Yipeng Liu
Research Interests
Compressive sampling / compressed sensing
Biomedical signal processsing
Array signal processing
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio
Research Fellow in ESAT-SCD, KU Leuven , 11/2011 ~ present
Ph. D. in Information and Communication Engineering, 09/2008 ~ 06/2011
School of Electronic Engineering, UESTC
Master in Information and Communication Engineering, 09/2006 ~ 08/2008
School of Electronic Engineering, UESTC
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering (electroencephalogram signal analysis), 09/2002~06/2006
School of Life Science and Technology, UESTC
Technical Staff in Wireless Network Research Department, Huawei Technology, 10/2010~ 05/2011
Visiting Ph. D. Candidate in Electronic Engineering Department, School of Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University 10/2010~ 05/2011
Intern in China Electronic Technology Corporation (CETC), South West Electronic Technology Research Institute (CETC-10) 07/2007 ~ 10/2008
Research Experience
Research Assistant of Prof.Jia Xu and Prof. Yingning Peng at TsinghuaUniversity, 10/2010 ~05/2011
Project: conformal wideband beamforming.
Research Assistant of Prof.Qun Wan at UESTC, 09/2006 ~ present
Project: parametric compressive sensing: theory and application .
Research Assistant at CETC-10, 07/2007 ~ 08/2008
Project: robust wideband beamformer
Research Assistant of Associate ProfessorHongmei Yan at UESTC, 02/2006 ~ 06/2006
Project: flash visual evoked potential signal processing.
Supervisors: Prof. Sabine Van Huffel
Compressive sampling / compressed sensing
Biomedical signal processsing
Array signal processing
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio
Research Fellow in ESAT-SCD, KU Leuven , 11/2011 ~ present
Ph. D. in Information and Communication Engineering, 09/2008 ~ 06/2011
School of Electronic Engineering, UESTC
Master in Information and Communication Engineering, 09/2006 ~ 08/2008
School of Electronic Engineering, UESTC
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering (electroencephalogram signal analysis), 09/2002~06/2006
School of Life Science and Technology, UESTC
Technical Staff in Wireless Network Research Department, Huawei Technology, 10/2010~ 05/2011
Visiting Ph. D. Candidate in Electronic Engineering Department, School of Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University 10/2010~ 05/2011
Intern in China Electronic Technology Corporation (CETC), South West Electronic Technology Research Institute (CETC-10) 07/2007 ~ 10/2008
Research Experience
Research Assistant of Prof.Jia Xu and Prof. Yingning Peng at TsinghuaUniversity, 10/2010 ~05/2011
Project: conformal wideband beamforming.
Research Assistant of Prof.Qun Wan at UESTC, 09/2006 ~ present
Project: parametric compressive sensing: theory and application .
Research Assistant at CETC-10, 07/2007 ~ 08/2008
Project: robust wideband beamformer
Research Assistant of Associate ProfessorHongmei Yan at UESTC, 02/2006 ~ 06/2006
Project: flash visual evoked potential signal processing.
Supervisors: Prof. Sabine Van Huffel
Related Authors
Emmanuel Candes
Stanford University
Quoc Tran Dinh
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Alyson Fletcher
University of California, Santa Cruz
Vivek Goyal
Boston University
Papers by Yipeng Liu
Talks by Yipeng Liu
Introduction of Compressive Sensing
Multi-level Sparse Signal Recovery
Lossy Sparse Signal Recovery: Measurement Matrix
Lossy Sparse Signal Recovery: Phase-only Sample
Other topics
Introduction of Compressive Sensing
Multi-level Sparse Signal Recovery
Lossy Sparse Signal Recovery: Measurement Matrix
Lossy Sparse Signal Recovery: Phase-only Sample
Other topics
array based a minimum variance multi-frequency distortionless
restriction (MVMFDR) to aviod the frequency band signal distortion in digital beamformer and too short time delay line (TDL) requirement in analoge wideband TDL array.
1.1 军事需求分析
1.2. 国内外研究现状
2. 研究内容
2.1. 共形有源相控阵结构
2.2. 共形有源相控阵的稀疏布阵
2.3. 共形有源相控阵雷达的波束形成
2.4. 共形阵列主/被动高精度测角技术
3. 拟采取的研究方法
3.1. 基于共形阵的宽带接收阵列模型
3.2. 共形阵列波束形成的旁瓣抑制
3.3. 稳健的共形阵列波束形成研究
3.4. 基于压缩感知的子带自适应波束形成
Introduction of Compressive Sensing
Multi-level Sparse Signal Recovery
Lossy Sparse Signal Recovery: Measurement Matrix
Lossy Sparse Signal Recovery: Phase-only Sample
Other topics
Introduction of Compressive Sensing
Multi-level Sparse Signal Recovery
Lossy Sparse Signal Recovery: Measurement Matrix
Lossy Sparse Signal Recovery: Phase-only Sample
Other topics
array based a minimum variance multi-frequency distortionless
restriction (MVMFDR) to aviod the frequency band signal distortion in digital beamformer and too short time delay line (TDL) requirement in analoge wideband TDL array.
1.1 军事需求分析
1.2. 国内外研究现状
2. 研究内容
2.1. 共形有源相控阵结构
2.2. 共形有源相控阵的稀疏布阵
2.3. 共形有源相控阵雷达的波束形成
2.4. 共形阵列主/被动高精度测角技术
3. 拟采取的研究方法
3.1. 基于共形阵的宽带接收阵列模型
3.2. 共形阵列波束形成的旁瓣抑制
3.3. 稳健的共形阵列波束形成研究
3.4. 基于压缩感知的子带自适应波束形成