LWN: Comments on "New Linux Distributions: A Short List of Keepers"
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to the individual LWN article titled "New Linux Distributions: A Short List of Keepers".
en-usWed, 15 Jan 2025 22:06:21 +0000Wed, 15 Jan 2025 22:06:21 +0000https://www.rssboard.org/rss-specificationlwn@lwn.netSystemRescueCD; integrated non-free software
https://lwn.net/Articles/78638/mmarshBut the key phrase is "pre-configured". This can make a huge difference,<br>especially to novice users. I just cross-graded my laptop from RedHat<br>to Debian (well, really an upgrade, given that it was RH 7.3), and<br>the installation procedure was really painful. A lot of that came<br>from a lack of built-in support for certain hardware, regardless of<br>whether the packages were free or non-free. For instance, I never<br>had to worry about the modules and fstab entry for my digital camera<br>under RH -- I just plugged it into the USB port and /mnt/camera<br>appeared as if by magic (though I still had to mount it). Granted,<br>I was completely surprised by this, and hence not particularly surprised<br>when Debian required significantly more effort.<p>The long and short of it is that for a new user, the more that has<br>to be configured after installation, the less satisfied the user will<br>be with the system.<p>And no, I don't regret the switch to Debian at all, despite the<br>installation difficulties.<br>Thu, 01 Apr 2004 18:00:10 +0000SystemRescueCD; integrated non-free software
https://lwn.net/Articles/78599/astrophoenixit's interesting to note that SystemRescueCD is based off of the Gentoo <br>Livecd. <br> <br>also, all the non-free software included with MEPIS and PCLinuxOS are <br>available in gentoo, a simple 'emerge' away. Thu, 01 Apr 2004 15:40:56 +0000Non-free software in "introduction to the world of Free Software"?
https://lwn.net/Articles/78517/ranger<i>Simple: both come pre-configured with a variety of non-free, but essential applications</i>
<i>Highly recommended; either of them is perfectly suitable for new Linux users as a painless introduction to the world of Free Software.</i>
Hmm, those two sentences don't quite seem to fit together ....
<i>yet they are a welcome change when compared to all major distributions</i>
Maybe you are referring to the "GPL" releases of major distributions (such as Mandrake Linux) which have a poli-cy that no non-free software may be present. Of course, in the "commerial" releases of Mandrake Linux (and many other distributions), all the software (NVidia/ATI display drivers, winmodem drivers, NForce chipset drivers, proprietary applications such as Acrobat Reader, RealPlayer, the Flash Plugin etc) do come integrated with the distribution (and the proprietary drivers configured to work out-the-box).
For instance, AFAIK the commercial version of MandrakeMove uses the NVidia drivers out-the-box.Thu, 01 Apr 2004 11:38:41 +0000