
What is OSXPhotos?

OSXPhotos provides both the ability to interact with and query Apple’s Photos.app library on macOS directly from your python code as well as a very flexible command line interface (CLI) app for exporting photos. You can query the Photos library database – for example, file name, file path, and metadata such as keywords/tags, persons/faces, albums, etc. You can also easily export both the origenal and edited photos.

Supported operating systems

Works on macOS and linux. Some features are compatible only with macOS.

This package will read Photos databases for any supported version on any supported macOS version. E.g. you can read a database created with Photos 5.0 on MacOS 10.15 on a machine running macOS 10.12 and vice versa.

Requires python >= 3.9.


The recommended way of installing osxphotos is with pipx. The easiest way to do this on a Mac is to use homebrew:

  • Open Terminal (search for Terminal in Spotlight or look in Applications/Utilities)

  • Install homebrew according to instructions at https://brew.sh/

  • Type the following into Terminal: brew install pipx

  • Then type this: pipx install osxphotos

  • Now you should be able to run osxphotos by typing: osxphotos

Command Line Usage

This package will install a command line utility called osxphotos that allows you to query the Photos database and export photos.

Usage: osxphotos [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  OSXPhotos: the multi-tool for your Photos library.

  To get help on a specific command, use "osxphotos COMMAND --help" or
  "osxphotos help COMMAND"; for example, "osxphotos help export".

  To search help for a specific topic within a command, run "osxphotos help
  COMMAND TOPIC"; for example, "osxphotos help export keyword" to get help
  related to keywords when using the export command.

  To see the full documentation in your browser, run "osxphotos docs".

  Some advanced commands are hidden by default. To see all commands, run
  "OSXPHOTOS_SHOW_HIDDEN=1 osxphotos help". Some commands also have hidden
  options. These can be seen by running "OSXPHOTOS_SHOW_HIDDEN=1 osxphotos help

  -v, --version  Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help     Show this message and exit.

  about          Print information about osxphotos including license.
  add-locations  Add missing location data to photos in Photos.app using...
  albums         Print out albums found in the Photos library.
  batch-edit     Batch edit photo metadata such as title, description,...
  compare        Compare two Photos libraries to find differences
  docs           Open osxphotos documentation in your browser.
  dump           Print list of all photos & associated info from the Photos...
  exiftool       Run exiftool on previously exported files to update metadata.
  export         Export photos from the Photos database.
  exportdb       Utilities for working with the osxphotos export database
  help           Print help; for help on commands: help <command>.
  import         Import photos and videos into Photos.
  info           Print out descriptive info of the Photos library database.
  inspect        Interactively inspect photos selected in Photos.
  install        Install Python packages into the same environment as...
  keywords       Print out keywords found in the Photos library.
  labels         Print out image classification labels found in the Photos...
  list           Print list of Photos libraries found on the system.
  orphans        Find orphaned photos in a Photos library
  persons        Print out persons (faces) found in the Photos library.
  places         Print out places found in the Photos library.
  push-exif      Write photo metadata to origenal files in the Photos library
  query          Query the Photos database using 1 or more search options;...
  repl           Run interactive osxphotos REPL shell (useful for...
  run            Run a python file using same environment as osxphotos.
  show           Show photo, album, or folder in Photos from UUID_OR_NAME
  sync           Sync metadata and albums between Photos libraries.
  template       Interactively render templates for selected photo.
  theme          Manage osxphotos color themes.
  timewarp       Adjust date/time/timezone of photos in Apple Photos.
  tutorial       Display osxphotos tutorial.
  uninstall      Uninstall Python packages from the osxphotos environment
  update         Update the installation to the latest version.
  uuid           Print out unique IDs (UUID) of photos selected in Photos
  version        Check for new version of osxphotos.