Thanks! You're allowed to embed it, with the credit and link. If you make millions dollars, I want a bit of it. And it would be fair to support me ;)
Thank You. I don't know about a million but am sure we can make at least 950,000 . :) I don't put any ads on the games I embed, actually I dont even have ads on the site. I agree with the other commenter about it being a good mmo game. Maybe like where upto 8 people can play together in a map and the one who discovers the most bombs win? It's easy for me to just imagine it, but harder to code isnt it. Anyways great game and I'll send you the link in a few mins on reddit. Do u have twitter or other social media. I usually link to the dev's social media or website too.
no official twitter account yet but a facebook page. I post in french but projects are in english.
EDIT : twitter account \o/