The Indian rainfall has often been used as a proxy data for the Asian monsoon as a whole for understanding the energy budget of the major circulation features and also used as an input parameter in estimating the other regional parameters. In view of this, a long homogeneous rainfall series of All-India (India taken as one unit) has been prepared based on a fixed and well distributed network of 306 raingauge stations over India by giving proper area-weightage. This paper contains a listing of All-India monthly, seasonal and annual homogeneous data series for the period 1871–1993. Some statistical details and long-term changes of the All-India monsoon rainfall have been discussed.
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Parthasarathy, B., Munot, A.A. & Kothawale, D.R. All-India monthly and seasonal rainfall series: 1871–1993. Theor Appl Climatol 49, 217–224 (1994).
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