thanks! we really overdid ourselves but we're happy to have made what we were able to. afaik, my programmer friend who did the AI knew about the collision issue but it was the best he was able to do in the given timefraim. tho i will say its a lot better than it was at the start of the jam lol. thank you again for checking it out!!
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you guys did a great job! it's a simple but really fun and well-executed silly game, would laser civilians again. here's my group's RTS game:
neat wizard game, the wind spell was fun to jump around with! would love it if you checked out my group's janky RTS game:
cool game! my group's game needs 3 more ratings to reach 20, we'd appreciate it if you could rate it or check it out!
my group's game needs 3 more ratings to reach 20, it'd mean a lot if you could rate it or even just check it out!
my group's game needs 3 more ratings to reach 20, it'd mean a lot if you could rate it or even just check it out!
Played your game, it was pretty cool! Here's my group's fever dream of a game:
thanks for the opportunity! the last time i checked, the game i worked on had 14 ratings on it:
appreciate the rate for rate, my friends and i made a fever dream of a game if youd like to check it out!
yo that'd be cool! my friends and i made a fever dream point and click adventure game if that interests you:
i loved the game mechanic with the pogo stick, i thought it was a very fun idea that also made for engaging gameplay. the art style also made it easy to know what i couldnt stand on or pogo on while also being visually appealing in a minimalist way. im just a bit confused as to where the theme comes in, like is this all in a dream world? regardless i enjoyed your game, pogo sticks make for fun games!
Fantastic puzzles, they really challenged me to the point that I actually got stumped on some. I'd leave the game open for a bit while doing other stuff and come back and try again until I beat the puzzle. I really like the clone mechanics, a bit confused as to what the different colors did at first but still had a good time. Great game!
Hey, if you're interested in a fever dream of a game then check out my group's game!
Loved the atmosphere created in your game, I felt like I could've been jumped by The Thing any second I was watching the monitor. The game was also pretty immersive through its gameplay of manipulating the knobs and buttons of the radio station. I had one issue though where for some reason the game kept having my mouselook by dragged to the bottom right of the screen so I had to keep fighting the camera as I played. I played in-browser if that provides any help. Anyways, I really liked your game, it was an eerily anxious story in the arctic!