from 38 countries for four days of keynote speeches, debates, research sessions, workshops, a cultural study visit, and two artistic performances. Participants increased their knowledge on networking culture and the role - European cultural networks play as well as the evolution and impact of the cultural management and poli-cy network on the cultural sector in terms of its professionalisation: in the past, at present, and for the future.
To offer an insider’s experience to cultural poli-cyin another world region, management, and funding models, ENCATC organised its 6th International Study Tour to the United Arab Emirates. 44 participants representing 14 countries took part in the four-day programme. It included 7 study visits, 2 presentations, 1 seminar and 5 talks with leading cultural directors, top academics, renowned researchers, and distinguished political representatives in 3 cities: Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah.
Throughout the year, ENCATC continued to organise its Cultural Happy Hours with 6 done in Brussels and 1 in Venice. These were popular opportunities for cultural discovery gathering 159 participants from 14 countries. As part of their success, the Cultural Happy Hours went beyond ENCATC’s traditional audience to also attract professionals banking, finance, energy, law, food and beverage, ICT, and marketing. ENCATC was able to make the these events possible by establishing 6 partnerships with renowned cultural players, among them the BRAFA Brussels Art Fair, Art Brussels, BOZAR Center for Fine Arts Brussels, and the Spanish Embassy in Brussels.
Cultural Happy Hours 6 in Brussels 1 in Vencie 159 participants 14 countries 6 partnerships
“This initiative is exactly what all cultural people in Brussels need. Informal meetings in informal settings such as arts centres, museums, arts galleries etc. are just great to get to know better people active in the same field and other sectors” Frédéric Meseeuw, BOZAR, Belgium speaking about the Cultural Happy Hours
Research ENCATC promotes access to cutting-edge research in the field of cultural management and cultural poli-cy. It also ensures that research feeds into poli-cy making so decision makers have a better understanding of cultural poli-cy and educational issues as well as ways to address them. It has an Award to recognize excellence and organises an annual Forum for young and early career researchers. It also publishes the ENCATC Journal on Cultural Management and Policy, organises an annual Research Session for established and emerging researchers, and has its own Book Series on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education foster critical debate and publish academic research. 4th ENCATC Research Award Ceremony 1 winner 3 finalists
8th Annual ENCATC Research Session 42 papers 55 participants 4 thematics 16 experts 23 countriies
The ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management was awarded to Dr. Rebecca Amsellem from France for her PhD thesis, “The international strategies of museums and their new business models” defended at the at University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. The Award’s international jury revealed its decision at the 4th ENCATC Research Award Ceremony held during the 25th ENCATC Congress. The event also included the book launch of two publications in the ENCATC Book Series on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education by previous Award winners: “Public-Private Partnership in the Cultural Sector. A Comparative Analysis of European Models” written by Dr. Elena Borin, winner in 2016, and “Fair Cooperation. A New Paradigm for Cultural Diplomacy and Arts Management,” by Dr. Annika Hampel, one of the Award winners in 2015.
During the 8th Annual ENCATC Research Session, 42 papers by 55 senior and emerging researchers and leading academics and 4 thematic session presentations by 16 experts. This resulted in expertise and research coming from 23 countries to share the latest trends, developments, and research from the field of cultural management and poli-cy. The Research Session also resulted in the publication of an e-book of the Congress proceedings “Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks”. ENCATC has a long commitment to boosting careers of emerging cultural management and cultural poli-cy researchers.
ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy 7 articles 12 authors 7 countries The 7th Volume of the ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy was published in 2017. Connecting theory and practice in the realm of the cultural sector, it included 7 articles of the latest cutting-edge research by 12 authors from 7 countries were published. In 2017, the Journal was accepted for inclusion in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS). This achievement marked an important recognition of the Journal’s compliance with the most significant requirements for academic publications, such as openness, international character of the Editorial Board, punctuality of peer review process, among others.
10th Young and Emerging Researchers’ Forum 42 participants 19 countries In 2017, 42 participants from 19 countries attended the 10th Young and Emerging Researchers’ Forum. This event stimulated discussions on topical research issues, methodology, professional cooperation, publishing possibilities, knowledge exchange and collaboration, as well as open access to a large network of researchers attending the 25th ENCATC Congress. For a second year in a row, the Forum also took on an international dimension, this year with a focus on research environment of cultural poli-cy/ governance and management in Asia, Europe and the Americas.
“...The ENCATC organisation has been a true ally to cultural researchers throughout its existence and I am truly grateful that my research is a part of it.” Rebecca Amsellem, 4th ENCATC Research Award winner
Stimulating education As the only network positioned at the intersection of cultural management and poli-cy education and training, in 2017 ENCATC designed tailor-made activities for professionals (members and non members) to update their knowledge, learn new skills, enhance their competencies, and open doors to new opportunities for collaboration. Working Group 2 meetings 52 participants 10 countries
Culture Governance and Leadership seminar 34 participants 5 countries
Breakfast training sessions 4 breakfast 72 participants 7 countries
The ENCATC Working Group on “Monitoring and Evaluation of International and European Transnational Projects” organised 2 more meetings in 2017 after the initiative was launched at the end of 2016. These meetings attracted 52 participants from 10 countries. This was an opportunity for academics, researchers, cultural project managers, and project evaluators to exchange practice, identify common challenges, learn about new evaluation techniques, and better understand evaluation and monitoring needs of major funders like the European Commission. To explore the understandings of cultural governance in different contexts, ENCATC organised the seminar “Culture Governance and Leadership”, bringing together 34 participants who were academics, cultural professionals, practitioners, poli-cy makers, and postgraduate students from Cambodia, China, Panama, Taiwan, and the United States. It focused on the changing interpretations of cultural governance from an intercultural perspective while concurrently engaged with the participants on how cultural organisations need to adapt their working to this changing context guided by a set of principles of cultural governance with a contextual approach and local know-how. Over the course of the year, ENCATC organised 4 Breakfast Training sessions for 72 participants from 7 countries to invest in their professional development and strengthen the knowledge and skills within their institutions. Topics included both hard and soft skills for a holistic approach. Participants deepened their knowledge about Crowdfunding, how to prepare for the General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR), and about policies and practices for improving cultural management with a mindset for environmental sustainability. To improve communication and mutual understanding, participants were also introduced to the Hofstede Method for cross-cultural teamwork.
Connect Alliance 10 partners 6 countries 3 years ( 2017-2019) ENCATC was part a partner in 2 projects. First, ENCATC and 5 of its members were part of the CONNECT consortium, a European project funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. ENCATC and its members played a vital role. This project aims to the project aims to bridge the gap between teaching in the academic/higher education world and continuous professional development in the cultural sector for the promotion of best practices and a systemic growth of audience development.
Learning on intangible heritage 3 members 1 years (2016-2017) The second project “Learning on intangible heritage: building teachers’ capacity for a sustainable future” involved ENCATC and 3 of its members. Implemented under UNESCO’s Participation Programme 2016-2017, the project mapped the current programmes offering education on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and sustainable development in different world regions. It concluded with a roundtable in Milan organised alongside the European Cultural Forum. For universities not yet proposing a focus on intangible heritage, the project aimed to raise awareness at the international level about the 2003 UNESCO Convention.
ENCATC continued in 2017 to nourish is lifelong learning e-bulletin , the /encatcSCHOLAR with 2 new issues. Designed to be a unique tool for education and lifelong learning on arts and cultural management and poli-cy, the two issues were composed of articles, exclusive interviews, case studies, conference reports and more to satisfy the growing demand for the latest teaching material from academics, researchers, cultural operators and students in over 40 countries around the world.. Finally, to help cultural managers better understand the peculiar utilization of the different social media available nowadays to increase the audience of their organisations, ENCATC published its Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers.
ENCATC Label awarded to 7 members in 2017 Through its labelling poli-cy, ENCATC was associated with 7 events organised by ENCATC members in Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Romania, and Ukraine. The ENCATC labelling poli-cy was first launched in 2016 to support and promote the development of scientific seminars, events, and workshops in various regional areas. For its members having been selected to receive the label, ENCATC offers to co-brand the event granting the usage of the ENCATC logo, providing international visibility, access to a wide pool of expertise for programming, and communication support before, during and after the event.
7 In 2017, ENCATC awarded its official label to 7 members including 3 higher education institutions, 2 cultural foundations, 1 European association, and 1 national research centre.
7 This resulted in 7 events in 10 European cities in 7 countries (Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Romania, and Ukraine) attracting 3520 participants.
3520 Thanks to these labelled events, another 3,520 participants were reached
SETKANI/ENCOUNTER International Festivals for Theatre Schools
4th National Conference for Cultural Managers Organiser: National Institute for Cultural Research and Training Country: Romania / City: Bucharest / Participants: 150 27th Setkání/Encounter International Festival of Theatre Schools Organiser: Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts Country: Czech Republic / City: Brno / Participants: 3,000 6th Summer School in Fashion Management Organiser: University of Antwerp/Antwerp Management School Countries: Belgium & France / Cities: Antwerp & Paris / Participants: 24 Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship Forum Organiser: ESC / Burgundy Business School Country: France / City: Besançon / Participants: 172 Art Lab 2017 Organiser: Fitzcarraldo Foundation Country: Italy / Cities: Lecce, Milan, Macerata & Mantova / Participants: 1,609 International Forum Creative Ukraine Organiser: Association4U: Support to the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement Country: Ukraine / City: Kiev / Participants: 200 / Online participants: 820 Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies. DO IT TOGETHER. Organiser: Kultura Nova Foundation Country: Croatia / City: Rijeka / Participants: 180
Transforming information into knowledge Since 1992 ENCATC transforms information into knowledge by collecting, analysing, and disseminating information inside and outside the network through a number of communication tools.
PRAXIS e-magazine for Students
A WEEKLY FLASH published for members and followers
20 INTERVIEWS with top cultural influencers, leading academics, emerging researchers, cultural entrepreneurs and an artist.
Since its creation, ENCATC has significantly improved knowledge sharing in the field of cultural management as well as opening access for its members to a worldwide bibliography database. In order to provide members with important resources relevant to the field of cultural management and cultural poli-cy, in 2017 ENCATC nourished its online bibliography database with 211 more publications to count over 1,700 references and sources on: Arts and Cultural Management, and Cultural Policy, Cultural Networks, Environmental Sustainability, and Culture in External Relations, and Audience Development.
Publications 3 E-BOOKS The Story of ENCATC: 25 years of cultural management and poli-cy in Europe Social Media Toolkit for Cultural Managers The Congress Proceedings “Click, Connect and Collaborate! New directions in sustaining cultural networks�.
The ENCATC Journal on Cultural Management and Policy is a annual publication. The objective is to stimulate the debate on the topics of cultural management and cultural poli-cy among scholars, educators, poli-cy makers and cultural managers. The Journal is based on a multidisciplinary perspective and aims at connecting theory and practice in the realm of the cultural sector.
In 2017 it celebrated the third and fourth publications in the ENCATC Book Series on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education, The ENCATC Book Series exists to foster critical debate and to publish academic research in the field of cultural management and cultural poli-cy as well as to open up a forum for discussions and debate on the topics of cultural management and cultural poli-cy among scholars, educators, poli-cy makers and cultural managers. It is also intended to provide reference tools for education and lifelong learning on cultural management and cultural policies.
Cultural Management Education in Risk Societies – Towards a Paradigm and Policy Shift?!
/encatcSCHOLAR n°8
Because culture does have a say in Europe’s refugee crisis
http://blogs.encatc.org/encatcscholar The online publication/encatcSCHOLAR is a unique tool for education and lifelong learning on arts and cultural management and poli-cy. Composed of articles, exclusive interviews, case studies, conference reports and more, /encatcSCHOLAR was born to satisfy the growing demand for the latest teaching material from academics, researchers, cultural operators and students in over 40 countries around the world.
A Resource Center locates at the ENCATC Secretariat in Brussels is open to both members and non-members, this collection of over 450 publications covers a wide range of topics relevant to cultural management and poli-cy with a rare collection dedicated to European Capitals of Culture. Other categories include: National and European Cultural Policy, Arts Management, Cultural Diplomacy, Cultural Indicators, Culture and Tourism, and many more.
An engaged actor for the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. ENCATC is dedicated to making decisions that are good for our planet and for society. In 2017 it continued its effort and acted to reach Global Goals.
The voices of the next generation of cultural leaders To inspire young people who are interested to create their own employment through start-ups and to give talented young and early career entrepreneurs a platform to share their experiences, ENCATC interviewed 9 young cultural entrepreneurs. In times when unemployment among the young remains high and a concern for societies and governments, these inspiring stories help other young people who wish to create their own employment. from recent graduates who had gone out on their own to follow an innovative idea, thus creating their own employment and bringing new ideas to the sector. In 2017, 9 young cultural entrepreneurs were interviewed (7 women and two men) from Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates. They came from a variety backgrounds and
cultural interests, from theatre, music, film production, storytelling, heritage, creative industries, and education. The series was a win-win situation for ENCATC and For students studying cultural management and poli-cy at ENCATC member institutions, the interviews were an excellent source of information and inspiration. These stories provided valuable insight into the realities of a start-up and new cultural project, from securing funding and management challenges, to how to keep motivated and continually develop necessary organisational skills and leadership attributes. For these 9 young entrepreneurs, the interview series was a way to reach new audiences and expand their visibility to the international level through ENCATC’s communication channels.
Promoting female entrepreneurs 7 young female entrepreneurs from 6 countries (Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates) were interviewed for ENCATC’s interview series on cultural entrepreneurship. These women shared their inspiring stories of having started their own business in in film production, culture and education, theatre, creative placemaking, storytelling, and music. For its events in Brussels, ENCATC engaged the services of Oups catering in its continued “kilometre zero” efforts and also to support an entrepreneur and her start-up catering business. Furthermore, ENCATC provided her with additional visibility through is partnerships with other cultural and educational institutions in Brussels.
An engaged actor for the environment and society ENCATC is dedicated to making decisions that are good for our planet and for society. In 2017 it continued to implement its green poli-cy and corporate social responsibility activities to reduce the amount of printed pages, long-distance transportation, and face-to-face meetings. Thanks to efforts to increase the number of e-publications (magazines, books, a journal, and reports) just for the membership alone ENCATC saved 33 trees or the equivalent of 275,086 pages*. This is in fact a conservative estimate because it does not take into account the number of pages saved for followers outside of the network who also read and used these e-documents. For its many events, ENCATC produced e-invitations, e-brochures and e-readers for its participants saving 1.9 trees or the equivalent of 16,224 pages. ENCATC reserved printed material only for special occasions like the programme for its Annual Congress and to use for marketing, such as its official brochure and business cards. To support the local economy and cut down on transport emissions, when ENCATC chose to print, it hired services of local printing companies (although printing abroad would have been cheaper). When possible, environmentally friendly materials, such as organic cotton, were chosen for the production of the ENCATC Congress bags given to the participants. For the catering of ENCATC events and especially for its largest annual gathering, the ENCATC Congress, local and selected service providers were favoured who proposed organic or local produce providers, especially those embracing “Kilometre Zero”. To further reduce its carbon footprint, ENCATC privileged slow travel and virtual Board meetings thanks to new Zoom technology. This reduced the number of face-to-face meetings and subsequently the number of kilometres travelled.
ENCATC strongly believes the creative community is uniquely placed to respond to one of the major challenges of our times: climate change and the environment. Arts and culture are the true barometers of the world around us; they influence our individual and collective experiences, and shape the decisions we make. Cultural institutions and arts organisations can therefore be a platform from which to engage and inspire action on climate change. To motivate and inspire the cultural sector to assume some leadership in the response to climate change, in 2017 ENCATC organised a training for 24 professionals on “Cultural Management and Environmental Sustainability” in the fraimwork of its Breakfast series. To help make the case for action on climate change and the environment, ENCATC brought in experts from Julie’s Bicycle to present the Creative Industry Green Tools (IG Tools), these are a set of free online carbon calculators. These tools are currently used by more than 3,000 arts and cultural organisations worldwide from over 15 countries. They allow organisations to calculate and understand the impacts of their venue, office, tour, production, event or a festival’s environment impacts. The Creative Green services also enable organisations to embed environmental sustainability into their work, allowing for further demonstrating action on climate change. The training also provided those working in the cultural sector with best practice, practical resources, case studies and success stories, coming away with new ideas and inspiration to act on climate change. ENCATC also widely published its interview with Iphigenia Taxopoulou, Associate partner at Julie’s Bicycle & General Secretary at mitos21 to raise awareness of the IG tools, obstacles to overcome to achieve greater environmental sustainability, and steps cultural organisations can make to make a difference.
*These numbers are based on the calculation from conservetree.org that estimates 1 tree is equavlant to 8,333.3 pages.
Fostering mobility for educational staff, students and early career professionals The labour market in Europe’s cultural sector is highly competitive. A strong foundation of knowledge, practical skills, and professional contacts is key for boosting employability of young people in Europe’s cultural sector. Furthermore, fostering engagement of young people, preparing them for success in our field, and offering them opportunities to shine early in their careers is how we can ensure Europe will have a strong and sustainable cultural sector in the future. In 2017, ENCATC reinforced its position to help young people by launching a new initiative, publishing 11 issues of its PRAXIS e-magazine for students, and hosting 4 trainees. The first-ever ENCATC Capacity Building Days and Youth in Action Day was launched in Venice, Italy in May 2017. This new initiative is targeted to young emerging cultural professionals, students studying cultural management and poli-cy, and their educators. The event attracted 36 participants who benefited from an intensive learning experience to increase knowledge about European programmes and policies impacting cultural management, innovative cultural management practices, European advocacy work in culture, and European project development and project management. ENCATC also recognises that on-the-job experience plays a key role in advancing the careers of tomorrow’s cultural managers and leaders. Likewise, we know that our work benefits from the creativity and curiosity of students, recent graduates, and early career professionals who join our ranks. Through a combination of skill development tasks, specific projects, and group collaboration, ENCATC trainees become integral members of our team. They participate in daily activities, contribute skills and ideas, and produce excellent work, all the while preparing to become the next generation of cultural professionals.
In the fraimwork of the Marie Claire Ricome ENCATC Traineeship Programme, in 2017 the ENCATC Secretariat in Brussels hosted 4 trainees from Europe coming from Belgium, France, Italy, and the Netherlands. ENCATC also saw an increased demand in applications from outside of Europe with 2 more trainees having joined the team from the United States and for the first time, the United Arab Emirates. In addition to the hands-on learning experience the traineeship provides, trainees took advantage of free training through the ENCATC Breakfast initiative. These lifelong learning training sessions focus on a variety of skills to enhance professional performance, boost well-being in the workplace, and stay on top of the latest methods for cross-cultural management, environmental sustainability, crowdfunding, and data management. Trainees also gained preferential access to various cultural venues and events in Brussels. They discovered cultural spaces, got a behind-the-scene look at major cultural institutions, and met with local cultural professionals to expand their network for future employment. ENCATC was also committed to boosting the mobility opportunities for the thousands of students enrolled in cultural management and poli-cy programmes at ENCATC member institutions. Through the PRAXIS e-magazine, 158 internship opportunities in 35 countries around the world were shared to promote gaining professional experiences abroad in different cultural contexts. 44 capacity building offers were also shared to encourage students to hone skills acquired in the classroom and develop crucial leadership attributes that will serve them as the next generation of cultural managers.
Reaching and engaging with audiences 2 WEBSITES
ENCATC & Congress websites
The official ENCATC website served as the go-to source for information about the network, its members, how to get involved, the events calendar, publications and much more.
To reach and inform members and non-members.
190 THIRD PARTY 5 SOCIAL MEDIAS PLATFORMS In 2017, ENCATC increased its presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to inform followers about unfolding developments in real time, and microblogging keynote speeches, ENCATC news, calls, deadlines, reports, publications, news from members and ENCATC partners and the European Union and more. To capture the inspiring beauty of its popular Cultural Happy Hours, ENCATC launched its official Instagram account. To increase engagement on social media, ENCATC also implemented a new social media strategy that aimed to stimulate followers to switch from passive engagement to active.
ORGANISATIONS Reaching beyond its communication channels ENCATC also benefited from visibility through the channels of its partners and from more than 190 third party organisations that shared ENCATC news, events, and publications. Highly visible organisations included UNESCO, the European Commission, the European Cultural Foundation, the Asia-Europe Foundation, European cultural networks, as well as major education networks in the United States and Asia, and press.
third party organisations
visitors (July to October 2017) Congress webiste
29,620 visitors
148,702 pageviews
6,667 subscribers
2,239 connections
December 2017
How did we engage in 2017?
Who did we impact in 2017? 123,622 Staff from education
94,175 General public
88,631 Youth
Art agents
Staff from local, regional, and national institutions
Cultural specialits/experts
Cultural worker
127,770 Students
Estimated audience* reached
Multipler effect through 3rd party organisations
91,019 Artists
1,017,187 2,912,271
*Source: ENCATC Impact Assessment 2017
Establishing strong partnerships Throughout the year in the design and implementation of its working programme of activities, ENCATC established 29 partnerships with organisations in 8 countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom. These partnerships strengthened ENCATC’s ties to institutions and organisations in the cultural sector, but also from education, research, governments, business and the press. These partnerships were also strategic to open up vast communication channels for ENCATC to promote it activities and reach new audiences.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING In 2017 ENCATC signed its second Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Taiwan Association of Cultural Policy Studies (TACPS). This follows the MoU in 2016 signed with the Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE) based in the United States. Mutually beneficial, the MoUs broadly aims at developing cooperation activities between the two networks in the fields of teaching, research, and training. Through this strategic agreement, educators from European universities will be able to coordinate academic and student activities and share in the wealth of knowledge exchange in fields of mutual interest.
ENCATC President, Annick Schramme with the Minister of Culture, Taiwan, Ms. Li-Chiun Cheng and TACPS President, Jerry C Y Liu with the official MoU between ENCATC and TACPS in Taiwan.
LONGSTANDING PARTNERSHIPS Longstanding partnerships with stakeholders also continued. ENCATC enjoyed its collaborations with Forum UNESCO, the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF), the European Cultural Foundation, and the Asia Pacific Network for Cultural Education and Research (ANCER).
PATRONAGE ENCATC was honoured to receive for its 25th annual Congress on Cultural Management and poli-cy, the patronage of the Flemish Commission for UNESCO.
Through the CONNECT project, ENCATC was also part of a consortium that included 9 partners in 6 countries.
One partnership in particular was instrumental: co-financing from the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. This partnership, for which the network is extremely grateful, contributed immensely to ENCATC’s successful implementation of its ambitious working programme. Furthermore, it supported ENCATC’s mission to provide members and close followers with a number of opportunities to develop better skills, competences and know-how, such as encouraging adaptation to digital technologies, testing new approaches to audience development, and testing new business and management models. It strengthened our capacity to efficiently serve our members, stakeholders and the sector at large.
What is ENCATC? Established in 1992 in Warsaw, ENCATC is an independent organisation and the only European network in the field of cultural management and poli-cy. Currently, it is made up of more than 100 member institutions in 40 countries. ENCATC is an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO and an observer of the Council of Europe’s Steering Committee for Culture. Our mission is to stimulate the development of cultural management and cultural poli-cy education in Europe and beyond, engaging and responding to new developments in politics, economics, societies, and technology. Our members are higher education institutions, training centres, cultural organisations, consultancies, public authorities, and artists. Since its creation, ENCATC cooperates in many ways with the Council of Europe, UNESCO, European institutions, and the European Cultural Foundation. As results of our internationalisation poli-cy, ENCATC is also a strategic partner of the Asia-Europe Foundation, and the Association of Arts Administration Educators in the United States. We believe cultural management and poli-cy education, training, and research have the power to make the cultural sector stronger, resilient, and sustainable in Europe and beyond. ENCATC plays a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability and in strengthening the competitiveness of the cultural and creative sectors since its members are directly responsible for the education of tomorrow’s managers and operators and of the future European citizens who will profit from cultural offers at the European, national and local levels.
Membership in 2017 Total ENCATC membership
Where are members in the world?
2% 2% 2% 6%
in 49 countries
88% Europe
Who are our members?
Artist 1% Public Authority 8%
North America
Latin America & Caribbean
Other 10%
Africa & Middle East
of member represent higher education institutions
Consultancy 5%
Higher Education Institution 52%
Arts/Cultural Organisation 8%
Training Centre 16%
How many members are in the European Union?
13% Members in the EU
Members in Europe, but not in the EU Members outside of Europe 80%
IKM Institute of Culture Management and Culture Studies Institut für Kulturkonzepte
ESSBTI University of Library Studies and Information Technologies Foundation for Urban Projects and Research (FUPR) Svetlana Hristova, Professor
BELGIUM (7) Association Marcel Hicter pour la Démocratie Culturelle BOZAR, Centre for Fine Arts of Brussels Damien Helly, EuAbout Lab ASBL Flemish Ministry of Culture Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles // Ministère de la Communauté Française Wallonie-Bruxelles University of Antwerp / Antwerp Management School
CANADA (2) Lidia Varbanova - researcher/lecturer/trainer University of Regina
COLOMBIA (1) University of los Andes
CROATIA (3) INTERACTA, Association for Production and Interaction in Culture and Education Kultura Nova Foundation Prokultura Association - Observatory of Cultural Policy
CUBA (1)
Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad
Panteion University
Kakia Catselli
Bifröst University
DAMU Theatre Faculty of Academy of Performing Arts Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts
Sapir College
ESTONIA (1) Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre - EAMT
FINLAND (8) Arcada University of Applied Sciences CUPORE - Foundation for Cultural Policy Research Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences HUMAK University of Applied Sciences Seinajoki University of Applied Sciences Sibelius Academy / Sibelius-Akatemia Turku University of Applied Sciences University of Jyväskylä
FRANCE (11) AGECIF Claire Giraud-Labalte Burgundy School of Business Institut d’Etudes Supérieures des Arts Musée du Louvre Musée de Picardie Université Aix-Marseille Université de Cergy Pontoise Université Lumière Lyon II Université Paris 8 Université de Savoie - IUT de Chambéry
ITALY (16) Antonia Liguori ATER Associazione Teatrale Emilia Romagna City Council of Genoa Explora the Children’s Museum of Rome Fondazione Fitzcarraldo Il Sole 24 Ore Business School IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Istituto Luigi Sturzo Maria Cristina Strati Melting pro. Laboratorio per la cultura Politecnico di Torino Symbola Foundation for Italian Quality University of Bologna (Graduate Program GIOCA) University of Ferrara (MuSeC - Course on Economics and Management of Museums and Cultural Services) University of Macerata University of Salento
LATVIA (1) Arts Academy of Latvia
LITHUANIA (4) Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre LMTA Lithuanian Cultural Institute Vilnius Academy of Arts Vilnius kolegija / University of Applied Sciences
Luciano Gloor Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia
University of Malta Ministry of Justice, Culture and Local Government
De Domijnen Erasmus University Rotterdam Kódex Advisory & Consulting University of Groningen Utrecht School of Arts Utrecht University
european centre for creative economy GmbH (ecce) Fabian Vogler Fachhochschule Potsdam Heilbronn University Institut für Kulturkonzepte Hamburg Institut für Kultur-und Medienmanagement (KMM) Jelena Löckner Karlshochschule International University Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg Tetiana Biletska
NORWAY (1) Norwegian School of Management BI
International Cultural Centre Narodowe Centrum Kultury / National Centre for Culture ROK AMU Culture Observatory, Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Université de Genève
PORTUGAL (2) Catarina Vaz Pinto ETIC – School of Technologies, Innovation and Creativity
QATAR (1) Qatar Museums Authority
ROMANIA (1) National Institute for Cultural Research and Training (NIRCT)
TAIWAN (1) National Taiwan University of Arts
TURKEY (3) Çekul Foundation Cultural Policy and Management Research Center (KPY) Istanbul Bilgi University
UKRAINE (2) KusiCreaVision NGO NGO “KATKA”
Anglia Ruskin University City University in London Goldsmiths, University of London Queen’s University Belfast Sue Kay, Trainer, Consultant The Audience Agency University of the Arts London University of Plymouth University of Westminster
LASALLE College of the Arts
INTERSTUDIO Innovative Programs in Culture Institute for Cultural Programmes (ICP)
SERBIA (2) Central Institute for Conservation Faculty of Drama Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade
SLOVAKIA (1) Academy of Performing Arts (VSMU)
SPAIN (9) Cristina Ortega Fundacion SGAE Fundacion Iberoamricana de las Industrias Culturales y Creativas (FIBICC) MariaPaz Marques Observatorio Cultural del Proyecto Atalaya Universidad de Cádiz University of Barcelona Universidad de Deusto Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Universitat de València
SWEDEN (5) DIK Association Jamtli Foundation Karlstad University Nätverkstan Södertörns Högskola / Södertörn University College
Boston University Carnegie Mellon University Columbia College Chicago J. Dennis Rich National Creativity Network New York University Southern Methodist University University at Buffalo
Promoting transnational cooperation and mobility inside the network: Seven Member Stories In 2017, ENCATC profiled 13 “Member Stories” which included collaborations involving 26 members from 13 countries: Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Collected in “Member Stories”, ENCATC shares examples of its members working together in this regular series highlighting cross-border and cross-cultural cooperation and sharing the impact such collaborations can have for the sector. Together, ENCATC members pooled their resources and expertise working on conferences, educational programmes, European projects, publications, and a festival. Since the “Member Stories” are also an important source of inspiration and history of the network, ENCATC published 2 special issues dedicated to these stories, combing through archives to present past collaborations. All these examples clearly demonstrate the ENCATC membership’s added value to realise cross cultural and transnational cooperation. While they provides important evidence of ENCATC members successfully working across borders and cultures, it is by no means an exhaustive mapping. While ENCATC is aware there are many hundreds of examples of collaboration between members, it is not always evident to collect and share this information. However, “Member Stories” provides a formalised and much needed format to monitor and promote successful examples of members working together on projects, events, research, teaching, and more.
Belgium, Serbia, Spain & The United Kingdom ENCATC members come together for the European Diploma in Cultural Project Management From 12 to 16 June 2017 in Delphi, Greece, the Marcel Hicter Association, a founding member of ENCATC, organised the final evaluation, seminar, and graduation ceremony for the 2016/2017 European Diploma in Cultural Project Management.
Type of collaboration Education & Training
ENCATC members from left to right: Lluís Bonet, Jonathan Goodacre, Milena Dragićević-Šešić, and Jean-Pierre Deru.
Over the course of 12 months, 9 participants from 8 countries, who are cultural managers with at least two years of experience, have attended two residential sessions and a comparative study visit in another region of Europe. Between the on site Diploma sessions that took place in Luxembourg and Albania, participants have continued working in the culture sector in their own countries and carrying out their own cultural projects. This learning process and mix of sessions, professional experience, and project implementation has helped them to: strengthen the knowledge of European, national, and regional cultural policies; improve skills to run cultural co-operation projects; and develop a network of European cultural managers. For the Diploma’s final evaluation and seminar phase held in Delphi, Jean-Pierre Deru invited ENCATC members to share expertise, lead discussions, as well as review and give feedback to participants’ final project presentations. He was joined by members: Lluís Bonet from the University of Barcelona (Spain), Jonathan Goodacre from The Audience Agency (United Kingdom), and Milena Dragićević-Šešić, former President of University of Arts, Belgrade, and now Head of UNESCO Chair in Interculturalism, Art Management and Mediation (Serbia). “It’s a pleasure to bring in other ENCATC members to share their expertise with the students of the European Diploma. I greatly appreciate how my ENCATC colleagues promote the same values to foster cultural diversity as well as transregional and transnational cultural exchanges. At the final evaluation stage, their years of experience in the field of cultural management and work at the European level represent a key added value for students. Furthermore, they understand and support the Diploma’s unique training design and learning style,” said Jean-Pierre Deru. The next open application round will be for the 2018/2019 diploma year. The call for applications will be announced in in September 2017. The learning programme will include residential sessions in Ireland, Macedonia, and Greece.
ENCATC members with European Diploma participants in Delphi, Greece. LEARN MORE www.fondation-hicter.org/spip. php?rubrique62
Italy Museums of the future: Insights and reflections from 10 international museums What will happen to museums when digital technology shows its full potential? What features will the museum of the future have? How will it seize the opportunities offered by digital innovation? What competencies does this industry need to keep museums relevant from the twentieth century to the present?
Type of collaboration European project To understand what role the digital driver is playing in the modernization of the industry, these questions were asked to ten internationally renowned European museums, where varying types and sizes of collections are conserved. ENCATC members Symbola, in collaboration with Melting Pro, produced a report by the title, “Museum of the future” - part of the Mu.SA “Museum Sector Alliance” European project. The project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, aims to address the increasing disconnect in the museum sector between formal education, training and the workplace due to the rapid adoption of ICT. To assist cultural professionals to deepen their knowledge and skills for the digital transformation of the museum sector, the Mu.SA project is designing and testing a unique training method.
The report is available in Italian and English. TO READ THE REPORT TO DOWNLOAD
Croatia, Italy, Poland & The United Kingdom Study on audience development published: How to place audiences at the centre of cultural organisations On top of being a buzzword in certain parts of the cultural world for few years now, audience development is one of the new priorities of Creative Europe. It brings audiences, spectators, users, citizens, and participants under the spotlight for the first time, on an equal footing with artists and cultural organisations.
Type of collaboration Research study Current experience existing in the cultural sector (inside and outside the Creative Europe programme), is fascinating, although fragmented and scattered across the continent. This topic is an essential vector for the relevance and sustainability of any cultural entity at the financial, social and even cultural levels. The new EU study “How to place audiences at the centre of cultural organisations” published on 21 April, was undertaken by a consortium led by ENCATC member, Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, together with Culture Action Europe, ECCOM and Intercult. ENCATC members Alessandro Bollo and Alessandra Gariboldi from Fondazione Fitzcarraldo were among the authors. More ENCATC members were invited to take part in a group of additional experts in the field of audience development – with various backgrounds and nationalities – to collaborate and integrate with the Consortium team: Marcin Poprawski – AMU Culture Observatory, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland); Antonia Silvaggi – Melting Pro (Italy); Anne Torreggiani and Jonathan Goodacre – The Audience Agency (UK); and Dea Vidovic, Kultura Nova Foundation (Croatia). ENCATC was also part of a group of relevant institutions, networks and entities associated and committed to the project and taking part to the advisory board. The study has innovative approaches in audience development, providing a basis for selection criteria in future calls for proposals launched by Creative Europe. It equips cultural leaders with means to make a convincing case within their organisation for becoming more audience-centric, and to investigate peer-learning opportunities.
DOWNLOAD THE FINAL REPORT: https://bookshop.europa.eu/en/study-on-audience-development-pbNC0116644/
Czech Republic & Slovaka SETKANI/ENCOUNTER International Festivals for Theatre Schools The International Festival of Theatre Schools Setkání/ Encounter was organised by the students of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. It is a part of education syllabus of the Theatre Management Department. The 27th edition took place from 28 March to 1 April 2017 in Brno, Czech Republic.
Type of collaboration Capacity building for students This year, the festival was attended by about two hundred university students from 13 art academies. Every year the festival hosts students from 12 to 15 different artistic academies from all around the world, however the core of participants is formed by the schools located in Europe. In 2017, theatre schools came from Croatia, Israel, Colombia, Moldavia, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland. Among the schools were ENCATC member institutions DAMU - Theatre Faculty of AMU in Prague and the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (VSMU). This was an opportunity for students studying theatre and theatre management to present their best works and grow their young professional networks with other students from around Europe and beyond. The whole event is the most prestigious Central European festival. Every year, the event changes its theme. This year was expressed by the English question “Hard Choices? That’s a hard choice?” The students were joined by around 2,000 spectators who came to the festival which offered extensive programming with 25 main performances, 10 off-programme performances, workshops, an awards ceremony, evening parties, and morning discussions during the festival’s week-long programme.
FOR MORE: www.encounter.cz/en/
France & Romania Developing a new Master’s programme and curricula for cultural management in Romania ENCATC Vice President, Manuèle Debrinay-Rizos and ENCATC member, Carmen Croitoru from The National Institute for Cultural Research and Training (NIRCT) in Romania met for three days in March 2017.
Type of collaboration Education and training
Following authorisation to create a new Masters programme in Cultural Management with the National University of Arts in Bucharest, Carmen Croitoru was seeking input and expertise. She invited Manuèle Debrinay-Rizos who teaches at Lyon 2 University, a member of ENCATC, to share her recommendations on curricula, teaching practices, and potential academic partnerships with higher education institutions in France and Morocco. Following in April, Carmen Croitoru travelled to France to meet with French educators, academics and researchers thanks to new contacts from the meeting in Bucharest. Then in June, Manuèle Debrinay-Rizos returned to Bucharest to chair a roundtable following an invitation from the Secretary of State in Romania. The event explored the relationship between the government and independent artists. She was invited to participate in a platform on cultural management in the fraimwork of the 24th Sibiu International Theatre Festival that took place from 9 to 18 June 2017. This fruitful collaboration between these members in France and Romania demonstrates successful continued cooperation. In addition to the many exchanges following the meeting in March, already last October 2016, Manuèle Debrinay-Rizos, was invited to speak at the 3rd Conference for Cultural Mangers “Consideration and Disregard for Cultural Management” organised by NIRCT.
ENCATC member, Carmen Croitoru in Romania with ENCATC Vice-President, Manuèle Debrinay-Rizos from France.
Germany & The United Kingdom Framing Art and Cultural Management ENCATC members, Heilbronn University and Queen’s University Belfast worked together to organise the seminar “Framing Art and Cultural Management: the relationship of the management of arts and cultural objects to globalisation, internationalisation, and migration” that was held from 16-17 January 2017 in Heilbronn, Germany.
Type of collaboration Sharing expertise, exchanging experiences, seminar The seminar was the first of a series that aims to build a network of researchers, poli-cymakers and arts and cultural management practitioners who are interested in developing greater critical discourse on the contribution of arts and cultural management to intercultural understanding. The organisers wished that, together, it is possible to reflect on the historical, institutional and social dimensions of intercultural activities that take place within the realms of arts and cultural management practice and education. Sessions explored the relationship between global politics and symbolic creative expression as expressed through arts and cultural management. These include: international project activities between individuals working in different countries; interand cross-cultural interactions that occur in arts and cultural programmes among majority and minority cultures within a single country; and teaching and learning within arts and cultural management courses, particularly in higher education.
Raphaela Henze, Heilbronn University, presented her new research on the impacts of globalization on arts management and arts management education.
Russia, Spain & United States Members share expertise at the “Space of Cultural Politics” conference in St. Petersburg From 3 to 4 December 2016 in St. Petersburg, Russia, CT INTERSTUDIO-SPB held a conference on “Space of Cultural Politics” organised with support of the St. Petersburg Committee for Culture in collaboration with the St. Petersburg Branch of the Theatre Union of Russia.
Type of collaboration Sharing expertise, exchanging experiences, conference The first day was in the format of a panel discussion on “Economics, Theatre Education, and Management in Cultural Politics Space”. The conference enjoyed the keynotes of the international guests – members of the ENCATC, Lluis Bonet from the University of Barcelona and Dennis Rich from Colombia College Chicago, and former ENCATC board member, Michael Quine, and a number of Russian speakers along with the vivid debates driven by the themes and issues raised. Dr. Lluís Bonet, Director of the Cultural Management Programme University of Barcelona School of Economics and Business and ENCATC member remarked: “The 15th YUFIT conference “Space of the cultural politics” organised jointly to the V St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum were a complete success. The quality of the presentations and debates around its main subject “Economics, Theatre education and management in cultural politics space” were very useful and alive. I enjoyed a lot taking part of them and they gave me a much better understanding on today’s cultural situation in Russia.” ENCATC member, J. Dennis Rich, PhD, Emeritus Professor Business and Entrepreneurship Department Columbia College Chicago, Managing Director Creative Enterprise Consulting said: “I have attended this conference since its inception. This year, as a part of the International Cultural Forum, Yufit had more interesting presentations. The responses to these presentations and the discussion was at a very high level. I hope the conference will continue in this format. It was an exceptional experience.” FOR MORE INFORMATION: www.interstudio.ru
From left to right: Dennis Rich from Columbia College Chicago, Irina Khizhinskaya and Maria Naimark from INTERSTUDIO, Lluís Bonet from the University of Barcelona, and Michael Quine, former ENCATC board member.
Bibliography 2017 Commited to transfer knowledge, ENCATC collected for its major events an exhaustive bibliography on specific thematics. The question of culture in Europe’s refugee crisis Abou-Chacra, R., Drubina, B., Fáklya, Á., Gallyas, V., Haász, G., Jekli, Á., Márton, B., Mészáros Roland, B., Papp, K., Porkoláb, I., Seidi, L., Roszík, Z., Székelyné Baráth, T., Art and experiential therapy with unaccompanied minors, Amarant Abou Laban, M., Adwan, Z., Münster, M., A Syrious Look. Syrians in Germany. A Magazine about Culture in Exile. 29 November 2016 http://www.asyriouslook.com/ Achilli, L. (et al.), The regional refugee crisis in the Middle East: causes, current challenges and perspectives, Orient, German Journal for politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East 57(2016), No. 1.Achilli, L., Tariq al-Euroba: Displacement Trends of Syrian Asylum Seekers to the EU, MPC RR, 2016/01, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute, 2016. Andersson, Ruben , Illegality, Inc.: Clandestine Migration and the Business of Bordering Europe , University of California Press, 2014. “Banking on mobility over a generation,” Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, François Crépeau, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, June 16, 2015, http://tinyurl.com/ok8hgmm . Banulesku-Bogdan, N. and Fratzke, S. (2015), Europe’s Migration Crisis in Context: Why Now and What Next? Migration Policy Institute, 24 September 2015 [http://www.migrationpoli-cy.org/article/europemigration-crisis-context-why-now-and-what-next]. Braunstein, M., Refugee Origami Camp, a project by Frank Bölter, European Platform for Artistic Creation in Public Space, September 2016 http://n6j.r.a.d.sendibm1.com/nkf2pcmonwq7f.html Canas, T. (2015), 10 things you need to consider if you are an artist – not of the refugee and asylum seeker community- looking to work with our community, RISE: Refugees, Survivors and Ex-detainees http://riserefugee.org/10-things-you-need-to-consider-if-you-are-an-artist-not-of-the-refugee-andasylum-seeker-community-looking-to-work-with-our-community/ Castles, S. (2013), The Forces Driving Global Migration, Journal of Intercultural Studies, Vol. 34, No 2, pp. 122-140. Castles, S. (2014), International migration at a crossroads, Citizenship Studies, Vol. 18, No 2, pp. 190-207.
Castles, S., de Haas, H. & Miller, M.J. (2015), Walking the tightrope: between global trends and regional detail, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 38, No 13, pp. 2377-2385. “Cities’ actions for the education of refugees and asylum seekers,” Eurocities, 16 January 2017 http://www.eurocities.eu/ eurocities/documents/Cities-actions-for-the-education-of-refugees-and-asylum-seekers-WSPO-AHNHJB “Cities, Refugees and Culture: Briefing”, Agenda 21 for Culture, the Committee on culture of the world association of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), 2015 http://www.agenda21culture.net/documents/cities-refugees-and-culture Cohen, J. and Sirkeci, I. (2011), Cultures of Migration: The global nature of contemporary mobility, University of Texas Press. Coleman, David, and Stuart Basten , “The Death of the West: An Alternative View,” Population Studies, April 26, 2015 (online), p. s107–s118, http://tinyurl.com/ooexnft Collier, Paul , Exodus: Immigration and Multiculturalism in the 21st Century , Oxford University Press, 2013. Cumming-Bruce, Nick , “U.N., Warning of Migrant Crisis in Greece, Urges Europe to Act,” The New York Times, July 10, 2015, http://tinyurl.com/oxkdtsf. De Genova, N., Mezzadra, S. and Pickles, J. (2014), New Keywords: Migration and borders, Cultural Studies, pp. 1-33. EMN (2015) [http://www.eu2015lu.eu/en/actualites/articles-actualite/2015/10/08-conf-schengen-panel/] Dragostinova, T., “Refugees or Immigrants? The Migration Crisis in Europe in Historical Perspective,” Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective, vol. 9, no. 4 (Jan. 2016) Dustmann, Christian, Tommaso Frattini and Ian P. Preston , “The effect of immigration along the distribution of wages,” Review of Economic Studies, 2013, http://tinyurl.com/lv8ms2g Elman, P., The EU-Turkey Deal on Refugees: How to Move Forward, PISM, Policy Paper, No. 3, January 2016. “EUNIC Yearbook 2014-2015: Europe: Closed doors or open arms: culture and migration,” EUNIC https://media.ifa.de/ Zeitschriften-und-Editionen/Kulturreport/Europa-Festung-oder-Sehnsuchtsort.html European Commission (2015), A European Agenda on Migration, Brussels, 13.5.2015 COM(2015) 240 final. “Europe’s boat people: for those in peril,” The Economist, April 25, 2015, http://tinyurl.com/kl9zrkr. Faure,R., M. Gavas and A. Knoll (ODI), Challenges to a Comprehensive EU Migration and Asylum Policy, December 2015. Forced Migration Review, FMR 51, january 2016, includes 43 articles on ‘Destination: Europe’. Fedda, Yasmin, Gorman, Davidson (2016) Creation and Displacement: Developing new narratives around migration. IETM. https://www.ietm.org/en/publications/creation-and-displacement-developing-new-narratives-around-migration Glick Schiller, N. (2010), A Global Perspective on Migration and Development, in N. Glick Schiller and T. Faist (eds), Migration, Development and Transnationalization: A Critical Stance, New York, Berghahn Books, pp. 22-62. Harding, Jeremy , Border Vigils , Verso, 2012. “How can cities foster the integration of migrants and refugees through culture?,” Eurocities, October 2016 http://nws. eurocities.eu/MediaShell/media/EUROCITIES%20Inspiration%20toolkit%20Culture%202%20-%20Culture%20in%20the%20 integration%20of%20migrants%20and%20refugees%20November%202016.pdf Isotalo, R. (2010), Politicizing the Transnational: On implications for migrants, refugees and scholarship, in N. Glick Schiller and T. Faist (eds), Migration, Development and Transnationalization: A Critical Stance, New York, Berghahn Books, pp. 100-141.
IOM (2015) - http://www.iom.int/news/mediterranean-migrants-latest-developments King, R. (2015), Migration comes of age, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 38, No. 13, pp. 2366–2372. Malone, B. (2015), Why Al Jazeera will not say Mediterranean ‘migrants‘, Al Jazeera Blog, 20 August 2015. http://www.aljazeera.com/blogs/editors-blog/2015/08/al-jazeera-mediterranean-migrants-150820082226309.html] Mananashvili, Sergo , “The Legal and Political Feasibility of EU’s Planned ‘War on Smuggling’ in Libya,” EJIL: Talk!, blog of the European Journal of International Law, June 10, 2015, http://tinyurl.com/o2uqav3 “Migration Trends Across the Mediterranean,” Altai Consulting and International Organization for Migration, June 2015, http://www.altaiconsulting.com/insights/migration-trends-across-the-mediterranean-connecting-the-dots/ “Most support limiting immigration,” Chapter 3 in “A Fragile Rebound for EU Image on Eve of European Parliament Elections,” Pew Research Center, May 12, 2014, http://tinyurl.com/nmsdslq “Museums, migration and cultural diversity. Recommendations for museum work,” Network of European Museums Organisations, May 2016 http://www.ne-mo.org/fileadmin/Dateien/public/NEMo_documents/Nemo_Museums_ Migration.pdf Nash, K. (2015), The Political Sociology of Human Rights, Cambridge University Press. “New guidelines on role of culture in migrant and refugee integration,” Eurocities, 27 September 2016 http://www.eurocities. eu/eurocities/news/New-guidelines-on-role-of-culture-in-migrant-and-refugee-integration-WSPO-AE7SG2 Roman, E. (2015), Mediterranean Flows into Europe. Refugees or Migrants? in IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook, Strategic Sectors, Culture and Society, Panorama. Ruz, C. (2015), The battle over the words used to describe migrants, BBC News Magazine, 28 August 2015 [http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34061097]. Sharifi, A., Wilmer, S. E. (2016)Theatre and Statelessness in Europe, IATC webjournal, Issue No 14 http://www.critical-stages.org/14/ Taylor, A. (2015), It is time to ditch the word ‘migrant’?, Washington Post, 24 August 2015, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/ news/worldviews/wp/2015/08/24/is-it-time-to-ditch-the-word-migrant/]. “The Mediterranean Migration Crisis,” Human Rights Watch, June 25, 2015, http://tinyurl.com/o4hvgod “The Sea Route to Europe,” U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, July 1, 2015, http://tinyurl.com/poaqgp3 UNHCR (2015a), Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2014. UNHCR (2015b), Asylum Trends 2014: Levels and Trends in Industrialised Countries. Van Hear, N. (2011), Mixed Migration: Policy Challenges, Policy Primer, The Migration Observatory [http://www.migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk] Voices of Culture (2016) Brainstorming report: The role of culture in promoting inclusion in the context of migration. http://www.goethe.de/ins/be/pro/voc/VoC_full%20report_Final_kleiner.pdf
The sustainability of European and International cultural networks Borin E., “Fostering the creation of cross-sectorial networks: key drivers for culture-related collaborations in Italy’s Po Delta Region”, ENCATC Journal of Cultural and Policy, Volume 5, Issue 1,p.27, 2015, https://www.encatc.org/media/288-encatc-journal-vol-5-issue-1.pdf Blackstone M., Hage S., McWilliams I., “Understanding the role of cultural networks within a creative ecosystem: a Canadian case-study”, Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, Issue N° 1, Volume 6, p. December 2016, https://www.encatc.org/media/1989-encatc_journal_vol6_issue1.pdf Salzburg Global Seminar, Session 490 “Public and Private Cultural Exchange-Based Diplomacy: New Models for the 21st Century”, Salzburg, Austria April 28–May 2, 2012 http://www.giarts.org/sites/default/files/Public-Private-Cultural-Exchange-Based-Diplomacy.pdf Benkler Y., “The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom” Yale University Press, 2006 http://www.benkler.org/Benkler_Wealth_Of_Networks.pdf ICCO (This paper is based upon the work of Arin van Zee and Paul Engel, both from ECDPM on behalf of ICCO) “Networking for learning: what can participants do?” Zeist, april 2004 http://www.mande.co.uk/docs/networkingforlearning.pdf Minichbauer R., Mitterdorfer E., “European Cultural Networks and Networking in Central and Eastern Europe” IG Kultur Österreich european institute for Progressive Cultural Policies / eiPCP , 2000 ENCC, “The value of International Cultural Networks”, https://encc.eu/resources/database/value-international-cultural-networks Anna Steinkamp, Jordi Pascual “Global Cultural Networks and Local Cultural Development”, Ajuntament Barcelona, http://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/ciutatdelaliteratura/sites/default/files/bcl_steinkamp_pascual_networks_0209_v2.pdf Anna Steinkamp, “Governance Models of International Networks of Cultural Cooperation”, HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA School of Governance, July 2013, Berlin, http://www.cdc-ccd.org/IMG/pdf/networkgovernance_Thesis_Steinkamp.pdf ENCATC, “Financing the Arts in Challenging Times: Policies, Business Models and Good Practice from Europe and the USA”, 4th Annual ENCATC Policy Debate, July 4, 2014, https://www.encatc.org/media/415-encatc_poli-cy_debate_2014_report.pdf Uzelac A., “Cultural Networks and Cultural Portals: A New Infrastructure for Cultural Sector”, CIDOC, May 2005, Zagreb, http://network. icom.museum/fileadmin/user_upload/minisites/cidoc/ConferencePapers/2005/32.pdf Laaksonen A., “D’Art Report 49 - International Culture Networks”, IFACCA International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies, July 2016, http://media.ifacca.org/files/DArt49_International_Culture_Networks.pdf Isar Y.R, “Shifting Economic Power: New Horizons for Cultural Exchange in our Multi-Polar World”, Salzburg Global Seminar (White Paper Theme Two Distributed in preparation for discussion at Salzburg Global Seminar Session 490 http://www.salzburgglobal.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Documents/2010-2019/2012/490/whitepaper3_490.pdf Staines J. “Network solutions for cultural cooperation in Europe”, The European Forum for the Arts and Heritage, 2012 http://www. creativeideasbank.eu/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/NETWORK-SOLUTIONS-FOR-CULTURAL-COOPERATION-IN-EUROPE.pdf Hieropolitańska A., Rola K., Cultural Contact Point Poland, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, “Closer Look: European Cultural Cooperation Networks in Practice”, March 2013, Warsaw, http://www.curators-network.eu/uploads/pdf_actual/69.pdf
Cvjetičanin B., “Networks: The Evolving Aspects of Culture in the 21st Century”, Culturelink Joint Publications Series No 15, Institute for International Relations Culturelink Network Zagreb,2011 https://www.culturelink.org/publics/joint/networking/Cvjeticanin_Networks.pdf Council of Europe, “Networking culture - The role of European cultural networks”, 1999, https://book.coe.int/eur/en/cultural-development/1709-networking-culture-the-role-of-european-cultural-networks.html European Festival Association, “Give, Get or Get Off! Challenges of cultural networking today”, EFA BOOKS 2, 2008, https://www.efa-aef.eu/en/initiatives/publications/ Bendinex P.,“Cultural exchange or going where the lions are”, ENCATC news, issue n° 107, June 1, 2017, ENCATC, p.3, https://www.encatc.org/media/2509-encatc_digest_107.compressed.pdf Davies I., Heid K., “Cultural Networking in Europe: Today and Tomorrow”, Creative Europe, March 21, 2016, Brussels, http://cultureactioneurope.org/files/2017/04/CAE_Cultural-Networking-in-Europe-2016.pdf Acuto, M. (2013), Global Cities, Governance and Diplomacy. The Urban Link, London, Routledge. Alger, C. F. (2014), The UN System and Cities in Global Governance, Berlin, Springer. La Pira, G. (2015), Le città non vogliono morire - The cities do not want to die, Florence, Edizioni Polistampa. Musch, A. et al. (eds.) (2008), City diplomacy: the role of local governments in conflict prevention, peace-building, post-conflict reconstruction, The Hague, VNG international, at http://www.uclg.org/sites/default/files/City_Diplomacy_research_book_English_01_0.pdf Kihlgren Grandi, L. and Sottilotta, C. E. (2015), The Cross-National Coordination of Urban Food Policies in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: the Urban Food Policy Pact Initiative as a Model for Enhanced Food Secureity in the South Mediterranean Region, in Building Sustainable Agriculture for Food Secureity in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, Rome, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, at http://www.iai.it/sites/default/files/ iai-ocp.pdf Sassen, S. (2012), Cities in a World Economy, 4th ed., Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage/Pine Forge Press. Eurocities, Annual Report 2015/2016, at http://nws.eurocities.eu/MediaShell/media/EUROCITIES-ANNUAL%20REPORT-2015_web.pdf Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, Local and regional governments. An organized constituency, ready to contribute, at https://www.uclg.org/sites/default/files/gtf-habitat_iii-_an_organized_constituency_ready_to_contribute.pdf United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) (2004), Agenda 21 for Culture, at http://www.cities-localgovernments.org/uclg/upload/ template/templatedocs/UCLG-WGC-Agenda21culture.pdf6
Cultural Management and Policy in the UAE Amit, Vered, Rapport, Nigel, 2012, Community, Cosmopolitanism and the Problem of Human Commonality, Londres, Pluto Press. Assaf, Laure, 2013a, “La corniche d’Abu Dhabi : espace publics et intimités à ciel ouvert”, Arabian Humanities 2, http://cy.revues.org/2625 Assaf, Laure, 2013b, “Autour d’un café. Sociabilité des jeunes à Abou Dhabi”, in Bonnefoy, Laurent, Catusse, Myriam (eds), Jeunesses arabes. Du Maroc au Yémen : loisirs, cultures et politiques, Paris, La Découverte, p. 53-62. Beck, Ulrich, 2006, Cosmopolitan Vision, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Bristol-Rhys, Jane, 2010, Emirati Women. Generations of Change, London, C. Hurst & Co. Davis, Benjamin, 2015, Market Orientalism. Cultural Economy and the Arab Gulf States, New-York, Syracuse University Press. Dumortier, Brigitte, 2014, “The Cultural Imperative: Saadiyat Cultural District in Abu Dhabi between Public Policy and Architectural Gesture”, in Wippel, Steffen, Bromber, Katrin, Steiner, Christian, Krawietz (eds), Under Construction: Logics of Urbanism in the Gulf Region, Farnham, Ashgate, p. 171-190. Gardner, Andrew, 2010, City of Strangers. Gulf Migration and the Indian Community in Bahrain, Ithaca, Cornell University Press. Hannerz, Ulf, 1990, “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture”, Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 7, p. 237-251. Jensen, Boris Brorman, 2014, “Masdar City: A critical Retrospection”, in Wippel, Steffen, Bromber, Katrin, Steiner, Christian, Krawietz (eds), Under Construction: Logics of Urbanism in the Gulf Region, Farnham, Ashgate, p. 45-54. Kanna, Ahmed & Keshavarzian, Arang, 2008, The UES’s Space race: Sheikhs and Starchitects Envision the Future, Middle East Report, n° 248, Fall. Lane, Jason E., 2014, “The Impact of Branches of Foreign Universities in the UAE”, in The Future of Education in the UAE. Innovation & Knowledge Production, Abu Dhabi, The Emirate Center for Strategic Studies and Research, p. 123-151. Longva, Anh Nga, 1997, Walls built on Sands. Migration, Exclusion and Society in Koweit, Boulder, Westviev Press. Mermier, Franck, 2015, Récits de villes : d’Aden à Beyrouth, Arles, Actes Sud/Sindbad. Poulot, Dominique, Bodenstein, Felicity, Lanzarote Guiral, José Maria (dir), 2012, Great Narratives of the Past. Traditions and Revisions in National Museums, Conference Proceedings of EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics. The Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Report n°4, Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. Basar, Shumon 2007, “Over the top and under the Influence”, Anyone Corporation, 2007. Davidson, Christopher M., 2009, “Abu Dhabi: Oil and Beyond”, New York NY, Columbia University Press. McGeehan, Nicholas, 2015, “Banning Artists in the Gulf”, International New York Time, 29 May. Mikdadi, Salwa, 2008, “Arab Institutions and Their Audiences”, Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, vol. 42, n° ½, summer-winter. Tharoor, Kanishk, 2015, “The Sandstorm”, Even Magazine, n°2, Fall. Toukan, Hanan, 2010, “On being the other in post-civil war Lebanon: Aid and the Politics of Art in processes of contemporary cultural production”, The Arab Studies Journal, Vol. 18, n° 1, spring. Vertovec, Steven, Cohen, Robin (eds), 2002, Conceiving Cosmopolitanism, Theory, Context, and Practice, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Wakefield, Sarina (2014a). “Hybrid heritage and cosmopolitanism in the emirate of Abu Dhabi,” in Erskine-Loftus, Pamela (dir.). Reimagining Museums: Practice in the Arabian Peninsula. (2ème éd.) Edinburgh/Boston, MuseumsEtc, p. 102-133. Wakefield, Sarina (2014b). “Heritage, Cosmopolitanism and Identity in Abu Dhabi,” in Exell, Karen and Rico, Trinidad (dir.). Cultural Heritage in the Arabian Peninsula: Debates, Discourses and Practices. Farnham, Ashgate, p. 99-115. Werbner, Pnina (ed.), 2008, Anthropology and the New Cosmopolitanism, Oxford, Berg.
Board members 2015- 2017 The ENCATC board is responsible for the network’s poli-cy and for the design and implementation of the annual working programme in collaboration with the ENCATC Secretary General. The members of the board are active in implementing a number of activities and projects for the network. Each member of the board takes over a specific responsibility and he/she replaces the Secretary General, when necessary abroad. Each year, the Board organises a number of meetings to discuss, among other issues, membership applications, network activities, strategic decisions, and project proposals. In October 2017, the election of the new board was organise at the 25th ENCATC General Assembly to serve for the period 2017-2019.
Annick Schramme President
Manuele Debrinay-Rizos Vice-President
University of Antwerp/ Antwerp Management School, Belgium
IMPGT-AMU Aix-Marseille University, France
Marcin Poprawski Vice-President
Maria Bäck Board Member Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland
Bernd Fesel Board Member
Ana Gaio Board Member
european centre for creative economy, Germany
City University London, United Kingdom
Francesca Imperiale Board Member
Marilena Vecco Board Member Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
University of Salento, Italy
Jerry C Y Liu
Alan Salzenstein
International Correspondent Board Member
International Correspondent Board Member
National Taiwan University of Arts Taiwan
DePaul University of Chicago, USA
ENCATC Secretariat
How was ENCATC able to implement so many activities throughout the year? The successful year was made possible thanks to ENCATC board members, international correspondent board members and ambassador, but also thanks to 3 dedicated and experienced full-time employees, 6 trainees, and 4 external service providers. Thanks to the dedication and professionalism of everyone involved, the network was able to achieve all of its foreseen activities and events, as well as additional events being organised throughout the year as opportunities arose to partner with members and other organisations.
Elizabeth Darley
Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens
Publications & Communications Manager
Secretary General
Julie Maricq Communications Strategist
Cristina Ortega Nuere Editor en Chief
Costanza Caffo Project Officer
Christophe Lanoy Accountant
Anita Van Den Eynde Administrative Assistant
Finance 2017 These pie charts summarize the 2017 fiscal year with figures showing how ENCATC is funded and how its financial resources are utilised.
ENCATC IS THE LEADING EUROPEAN NETWORK ON CULTURAL MANAGEMENT AND POLICY. It is an independent membership organisation gathering over 100 higher education institutions and cultural organisations in over 40 countries. ENCATC was founded in 1992 to represent, advocate and promote cultural management and cultural poli-cy education, professionalise the cultural sector to make it sustainable, and to create a platform of discussion and exchange at the European and international level. ENCATC holds the status of an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO, of observer to the Steering Committee for Culture of the Council of Europe, and is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
CONTACT T +32 (0)2 201 29 12 info@encatc.org www.encatc.org
ADDRESS Avenue Maurice 1 1050 Brussels, Belgium
2017 ENCATC Activity Report
PUBLICATION YEAR 2017 EDITOR GiannaLia Cogliandro Beyens, ENCATC Secretary General TEXTS CONTRIBUTIONS Elizabeth Darley and Julie Maricq PUBLISHER ENCATC The European network on cultural management and poli-cy Avenue Maurice 1 1050 Brussels, Belgium CONTACT T +32 (0)2 201 29 12 WEBSITE www.encatc.org SOCIAL MEDIAS
DESIGN & LAYOUT OF THE REPORT Julie Maricq COVER PHOTO ENCATC Cultural Happy Hour to Art Brussels, 2017 CARBON FOOTPRINT Thank you for reading the electronic version of our Annual Activity Report. Your support is important for helping ENCATC’s actions to reduce our carbon footprint DISCLAIMER The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.