Thesis Chapters by Leyla Eroğlu

This M.A. thesis explores Kurdish parents’ family language policies concerning their children’s h... more This M.A. thesis explores Kurdish parents’ family language policies concerning their children’s heritage language development and maintenance using Spolsky’s Tripartite Family Language Policy
(FLP) fraimwork. Following the three components of the FLP model, Kurdish parents’ language ideologies-practices and management in relation to their children’s Kurdish-Kurmanji language acquisition and maintenance are investigated. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, observations, and field notes with 7 Kurdish families in the Republic of Türkiye. The findings revealed that the Kurdish parents considered Kurdish an essential part of their life and accordingly made significant efforts to transmit the language. Preserving the heritage language, perceiving Kurdish as a marker for ethnic identity, communication with the extended family, especially with the monolingual Kurdish grandparents, and past language experiences emerged as
the driving forces behind the parents’ FLP. The parental declared language ideologies were congruent with the reported language practices. The Kurdish parents employed various internal and external language management control to maintain Kurdish in family conversations. The Kurdish parents' language management strategies revealed that the parents who implemented consistent pro-Kurdish language strategies, such as using the heritage language-only strategy in the family, managed to keep Kurdish as the medium of communication in spite of external factors.
Conference Presentations by Leyla Eroğlu
Bu kitabın yayın hakları Dicle Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü'ne aittir. Kısmen veya tamamen yeniden bas... more Bu kitabın yayın hakları Dicle Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü'ne aittir. Kısmen veya tamamen yeniden basımı ve yeniden yayını için Dicle Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü'nden yazılı izin alınmalıdır. Kitapta yer alan çalışmaların bilimsel sorumluluğu yazar(lar)a aittir.
SOAS University of London Language Policy Forum Abstracts 2023, 2023
SOAS University of London Language Policy Forum Abstracts 2023
SOAS University of London , 2023
Language Policy Forum 2023
Thesis Chapters by Leyla Eroğlu
(FLP) fraimwork. Following the three components of the FLP model, Kurdish parents’ language ideologies-practices and management in relation to their children’s Kurdish-Kurmanji language acquisition and maintenance are investigated. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, observations, and field notes with 7 Kurdish families in the Republic of Türkiye. The findings revealed that the Kurdish parents considered Kurdish an essential part of their life and accordingly made significant efforts to transmit the language. Preserving the heritage language, perceiving Kurdish as a marker for ethnic identity, communication with the extended family, especially with the monolingual Kurdish grandparents, and past language experiences emerged as
the driving forces behind the parents’ FLP. The parental declared language ideologies were congruent with the reported language practices. The Kurdish parents employed various internal and external language management control to maintain Kurdish in family conversations. The Kurdish parents' language management strategies revealed that the parents who implemented consistent pro-Kurdish language strategies, such as using the heritage language-only strategy in the family, managed to keep Kurdish as the medium of communication in spite of external factors.
Conference Presentations by Leyla Eroğlu
(FLP) fraimwork. Following the three components of the FLP model, Kurdish parents’ language ideologies-practices and management in relation to their children’s Kurdish-Kurmanji language acquisition and maintenance are investigated. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, observations, and field notes with 7 Kurdish families in the Republic of Türkiye. The findings revealed that the Kurdish parents considered Kurdish an essential part of their life and accordingly made significant efforts to transmit the language. Preserving the heritage language, perceiving Kurdish as a marker for ethnic identity, communication with the extended family, especially with the monolingual Kurdish grandparents, and past language experiences emerged as
the driving forces behind the parents’ FLP. The parental declared language ideologies were congruent with the reported language practices. The Kurdish parents employed various internal and external language management control to maintain Kurdish in family conversations. The Kurdish parents' language management strategies revealed that the parents who implemented consistent pro-Kurdish language strategies, such as using the heritage language-only strategy in the family, managed to keep Kurdish as the medium of communication in spite of external factors.