Bro is speed
Default Cube
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ive worked with 2-color color palettes for a while. but im still not that used to it. art took the most time out of everything else for this game. glad that was worth it.
also, the scene transitions was actually at first, a side effect of the shader i used to limit the colors. it looked cool so i kept it.
only other solution is to compile the engine from source code yourself. there is no other way around it. the executable will always be the same size, if you use the export templates. judging by your difficulty with existing file sizes, i think compiling the engine will be far more difficult. so you might be stuck with this. however, you could, reduce upload size a couple of ways. firstly, you could use “ butler”. this program can automate uplaoding games to butler will, in its first use, upload the full executable and the pck file. but for every other use, only the pck file will be uploaded. because that program only uploads files that have changed. secondly, you could try this website
this website allows you to just upload the .pck file only and runs the game.
Thanks for the critical feedback!
Making music is not my strong point so I can see why the music was annoying. I got annoyed by it after some time as well. Also as for the cool-down, there actually isn’t a “cool-down”. So long as the dice has run out of bullets and its touching a surface, you can roll. I guess the issue is that the dice has bounce which makes it lose contact with the surface a bit. I’ll add some jump input buffers or something and that’ll hopefully be fixed.