Papers by DrManoj K Pandey

International Journal of Psychology and Counseling
A cure for schizophrenia has not as such been materialized. (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2... more A cure for schizophrenia has not as such been materialized. (Butcher, Mineka, & Hooley, 2014). Growing body of research indicates that trials of art based therapies are proving feasible and efforts should be made to embed these in the patients’ clinical routine (Montag et al, 2014). Embodying art therapies, like dance therapy have been observed to be highly effective in treatment of schizophrenia (Martin et al, 2016) to reduce negative affect with anger control and improve negative symptoms as well as cognitive functioning (Lee et al, 2015). With the aim of examining the effectiveness of dance therapy in treatment of patients with schizophrenia as an adjunct to pharmacological treatment, a pre-test & post-test with control group design was chosen. N=10 (2 drop outs), n1=5-1 (Mean Age & duration of illness=25 years & 31.75 months, 50% male), n2=5-1 (Mean Age & duration of illness=22.5 years & 1.68 months, 25% Male). Patients were selected from IPD General Wards of Post Graduate Institute of Behavioral and Medical Sciences, Raipur. All the patients underwent treatment as usual. Informed consent was obtained from the caregivers of the patients selected for the study. Socio-demographic and clinical details were assessed. Random allocation was done for groups. Pre-intervention assessments were completed using MMSE (Hindi) and PANSS. The intervention group underwent 10 uniformly structured sessions of dance/movement therapy. On the last day, after closing the therapy session, post intervention assessments were completed for both the groups. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between and within the intervention and control groups. Keywords: Schizophrenia, Positive And Negative Symptoms, Cognitive Functioning, Dance/Movement Therapy, D/MT
Paripex - Indian Journal Of Research, 2012
Learning disabilities (LDs) are heterogeneous group of disorders and children shows difficulty in... more Learning disabilities (LDs) are heterogeneous group of disorders and children shows difficulty in reading, writing, and arithmetic. The prevalence of LDs is 9-39% in Indian population. Assessments of LDs based on its components are key factor in designing appropriate individualized intervention. Various models of assessments consist of discrepancy criteria, Intra-individual difference, and Response to Intervention. Interventions of LDs are classified into counseling & psychoeducation, remedial methods (multisensory instruction, learning modality approach, direct instruction, strategies instruction, and cooperative learning) cognitive remediation (PREP & COGENT) and psychotherapy.

Science Insights, 2016
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) isn’t commonly observed during adolescence as compared to the... more Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) isn’t commonly observed during adolescence as compared to the adulthood. Especially mostly in countries like India and other developing societies, where awareness, orientation to mental health and its psychological treatment are undergoing 'infancy or adolescence' for several reasons, the neurotic disorders of children and adolescents (e.g., anxiety disorders) are rarely reported to mental health clinicians. Rather, psychotic disorders are even registered quite delayed in hospitals and private clinics. In such scenario, referral and clinical consultation for treatment of the obsessive-compulsive disorder in adolescence is indeed uncommon. The present study is a case report of a 17-year old adolescent male with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The case was registered in a general medical clinic and referred to the author for further psychological assessment and intervention. He was comprehensively examined through clinical interview, Y-BOCS and treated by cognitive-behavior technique of intervention without the inclusion of psychiatric treatment. Details of the psychological assessment and intervention have been presented in this case report.■
Indian journal of applied research, 2018
The objectives of the present study were to find out the main and interaction effect of gender an... more The objectives of the present study were to find out the main and interaction effect of gender and internet use on interpersonal communication among management students. A sample of 120 students (60 male and 60 female) with average (30 for each gender) and high internet user (30 for each gender) was employed in this study based on 2×2 factorial design. Tools used in the study were socio-demographic data sheet, online cognition scale and communicative competence scale. Results of the current study indicated that gender and internet use had significant main and interaction effect on interpersonal communication among the management undergraduates.

Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2012
Attention deficits along with other cognitive deficits in patients with alcohol dependence are we... more Attention deficits along with other cognitive deficits in patients with alcohol dependence are well documented in literature. The present case report assessed efficacy of attention rehabilitation in a patient diagnosed as having alcohol dependence. Mr. X. a thirty years old male, married, having one child, studied upto 12th standard, unemployed, belonging to middle socio-economic status, and hailed from rural area of Patna district, Bihar, India. He was brought to Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi, Jharkhand with the chief complaints of consumption of alcohol, showing abusive and assaultive behaviour during effect of alcohol, vomiting, restlessness, tremors and decreased appetite whenever tried to discontinue alcohol. On assessment scores of PGIBBD suggest deficits in cognitive functions. Attention was selected for intervention because it was found grossly impaired. The duration of problem was thirteen years. Attention rehabilitation module [Sohlberg and Mateer (1989)] was used to mediate attention. Attention rehabilitation showed improvement in attention and concentration. Patient was less distracted by internal and external distracters. Sustained, divided and simultaneous attention improved.

The internet surfing and use of social media is now days becoming a problematic behaviour in all ... more The internet surfing and use of social media is now days becoming a problematic behaviour in all age group people. Especially youngsters are passing good amount of time on social media/chatting, surfing and hardly getting any fruitful outcomes. Such behaviour in adolescent and adults is gradually leading to addictive pattern of behaviour causing behavioural alteration, irritability, anxiety, depression and many more behavioural issues. Hence, it is becoming a new challenge for the professionals, and community as well. The present study was aimed to see the impact of problematic internet use on academic achievement in undergraduate students. This study was conducted in a sample of 480 participants attaining their education in four streams of education, i.e., medical, engineering, management and non-professional in different institutions/colleges/university of Raipur, C. G., India. Online Cognition Scale was used to measure problematic internet use and academic achievement was measured by Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of either last semester or year of examination as well as by Adult Education Achievement Test. Study was conducted using 2x2 factorial design, i.e., 2 levels of internet use (normal and problematic use) and 2 gender (male and female) to assess their main and combined impact on academic achievement. Along with descriptive statistics, Two Ways ANOVA and t-test were used to analyze the data. Results revealed that internet use and gender had significant impact on both forms of academic achievements. Problematic internet users had scored significantly lower as compared to normal internet users.

rehabilitation in a patient diagnosed as having alcohol dependence. Mr. X. a thirty years old mal... more rehabilitation in a patient diagnosed as having alcohol dependence. Mr. X. a thirty years old male, married, having one child, studied upto 12 th standard, unemployed, belonging to middle socioeconomic status, and hailed from rural area of Patna district, Bihar, India. He was brought to Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi, Jharkhand with the chief complaints of consumption of alcohol, showing abusive and assaultive behaviour during effect of alcohol, vomiting, restlessness, tremors and decreased appetite whenever tried to discontinue alcohol. On assessment scores of PGI BBD suggest grossly impaired. The duration of problem was thirteen years. Attention rehabilitation module [Sohlberg and Mateer (1989)] was used to mediate attention. Attention rehabilitation showed improvement in attention and concentration. Patient was less distracted by internal and external distracters. Sustained, divided and simultaneous attention improved.

The present case study was an attempt to apply PIPATIC [(ProgramaIndividualizadoPsicoterapéutico ... more The present case study was an attempt to apply PIPATIC [(ProgramaIndividualizadoPsicoterapéutico para la Adicción a las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación) having English translation as Individualized Psychotherapeutic Program for Addiction to the Technologies of the Information and Communication] as a therapeutic module to deal with Pathological Internet Use (PIU), which was basically developed for individuals suffering from Internet Gaming Disorder. The former is a more generalized problem. In addition, other objective of this study was to see the utility of SIS-II in detecting personality problems (pretreatment) and to identify the post-therapeutic changes in PIU patient. This case study was a unique attempt in its sense that to the best of the knowledge of authors, SIS-II was rarely used in the case of PIU or internet addiction, especially to check out its utility to find out therapeutic change. Results of the study revealed that PIPATIC was quite effective in reducing the PIU, which is more generalized problem than internet gaming disorder and this therapeutic module brought positive changes in intra-interpersonal aspects of the patient. The study further revealed that use of SIS-II is quite helpful either in assessing personality of people with PIU and/or applying it to detect the therapeutic change. Moreover, it was also noticed in this study that SIS-II guides the therapists about unnoticed/remaining areas of difficulty in patients even after the completion of therapy.
Internet has become a prominent part of our life to fulfill various purposes for us. Since last t... more Internet has become a prominent part of our life to fulfill various purposes for us. Since last two decades there is a fear among researchers that human beings are heavily dependent on internet, which inspired the genesis of a new diagnosis i.e., internet addiction. At this point of time it seems crucial to delineate whether it is the addiction of internet or addiction to some other underlying conditions that provoke heavy use of internet. There has been an unsuccessful debate for the inclusion of this diagnosis in recent diagnostic manual i. e., DSM-V. Among the researchers there are two opposite positions, one favoring and other opposing it. This paper is aimed at to find out whether internet addiction a primary condition or secondary to some underlying conditions and whether the term internet addiction is as acceptable as the substance addiction.

Problematic internet use (PIU) has diverse adverse impact on different spheres of life of undergr... more Problematic internet use (PIU) has diverse adverse impact on different spheres of life of undergraduate students, who are in process of identity exploration through finding direction in world views, work and love. Internet use is a widely studied phenomenon worldwide. In Indian set-up, there are fewer attempts to study the impact of patterns of internet use on PIU, and variations in preferred contents and purposes of internet use among problematic and normal internet users. Aim: The current study was aimed to explore whether the patterns of use of internet, preferred contents in internet and purposes of internet use lay their impact on problematic internet use. Methods: This study was conducted in a sample of 480 undergraduate students (equal male and female participants) aged between 18 to 25 years. They were selected in equal numbers (f=120) from medical, engineering, management and non-professional streams of education with convenient sampling. Semi-structured data sheet was used to obtain information about demographics, patterns of use, preferred contents and purposes of use of internet. Online cognition scale was used to assess PIU. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA and ttest. Results and conclusion: In current study, it was found that more than two years of use and higher than two hours daily use of internet has significant impact on the severity of PIU. Further, it was observed that individuals with PIU are more inclined to contents and purposes related to entertainment, gaming, social networking, pornography, and romance than normal internet users.

The present investigation is a case report which was aimed at studying the use of cognitive behav... more The present investigation is a case report which was aimed at studying the use of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) in reducing the stammering and social anxiety associated with it. An adult female patient along with her parents visited Clinical Psychology OPD in a private hospital in Lucknow, for psychotherapeutic treatment of stammering. Detail clinical history was taken and pre assessment for stammering and social anxiety was carried out. Therapeutic intervention was conducted using CBT with a structured program. After the completion of 13 weeks intervention sessions post assessment data and at 3 months,follow up data was also obtained. Assessment at pre, post intervention and follow up was carried out using Perceptions of Stuttering Inventory and Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults-30 (Caballo et al., 2010). This case intervention revealed that CBT is helpful in reducing stammering and social anxiety when both conditions are treated simultaneously. To conclude, it is suggestive that finding from this case report need to be investigated in random control trial to treat the adult stammering.
Papers by DrManoj K Pandey