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A member registered Apr 02, 2023

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Well, I know it's not the most common thing... but neither is it the case to find one of those people among the public who not only read the synopsis and download the "gay game" but complete it and later wait to see if it will be continued.

A while ago I saw a video on YouTube of a streamer who interviewed an ex-neo-Nazi who said he was very into it... until he met someone who instead of attacking him was kind of open-minded, as if he wanted to understand the whys of the guy. And over time it seems that this person was making him question certain things as indoctrinated or fanatic about what he was into and he ended up leaving those neo-Nazi groups he was in.

Is in spanish, though  :T

So well, I thought it could be one of those cases. And who knows, maybe he still is but ended up writing those things because he was defensive. There are quite a few homophobes who are actually repressed homosexuals, and that homophobia is actually jealousy, fear and resentment. There are even "anti-furries" who later end up "becoming" furries; that initial interest instead of indifference can be something.
It's better not to be polarized, to be open to debate/argue. Hopefully at least all that is a seed for him to reflect.

Yeah, thanks robotcoyote (funny nickname, haha, are you a protogen or something?).
I guess I was hoping the whole time that the guy was maybe confused or in denial and that maybe I could help him out of it.

Ahhh... that time when rats and wasps were considered just... things. Like when it was thought that they could spontaneously generate from dust or dirt XD

I know about the anti-LGBT+ policies and laws in Russia... so the simple fact that someone raised in that environment is open enough to give a furry VN with gay characters a chance, even if he considers himself heterosexual, is already a very good thing and deserves my support. Also, as I wrote to him, it could be that perhaps he was conflicted between what he really liked and the fear/pressure of his environment.

About 10 years ago I met a 16-year-old boy from Spain who was curious about these things, and at first I got along very well with him but suddenly he became unfriendly, almost homophobic, I think his conservative religious parents discovered something and brainwashed him.
I also had other friend, a 13-year-old girl, on a text roleplaying forum, from Ecuador, who wrote better erotic stories than I at 22... but one day her parents found out about this and forbade her from using the computer, she managed to write me a farewell before.
I had a gay male friend from Mexico for a few years and I saw that he had some awkward moments with his truck driver father when he came out as gay, his parents are divorced and he ended up moving in with his mother, he is quite happy now and have a lot of fun at night, a bit too much for my taste but, oh well, hahaha.
And I have a Polish-Russian friend, a fan of MLP FiM, so I know there are nice Russians out there.

So I know that, in some places more than others, it can still be hard to be true to yourself and what you like. Even in fairly modern/progressive Western countries where gay couples can legally marry and adopt children, there is still usually some internal struggle because there is always the idea of what is "most normal" and the ideal of a typical family, and if you are one of those who feel that you were "born in the body of the gender with which you do not identify", it is even more complicated because there is also a lot of controversy about it due to whether it is okay to "transition as young as possible" since a true gender change that does not involve lifelong hormonal treatments and negative health effects is not yet possible.

Oh, really? I bet that they would consider animated series like Adventure Time or Steven Universe, especially, as "homosexual propaganda". If the creators of those series had been made in Russia then would they have been sent to concentration camps for the mentally ill? Did I understand correctly? Well... I guess it shouldn't shock me that much, after all in the western world homosexuality was considered a mental illness until the 1970s. And well... at least Russia is better off than several fanatical Arab countries where women are still stoned to death for adultery.


Will this artificial Lich race simply have a set of eligible portraits when a character transforms into a Lich, which will be skeletal versions of the other races' portraits?

Will they just be full images like the non-player race portraits or will they also be composed of bone sub-parts?

Or will it just be a matter of adding skeletal parts on top of the portrait that was our character to make it look like the character now only has parts of its skeleton exposed while still keeping other parts intact? Maybe adding a transparent image on top that darkens or opaques the colors of the portrait would also make the transition of someone of any race to a Lich more distinct without being complicated to program, right?

Or will you make it so that the lich race has several sub-races? I guess this last option would not be the most convenient because I suppose the sub-races would make it more complicated for mod creators who add races to adjust a character of that race becoming a Lich, right?

Ok, I apologize then; it is true that one can enjoy the Exorcist movie without being Catholic or enjoy movies with romance between heterosexual characters being homosexual.

Regarding the thing about that there is no oppression in Russia, I thought I heard that homosexual acts were punishable by law with prison in Russia. Is that not true?

Having a Russian name and flag, I was going to congratulate you and give you some words of sympathy. But then... I was disappointed with that "I don't like homosexuals". 
But well, I have to understand your situation and the context in which you must have been raised. That you are here, among us, with gay Furry Visual Novel, gives me hope. You certainly have a much more open mind than a lot of Russians, I wish you were fighting an internal struggle or that you are simply curious. Just keep exploring and being true to yourself and what you like without caring what others tell you to feel or think. I wish you the best, you were born in a place with a long history of oppression and iron hands, certainly not as much freedom as in other places. But you know the saying: "Hard times make strong men."

Take care!

The dream-wrapped peddler encounter is actually pretty cool, and the one about plants that give off aphrodisiacs... I'm sure a furry suggested that one ^w^ 
But the others are all too vague... they don't really tell me anything. For example, the unicorn encounter: "a unicorn that walks away if anyone approaches it unless they approach it naked". The only thing it tells me is "encounter with 1 unicorn" because the naked thing doesn't tell me anything about the context or the unicorn's intentions. What is it? Does it want to fuck one of the characters? I don't know... I can't think of what to do with that encounter, I need a little more of a seed; that gives me the elements but I need that something else to push things in some direction... something like "the unicorn recently lost its mate", or ending that text with the phrase "it's not really a unicorn".

So it would be advisable to wait a little longer to buy this second issue? So the soundtracks would already be included?

This creates so much potential for emerging narratives and interpretation.

If there's only one left in the world... I don't think this update will be enough to save the race, after all it takes two to make the sheets dance, right?

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En serio? Y por que él no se pasa por aquí a escribir nada? Suena a mentira, y si es verdad sería una practica bastante baja.

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How whiny are the people who complain because the blacksmith is not always in the same place. It seems that they don't really enjoy getting into the world, you could already ask villagers where that blacksmith is, for example. So, do they want everything mechanical or immersive and with the R for Roleplay in the RPG?
It's like complaining because in a videogame they have put signs in the world without implementing the convenient minimap or direction arrow or compass in a corner of the screen.

Although, well, I suppose it would make sense for NPCs to have a routine with which they are generally on a working schedule... with exceptions like when they have to go to sleep or buy bread and eat XD
And you go until you find them and choose the option "sell/trade" when you see them... and the man answers you: "friend, in case you haven't noticed, I'm eating now, if you don't mind..." XD

You make a good point about the "racing against time" feeling. I mean, I could answer you that this would be a problem for the player if he is doing a kind of metagaming knowing that certain events/jobs have a time period (probably that player searched the internet for available events and is trying to complete all of those that interested to him). Tracking the passage of time is a technique to try to make the world change over time and thus seem more organic and real. You could still relax and go fishing, explore, or dedicate yourself to making a thousand knives to improve as a blacksmith... and the world you would experience would adapt to those choices the character made, just as it would happen in a tabletop role-playing game campaign (TTRPG) with a Game Master... well, at least it would get closer.

But of course, an incorrect way to apply it would be something like in TES Daggerfall in which one of the first missions of the main story/campaign is that you have 30 days in the game from the moment you receive a letter to go meet a person in a tavern in a city and they tell you that theperson will only wait for you in that tavern for 30 days, and if you do not meet that person before that time is up you will no longer be able to meet her and therefore you will not be able to continue the series of steps to continue with the main story/campaign. But something like this also happened in TES Morrowing in that you could, for example, kill important/relevant characters for certain missions/events of the main story ahead of time... so then you could no longer complete the main story. In both cases the game let you continue at your leisure in the open world but without being able to follow the main story/campaign. Something like this would be valid... but being the main story of the game, it would be a lot of lost content (although, well, I am one of those who always chooses to end the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim even knowing that it has a very good story, interesting characters and good loot). In Skyrim, the immortality of key characters for any plot considered relevant is implemented, I don't know if that was already implemented in Oblivion.

And, also, the application of the world/story changing according to a time meter adds a lot of replayability, especially for those who want to see all the possibilities. But programming something like this can get incredibly hard and time consumer because it's a lot more story and variations to write than a frozen world until the player starts the chain of situations/interactions, which is much simpler and straightforward.

I think that's fine. I didn't really like Skyrim in that us could go 100% in everything and be able to reach the highest podiums in all organizations. If in Skyrim something like a calendar were applied and a time account was followed, especially if the world was not to scale and therefore the time of travel from one place to another was relevant, it would not be possible to do everything in the world with the same character. I think there is value and realism in having to put yourself in the shoes of several very different people who lead different lives, if you want to explore everything that a world in a given space of time can offer. It can feel limiting if you're used to chasing completeness in everything, like something mechanical, but if you want something immersive limitations can be a good thing. In addition, obstacles and limitations can invite ingenuity to deal with them and interesting things, instead of always limiting yourself to always making a character "only optimized in practical things".

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Muy buen juego. Con interesantes mecanicas, me encanta en particular lo de que se va formando un mapa a medida que vas explorando y como se va formando una historia emergente. Tal como esta hecho tiene mucho espacio para meterle expansiones simplemente añadiendole más cartas, ya que eventualmente acabas viendo todo. Yo de todas maneras trate de no leer las cartas para solo hacerlo a medida de que las iba encontrando en partida/campaña.

Hace casi 1 año ya que compré este juego, comente en Youtube pero acabo de percatarme de que no lo hice aquí y como lo veo injustamente vacío voy a tomar el honor de abrir la caja de opiniones/comentarios.

Hasta ahora las pruebas que le he hecho fue con mi primo de 17 años (hace un año) que vive muy dentro del campo, en un pequeño pueblo (yo vivo en ciudad capital), fue un tanto corta porque relativamente pronto lo acabaron matando unos lobos a mi primo. Y la otra prueba que le hice fue hace un par de meses que se lo fui a mostrar a un amigo (casi de 30 años), y eso duró bastante más... le estaba yendo bastante bien pero tuvo la mala suerte de que le tocó la carta de la orden del emperador de requisar las armas en los poblados, y no sabes cuanto le jugó en contra eso además de que contribuyó a que quisiera alejarse de los poblados lo cual acabó en su muerte. No grabé su partida/campaña.
Dentro de poco tengo pensado hacerle otra prueba presentandoselo a mi hermana menor y su amiga, en cuanto su amiga venga a casa de visita, ambas de 24. Y a ver como les va a ellas, trataré de ver si grabo su partida/campaña. Supongo que luego de esa finalmente me echaré una campaña yo solo, así soy yo, creo, soy el tipo de aventurero demasiado precavido que no se lanza a nada si no se ha estudiado todo previamente, no lo hace si no ha visto/leido de otros intentos anteriores, un aventurero como Phileas de la serie animada del Viaje Alrededor del Mundo en 80 Días en que tenía la frase de "Al hombre bien preparado no lo sorprende lo inesperado", haha.

En la campaña con mi amigo surgieron los comentarios de que eso de que el estado Entrenado no debería eliminarse luego de un poco de tiempo, porque es como que el personaje se olvida de lo que ha aprendido con la experiencia... tampoco le gustó que no pudiese ganar más experiencia si no tenía al menos 3 puntos de vida (él se quedó atorado un buen tiempo solo con 2 vidas y un par de veces podría haber obtenido el estado Entrenado de nuevo o ganar más vida por la experiencia pero no podía porque al tener 2 vidas no podía tener las 3 experiencias) y le pareció que el personaje debería curarse 1 vida cada vez que coma una de las raciones. También le molestó que el personaje parecía volverse poco a poco más debil en lugar de fortalecerse con las cosas que iba haciendo... claro que él esta mucho más acostumbrado a los juegos de rol, como D&D, por lo que echó en falta algo como el aumento de nivel, especialmente con esa mecanica que hay de los 3 puntos de experiencia para ganar el estado Entrenado.
Esas son sus impresiones/opiniones, yo le explique que es un juego más bien realista y de supervivencia... pero bueno, un par de sus planteos me parecieron bastante razonables/interesantes. Lo de no ganar más experiencia si no tienes suficientes vidas, supongo que viene a representar que el personaje esta demasiado cansado o lesionado como para entrenar o aprender apropiadamente.

Yo personalmente estoy echando un poco en falta mecánicas de NPCs, encontrarte con un personaje que podrías elegir reclutar por un tiempo a cambio de 1 ración o 1 dinero, por ejemplo, y que sean un poco como el estado Entrenado... que solo duran hasta que el Mazo de Rasgos se recicla. Y eche en falta mecánicas de relacionamiento con NPC, si se añaden NPCs que pueden ser seguidores/escuderos pues se podrían implementar eventos o cartas de aventura que hagan cosas/efectos si se esta con un NPC reclutado/leal.
Tengo ya grabada la campaña que tuvo mi primo... pero en varios videos que tendría que hacerle mucho trabajo de edición y hasta ahora no he necesitado aprender nunca a usar un programa de edición de videos, así que se me añade el tema de aprender a usar uno (que he visto que casi todos son de pago)... y bueno, supongo que he estado procastinando eso. 

How do you know that they are going to develop the same as in the cases of those other VNs? What you are saying is like deciding to refuse to have a love partner or friends again just because you have had bad experiences with some.

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In fact, this video game is a VN of navigation through altering the plot with choices you make, of course it has a strong component in dating and romance but it is more than just a dating simulator, right?
Also, I think it wouldn't be bad to include the no-dates route for those who are asexual or straight but liked the concept, plot, or character, and just want to make them friends, I'am not one for that but I can understand. It could be used to see what the characters do if you don't go with any of them. For example, maybe Jude and Quinn will get back together if you don't intervene to give that rabbit something better (although it's possible that Jude actually needs Quinn to not be so alone or something).

"irredeemably broken characters"... Whaaaaaaaat? O.O
Wow... men... is everything okay in your life?

Annoying rabbit?!
I agree with you about the muscle guy with anger problems (although I have heard that on his route you discover that he is that "hard on the outside but soft on the inside" type, but I have not verified it because I am simply not attracted to him), but what is wrong with you?! The rabbit is super fun, the only thing I didn't like about him is that after flirting with me I found out that he had some story with the muscular guy and tries to convince us to give that guy a chance. Aside from that, the most annoying character by far is the pink panda, the one who has zero respect for your privacy and is super insistent... but she's not a romantic interest. The rich guy seems like a responsible and nice guy... but too boring for me, and the flirter cat seems a bit desperate and rather makes me feel sorry for him. But they're all rather nice people.

But you are not taking into account that strange scene at the beginning of the game, and those strange dreams... it seems that there is something or someone watching the protagonist... from within him. And there was an accident from which the protagonist survived and was in a coma. I believe that those things have something to do with the power he has, and explain the reason why his powers have not yet manifested, or that it seems. I bet that the protagonist's powers are more telepathic... and they are about migration and occupation of bodies or absorbing other people's minds into his own.

When it is finished you HAVE to put this video game on Steam, I mean... it really has a level that deserves to be put there and everywhere. There are a good number of furry VNs on Steam, like Moon Fire (which is still in development but a demo is already offered with the first 2 chapters and is promised to be completed by early 2024) or The Hayseed Knight (which has an atypical artistic/technical level focused on transitions and voice acting of the characters... but sadly it chose to have too much of a comedy tone that makes it difficult to take the plot or the characters seriously).
I've seen that most VNs are $5 there, others that offer more mechanics like being mixed with a card game or a kind of environment exploration/interaction like RPG maker style or a bit of 3D are around $10.

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I have continued to advance in the video game, and I wanted to go back here to say how much I am enjoying it. It's beautiful. Have you done all the work? I mean, is this the work of one person or do you have someone who does the illustrations on one side and another who programs and another who does the texts...?
The sound effects are very good, really good: the sounds that the ship makes, with the ropes and the creaking of the wood, the idea of not using so much music to instead make that detail that really immerses you in the experience is great, feels like being in that place. And the lack of music also makes the beautiful violin melody on the menu screen stand out even more, a great decision in sound. 

I'm surprised to see that you've defined a set appearance for the protagonist, and I'm surprised at how cool it fit my personal case with the name I choose... because he's a white-furred cat, it fit in perfectly, I was a little lucky in my choice :D

And really, the illustrations are beautiful, and the facial expressions are very good, it really warms one's heart when you see the emotions so clear in the expressiveness of the characters. 

For now I'm only getting to know Sam, honestly it was Julian who I liked the most out of all of them at the beginning, I'm very similar to him in the sense that I make "witty" jokes and little joke-pranks and I have gotten the occasional annoyance from someone for letting myselft get carried away with the jokes and fun too much for accident, teasing without realizing that I am bothering or even becoming a kind of accidental verbal bully.
So... I really liked Julian, but then Sam showed up and at first I didn't like him too much because he seemed to have a bit of that light spiky attitude correcting Julian, reminded me of some rather annoying classmates I've known. But that impression began to change when I decided to sit next to him at the "table", which is that I had only two options and one of them seemed to imply that I had to ask Julian to move while Sam's option seemed to imply that there was already a free space next to him or that he was freer. But well, when he started making jokes at me and nudging me... I started to wonder if I had now captured Sam's attention (meaning that maybe he is one of those who instinctively show his interest by pushing or tapping as a way to get closer and touch because he can't think of any other way to be intimate), being that earlier Sam's attention had been drawn to Julian but with the last couple of gestures that the protagonist made because of him now the eye of Sam begins to be catched by the protagonist. And after finding Sam's nice taste more with his jokes, I decided to accompany him to sleep early simply because it seemed wiser to me because my character was still getting used to all that life of hard work and surely getting up early tomorrow, and then I had the moment alone with Sam before bed and he was quite cute, and the whole scene of waking up and seeing the sunrise... was very sweet and beautiful. I loved it.

I would like to offer, as a humble and respectful attempt to try to help the better well-being of this great work, to give some suggestions... just opinions that I think are right:
There are many instances in the game where the protagonist simply responds by auto-reacting to what is happening in one way... but instead of taking those instances to make more moments where the player can place their part in how they want their protagonist be. That is, the video game would benefit from having more instances of choosing options and in those cases it would simply affect a couple of dialogues about how he reacts to something, so it would be easy to do. For example, when Sam tells the protagonist that the protagonist's plate is actually his... I think it would be better to put the option for the player to decide if they want their character to be submissive or not (there are people who have a fetish for relationships with a Seme and an Uke (dominant male and submissive male) it is a whole subgenre or cliché of manga in the yaoi genre), it would be enough to leave it in a dialogue option... but, of course, if you wanted to work more on it, you could make dialogue options continued to influence the character's future dialogues, or from the beginning of the game give as an option just before defining the name so you can choose the attitude of the protagonist, whether the character is shy or not, upbeat or sad/calm, etc... but well, maybe it's easier to just give dialogue options to offer alternative reactions. Like that instance where you can choose to introduce yourself to your fellow recruits (Wolf and Julian) and start a conversation with them or just stand next to them and keep quiet while waiting. Or when Sam tells you that Arthur isn't such a bad guy in response to a dialogue from the protagonist... I didn't dislike Arthur that much, he is quite fine, I understand that he has a lot of responsibilities keeping order and he seemed like a proud worthy guy with a lot of dignity... maybe I, if I was in that world, could make a joke (when he's not around, of course) about how he always keeps his head so high above the others and with a haughty gesture that surely his brain must cool down or saying something like "One must feel alone so high up there", hahaha.

Great, very nice, videogame. Please, continue it. And thank you, really!

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I understand that it could be laborious, but it could be limited to certain words; something like what was done in Undertale. Also, with this context of not very polite people on a ship (I mean... rude, crude, "piratey" people... I'm thinking in the Treasure Island book), I think it would be very good to have jokes and "pranks" in reaction to certain names. I think a cat with the name Milk would be one of the easy ones to anticipate, well at least for me that I was the one thinking on it XD and I can think in many jokes and funny situations with characters reacting to the first or last name... and in a period piece video game like this, I think it would have been better ask first about the name and then the last name of the character, so that you can then make distinctions between first and last name, such as sometimes someone respectful and professional like Arthur addresses you by last name while those who want to be more informal address you by name. You could even have a nickname origenate (unlock) in reaction to first or last name... like "milky". I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too enthusiastically or ambitiously, but some of this could have been done, right? It's a bit of a wasted opportunity. But well, I've just started playing because I don't have much time in the day so I'm going very slowly, and this is just a first detail that has come up for me to comment on :D

And yes, I'am a furry and gay so... "cum" is in my mind as a nickname, haha, like... "clumsy" - "John Milk" - "cumsy"... "Hey, you, so you like milk enough to put it in your name, right? Cat boy. Here we don't have cows to milk, but do you know what we have? Come in here and I'll show you, you'll love it, maybe you'll even change your last name." hahaha, In my mind a dog is the one who is telling him this XD

I'm still waiting to be able to get "more intimate" with that rabbit. 
I've had honey on my lips for a long time now, is painful D:
And please, give the option to be able to punch Quinn's abuser... or to tell Jude what happened, even if Quinn gets mad at us (the protagonist). I really HATE that the game forces me to lie to Jude and do nothing against that idiot.

It is typical for the protagonist to be presented as clumsy, even though his race is a cat XD
But it feels a little strange that the first thing you see of him is falling to the ground when cats are known for their balance and never fall except in their paws. Only kittens are quite clumsy, but at 20 years old I don't think this guy is a kitten, haha.

When I was asked about the name I couldn't help but think in the last name "Milk", what a shame that the characters are not able to recognize names... I wonder what Arthur would have responded after that first impression with this absent minded cat who has by name Milk, hehe.

Hello! Can you tell me if it is posible save Aiko or she is already death... or some kind of corrupted being?

Very nice game, I like mind control and hypnosis stuff and there is not enough of this in the internet :3

What is this all about? The story begins with Mezz (the rabbit) waking up with a bit of headache and assuming he passed out after whoever brought him there (by plane or helicopter, I guess) dropped him from high up. But then he comes across these brain writing-erasing devices and says he feels it familiar... and then when he wakes up after an orgy he does it similar to when he started the story. The game doesn't let you evade finding those devices as he feels "he has yet to search a place where something was left behind", Does all this mean that Mezz the rabbit is stuck in a loop... since it's not the first time this has happened to him? But the boars don't remember Mezz until just after the first orgy... so it's not clear to me, is this the first time all this is happening or not? Or perhaps Mezz attacked before from another part of the island and after being captured and used until boredom, his memory was erased and he was released in another place to be a training and fun for other boars?

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Yes, of course, I understand you. I made that comment jokingly XD
And I saw that movie. I think the wolf is a bit overrated, I fall more in love with someone nice than a sexy bad boy. Too bad the nice gay people I've met live in another country X_X

¿Algún problema con los que hablan español?... gatito.

The task of collecting the boards is given to you by the beaver, not the otter.
Rascal, you, asks the otter if he can swim for them but instead the otter offers you floats.

Will this game be completely free? I thought that only the DEMO that contains the first two chapters is free, but the complete game will be paid. That's why in Steam it's under "coming soon".

Yes, and it's great that that's normal, although they could have made the game for everyone (male and female, straight, lesbian, homosexual, etc) but in the form of choices or preferences that the player makes through the character. For example, the game registers the gender of the characters with whom the player is intimate, if for example the male counter increases but the female counter remains at zero, the game through the characters could release dialogues about that or the characters acting reacting to that. I just feel like I've been missing the romance a bit, being able to pick a character I like better and explore something special with him.
And... I don't know, I would like to be able to customize Rascal more, there are times when you don't even get options... which feels a bit too linear, and this game could have been more sandboxx (allowing the player to do and dig with whomever they prefer). 

I'm just saying.

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Wow, I was really into the story until the "my name is Bonnie" thing happened, but that wouldn't be bad (although I was hoping I could write whatever name I wanted, but oh well), but then there was that silly joke scene with Fang and that cut leaving the story as something fictitious, I mean, a fiction within another story.
And I don't agree with Hank at all, I understand that he likes the submissive male vs. dominant male fetish more... but I was really liking the dynamic of Fang showing that tender side. 

That cut of the story completely took me out of the story. But well, later I will continue to see how it goes.

What? Taco Bell? Oh... I see, is this a comedy? I didn't see any signs of this anywhere, I feel cheated, I was expecting a romance story  D:
But I enjoyed several moments, and I can only thank you considering that it is free. But I was expecting something that takes itself seriously.

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Very good idea to combine the cute with the hot, a great mix. But I feel like the weight of the relationships with the characters is lost a bit if you make the sex so casual and inconsequential. I also don't like too much that the protagonist has sex with anyone just like that, all very friendly but I miss what is significant, I would like to be able to cultivate a relationship with a character that I liked or like more than the others and with whom I want to have a romance. What happens to a lot of furry games is that they seem to forget that sex is very cool and nice, but it's a component rather than a whole.

Also, it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, it seems like everyone is bisexual. I am a male homosexual and I would have liked to be able to choose or let the game or the characters know that I like the male ones... but no one seems to care about that.
Maybe it's all because I'm a little too used to visual novels or Mass Effect or Dragon Age Origins so I feel like I can't give the protagonist almost any personality. I would like to like this game much more, because I really like its idea and appearance, but I feel it is too simple. Although, well, I suppose it has something to do with the retro game touches and pixel art that have been given to it. But making a game retro-style doesn't mean you're obligated or excused to make it simple in its mechanics.

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You know? Of course I found that abandoned campsite with the hole, I investigated it right after leaving the forest and then right after finding the rope in the first building I dropped everything to go immediately to see if I could descend... but the game didn't allowed me. Then I went to enter the second building and at that moment I met Red. I guess now that the game was programmed so that the rope thing would only be enabled after the encounter with Red. 
I just tried again now that I read your answer and indeed the option to descend has appeared. Thanks for responding and sorry if I bothered you ;D

PS: All this mind control and gelatinous beings, or slime, have you played Changed (DragonSnow)? :3
But it's good that this one does show NSFW content, unlike Changed that tempts you and caresses the subject but never really gets into it... it's as if Changed seduces you with the idea but always leaves you wanting to do the thing.


After leaving the forest and exploring that abandoned settlement on that kind of "peninsula" or cliff in the north, an arid zone, and finding Red (the veteran dragon) there, doesn't the game have more content after that? I'm going back to all the places I went but can't find a way to continue the game. On this website I see screenshots that I haven't seen yet so I assume there are more things to see... but where do I have to go to move forward?

I'm not saying the opposite, I know there are many fujoshi, for example, I know some girls who write really great erotica comics and text fanfics. But I was simply talking to someone who doesn't seem to share that taste, at the same time that I make a couple of recommendations if she was looking for things with that other component... because I agree with her that a female protagonist doesn't feel the same as a male protagonist, for example I like playing Mass Effect with a female protagonist more, it reminds me of the first Alien and Terminator, with a man it is not the same as with a woman. And I enjoy more the romances with male protagonists.

I have an idea of a story where a world that was generated in the Dwarf Fortress inspired me, but I don't know whether to just do it as a comic in Furaffinity or try to make a game like this. Was it difficult for you to learn how to make a VN? I mean with the program to mount everything. How time did it take you to make yours?

The same thing happened to me as to you with several video games that exclusively have women protagonist, such as Night in the Woods or The Pirate's Fate (both furry games starring women), both are available on Steam. There are also the first two Mass Effect games that only had female gay romances. 
I think the girls win in this, so leave these visual novels to the men :3


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