Epic: T346285: [Epic] Create Metrics Platform API for Submitting Core Interaction Events
In T350495: [EPIC] Deploy latest version of Metrics Platform client libraries, we deployed the latest version of the JS client library. We can now migrate the WikiLambda instrumentation to use core interaction events.
Since the the WikiLambda instrumentation has a lot of instrumentation-specific (domain-specific?) custom data, this will provide a good case study in creating and using a new schema that extends the core interaction event schema with the JS client library.
Wherever possible, the data logged by the existing instrument is mapped to the { action, action_subtype, action_source, action_context } 4-tuple(This approach was finally discarded) - A new mapping strategy has been discussed and agreed: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WiPR-uzGlJ2LJ5DKks3WYRGV0W2uOl6l2WqwfdqZbrc/edit#gid=362321310 ('event flows 2.0' tab)
- Repeated fields are identified and a schema fragment is created merged
- e.g. /fragment/mediawiki/wikilambda/common/1.0.0
- A new custom schema is created for this instrument merged
- e.g. /analytics/mediawiki/product_metrics/wikilambda/ui_actions/1.0.0
- active_browsing_session_tokenhas been added as a contextual attribute (T358758: Adding a new contextual attribute to the Metrics Platform JS client library: active_browsing_session_token)
- The instrument code is updated to use the above (keeping the previous one for now) review
- The new stream configuration is added (keeping the previous one for now) review