Transportation Systems Management and Operations
Fact Sheet for Highway Provisions in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)
Program Purpose
To encourage and promote the safe and efficient management and operation of integrated, intermodal surface transportation systems to serve the mobility needs of people and freight and foster economic growth and development.
Statutory References
SAFETEA-LU Section(s): 1201, 1808, 5101(a)(5), 5211, 5305, 5306, 5310(8)
Other: 23 USC 511
Eligibility for transportation systems management and operations is found in a number of programs, including:
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
Expands eligibilities to include projects or programs that improve transportation systems management and operations that mitigate congestion and improve air quality. [1808]
Continues eligibility for: [23 USC 149]
- projects to establish or operate a traffic monitoring, management, and control facility or program.
- programs or projects that improve traffic flow, including projects to improve signalization, construct high occupancy vehicle lanes, improve intersections, and implement ITS strategies.
Real-Time System Management Information Program [1201]
Establishes a new program aimed at providing in all States the ability to monitor, in real time, the traffic and travel conditions on major highways and to share that information to improve the operation of the highway system. (see separate fact sheet on this program)
National Highway System
Continues eligibility for capital and operating costs for traffic monitoring, management, and control facilities and programs. [23 USC 103]
Transportation Planning
Continues the provisions that:
- allow the Secretary to provide funding to support adequate consideration of transportation systems management and operations, including ITS, within metropolitan and statewide planning processes.
- requires the plans for metropolitan areas and States provide for the integrated management and operation of transportation systems that will function as an intermodal transportation system. One of the considerations of metropolitan and State planning processes for projects and strategies is the promotion of efficient system management and operation.
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Research
ITS R&D priority areas include several transportation system management and operations elements, such as traffic management, incident management, freight management, road weather management, and traveler information. From funds authorized for ITS Research, $7 million is setaside for each of fiscal years 2005-2009 for the continuation of ITS management and operations in the Interstate Route 95 corridor coalition region initiated under ISTEA. [5211]