I get people trying to be positive, but if you give Devs no real Feedback and instead just use the Games as Content, it doesn't help them improve.
Ditch the VHS Filter it doesn't make any sense whatsoever and is just distracting.
The Theater could have at least some lighting, and there is no way for a Player to know where to go, relying on Bounds for that is not good gameplay, use signs on the Level itself that Point to the Theater.
The Pacing is off, the Player ist stuck doing nothing, while being in the Theater with creepy dude, that is ok, if there was an indication to what the Enemy is doing, locking the Door etc. why is the Key just on the Ground?
Why is the Enemy in a washed up Ambulance and nothing happens when you approach it? Why is there just a Jumpscare of the Enemy, when the Player gets hit by a Car?