Morrill Hall
What's Going On?
Our first Investigate of the year is all about amazing Animal Relationships! Our incredible educators are preparing a series of fascinating table activities showcasing the diverse ways animals interact with each other and their surroundings.
UNSM is excited to welcome you back for the annual Dinosaurs & Disasters event. Join our museum educators and researchers from UNL’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences to explore dinosaurs, natural disasters, and what science can tell us about the future through hands-on activities.
There are so many fascinating things to discover outside in Nebraska. For this spring break day camp, campers will get to explore Nebraska’s wildlife and landscapes through exploration and hands-on experiences. Some topics include plants, wetlands, mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, astronomy, and much more! This camp is only in the mornings from 9am-12pm and is best suited for ages 6-8.
Have you ever wondered what it takes to put a museum exhibit together behind the scenes? Campers will explore several unique aspects of our museum from invertebrate fossils, the solar system, natural landscapes, and art in science, all while exploring how these exhibits were created. This camp is best suited for ages 9-11.