Open-Source Publications
Diversity and Time-series Analyses of Caribbean deep-sea Coral and Sponge Assemblages on the Tropical Island Slope of Isla de Roatan, Honduras. – Etnoyer P., et al., 2022
The first detailed report of living deep-sea coral and sponge assemblages from Isla de Roatán and the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. The report is a compilation of ten years of study on the second-largest fringing barrier reef in the world. It includes data collected from one of Falkor's first research cruises in 2013 with Chief Scientist Dr. Peter Etnoyer from NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science.
Deep-water Coral Records of Glacial and Recent Ocean-atmosphere Dynamics from the Perth Canyon in the Southeast Indian Ocean. – Trotter J, et al. 2022
A publication that provides the first insights into deep water circulation and ventilation history of the Indian Ocean, with help from samples collected on Falkor in 2020 with Chief Scientist Dr. Julie Trotter from the University of Western Australia and scientists from ISMAR, the Western Australia Museum, the ARC Center, and Istituto di Scienze Polari. Isotope analyses from fossilized and live coral samples from the Perth Canyon were used to reconstruct changes in deep water movement in the region since the last ice age.
Deep-water Coral Records of Glacial and Recent Ocean-atmosphere Dynamics from the Perth Canyon in the Southeast Indian Ocean. – Trotter J, et al. 2022
This publication reveals two new species of microbes that provide insight into the origen of eukaryotes. The samples were collected and cultivated in the lab from the Auka vent field in 2018 by co-Principal Investigator Dr. Victoria Orphan from CalTech while she was on R/V Falkor. The new archaea are a potential link to the evolutionary transition from single-celled to multicellular organisms.