Appendix B
Energy Outlook Data Sources
The main sources for the predictions in the Greene Economics report (Greene, 2021), described in Chapters 1 and 3 in Oil in the Sea IV are shown in Tables B.1 to B.4.
TABLE B.1 Energy Consumption Data Sources for EOR Oil in the Sea (OITS) Database
Geography | 1990–2020 (Actual) | 2020–2050 (Forecasts) |
Worldwide | U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2021 International Energy Statistics. | U.S. EIA, 2019. International Energy Outlook 2019 Table: World total energy consumption by region and fuel. |
United States | Same as above | U.S. EIA, 2021. AEO2021_Release_Presentation.ppt, Slide 9 US Energy consumption by fuel AEO2021 Reference Case chart data. |
Canada | Same as above | Canada Energy Regulator (CER), 2020. Canada’s Energy Futures 2020 Supplement: Energy Demand. |
Mexico | Same as above | Same as worldwide |
TABLE B.2 Oil and Gas Production Data Sources for EOR OITS Database
Geography | 1990–2020 (Actual) | 2020–2050 (Forecasts) |
United States | EIA, 2021. Crude Oil Production Worksheet Data 1, pet_crd_crpdn_adc_mbbl_a.xls, released May 28. | International Energy Agency, 2020. World Energy Outlook 2020 (forecast through 2040). |
AND | AND | |
EIA, 2021. Natural Gas Dry Production Worksheet Data 1, ng_prod_sum_a_epg0_fpd_mmcf_m.xls, released May 28. | EIA, 2020. Annual Energy Outlook, released January 29. | |
Canada | EIA, 2021. International Energy Statistics. | CER. 2021. Canada’s Energy Future 2020: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2050. |
Mexico | Same as above | International Energy Agency, 2020. World Energy Outlook 2020 (forecast through 2040). |
TABLE B.3 Offshore Oil and Gas Production Data Sources for EOR OITS Database
Geography | 1990–2020 (Actual) | 2020–2050 (Forecasts) |
United States | EIA, 2021. Crude Oil Production Worksheet Data 1, pet_crd_crpdn_adc_mbbl_a.xls, released May 28. | DNV GL. 2018. Oil and Gas Forecast to 2050—Energy Transition Outlook 2018. |
AND | ||
EIA, 2021. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Data Center, Annual Production for Entire Region. | ||
Canada | DNV GL. 2018. Oil and Gas Forecast to 2050—Energy Transition Outlook 2018. | Same as above |
Mexico | EIA, 2016. Today in Energy, Offshore production nearly 30% of global crude oil output in 2015, October 25. (Data in charts 2005–2015 and anecdotal info.) | None found |
TABLE B.4 Seaborne Transportation of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Data Sources for EOR OITS Database
Geography | 1990–2020 (Actual) | 2020–2050 (Forecasts) |
Worldwide |
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development STAT (UNCTAD-STAT). 2021. World Seaborne Trade by Types of Cargo and by Group of Economies, Annual.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). 2020. Review of Maritime Transport—2020. Geneva. Şanlıer, Şengül. 2018. Should Chemical Tankers’ Tank Cleaning Waters Be Banned from Discharging into the Sea? |
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). 2020. Pathways to Sustainable Shipping—Setting the Course to Low Carbon Shipping. |
United States |
FOR IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). 2021. Petroleum and Other Liquids—Exports (1981–2020). U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). 2021. Petroleum and Other Liquids—Exports (1981–2020). FOR WITHIN THE UNITED STATES: |
FOR IMPORTS AND EXPORTS: U.S. EIA. 2021. Annual Energy Outlook 2021—Table 11. Petroleum and Other Liquids Supply and Disposition (Reference Case) (2020–2050). FOR WITHIN THE UNITED STATES: |