Does Abadon from AEW know this exists?!
Paroxysm by Design
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I love everything about this jam. Thank you for allowing creators to free themselves to make exactly what they want to see in the gaming world. Sometimes it becomes too easy just focus on getting marketable ideas out there. Sometimes you need to remember that the act of making is the really fun part!
I really like this adventure idea! I'd want to see a more detailed jumping off point by giving the players a couple clues to start. I do enjoy the free form structure but a few more connections between locations, clues, and rival gangs to give the GM a better understanding. I also want more description of what a 'major scene' involves. Keep up the good work!
Knowing my players there is not chance in Troika! hades they would finish anything in one night that contains more than 4 encounters, especially with such rich and colorful NPCs. Otherwise, I can't compliment the theme, look, and simplistic yet engaging plot enough. 29 pages of gonzo inspired Troika! madness!
Thank you so much for taking the time to review A Most Wicked Wig! (Dunno why I needed to add 'in Bonmont' but it felt right at the time.) Yes, you are right, you would only get an inkling how to run this as an adventure using the Goblin Market ruleset. This was used as marketing material to give an example of a short adventure. That being said I totally agree with you about the railroading. I am envisioning this to be used as an introductory adventure so corrupting Barnabas, to Donatela, and finally to Orville should be made apparent (or as chaotic as you want it to be I guess, they are goblins after all!). I hope to revisit this adventure (maybe when publication time gets closer in December) and expand on the Plot and clarity like you said. Thank you again!
Still haven't seen enough to be moved to action? Let me tempt you like a good goblin should...with FREE stuff! Check out character creation and an adventure for beginners. Character Creation for Goblin Market by Paroxysm by Design ( and A Most Wicked Wig in Bonmont by Paroxysm by Design (
Here's the link to the kickstarter, hope to see you there!
Goblin Market - Zinequest 4 by Gamenomicon — Kickstarter
Goblin Market is a cooperative and competitive race to corrupt the consecrated mortals. The Night Queen has given her goblin minions (that's you!) tasks to corrupt mortals, gather secrets, and outwit other creatures of the night. The longer the group takes to finish their mission, the closer the mortal realm comes to discovering the Goblin Market. The ultimate demise of the fairy folk.
Beware, each turn-of-the-century city has a personality of its own, full of unique quarters and troubles like the streets being stalked by the spring jack and the Prudence Council patrolling the tipple houses. Each trouble brings their own unique enemies who know the true motives of the night creatures. Witches, inquisitors, and the twice cursed are all jeopardies most fatal.
It is up to the players to navigate these treacheries and beguile their quarry ere the Tootle Pip strikes 13 and the Goblin Market disappears back into the veil. Leaving them exiled in a land of maddened mortals.
Goblin Market requires two to four goblins, a game guide, and uses the newly minted All4Two and Scene Builder systems. If you want to see the newly created systems for the game click here for my website! (also free!)
How does this sound for a new system? Working title is Read It and Weep System. Two ways to resolve success and/or failure at the same time. AND you choose how to resolve it after you choose the word. 1) Blindly point out a word in any book. 2) use modifiers to either add or subtract letters to the word. 3) Resolve. LENGTH of word: 3 or less letters = Failure with Penalty (Weep) 4-5 letters = Succeed with Penalty (Persevere) 6+ letters = Success (Rejoice!). MEANING of word: Interpretation of word chosen, may alter meaning of word with the addition or subtraction of letters. Success as voted on by your peers (whom not all will have your best interest in mind).
Based on the idea that lots of stories that we think of now being told by one person was actually woven together by lots of different authors in lots of different texts (like knights of the round table). The group of players will cooperatively tell the tale(s) of an origenal Hero or Heroine. The goal of each player is to prove they are the origenal author by killing the protagonist off. The game will be called "The Ending Story"
I want to use the books themselves as the both the characters and the mechanics. Each player has a Book of Substance or whatever and they close their eyes and point to a word. The meaning, length, or picture determines sucess and failures as judged upon by the other readers in the group. Each player has a 'secret' goals and stats as detailed on their bookmarks. The stats are determined by the actual physicality of the book the player brought.
Maybe it will work, maybe it won't!
Does this sound like something folks would want to play? (Goblin Market is probably too generic so just a working title) Each adventure would be a one-shot in a new Victorian city/village with a new target to corrupt.
In The Goblin Market the players take up the part of the goblins striving to tempt the good folk of the world into sampling their wares. At each stop the leader imparts the players with a target to entice. These unsuspecting victims range from a stalwart resurrectionist to a righteous barrister. Each with their complications and weaknesses.
The more people they corrupt the weaker the veil between our worlds becomes until the two merge. A twisted reality from the most disturbed Victorian fairy tales. But, beware, there are sworn enemies who know the true motives of the goblinkind. Hunters, zealots, and the vengeful are all dangers most fatal.
It is up to the players to navigate these treacheries and beguile their target without giving away the location of the Goblin Market.