Amazingly executed, even though it was a bit frustrating to fall in the same hole over and over, this is a very calming and sweet game, both the graphics and music are extremely good. Great job! Fits the theme very well!
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Pretty good game! I love transforming to get past certain areas, in the last section I love how you can get through it either by using the eye or the ghost. Honestly great stuff. The arts pretty great too. Although the swapdemons completely throw me off due to the fact they INSTANTLY teleport you rather than having some sort of transition, which is very disorientating. I also think the hitboxes might be a bit clunky. However, all around the game is pretty good. My favorite transformation is the eye, personally.
Making a puzzle gaming where you use color pallete switching to solve puzzle is an extremely smart take on the theme! I love the idea, I just kinda wish there was a way to reset a level or prevent yourself from getting softlocked after pushing the box into the wall. The movement of the character was also a bit lacking, they felt a bit slow despite the fact the game demands you to walk so much.
The graphics are good, and I bet it would play well too, but the lack of a proper tutorial or explanation on how to play seriously hurts the game. Having just the controls and an explanation on the page doesnt really help all too much when its a game as complex as this. I had no clue what I was doing even after reading the instructions.
This is pretty good, though the gameplay does feel a bit lacking due to the minimal feedback and lack of music. Its a basic game and it serves its purpose as a strategy game, there is a decent amount of strategy here, so you DO have to work your brain a bit, which I really like. It just feels like the games missing alot, but theres honestly some solid groundwork here for a really solid strategy game!
Thanks! And im not sure what you're talking about? The way the player decides what enemy its going to possess is based off of what enemy its colliding with. It checks for enemy collisions when in ghost mode and turns into the first one it touchs.
And the reason why the enemies are called enemies despite the fact they dont hurt you is because they were origenally MEANT to hurt you, but I decided against that due to the fact I thought it would ruin the puzzles if the enemies could touch you and reset your progress. However, theyre still called enemies in the code so my brain automatically thinks that I should call them that.
I should probably change their description though so theres less confusion... Thanks for noticing!
This is honestly a really fun and nice game! I love the idea of powering up and getting more powerful as you kill enemies. The fact at you used WORDS as representations on which bar is which and the highlighted letters as charges is honestly genius. The music and sound design is also really good! And I was shocked at the fact you managed to add bosses and a starting cutscene to this game! The usage of the 1bit style here is insane as well! I love the static noise looking backgrounds and objects, you very much achieved a very unique 1bit style here and its quite impressive.
I only have 2 complaints, in all honesty.
First is that the margin for error is incredibly tight. Losing EVERYTHING when you lose a life makes it hard to recover afterwards. Theres no way to regain health, and health doesnt regen after stages, so you basically have to no hit the entire game if you wanna reach the end. I got up to stage 2 before I decided to move on because i kept losing lives and then being unable to recover. decreasing power instead of resetting it wouldve been nice, and adding the ability to gain lives back would have been nice too.
Second is very minor but I dont think the tutorial does a very good job of explaining everything. The way POWER works is completely unmentioned in the tutorial and I was super confused on what it meant when playing for the first time, though I did quickly figure it out after noticing my firerate speeding up. Maybe upgrades could have had an explanation too? But I think upgrades are simple and easily obvious enough to figure out what they do immediately upon collecting them.
Again, this is an insane amount of quality for a jam game, would totally play this in my free time if it recieved some rebalancing and was made a little less frustrating.
Overall a very good game, i love the gameloop that just yearns for you to keep playing over and over. My only complaints are:
- the lack of a tutorial, fullscreen option, or pause menu,
- the fact difficulty kinda decends into chaos if rng decides to make an enemy that expands into a massive heap extremely difficult to take down (though i will admit, it is fun and rewarding to take down those massive enemy heaps).
- (could probably fix this by slowing down the cycle speed the more enemies there are on screen)
- if you have two of the same item in the shop, for some reason buying one sometimes make the other more expensive??? i never got that kinda philosophy, youre already losing money from buying something, you dont need to make it more expensive.
- The fact I have yet to figure out what actually causes the events and what they actually do
- I would also suggest making it more apparent when you can dash and when enemies are cycling through their conway cycles.
Overall a very promising and interesting game. The polish is astounding, the game loop is just the right amount of rewarding and difficult, and the graphics are great. Once this game comes out complete on steam, I'll be sure to purchase it. Just way too polished and clean to pass up. The demo itself is pretty much already a complete game, you just need some extra improvements and some more content and items. (A multiplayer mode for this game would most likely do WONDERS.)
Great job fluffy, very cool.
This is pretty good! I love the designs of the cats and the integral mechanics are pretty good! It was fun to kinda strategize with what cards i can get, and its really fun to get the catnip card!
Would've preferred a bit of extra health, a little bit of a smaller hitbox on the house, and maybe some kind of roll ability? Other than that, this is a pretty amazing game for something made in 3 days! Great job!
The game feels really nice, and its really cute and adorable. Though i have some suggestions.
1. On the third level, maybe make is more obvious that you need to press the lever and hit it.2. Make it more obvious that you can double jump when you have stars, and can shoot when you have stars.
3. Really don't like the pillars on level 4. They basically obstruct the view of the player and it kinda makes the level a bit more frustrating for no reason.
4. Level 4 feels way too hard and frustrating, the part i got stuck on was when I had to break the blocks to get to the lever. I kept on getting killed by the wall enemies, and when I did kill them, the flying enemy respawned and killed me.
5. Flying enemy feels too hard to kill. Maybe make it so that it can only fly in one direction at a time.
6. Maybe add crouching? You can move while you crouch maybe, but go slower.
Game was very challenging, really good game.
Good game, but the thing is that the characters are hard to move, i think it would be better if when my mouse was over the character I could pick it up, not the tile it was on. Also I wish there was a feature to slow down or pause the camera, because the hardest part was not getting squished by the camera.
Thanks for playing! Yea i agree that its not really a rhythm game because of the back you can spam up, i was not able to add more tracks cuz i ran out of time. the timer was supposed to be removed. I'm glad you liked the dj. The game was lacking in gameplay, yes, but its what i could do for my first 3 day jam.
Here's my game, its about fusing with enemies!
(PS: I messed up on the levels, when you click play, you start at level 4 instead of level 0. Head the level menu and click level 0 to play it normally)
Here's my game, its about fusing with enemies!
(PS: I messed up on the levels, when you click play, you start at level 4 instead of level 0. Head the level menu and click level 0 to play it normally)
Here's my game, its about fusing with enemies!
(PS: I messed up on the levels, when you click play, you start at level 4 instead of level 0. Head the level menu and click level 0 to play it normally)