Hi there! This is absolutely invaluable feedback, I love it! Thank you so much for writing this up!
> So the portals are absolutely great, and sometimes I didn't even know that I am actualy going through portals. That is great! And I am suprised that this game is optimized very well. There are some places where it lags, but it's not something horrible.
I'm glad that is working so well for you! Making portals invisible is one of my main goals, and I'm glad that it works. There's definitely more possibilities for optimization though.
> The AI is, well, very, but very hard. They are giving a lot of damage to player, but are getting like, no damage. Also correct me if I am wrong, but headshots don't make more or less damage.
Headshots do give more damage, and leg/arm shots give less damage. I think what is happening here is that the arms are blocking the head due to the way the character model holds the gun. This is something other games like CS:GO have solved by letting the raycast go through multiple body parts and only counting the highest damage, but that was hard to do so I didn't include that in the demo.
I believe that that is the reason the AI seems harder as well; we humans aim for headshots, but it might turn out to be arm shots instead. Meanwhile, the AI only aims for the torso and fire in bursts. Still, it's a valid complaint, and one that I (and my family members) share too.
> And the next thing is that the medkits aren't helping either, as they are only healing 25 health points. Just please, make bots a little bit easier or make medkits heal more HP, like 50, 45 or even 35, or random between 35 to 50.
Noted. This is one of the things I'm glad I have feedback on, since it's hard to tell how much healing is appropriate. :) I probably won't make it random though.
Once again, thank you for your invaluable review! ^^