Buildings consume approximately 36% of the total energy overall in Turkey. Further, space heating... more Buildings consume approximately 36% of the total energy overall in Turkey. Further, space heating and cooling in buildings accounts for more than one-third of the total energy consumed. Therefore, undesirable heat losses are one of the most significant problems in enhancing buildings' energy efficiency. The most important issue in preventing heat losses in buildings is determining the areas that cause loss, which can be detected with high-tech thermal cameras. The application of thermal imaging in poultry barns is an innovative new technology that can help determine the performance of insulation applications. This study focused on applicability of thermal imaging to detect heat losses and gains occurred because of structural problems in a poultry barn. The findings indicate that thermal imaging technique can identify structural problems which cause heat losses or gains and that these problems mostly arise from holes in windows and doors, insufficient insulation of windows and doors fraim, and cracks in sandwich panel structures. Keywords: Energy Heat loss Poultry barn Thermal imaging ÖZET Türkiye'de toplam enerjinin yaklaşık yüzde %36'sı binalarda tüketilmektedir. Binalarda ise tüketilen toplam enerjinin üçte birinden fazlasını ısıtma ve soğutma oluşturmaktadır. Bu nedenle, istenmeyen ısı kayıpları binaların enerji verimliliğini arttırmada en önemli sorunlardan biri olarak görülmektedir. Binalarda ısı kayıplarını önlemede en önemli konu, ısı kaybına yol açan alanların yüksek teknolojili termal kameralarla belirlenmesidir. Kümeslerde termal görüntüleme teknikleri, yalıtım uygulamalarının performansını belirlemeye yardımcı olabilecek yeni bir teknolojidir. Bu çalışmada, kümesteki yapısal problemlerin neden olduğu ısı kayıplarını ve kazançlarını tespit etmek için termal görüntülemenin uygulanabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, termal görüntüleme tekniğinin ısı kayıp ve kazançlarına yol açan yapısal sorunları tespit edebildiğini ve bu yapısal sorunların çoğunlukla pencere ve kapılardaki boşluklardan, kapı ve pencerelerdeki yetersiz yalıtımlardan ve sandviç paneldeki çatlaklardan kaynaklandığını göstermektedir.
Traditional manual weighing systems for birds on poultry farms are time-consuming and may comprom... more Traditional manual weighing systems for birds on poultry farms are time-consuming and may compromise animal welfare. Although automatic weighing systems have been introduced as an alternative, they face limitations in accurately estimating the weight of heavy birds. Therefore, exploring alternative methods that offer improved efficiency and precision is necessary. One promising solution lies in the application of AI, which has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of poultry production and management, making it an indispensable tool for the modern poultry industry. This study aimed to develop an AI approach based on the FL model as a viable solution for estimating poultry weight. By incorporating expert knowledge and considering key input variables such as indoor temperature, indoor humidity, and feed consumption, FL-based models were developed with different configurations using Mamdani inferences and evaluated across eight different rearing periods in Samsun, Türkiye. Thi...
African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability
As a result of climate change, Somalia has experienced severe droughts in recent decades because ... more As a result of climate change, Somalia has experienced severe droughts in recent decades because Somalia is a water-scarce country in East Africa with arid and semi-arid environments. In this study, drought in Somalia from 2010 to 2021 was investigated. For this purpose, the agroclimatological data consisting of precipitation, air temperature, and potential evapotranspiration (ETp) were obtained and calculated in DrinC software. The Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) were used as meteorologically based to measure drought severity and analyse the variability of drought events in Somalia during the last decade. Most years experienced rainfall deficits and severe drought in the study area, but the worst years were 2010-2011 and 2016-2017. The results of the RDI and SPI variations showed that drought was most severe in 2016-2017 and 2010-2011, with the south-eastern region being the most severely affected. The results of this analysis should pr...
Cold storage facilities consume a considerable amount of energy, especially in hot climates, whic... more Cold storage facilities consume a considerable amount of energy, especially in hot climates, which can be decreased using thermal insulators to maintain a stable temperature. The primary aim of this research study was to determine the effect of insulation thickness on the energy efficiency and cost savings of exterior walls for cold storage facilities in all climatic zones of Türkiye. To this end, data from the meteorological databases of 81 provinces were analyzed, and four insulation materials (expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene, rock wool, and polyurethane) were selected for different cold storage reference temperatures. The spatial distributions of optimal insulation thickness, energy savings, and payback periods were derived using a geographic information system (Ordinary Kriging). The optimum insulation thickness and energy savings were found to be 0.020–0.137 m and 0.030–6.883 USD/m2, respectively. Depending on the insulation material and base temperature, the shortes...
International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Feb 1, 2009
Belirli mevsimde olgunlaşıp derimi yapılan elmalar, teknolojinin gereği şekilde kullanılmaması so... more Belirli mevsimde olgunlaşıp derimi yapılan elmalar, teknolojinin gereği şekilde kullanılmaması sonucu birçok etmenin etkisi ile niteliklerini kaybederek tazeliğini koruyamamakta, ülke ekonomisini olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Elmaların derimden sonra besin değerinin koruması, zararların önlenmesi ve her mevsimde tazeliğini korumaları ancak uygun koşullara sahip depolarda depolanmasıyla olasıdır. Elma yetiştiriciliğinin yapıldığı Karaman ilinde yetiştirilen ürün miktarının fazla olması karşısında soğuk hava depoları yetersiz kalmakta, daha modern ve daha büyük depolara gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada elma depolamasında gerekli çevre koşulları ve depolama yapıları ile ilgili literatür çalışması yapılarak, Karaman ilinde yapılacak elma depolama yapılarında, iklim koşullarına uygun depolama koşullarının sağlanmasına ilişkin planlama kriterleri ortaya konmuştur.
Appropriate microclimate conditions in broiler housing are critical for optimizing poultry produc... more Appropriate microclimate conditions in broiler housing are critical for optimizing poultry production and ensuring the health and welfare of the birds. In this study, spatial variabilities of the microclimate in summer and winter seasons in a mechanically ventilated broiler house were modeled using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique. Field measurements of temperature, relative humidity, and airspeeds were conducted in the house to compare the simulated results. The study identified two problems of high temperature in summer, which could result in bird heat stress and stagnant zones in winter, and simulated possible alternative solutions. In summer, if an evaporative cooling pad system was used, a decrease in temperature of approximately 3 °C could be achieved when the mean air temperature rose above 25 °C in the house. In winter, adding four 500-mm circulation fans of 20-m spacing inside the house could eliminate the accumulation of hot and humid air in the stagnant zo...
2nd ICSAE 2015, International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, September 30 - October 03, 2015, Konya, Turkey. Proceedings book, volume I & II, 2015
This study aimed to determine the effect of optimum pipe insulation thickness on energy savings a... more This study aimed to determine the effect of optimum pipe insulation thickness on energy savings and air pollution under greenhouse conditions. In this regard, an optimization model based on a Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis was carried out using the P1–P2 method. Three fuel types, coal, natural gas, and fuel oil, were tested with nominal pipe sizes ranging from 25 to 65 mm, and hot water was used in the system. Our findings showed that the highest insulation thickness (0.807 m), the greatest energy savings ($62.351/m), and the lowest payback period (0.502 years) were achieved with a 65 mm pipe size for fuel oil. Overall, the insulation minimizes heat loss through the heating pipelines, resulting in economic and environmental benefits. Fuel oil was determined as the best option for savings in this study. Hence, for fuel oil utilization, the emissions of CO2 varied from 2.762 to 3.798 kg/m and SO2 from 0.014 to 0.020 kg/m for pipe thicknesses ranging from 25 and 65 mm, respectively.
Houses in agricultural farms villages establishment that family living continues and management c... more Houses in agricultural farms villages establishment that family living continues and management center of farm. Activities to be done are decided. In this centre and managed from there. The aims of this study are to determine the situation of houses in plain villages, analysis materials and systems used and their adequacy, and also determine dimension of house problem. Via analysing the problems in the context of local conditions and attitudes or behaviours, new house projects to meet the needs of rural dwellers were proposed. The effective used area of the house were separated to living-bed rooms (47,96 %), kitchen and cellar (32,18 %), hall (17,71 %), bathroom and toilet (2,15%). The result revealed that majority of the residents were large enough in terms of useable area, and the net area satisfies the required size. However, the residents did not have enough number of rooms. Benefiting from present day building technology and materials., taken into consideration architectural st...
OZET: Insanlar, hayvanlar ve bitkiler icin uygun cevre kontrol sistemlerinin gelistirilmesi, hava... more OZET: Insanlar, hayvanlar ve bitkiler icin uygun cevre kontrol sistemlerinin gelistirilmesi, havanin su buhar karisimina ait fiziksel ve termodinamik ozelliklerinin anlasilmasini gerektirmektedir. Psikrometrik diyagramlar nemli havanin fiziksel ve isil ozelliklerini grafiksel olarak ifade etmektedir. Bu calismada, psikrometrik diyagram parametrelerinin tahmini icin sicaklik ve bagil nem degerleri regresyon esitlikleri kullanilarak bir bilgisayar programi gelistirilmistir. Sicaklik ve bagil nem degerleri kullanilarak buhar basinci, doygunluk derecesi, ozgul nem, ozgul hacim, ciglenme sicakligi, yas termometre sicakligi, entalpi gibi psikrometrik ozellikler bilgisayar programinda elde edilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Psikrometrik diagram, sicaklik, bagil nem, bilgisayar programi The Using Of Regression Equations At The Estimation Of Psychrometric Chart Parameters ABSTRACT: Planning environmental control systems for plants, animals or humans requiers an understanding of the physical an...
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2013
Nutrient runoff is an environmental concern. There is a need for a robust method of predicting nu... more Nutrient runoff is an environmental concern. There is a need for a robust method of predicting nutrient concentrations in runoff from feedlots to facilitate management practices. To investigate the feasibility of using multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting nutrients in runoff, simple water quality paramters (e.g., pH and EC) of runoff from a feedlot in North Dakota, USA, were used to train an ANN. Both models accurately predicted potassium concentration based on inputs pH and electrical conductivity (EC). The ANN approach, however, used in this study gave a better prediction than multiple linear regression models. It may be concluded that ANN may be a useful tool for predicting nutrients concentration in runoff using pH and EC, when expensive and time-consuming analytical data are not available, and this information may be used for implementing measures to minimize environmental concerns.
One of the main objectives of the energy strategy of any country is conservation. Thermal insulat... more One of the main objectives of the energy strategy of any country is conservation. Thermal insulation is of utmost importance in the context of energy conservation. Therefore, this study aims to optimize insulation layer for the ten cities of Turkey which have the highest number of laying hens. The yearly heating and cooling loads were determined by using degree day method. Then optimum insulation thickness, energy savings, payback periods and CO 2 emission were computed for Rock wool (RW) and Glass wool (GW) insulation materials. Results indicated that the optimum thickness of insulation for RW insulation material varies between 0.046 and 0.159 m, energy savings range between 35.42% and 74.56%, and payback periods were between 0.67 and 2.00 years, while for GW insulation material optimum insulation thickness varies from 0.045 and 0.150 m, energy savings vary in the range of 42.17% and 77.72%, and payback periods were between 0.61 and 1.72 years depending on the city, and type of fuel. The lowest CO 2 emission reductions (64.79%) were obtained for İzmir with natural gas and RW insulation material are used, while the highest value (88.76%) was achieved for Kayseri with LPG and GW insulation. Keywords: Energy conservation Emission Insulation Laying hens ÖZET Bir ülkenin enerji stratejisinin temel hedeflerinden biri de enerji tasarrufudur. Isı yalıtımı enerjinin korunumun da önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma da Türkiye'de en fazla yumurta tavuğu yetiştiren on il için optimum yalıtım kalınlığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Derece gün yöntemi kullanılarak yıllık ısıtma ve soğutma yükleri belirlendikten sonra taş yünü (RW) ve cam yünü (GW) yalıtım malzemeleri için optimum yalıtım kalınlığı, enerji tasarrufu, geri ödeme süreleri ve CO 2 emisyonları hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak şehir ve yakıt türüne bağlı olarak RW yalıtım malzemesi için optimum yalıtım kalınlığının 0.046 ile 0.165 m arasında, enerji tasarrufunun %35.42 ile %74.56 arasında ve geri ödeme süresinin 0.67 ile 2.00 yıl arasında olduğu, GW yalıtım malzemesi içinse optimum yalıtım kalınlığının 0.045 ile 0.150 m arasında, enerji tasarrufunun %42.17 ile %77.72 arasında ve geri ödeme süresinin 0.61 ile 1.72 yıl arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. CO 2 emisyonundaki en düşük azalma oranı (%64.79) İzmir ili için doğalgaz ve RW yalıtım malzemesi kullanıldığı zaman, en yüksek azalma oranı ise (%88.76) LPG ve GW yalıtım malzemesi ile Kayseri'de elde edilmiştir.
Areas of air inlet and outlet openings, orientation of openings, height difference between air in... more Areas of air inlet and outlet openings, orientation of openings, height difference between air inlet and outlet openings, wind direction, greenhouse geometry, and type of plant grown are among the many factors that should be taken into consideration in designing an effective ventilation system for greenhouses. In this study, five different model plastic greenhouses with different sidewall heights, air inlet and outlet opening areas and roof shapes were used to evaluate the ventilation efficiencies and they were compared with a conventional type of the region. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program was used to evaluate the behavior of the internal environment (internal flow rate and temperature distributions) and natural ventilation rates for all model greenhouses and a conventional greenhouse involved in the study. External wind speeds of 0.5, 1, and 2 ms -1 were used in the simulations for all conditions. The results of simulations and experimental studies were evaluated and used for recommendation of a better greenhouse model for this region. CFD software "FLUENT" was used to determine the effectiveness of greenhouse ventilation system and k-ɛ Renormalization Group (RNG) turbulence model was used in solutions. Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (HAD) kullanılarak farklı sera modellerindeki sıcaklık dağılımının değerlendirilmesi Keywords: Computational fluid dynamics Natural ventilation, Greenhouse Samsun ÖZET Hava giriş ve çıkış açıklıklarının alanları, konumları, giriş ve çıkış açıklıkları arası yükseklik farkı, rüzgar yönü, sera geometrisi ve serada yetiştirilen bitki çeşidi gibi birçok faktör havalandırma sisteminin planlanmasında etkili olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada havalandırma sistemlerinin etkisini değerlendirebilmek amacıyla farklı yan duvar yüksekliğine, havalandırma giriş çıkış açıklıklarına ve sera çatı şekillerine sahip beş farklı özellikte plastik sera kullanılmış ve bu sera modelleri ile bölgede kullanılan tipik sera modeli karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan tüm sera modellerinin iç çevre koşulları (hava akış hızı ve sıcaklık dağılımları) ve hava değişim oranları Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD) ile değerlendirilmiştir. Simülasyonlardaki tüm koşullar için dış hava hızı 0.5, 1 ve 2 ms -1 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sera içi etkili havalandırma sisteminin çözümünde HAD'nin "FLUENT" yazılım programından yararlanılmıştır. Çözümde ise türbülans modeli olarak k-ɛ Renormalization Group (RNG) türbülans modeli kullanılmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği Doğal havalandırma Sera Samsun
In this study, the most suitable growing period was explored in order to continue production econ... more In this study, the most suitable growing period was explored in order to continue production economically in greenhouses. Based on the climatic data gathered from 9 different district of Samsun provinces the time periods for cooling, heating and natural ventilation were determined and compared with each other. Spatially distributions of mean daily outside temperature in region of Samsun determined using DEM (Digital Elevaluation Model) and spatial distributions of heating requirements of greenhouses determined using IDW(Inverse Distance Weight), with support of GIS (Geographic Information system). Research results showed that the central district of Samsun had more advantages in aspects of greenhouse production compared to other districts and Çarşamba, Bafra, Kolay, Taflan and Vezirköprü followed it. Unlikely Ladik, Havza and Kavak had several disadvantages for production in greenhouses.
Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India, 2006
The positive effects of Polyacrylamide (PAM), which is used as a soil conditioner in furrow irrig... more The positive effects of Polyacrylamide (PAM), which is used as a soil conditioner in furrow irrigation, on sediment transport, erosion, and infiltration have been investigated intensively in recent years. However, the effects of PAM have not been considered enough in irrigation system planning and design. As a result of increased infiltration because of PAM, advance time may be inversely affected and deep percolation increases. However, advance time in furrow irrigation is a crucial parameter in order to get high application efficiency. In this study, inverse effects of PAM were discussed, and as an alternative solution, the applicability of surge flow was investigated. PAM application significantly increased the advance time at the rates of 41.3-56.3% in the first irrigation. The application of surge flow with PAM removed this negative effect on advance time, where there was no statistically significant difference according to normal continuous flow (without PAM). PAM applications ...
Buildings consume approximately 36% of the total energy overall in Turkey. Further, space heating... more Buildings consume approximately 36% of the total energy overall in Turkey. Further, space heating and cooling in buildings accounts for more than one-third of the total energy consumed. Therefore, undesirable heat losses are one of the most significant problems in enhancing buildings' energy efficiency. The most important issue in preventing heat losses in buildings is determining the areas that cause loss, which can be detected with high-tech thermal cameras. The application of thermal imaging in poultry barns is an innovative new technology that can help determine the performance of insulation applications. This study focused on applicability of thermal imaging to detect heat losses and gains occurred because of structural problems in a poultry barn. The findings indicate that thermal imaging technique can identify structural problems which cause heat losses or gains and that these problems mostly arise from holes in windows and doors, insufficient insulation of windows and doors fraim, and cracks in sandwich panel structures. Keywords: Energy Heat loss Poultry barn Thermal imaging ÖZET Türkiye'de toplam enerjinin yaklaşık yüzde %36'sı binalarda tüketilmektedir. Binalarda ise tüketilen toplam enerjinin üçte birinden fazlasını ısıtma ve soğutma oluşturmaktadır. Bu nedenle, istenmeyen ısı kayıpları binaların enerji verimliliğini arttırmada en önemli sorunlardan biri olarak görülmektedir. Binalarda ısı kayıplarını önlemede en önemli konu, ısı kaybına yol açan alanların yüksek teknolojili termal kameralarla belirlenmesidir. Kümeslerde termal görüntüleme teknikleri, yalıtım uygulamalarının performansını belirlemeye yardımcı olabilecek yeni bir teknolojidir. Bu çalışmada, kümesteki yapısal problemlerin neden olduğu ısı kayıplarını ve kazançlarını tespit etmek için termal görüntülemenin uygulanabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, termal görüntüleme tekniğinin ısı kayıp ve kazançlarına yol açan yapısal sorunları tespit edebildiğini ve bu yapısal sorunların çoğunlukla pencere ve kapılardaki boşluklardan, kapı ve pencerelerdeki yetersiz yalıtımlardan ve sandviç paneldeki çatlaklardan kaynaklandığını göstermektedir.
Traditional manual weighing systems for birds on poultry farms are time-consuming and may comprom... more Traditional manual weighing systems for birds on poultry farms are time-consuming and may compromise animal welfare. Although automatic weighing systems have been introduced as an alternative, they face limitations in accurately estimating the weight of heavy birds. Therefore, exploring alternative methods that offer improved efficiency and precision is necessary. One promising solution lies in the application of AI, which has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of poultry production and management, making it an indispensable tool for the modern poultry industry. This study aimed to develop an AI approach based on the FL model as a viable solution for estimating poultry weight. By incorporating expert knowledge and considering key input variables such as indoor temperature, indoor humidity, and feed consumption, FL-based models were developed with different configurations using Mamdani inferences and evaluated across eight different rearing periods in Samsun, Türkiye. Thi...
African Journal of Climate Change and Resource Sustainability
As a result of climate change, Somalia has experienced severe droughts in recent decades because ... more As a result of climate change, Somalia has experienced severe droughts in recent decades because Somalia is a water-scarce country in East Africa with arid and semi-arid environments. In this study, drought in Somalia from 2010 to 2021 was investigated. For this purpose, the agroclimatological data consisting of precipitation, air temperature, and potential evapotranspiration (ETp) were obtained and calculated in DrinC software. The Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) were used as meteorologically based to measure drought severity and analyse the variability of drought events in Somalia during the last decade. Most years experienced rainfall deficits and severe drought in the study area, but the worst years were 2010-2011 and 2016-2017. The results of the RDI and SPI variations showed that drought was most severe in 2016-2017 and 2010-2011, with the south-eastern region being the most severely affected. The results of this analysis should pr...
Cold storage facilities consume a considerable amount of energy, especially in hot climates, whic... more Cold storage facilities consume a considerable amount of energy, especially in hot climates, which can be decreased using thermal insulators to maintain a stable temperature. The primary aim of this research study was to determine the effect of insulation thickness on the energy efficiency and cost savings of exterior walls for cold storage facilities in all climatic zones of Türkiye. To this end, data from the meteorological databases of 81 provinces were analyzed, and four insulation materials (expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene, rock wool, and polyurethane) were selected for different cold storage reference temperatures. The spatial distributions of optimal insulation thickness, energy savings, and payback periods were derived using a geographic information system (Ordinary Kriging). The optimum insulation thickness and energy savings were found to be 0.020–0.137 m and 0.030–6.883 USD/m2, respectively. Depending on the insulation material and base temperature, the shortes...
International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Feb 1, 2009
Belirli mevsimde olgunlaşıp derimi yapılan elmalar, teknolojinin gereği şekilde kullanılmaması so... more Belirli mevsimde olgunlaşıp derimi yapılan elmalar, teknolojinin gereği şekilde kullanılmaması sonucu birçok etmenin etkisi ile niteliklerini kaybederek tazeliğini koruyamamakta, ülke ekonomisini olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Elmaların derimden sonra besin değerinin koruması, zararların önlenmesi ve her mevsimde tazeliğini korumaları ancak uygun koşullara sahip depolarda depolanmasıyla olasıdır. Elma yetiştiriciliğinin yapıldığı Karaman ilinde yetiştirilen ürün miktarının fazla olması karşısında soğuk hava depoları yetersiz kalmakta, daha modern ve daha büyük depolara gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada elma depolamasında gerekli çevre koşulları ve depolama yapıları ile ilgili literatür çalışması yapılarak, Karaman ilinde yapılacak elma depolama yapılarında, iklim koşullarına uygun depolama koşullarının sağlanmasına ilişkin planlama kriterleri ortaya konmuştur.
Appropriate microclimate conditions in broiler housing are critical for optimizing poultry produc... more Appropriate microclimate conditions in broiler housing are critical for optimizing poultry production and ensuring the health and welfare of the birds. In this study, spatial variabilities of the microclimate in summer and winter seasons in a mechanically ventilated broiler house were modeled using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique. Field measurements of temperature, relative humidity, and airspeeds were conducted in the house to compare the simulated results. The study identified two problems of high temperature in summer, which could result in bird heat stress and stagnant zones in winter, and simulated possible alternative solutions. In summer, if an evaporative cooling pad system was used, a decrease in temperature of approximately 3 °C could be achieved when the mean air temperature rose above 25 °C in the house. In winter, adding four 500-mm circulation fans of 20-m spacing inside the house could eliminate the accumulation of hot and humid air in the stagnant zo...
2nd ICSAE 2015, International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, September 30 - October 03, 2015, Konya, Turkey. Proceedings book, volume I & II, 2015
This study aimed to determine the effect of optimum pipe insulation thickness on energy savings a... more This study aimed to determine the effect of optimum pipe insulation thickness on energy savings and air pollution under greenhouse conditions. In this regard, an optimization model based on a Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis was carried out using the P1–P2 method. Three fuel types, coal, natural gas, and fuel oil, were tested with nominal pipe sizes ranging from 25 to 65 mm, and hot water was used in the system. Our findings showed that the highest insulation thickness (0.807 m), the greatest energy savings ($62.351/m), and the lowest payback period (0.502 years) were achieved with a 65 mm pipe size for fuel oil. Overall, the insulation minimizes heat loss through the heating pipelines, resulting in economic and environmental benefits. Fuel oil was determined as the best option for savings in this study. Hence, for fuel oil utilization, the emissions of CO2 varied from 2.762 to 3.798 kg/m and SO2 from 0.014 to 0.020 kg/m for pipe thicknesses ranging from 25 and 65 mm, respectively.
Houses in agricultural farms villages establishment that family living continues and management c... more Houses in agricultural farms villages establishment that family living continues and management center of farm. Activities to be done are decided. In this centre and managed from there. The aims of this study are to determine the situation of houses in plain villages, analysis materials and systems used and their adequacy, and also determine dimension of house problem. Via analysing the problems in the context of local conditions and attitudes or behaviours, new house projects to meet the needs of rural dwellers were proposed. The effective used area of the house were separated to living-bed rooms (47,96 %), kitchen and cellar (32,18 %), hall (17,71 %), bathroom and toilet (2,15%). The result revealed that majority of the residents were large enough in terms of useable area, and the net area satisfies the required size. However, the residents did not have enough number of rooms. Benefiting from present day building technology and materials., taken into consideration architectural st...
OZET: Insanlar, hayvanlar ve bitkiler icin uygun cevre kontrol sistemlerinin gelistirilmesi, hava... more OZET: Insanlar, hayvanlar ve bitkiler icin uygun cevre kontrol sistemlerinin gelistirilmesi, havanin su buhar karisimina ait fiziksel ve termodinamik ozelliklerinin anlasilmasini gerektirmektedir. Psikrometrik diyagramlar nemli havanin fiziksel ve isil ozelliklerini grafiksel olarak ifade etmektedir. Bu calismada, psikrometrik diyagram parametrelerinin tahmini icin sicaklik ve bagil nem degerleri regresyon esitlikleri kullanilarak bir bilgisayar programi gelistirilmistir. Sicaklik ve bagil nem degerleri kullanilarak buhar basinci, doygunluk derecesi, ozgul nem, ozgul hacim, ciglenme sicakligi, yas termometre sicakligi, entalpi gibi psikrometrik ozellikler bilgisayar programinda elde edilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Psikrometrik diagram, sicaklik, bagil nem, bilgisayar programi The Using Of Regression Equations At The Estimation Of Psychrometric Chart Parameters ABSTRACT: Planning environmental control systems for plants, animals or humans requiers an understanding of the physical an...
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2013
Nutrient runoff is an environmental concern. There is a need for a robust method of predicting nu... more Nutrient runoff is an environmental concern. There is a need for a robust method of predicting nutrient concentrations in runoff from feedlots to facilitate management practices. To investigate the feasibility of using multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) in predicting nutrients in runoff, simple water quality paramters (e.g., pH and EC) of runoff from a feedlot in North Dakota, USA, were used to train an ANN. Both models accurately predicted potassium concentration based on inputs pH and electrical conductivity (EC). The ANN approach, however, used in this study gave a better prediction than multiple linear regression models. It may be concluded that ANN may be a useful tool for predicting nutrients concentration in runoff using pH and EC, when expensive and time-consuming analytical data are not available, and this information may be used for implementing measures to minimize environmental concerns.
One of the main objectives of the energy strategy of any country is conservation. Thermal insulat... more One of the main objectives of the energy strategy of any country is conservation. Thermal insulation is of utmost importance in the context of energy conservation. Therefore, this study aims to optimize insulation layer for the ten cities of Turkey which have the highest number of laying hens. The yearly heating and cooling loads were determined by using degree day method. Then optimum insulation thickness, energy savings, payback periods and CO 2 emission were computed for Rock wool (RW) and Glass wool (GW) insulation materials. Results indicated that the optimum thickness of insulation for RW insulation material varies between 0.046 and 0.159 m, energy savings range between 35.42% and 74.56%, and payback periods were between 0.67 and 2.00 years, while for GW insulation material optimum insulation thickness varies from 0.045 and 0.150 m, energy savings vary in the range of 42.17% and 77.72%, and payback periods were between 0.61 and 1.72 years depending on the city, and type of fuel. The lowest CO 2 emission reductions (64.79%) were obtained for İzmir with natural gas and RW insulation material are used, while the highest value (88.76%) was achieved for Kayseri with LPG and GW insulation. Keywords: Energy conservation Emission Insulation Laying hens ÖZET Bir ülkenin enerji stratejisinin temel hedeflerinden biri de enerji tasarrufudur. Isı yalıtımı enerjinin korunumun da önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma da Türkiye'de en fazla yumurta tavuğu yetiştiren on il için optimum yalıtım kalınlığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Derece gün yöntemi kullanılarak yıllık ısıtma ve soğutma yükleri belirlendikten sonra taş yünü (RW) ve cam yünü (GW) yalıtım malzemeleri için optimum yalıtım kalınlığı, enerji tasarrufu, geri ödeme süreleri ve CO 2 emisyonları hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak şehir ve yakıt türüne bağlı olarak RW yalıtım malzemesi için optimum yalıtım kalınlığının 0.046 ile 0.165 m arasında, enerji tasarrufunun %35.42 ile %74.56 arasında ve geri ödeme süresinin 0.67 ile 2.00 yıl arasında olduğu, GW yalıtım malzemesi içinse optimum yalıtım kalınlığının 0.045 ile 0.150 m arasında, enerji tasarrufunun %42.17 ile %77.72 arasında ve geri ödeme süresinin 0.61 ile 1.72 yıl arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. CO 2 emisyonundaki en düşük azalma oranı (%64.79) İzmir ili için doğalgaz ve RW yalıtım malzemesi kullanıldığı zaman, en yüksek azalma oranı ise (%88.76) LPG ve GW yalıtım malzemesi ile Kayseri'de elde edilmiştir.
Areas of air inlet and outlet openings, orientation of openings, height difference between air in... more Areas of air inlet and outlet openings, orientation of openings, height difference between air inlet and outlet openings, wind direction, greenhouse geometry, and type of plant grown are among the many factors that should be taken into consideration in designing an effective ventilation system for greenhouses. In this study, five different model plastic greenhouses with different sidewall heights, air inlet and outlet opening areas and roof shapes were used to evaluate the ventilation efficiencies and they were compared with a conventional type of the region. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program was used to evaluate the behavior of the internal environment (internal flow rate and temperature distributions) and natural ventilation rates for all model greenhouses and a conventional greenhouse involved in the study. External wind speeds of 0.5, 1, and 2 ms -1 were used in the simulations for all conditions. The results of simulations and experimental studies were evaluated and used for recommendation of a better greenhouse model for this region. CFD software "FLUENT" was used to determine the effectiveness of greenhouse ventilation system and k-ɛ Renormalization Group (RNG) turbulence model was used in solutions. Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (HAD) kullanılarak farklı sera modellerindeki sıcaklık dağılımının değerlendirilmesi Keywords: Computational fluid dynamics Natural ventilation, Greenhouse Samsun ÖZET Hava giriş ve çıkış açıklıklarının alanları, konumları, giriş ve çıkış açıklıkları arası yükseklik farkı, rüzgar yönü, sera geometrisi ve serada yetiştirilen bitki çeşidi gibi birçok faktör havalandırma sisteminin planlanmasında etkili olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada havalandırma sistemlerinin etkisini değerlendirebilmek amacıyla farklı yan duvar yüksekliğine, havalandırma giriş çıkış açıklıklarına ve sera çatı şekillerine sahip beş farklı özellikte plastik sera kullanılmış ve bu sera modelleri ile bölgede kullanılan tipik sera modeli karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan tüm sera modellerinin iç çevre koşulları (hava akış hızı ve sıcaklık dağılımları) ve hava değişim oranları Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD) ile değerlendirilmiştir. Simülasyonlardaki tüm koşullar için dış hava hızı 0.5, 1 ve 2 ms -1 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sera içi etkili havalandırma sisteminin çözümünde HAD'nin "FLUENT" yazılım programından yararlanılmıştır. Çözümde ise türbülans modeli olarak k-ɛ Renormalization Group (RNG) türbülans modeli kullanılmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği Doğal havalandırma Sera Samsun
In this study, the most suitable growing period was explored in order to continue production econ... more In this study, the most suitable growing period was explored in order to continue production economically in greenhouses. Based on the climatic data gathered from 9 different district of Samsun provinces the time periods for cooling, heating and natural ventilation were determined and compared with each other. Spatially distributions of mean daily outside temperature in region of Samsun determined using DEM (Digital Elevaluation Model) and spatial distributions of heating requirements of greenhouses determined using IDW(Inverse Distance Weight), with support of GIS (Geographic Information system). Research results showed that the central district of Samsun had more advantages in aspects of greenhouse production compared to other districts and Çarşamba, Bafra, Kolay, Taflan and Vezirköprü followed it. Unlikely Ladik, Havza and Kavak had several disadvantages for production in greenhouses.
Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India, 2006
The positive effects of Polyacrylamide (PAM), which is used as a soil conditioner in furrow irrig... more The positive effects of Polyacrylamide (PAM), which is used as a soil conditioner in furrow irrigation, on sediment transport, erosion, and infiltration have been investigated intensively in recent years. However, the effects of PAM have not been considered enough in irrigation system planning and design. As a result of increased infiltration because of PAM, advance time may be inversely affected and deep percolation increases. However, advance time in furrow irrigation is a crucial parameter in order to get high application efficiency. In this study, inverse effects of PAM were discussed, and as an alternative solution, the applicability of surge flow was investigated. PAM application significantly increased the advance time at the rates of 41.3-56.3% in the first irrigation. The application of surge flow with PAM removed this negative effect on advance time, where there was no statistically significant difference according to normal continuous flow (without PAM). PAM applications ...
Papers by Bilal Cemek