Ferdinandus I (rex Neapolis)
Obitus: 28 Ianuarii 1494; Regnum Neapolitanum
Patria: Regnum Neapolitanum
Coniunx: Isabella, Princess of Taranto, Joanna of Aragon, Queen of Naples
Proles: Joanna of Naples, Alphonsus II, Eleanor of Naples, Duchess of Ferrara, Beatrix Aragonensis, Francis of Naples, Duke of Sant Angelo, Iohannes de Aragonia, Alfonso d'Aragona, Giovanna d'Aragona, Enrico d'Aragona, Federicus IV Aragonensis, Maria d'Aragona, Ferdinando d' Aragona y Guardato, 1st Duke of Montalto, Lucrezia d'Aragona, Beatrix Estensis, Lucrezia d'Aragona
Familia: House of Trastámara
Insignia heraldica
Ferdinandus I, vulgo saepe Ferrante nuncupatus (Valentiae in Hispania natus die 2 Iunii 1423; Genuae mortuus die 25 Ianuarii 1494) Alphonsi V regi Aragoniae filius haud legitimus, fuit ab anno 1458 usque ad mortem Neapolis rex.
Valentiae educatus est sub tutela episcopi Alphonsi Borgia papae futuri. Apud Ferdinandum regem magister Robertus, auctor Libre del coch, coquus meruit. Ferdinandus, qui carnes avidius comedebat, obesus et atherosclerosi affectus, adenocarcinomate coli mortuus est.[1]
Fontes principales
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Nicolaus Maclavellus, Istorie fiorentine lib. 6-8 (f. 169 sqq. editionis primae)
[recensere | fontem recensere]Bibliographia
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Editiones fontium
- Hermann Hefele, Alfonso I. – Ferrante I. von Neapel. Schriften von Antonio Beccadelli, Tristano Caracciolo, Camillo Porzio. Ienae: Diederichs, 1912
- De pathologia et morte
- Monica Azzolini, "Annius of Viterbo Astrologer: Predicting the Death of Ferrante of Aragon, King of Naples" un Bruniana et Campanelliana vol. 14 (2008)
- Gino Fornaciari et al., "Adenocarcinoma in the mummy of Ferrante I of Aragon, King of Naples (1431-1494)" in Paleopathology Newsletter no. 83 (1993) pp. 5-8 alibi
- Gino Fornaciari et al., "K‐ras mutation in the tumour of King Ferrante I of Aragon (1431–1494) and environmental mutagens at the Aragonese court of Naples" in International Journal of Osteoarchaeology vol. 9 (1999) pp. 302-306
- Antonio Marchetti et al., "K-RAS mutation in the tumour of Ferrante I of Aragon, King of Naples" in The Lancet (1993)
- Raffaele Gaeta, Valentina Giuffra, Gino Fornaciari, "Atherosclerosis in the Renaissance elite: Ferdinand I King of Naples (1431-1494)" in Virchows Archiv (2013)
- Laura Ottini et al., "Gene-environment interactions in the pre-Industrial Era: the cancer of King Ferrante I of Aragon (1431-1494)" in Human pathology (2011)
Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- De Ferdinando I in genealogie-mittelalter.de (Germanice)
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