Sorta reminds me of Nomad Idle. Looks cool, man. Is there a way to turn off the filter?
The Fox Knocks
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Hey, thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I'll go by this point by point!
First, the bug with ascension I actually just fixed 10 minutes ago. If you update, you'll be good. Sorry about that.
For STR, interestingly enough, some people have made builds that use no STR at all and they completely decimate enemies. It's great to hear varying opinions on this matter. That means it's decently balanced, in my opinion.
For pickups, I know what you mean. Their hitbox for clicking is REALLY big to compensate for this. It extends well beyond their actual sprite, about 4x as far out, actually. You can also set the camera to follow your summon in Summons -> Settings -> Camera Follow Summon, which could possibly be used to look more around the map.
In the Desktop version, you can navigate to your save files and delete them. You can find the save path in the Settings -> Saving section in-game.
For the Web version, I don't think there's a way. It's something I plan to look into for sure, but I'm fairly new to Web versions in general so I'm not totally sure how that'd work.
I actually couldn't recreate this issue. I know a few people are having it so I'm trying to track down the cause. Do you mind telling me which Browser you're using?
EDIT: Okay, I think this is an issue with Chrome specifically. I pushed 0.4e that has a new export button that probably fixes the problem.
That's an interesting idea, could be some good QoL. I don't know when I'd be able to get around to it, but I'll note it down. In the meantime, theres a way to lock your Stage in the Settings so that you can farm specific enemies. Your idea would be a lot more hands-off overall and more suitable to an idle game, I agree.
Okay, yeah. It's as I suspected. Going down the rabbit hole a bit here, it's fixed in beta3. The web version is using beta1. There was a bug that was preventing me from upgrading to beta3, but they've since pushed out a few release candidates so I may try those.
Thank you for looking into it! That helps a ton knowing it's not me doing something dumb on my end. I'll make a note to prioritize looking into this.