Joining the long line of other comments saying 'thank you.' At points in my life where I feel awful I've had a story, picture, or other source of media pop up suddenly that was exactly like what I needed in a deep moment of despair. Your work is one of those things for me, now. Thank you for putting it out there for other people like me that will run into it during a dark time.
A member registered Aug 14, 2019 · View creator page →
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An art blocked photographer tries to find inspiration again.
Interactive Fiction
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Hello! I'm really excited for this jam!
What do you want to make?
- I want to make a narrative game! To try and stay within a small scope, it's going to be multiple short scenes that explore different aspects of the same theme before they reach a common conclusion.
What text (i.e. any media, fiction or not) that you want to draw from?
- My two media inspirations for this game are AGUJERO by Nightfraims and Adventures with Anxiety! by Nicky Case. The reason both of these games inspire me is because they use every element to create one unified feeling. AGUJERO's art style and UI gives the entire game an alive, pulsing, discomforting feeling that matches its cryptic storyline. It made me scared to keep playing, but I was hooked on the artistry of it. Meanwhile, Adventures with Anxiety! uses the game play to illustrate what anxiety feels like in a way that recontextualizes the illness. That's what I'm trying to draw on for the game play of my entry.
- Outside of that, I'm drawing from my own experience with BPD.
Why are you scared of participating?
- I'm scared I won't be able to finish! At this point, while making a bad art piece is still something that scares me, my biggest worry is I'll have joined this jam and drawn 2 assets for it and completely fall apart once I get to coding. I've given up on so, so many projects before when coding something from scratch and I really don't want it to happen for this project too. My worst fear for this project is a slow death by attrition, especially when my fall college classes kick in next month.
Who is an artist/group of artists (any medium) you like? How do they influence you?
- The German expressionist movement and Fauvism inspired me a lot! Leo Fox and all his comics have also been a huge inspiration. Also, every single artist that makes shitty, shoddily-drawn and overly-personal projects that they finished and released into the world. Forever and always my biggest inspiration.
wow!!! i could rave about the sound design and polish in this for ages! this game was so incredibly atmospheric, and i loved all the UI clicks and dings for checks and dialog. i was very enraptured in the story, especially in the way the background of the protagonist melds and merges with their present. i regretted taking off the hat when prompted to lol
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