Surface current velocity from high-frequency radar data are used to study tidal currents in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, which represent an average 32% of the total kinetic energy of the surface circulation. Average annual and seasonal tidal current characteristics and the associated variance of the semi-major axis are computed. The M2 constituent dominates the tide, representing a maximum of 72.26% and an average of 51.63% of the total studied tidal signal. Its semi-major axis reaches a maximum of 10 cm s−1 around mid-shelf and its phase sweeps from north to south. Local maxima of the same order of magnitude are found near the mouths of estuaries (Long Island Sound, Hudson River, Delaware Bay, Chesapeake Bay) and an absolute maximum of 50 cm s−1 is found in Nantucket Shoals. These regions of localized elevated tidal amplitude are associated with high interannual and intra-annual variability due to seasonal stratification, internal waves, and sand waves. Seasonal tidal changes are large in some of these regions; thus, should not be neglected in making tidal predictions. Lastly, the authors position this paper as an updated alternative to the Moody tidal atlas as the source for tidal current values in the Mid-Atlantic Bight.
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We would like that to thank Robert Chant (Rutgers University) for help in obtaining the HFR data and Robert Wilson (Stony Brook University) for his comments on tide propagation across the shelf. Discussions with Hugh Roarty (Rutgers University) about time stamp issues with the HFR data and data precision were invaluable. Further discussion with Maeve Daugharty (CODAR Ocean Sensors, Ltd.) about data error, precision, and GDOP were also very helpful. Lastly, we want to thank Steven Lentz (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) for providing us with the additional observational data and very thoughtful comments on the manuscript.
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Brunner, K., Lwiza, K.M.M. Tidal velocities on the Mid-Atlantic Bight continental shelf using high-frequency radar. J Oceanogr 76, 289–306 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10872-020-00545-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10872-020-00545-7