The Growth team will be adding a prompt allowing users to ask for help when they are in the context of editing an article, with the hypothesis that:
(A) Users are more likely to seek help when presented with an easy way to submit their questions; and
(B) Users are more likely to successfully complete an edit by knowing where to seek help.
Goal of the Comparative review
Review ways that other platforms and websites surface question-asking opportunities for users, to get ideas for best practices and trends to consider in our own design of an in-context help feature.
- Aspects of the review will be:
- Type(s) of help functionality offered in-context (e.g., info and links only? Searchable help topics? Live chat? Posting questions via email?)
- Design of the in-context help (e.g., placement and design of the element to trigger help, interaction flow to ask questions using the in-context UI)
- Availability on Mobile and/or Desktop