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A member registered Sep 19, 2021

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For anyone encountering the bug with the second to last scene not unlocking, open the 'game' directory (It's in the same folder as 'ThePrank.exe') and open 'script.rpy' in a text editor.  Change line 3837 from 

$ persistent.HjortGyldenEnding


$ persistent.HjortGyldenEnding = True

The 'T' must be uppercase, the others lowercase. Restart the game if it is running, then play through the game as normal until you reach the scene and it will now unlock.

(1 edit)

That occurs right at the end of the chapter, so you're not missing much. If you don't want to wait for an actual fix to see the rest of the scene I've got a workaround, just place the file linked below next to the archive.rpa file. You should need to load from before the sabotage choice, sorry, but I can't fix that without directly modifying the archive.rpa file.

Should look like this:


Get eaten by the Behir while in the mole dungeon. When asked if you enjoy it, say yes.

Wait, I didn't realize you had the English one on a separate page. My mistake!

The download link only seems to connect to the PT version. For those who only read English, the English version is at:

From the DLC's description:

This Digital Art Pack includes:
· 55+ CGs
· Character portraits (including initial concept design sketches)
· Some in-game items

That sounds like a match. There should be 59 CG's in the 'CG' folder, the 'Characters' folder should have various sprites, drafts, and bios of each character, and the 'Items' folder should have images of in-game items. If you are missing the folder contents you may have a bad download, try re-downloading the DLC.

That is possible, but would also require some changes to the code to get the nude sprites. For just the CG's, you can actually do this yourself by navigating to 'HENRY'S_ALT_GLASSES-2.0-pc/game' (Windows might use '\') and copying the 'resource1.rpa' file. Name this copied version 'resource3.rpa'. Move this into 'Dragon Island/game' so that you have three resource files there.

Do note that this will also overwrite some parts of the main menu making it a bit harder to see the options. Simply delete 'resource3.rpa' if an actual mod is made. 

In the Steam version, you can access the dlc by going to the game files where there will be a directory labeled 'image set'. The version probably does something similar.

On line 425 of the main_werewolf.rpy file it currently reads:

if quest41.status == 2 and quest41.start_date > and 7 < timenow.hour < 11:

shouldn't it be:

if quest41.status == 2 and quest41.start_date < and 7 < timenow.hour < 11:

(Only change is the direction of the first '>')

quest41.start_date shouldn't be greater than, which is currently required to progress the Wuldon Raid storyline.

(2 edits)

Pretty sure it's at Slumberous Well. 

Edit: I think there's currently a bug preventing it from starting, but I'm confident it is the location.

I got an file corrupt or damaged error when trying to extract the Linux version. Redownloading didn't fix it either. If any other Linux users encounter this issue I can confirm that the Windows version will run just fine if you have Renpy on your system.

(1 edit)

Just so you know, you've actually had a Linux version in the previous releases. The file '' is what lets it run on Linux.

Whenever I try to extract it I get an error saying the archive is corrupt. As a workaround, you can download and extract the Windows version and run it through Renpy directly. Wine/Proton might also work, but I haven't tested them.

One other thing that might work is just copy the 'game' folder from the Windows version to the Linux version. Nothing in that folder should be tied to any specific operating system, so as long as the audio is the only thing corrupted in the Linux version it should fix it.

I got the same error, but only with the bz2 file. When I tried it with the zip file it extracted normally. If you haven't already tried, you might be able to fix it just by re-downloading it.

I found a small bug in Kody's route preventing some text from appearing.

In the file 'Day 02 (Kody).rpy', lines 497 through 514, you have comparison operators instead of assignment operators. This prevents the variable wrong_knife from being set to False, so Ashford won't correct our mistake.

(2 edits)

For anyone who can't play due to the persistent data, here's how to fix it.

Open the directory where you have the game's executable. Open the 'game' directory. Open the file 'script.rpy' in the text editor of your choice. Locate line 254 and 255. It should look like below:

if persistent.its_over == True:

Edit it so it looks like this:

if persistent.its_over == True:
    $ persistent._clear(False)

This will make it so you clear all of the saved data when you run the game. You will have to click Start twice, once to run the new code and a second to start the game.

Unfortunately, I think this goes against what the author was intending, but it will let you play until an official fix is made.

Edit - It's probably obvious, but I'll say it anyway -  you need to save the 'script.rpy' file before running the game.

If you aren't using Google Docs for its cloud features, I can recommend Manuskript and/or Kate. Manuskript is awesome for writing stories, I highly recommend it. However, it isn't very good for writing code. If you were doing your RenPy code in Google Docs, then Kate (K Advanced Text Editor) might be the correct option for you.

Both options run locally, so no chance of anyone stealing your work for training their AI or any other reason.



The Linux download is corrupt and will not extract. This isn't much of an issue though, as you actually included the Linux version inside the PC version and that one extracts just fine.

Horehound  is a type of plant. Just go to the Goat tribe, then click the rightmost arrow so you can see the cheif's building (Don't go inside). You should be able to click the magnifying glass icon on the right hand side to explore, and have a random chance of obtaining horehound.

Go to Mossy Freshwater and explore for a while. It's a random chance, but you should find it eventually. Mossy Freshwater is just down the river from Sundersilk. You will also find the Woodland Outpost from there as well as the recipe for Soft Fabric, if you have yet to find either.

Shouldn't have anything to do with meeting Wuldon. The quest can be pretty buggy if you don't solve it your first time through. If you remove all of the weeds, leave and reenter, then remove all the weeds again, you will have just made it impossible to inform Uffe of your success. Same thing if you try for a second amulet.

To be able to complete the quest, the game only makes two checks - one that you have the Moonstone amulet in your inventory and a second check on your quest status. Wuldon has nothing to do with either, so it's unlikely he was the culprit. The quest status, though, is likely the issue. Remember how above I mentioned that doing certain tasks twice can make the quest impossible? Both of those alter your quest status by incrementing its value. However, this isn't reset when you exit the cave and you can repeat the action as many times as you want, further incrementing your quest status. Uffe only checks for a specific value, not a value greater than a specific threshold, making it easy to accidentally break.

There are two updates released at the same time each month. This last one was both v0.0.17 and v0.0.16, one was given to Patreons and one was released to the public.

V0.0.17 is the werewolf orgy. That one is not yet released to the public. This can be confusing as the update information contains the Patreon version info, not the public info. So if you scroll up from this comment you will see the update info for the Patreon version, not the public version. If you do in fact have the Patreon version, I'm afraid I can't help you as I don't have that version.

Answers below are left to right.

Beer (Purchased at tavern), Horehound (Found in goat tribe village), Feather (Sundersilk Cascades), Pocket bell (Fight goats), Iron Ingot (can be mined and can also be dropped by werewolves).

That quest has some bugs. Specifically, if you have cleared out the weeds multiple times or tried to collect the amulet multiple times, you'll bug out the quest.

Both of those actions increment a status counter in the quest code, if you do each a single time the counter should end on a 4. However, the counter isn't reset if you leave the cave, so if you do either again you can get the counter to a higher number. Uffe's code specifically checks for '4', not '4 and higher', so if you made this mistake you'll have to load an earlier save.

It is also possible to just edit Uffe's code to check for 4 and higher, but I'm not sure how that could be done on Android.

(1 edit)

Deliver it to Uffe, the werewolf leader who gave you the quest. Do note that there are a lot of bugs with that amulet, so don't mess around with the pillars a second time (You can get a second amulet, but you won't be able to finish the quest) nor should you be wearing it when you give it to Uffe (He took it from me and I retained the health debuf, possibly not permanent but I reloaded almost instantly).

Edit: Also make sure you cleared out all the weeds in the cave with the pillars. Uffe won't accept the amulet until you've cleaned the place. You do need to solve the puzzle with the barrels on the bottom left of the cave to access the room on the right to get to the last of the weeds. Also, it may be possible to get a second amulet after finishing the quest, I haven't tested it.

As for the new CG I think that's in version 0.0.17, the Patreon version. I only have 0.0.16, the public version, so I can't help you there. If you're on the public version then there shouldn't be any CG's that require an ally to unlock. Unless I've completely missed something, the last two that are available in the public version are the "Losing to the bandit boss" CG and "Captured by bandits" CG. 

My mistake. I played through it real quick and figured out enough to solve it. You need to put the correct items on each of the other pillars. I'll post the solution down below.

Leftmost pillar is Beer, you can get that from the tavern of the main town.

Second is Horehound. Thought it was the Herb of Grace for a while, which messed me up. Horehound can be found at the Goat Tribe.

Third is a Feather. Those can be found at Sundersilk Cascades.

Fourth is a Pokect Bell. You can get them by beating up some goats.

Last is Iron Ingot. Thought it was the small trowel for a while, so this one messed me up as well. This can be obtained by fighting werewolves in the dark forest.

(1 edit)

Edit - shifted text and image down so as to not spoil solution for anyone passing by.

Is this the puzzle you mean? You just need to step on each of the stones in order, without crossing your path. The first stone is a bit hard to see.

I can confirm that the Linux version works. I can also confirm that the Windows version runs perfectly fine on Linux via Proton as well (only tested GE-Proton 7.42).

Interestingly, the Linux version defaulted to only 50% audio (In the system settings, not the game settings), while the Windows/Proton version started with the full 100%. Other than that they seemed exactly the same as far as I could tell.

'Pry open the door with someone inside', 'Pry further and watch the lion' and then wait. I mean that last one literally, it isn't an option to click. There should be a message that says "It should be some time before he does something interesting".  I'm not sure how long you have to wait, after you've done it once as long as you keep to that save file you will automatically skip the wait.

 That should get you on track as long as you have already read the journal entries and spell book.

The Linux download worked perfectly fine for me, is it possible you had a download error? I doubt it matters, but just in case I used Ark to extract the files.

This is such a promising start, I can't wait to see where it goes! As a side note, I really liked the little changes between each character's room, really adds to the characterization in a subtle way. Literally even the way they stored their toothbrushes differed!

Let me add one caveat, when calling the __init__ function of the super class from the sub class, you should use the SuperClass.Function(self, args) format. I'm not super familiar with Python 2, but I think the reason is that at this point the object is not yet fully initialized so you can't call from it yet. I think there is a function called super() that gives access to the base class so you can call it without passing self, something like

# The following would be the first line of weapon class __init__

But you need the base class to inherit from object and the one time I tried coding with Python 2 I couldn't get it to work (I was using an unofficial interpreter, so you may get better results).

Just so you know, with inheritance the subclass has the same functions as the base class. Which is to say, you don't need to call (from the weapon class):

Equipable.equip(self, target)

You can actually just call:


Calling it by class is normally only done if you are using multiple inheritance and accidentally gave two of the base classes conflicting functions with the same name, or you are for some reason calling it from outside the class and its subclasses.

By the way, when self is passed as an argument to a function it isn't actually calling itself, it is just passing itself as reference. Remember how I mentioned you could call a class function from outside a class? This is what makes that possible. Looking back at the above function, you might notice that there are two arguments in the first but only one in the second. When calling from outside, you need to provide the object, but by calling from the object (in this case 'self'), it implicitly passes itself as the first argument. So technically, both have the same two arguments.

That's why self is a must thing, as the object itself will always be the first argument when called normally. If you really want, there are ways to pass the object reference in other positions, but those are outside the scope of an comment and have no benefit other than novelty (and some downright masochistic downsides).

By the way, self is just a variable name. You could alter:




but please never do that. It really hurts code readability, and you would also have to change = name

to = name

and etc.

If you haven't solved it yet, you are on one of the less completed routes. I think both Rask's and John's routes end at the nightmare. I can't recall how far Maccon' s route goes, and I know for sure that Tom's route goes past.

Glad I could help! And loading old saves should be perfectly fine.

In that case, downloading Ren'Py would be the safest option. However, if you trust random internet strangers, here's the two folders and the '.sh' file:

You'll need to set the files as executable, including the ones in whichever folder matches your device's instruction set. Then, you should be able to run it as normal.

If you haven't found it yet, you need to pick shy options instead of confident ones. For example, choose "Ignore and keep running" during the prologue, then admire instead of hugging Alisa, etc.

Good luck!


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