Papers by Carla Danielson

Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021
Background: The purpose of this study was to identify gene expression differences associated with... more Background: The purpose of this study was to identify gene expression differences associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma exposure (TE) in a three-group study design comprised of those with and without trauma exposure and PTSD.Methods: We conducted gene expression and gene network analyses in a sample (n = 45) composed of female subjects of European Ancestry (EA) with PTSD, TE without PTSD, and controls.Results: We identified 283 genes differentially expressed between PTSD-TE groups. In an independent sample of Veterans (n = 78) a small minority of these genes were also differentially expressed. We identified 7 gene network modules significantly associated with PTSD and TE (Bonferroni corrected p ≤ 0.05), which at a false discovery rate (FDR) of q ≤ 0.2, were significantly enriched for biological pathways involved in focal adhesion, neuroactive ligand receptor interaction, and immune related processes among others.Conclusions: This study uses gene network an...

Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2020
Decades of research demonstrate that childhood exposure to traumatic events, particularly interpe... more Decades of research demonstrate that childhood exposure to traumatic events, particularly interpersonal violence experiences (IPV; sexual abuse, physical abuse, witnessing violence), increases risk for negative behavioral and emotional outcomes, including substance use problems (SUP) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Despite this well-established link-including empirical support for shared etiological and functional connections between SUP and PTSD-the field has been void of a gold standard treatment for adolescent populations. To address this gap, our team recently completed a large randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of Risk Reduction through Family Therapy (RRFT), an integrative and exposure-based risk-reduction and treatment approach for adolescents who have experienced IPV and other traumatic events. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed description of the design and methods of this RCT designed to reduce SUP, PTSD symptoms, and related risk behaviors, with outcomes measured from pre-treatment through 18 months post-entry. Specifically, the recruitment and sampling procedures, assessment measures and methods, description of the intervention, and planned statistical approaches to evaluating the full range of outcomes are detailed. Clinical and research implications of this work are also discussed.

BACKGROUND Rural African American (AA) youth lack access to drug and sexual risk-taking preventio... more BACKGROUND Rural African American (AA) youth lack access to drug and sexual risk-taking prevention programs available in more urban areas. Recent data indicate rural youth now use substances at higher rates and at younger ages than their urban peers. OBJECTIVE This study evaluated the initial usability and acceptability of a low-cost, technology-based approach to delivering effective, culturally tailored, integrated substance use disorder (SUD) and HIV risk behavior prevention programs to African American female youth to inform the use of this intervention via telemedicine for rural youth. METHODS Effective SUD prevention strategies and emotion regulation skills were integrated into an existing evidence-based HIV risk reduction program culturally tailored for African American female adolescents: Sisters Informing, Healing, Living, and Empowering (SIHLE; DiClemente et al., 2004) and delivered to 39 African American female youth via group telehealth. The evaluation of the resulting pr...

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2018
Few studies have explored relations among sexual assault and prospective development of high-risk... more Few studies have explored relations among sexual assault and prospective development of high-risk behaviors among adolescent girls. The present study examined longitudinal associations among child sexual assault (CSA) and high-risk behaviors (nonexperimental alcohol and drug use; delinquent behavior) in a nationally representative sample of adolescent girls aged 12-17. Using path modeling, findings provided support for the link between CSA and nonexperimental alcohol use, drug use, and delinquent behavior after controlling for demographic characteristics and Time 1 functioning. Additionally, past 6-month post-traumatic stress disorder assessed at Time 1 was significantly associated with CSA and delinquency measured at Time 2, although the indirect effects did not reach traditional levels of significance. These findings suggest that CSA may potentiate risk for a number of public health problems.

Military psychology : the official journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2018
Individual differences in cognitive processes and coping behaviors play a role in the development... more Individual differences in cognitive processes and coping behaviors play a role in the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Given the large numbers of combat-exposed service members returning from the Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and Operation New Dawn (OND) conflicts, exploring individual differences in cognitive-affective processes is important for informing our understanding of PTSD etiology and early intervention in military samples. The present study examined the unique main and interactive effects of negative posttrauma cognitions (i.e., negative beliefs about self [NS], the world [NW], and self-blame [SB]) and coping strategies (i.e., positive behavioral, positive cognitive, avoidant coping, and social and emotional coping) on PTSD diagnosis within 155 ( = 30.7, = 4.48) OEF/OIF/OND combat trauma-exposed veterans recruited from an ongoing study examining the effects of combat trauma and stress reactivity. In th...
Addictive Behaviors, 2018
Significant association between dual alcohol/marijuana use and sexual risk perceptions. • Alcohol... more Significant association between dual alcohol/marijuana use and sexual risk perceptions. • Alcohol use only was related to higher likelihood of unprotected sex. • Unique relations between substance use pattern and perceived risk of vs. actual unprotected sex.

The American Journal on Addictions, 2017
Background and Objectives-Adolescent alcohol misuse is associated with numerous longterm adverse ... more Background and Objectives-Adolescent alcohol misuse is associated with numerous longterm adverse outcomes, so we examined predictors of alcohol use among disaster-exposed adolescents, a group at-risk for alcohol misuse. Methods-The current study (n =332) examined severity of tornado-related exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, emotional support, and a genetic risk sum score (GRSS) as predictors of alcohol use trajectories. Results-Severity of exposure interacted with the GRSS to predict both intercept (12-month follow up quantity of alcohol use) and growth rate. Emotional support also interacted with adolescent PTSD symptoms to predict intercept and growth rate. Discussion and Conclusions-Adolescents with greater severity of disaster exposure and high genetic risk comprise a high risk group, on which efforts to prevent alcohol use should be focused. Additionally, emotional support is essential in buffering the effects of PTSD symptoms on alcohol use outcomes among adolescents. Scientific Significance-Toward the aim of reducing adolescent alcohol misuse following disaster exposure, there is utility in inserting immediate supports (e.g., basic resources) into communities/families that have experienced significant disaster-related severity, particularly among adolescents at high levels of genetic risk for alcohol use/misuse.

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2017
Although most people will experience a traumatic event at some point in their life, only some wil... more Although most people will experience a traumatic event at some point in their life, only some will develop significant psychological symptoms in the aftermath. In the current study, we use a preexisting longitudinal study located in Long Island to examine the impact of Hurricane Sandy on internalizing symptoms in a large sample of children. We focused on temperamental fear and a biomarker of risk for anxiety, the error-related negativity (ERN). The ERN is a negative deflection in the event-related potential (ERP) occurring when individuals make mistakes and is increased in anxious individuals. The final sample consisted of 223 children who had undergone an observational assessment of fear at age 3 years and an electroencephalogram assessment of the ERN at age 6 years. At the age 9 year assessment, internalizing symptoms were assessed, and then again after the hurricane (∼65 weeks later). A significant three-way interaction among fearfulness, hurricane stressors, and the ERN in predi...

Journal of child sexual abuse, 2017
The study examined a new child report measure of maternal support following child sexual abuse. O... more The study examined a new child report measure of maternal support following child sexual abuse. One hundred and forty-six mother-child dyads presenting for a forensic evaluation completed assessments including standardized measures of adjustment. Child participants also responded to 32 items considered for inclusion in a new measure, the Maternal Support Questionnaire-Child Report (MSQ-CR). Exploratory factor analysis of the Maternal Support Questionnaire-Child Report resulted in a three factor, 20-item solution: Emotional Support (9 items), Skeptical Preoccupation (5 items), and Protection/Retaliation (6 items). Each factor demonstrated adequate internal consistency. Construct and concurrent validity of the new measure were supported in comparison to other trauma-specific measures. The Maternal Support Questionnaire-Child Report demonstrated sound psychometric properties. Future research is needed to determine whether the Maternal Support Questionnaire-Child Report provides a more ...

Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Jan 15, 2017
Sleep disturbances are well documented in relation to trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress di... more Sleep disturbances are well documented in relation to trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but correlates of such disturbances remain understudied in veteran populations. We conducted a preliminary study of sleep disturbances in Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn veterans (n = 133; mean [standard deviation] age = 29.8 [4.7] y). Veterans were assigned to one of three groups based on responses to the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale: control (no trauma-exposure [TE] or PTSD), TE, and PTSD. Sleep disturbance was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Measures of resilience, trauma load, personality, coping, alcohol use, and mild traumatic brain injury were also assessed via self-report. The PTSD group had significantly more disturbed sleep (PSQI global score mean = 8.94, standard deviation = 3.12) than control (mean = 5.27, standard deviation = 3.23) and TE (mean = 5.34, standard deviation = 3.17) groups,...

Journal of psychiatric research, Feb 1, 2017
Psychiatric disorders are linked to a variety of biological, psychological, and contextual causes... more Psychiatric disorders are linked to a variety of biological, psychological, and contextual causes and consequences. Laboratory studies have elucidated the importance of several key physiological and behavioral biomarkers in the study of psychiatric disorders, but much less is known about the role of these biomarkers in naturalistic settings. These gaps are largely driven by methodological barriers to assessing biomarker data rapidly, reliably, and frequently outside the clinic or laboratory. Mobile health (mHealth) tools offer new opportunities to study relevant biomarkers in concert with other types of data (e.g., self-reports, global positioning system data). This review provides an overview on the state of this emerging field and describes examples from the literature where mHealth tools have been used to measure a wide array of biomarkers in the context of psychiatric functioning (e.g., psychological stress, anxiety, autism, substance use). We also outline advantages and special...

Addictive Behaviors, 2017
Objective-Young adult alcohol misuse is associated with numerous long-term adverse outcomes. Give... more Objective-Young adult alcohol misuse is associated with numerous long-term adverse outcomes. Given the link between impulsivity and alcohol use, we examined whether three impulsivity-related traits differentially predicted number of drinks per drinking day (DDD). We also examined whether these effects varied for those with different trauma histories. Method-The current study (n=254) examined motor, non-planning, and attentional impulsivity as predictors of DDD. It also examined whether impulsivity was differentially predictive of DDD across individuals in: a control group (non-trauma exposed), a trauma exposed but non-PTSD group, and a PTSD group. Results-Regardless of group, more motor impulsivity was associated with more DDD. The effect of non-planning impulsivity varied according to trauma history. Specifically, more nonplanning impulsivity predicted more DDD for those without PTSD. Finally, attentional impulsivity was not predictive of DDD. Conclusions-Young adults with high levels of motor impulsivity, regardless of trauma history, may be a particularly high-risk group in terms of propensity for alcohol use/misuse. Additionally, high levels of non-planning impulsivity may signify those at greater risk for alcohol misuse,

Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 2016
The purpose of the multi-measure, multi-wave, longitudinal study was to examine the interactive r... more The purpose of the multi-measure, multi-wave, longitudinal study was to examine the interactive relation between behavioral distress tolerance (DT) and perceived social support (PSS) in 352 tornado-exposed adolescents aged 12-17 years (M=14.44; SD=1.74). At baseline, adolescents completed a computer-based task for DT, and self-report measures of PSS, depressed mood, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance use, and interpersonal conflict. Symptoms also were assessed 4 and 12 months after baseline. Findings showed that lower levels of DT together with lower levels of PSS conferred risk for elevated symptoms of prospective depression (t(262)= −2.04, p=.04; r effect size =0.13) and PTSD (t(195)= −2.08, p=.04; r effect size =0.15) following a tornado. However, only PSS was significant in substance use t(139)=2.20, p=.03; r effect size =0.18) and conflict (t(138)=−4.05, p<.0001; r effect size =0.33) in our sample. Implications regarding adolescent DT, the transdiagnostic nature of PSS, and the clinical applications of our findings in the aftermath of a natural disaster are discussed.
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 2016
Clinicians (n=138) who treat adolescents with co-occurring posttraumatic stress and substance use... more Clinicians (n=138) who treat adolescents with co-occurring posttraumatic stress and substance use disorders (PTSD+SUD) were surveyed about their attitudes and practice behaviors. Most providers were trained in PTSD treatment; fewer were trained in SUD or PTSD+SUD treatments. PTSD+SUD treatment was rated more difficult than treatment of other diagnoses. Providers typically addressed symptoms of PTSD and SUD separately and sequentially, rather than with integrated approaches. There was no consensus about which clinical strategies to use with adolescent PTSD+SUD. Continued treatment development, training, and dissemination efforts are needed to equip providers with resources to deliver effective treatments to adolescents with PTSD +SUD.

Journal of affective disorders, Sep 24, 2016
The present study's aim was to provide the foundation for an efficient, empirically based pro... more The present study's aim was to provide the foundation for an efficient, empirically based protocol for depression screening following a natural disaster. Utilizing a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analytic approach, the study tested a) what specific disaster-related stressors (i.e., property damage, loss of basic services) and individual-related constructs (i.e., PTSD symptoms, trauma history, social support) conveyed the greatest risk for post-natural disaster depression, b) specific cutoff scores across these measures, and c) whether the significance or cutoff scores for each construct varied between adolescents and adults. Structured phone-based clinical interviews were conducted with 2000 adolescents who lived through a tornado and 1543 adults who survived a hurricane. Findings suggested that in both adolescents and adults, individual-related constructs forecasted greater risk for depressive symptoms following a natural disaster compared to disaster-related stressor...

Journal of abnormal child psychology, Jan 22, 2016
The present study aimed to utilize a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) approach in order to... more The present study aimed to utilize a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) approach in order to improve clinical decision-making for adolescents at risk for the development of psychopathology in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Specifically we assessed theoretically-driven individual, interpersonal, and event-related vulnerability factors to determine which indices were most accurate in forecasting PTSD. Furthermore, we aimed to translate these etiological findings by identifying clinical cut-off recommendations for relevant vulnerability factors. Our study consisted of structured phone-based clinical interviews with 2000 adolescent-parent dyads living within a 5-mile radius of tornados that devastated Joplin, MO, and northern Alabama in Spring 2011. Demographics, tornado incident characteristics, prior trauma, mental health, and family support and conflict were assessed. A subset of youth completed two behavioral assessment tasks online to assess distress tolerance and risk-t...

Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 2015
Objective-Despite conceptual links between disaster exposure and substance use, few studies have ... more Objective-Despite conceptual links between disaster exposure and substance use, few studies have examined prevalence and risk factors for adolescent substance use and abuse in large, population-based samples affected by a recent natural disaster. We addressed this gap using a novel address-based sampling methodology to interview adolescents and parents who were affected by the fourth deadliest tornado outbreak in U.S. history. Method-Post-disaster interviews were conducted with 2,000 adolescent-parent dyads living within a 5-mile radius of the Spring 2011 U.S. tornadoes. In addition to descriptive analyses to estimate prevalence, hierarchical linear and logistic regression analyses were used to examine a range of protective and risk factors for substance use and abuse. Results-Approximately 3% reported substance abuse since the tornado. Greater number of prior traumatic events and older age emerged as consistent risk factors across tobacco and alcohol use and substance abuse since the tornado. Tornado incident characteristics, namely greater loss of services and resources after the tornado and PTSD since the tornado, were associated with greater alcohol consumption. Service loss increased risk for binge drinking, whereas, for substance abuse, PTSD increased risk and parent presence during the tornado decreased risk. Greater family tornado exposure was associated with a greater number of cigarettes smoked in female but not male teen participants. Conclusions-Both trauma and non-trauma-related factors are relevant to post-disaster substance abuse among adolescents. Future research should examine the role of broader ecological systems in heightening or curtailing substance use risk for adolescents following disaster exposure.
Psychology of Violence, 2016
Papers by Carla Danielson