Well, nice move then! Sorry Oscar, I forget that we (I suppose) are from a different time, when video games where hard as f**k! xD
Even the good ones like yours. ^.^
Recent community posts
Well, I figure out the problem. You have to press C key to pass through the splash screen.
BTW, good game overall. The levels are quite short, so I could understand the cheap traps here and there. The sprite looks really pretty.
Here some suggestions:
+longer levels
+more levels (at least 2 more)
+password system for level select at least
+less cheap traps, more enemies
+numerical life counter, since you can have more than 6
+classic music, I like the songs, but where is classic like 'Vampire Killer', 'Bloodlines' and 'Beginning'? At least one would be great.
+a subtitle in the splash screen saying 'press c to continue', so people like me wont get stuck there cursing your name (just joking)
I need help. Can't launch the 'WIN' game, it freezes on the splash screen.
After some hours learning how to configure WinUAE, same thing. If there is a Nintendo Switch controller connected to the PC, the game boots fast, go through the splash screen, then in the menu it exits automaticaly.
What I'm doing wrong? I want to play/review the game. :/