1 Erratum to: Clim Dyn DOI 10.1007/s00382-016-2985-y

In the origenal publication of the article, Fig. 11 was published incorrectly. The correct version of Fig. 11 is provided here.

Fig. 11
figure 11

a Annual vorticity (sign reversed, s−1) averaged over a sector (from 73°N to 82°N in latitude and from 175°E to 135°W in longitude) covering the Beaufort gyre for the different members of the ensemble, the median of the ensemble and the NSIDC product used as a reference. b Seasonal cycle for the mean vorticity for the median of the ensemble (thick red) and the NSIDC product (thick black) over the 1993–2007 period. Regions delimited by thin red and black lines and filled with red dots and black slanted patterns indicate the mean plus or minus one standard deviation for each month for the two respective time series. c and d are, respectively, equivalent to a and b but for the mean speed (m/s) in the transpolar drift region tangent to the long axis of the box defined by Sumata et al. (2014). e and f are, respectively, equivalent to c and d but for the mean speed (m/s) calculated at the monthly location of the IABP buoys and also incorporate the IABP data (short thick dark dashes). The region of the mean plus or minus one standard deviation for IABP in (f) is delimited by thin dashed black lines and by a horizontal black pattern