Papers by Very Setia Budi Murdianto
Sumber terbuka (bahasa Inggris: open source) adalah sistem pengembangan yang tida k dikoordinasi ... more Sumber terbuka (bahasa Inggris: open source) adalah sistem pengembangan yang tida k dikoordinasi oleh suatu individu / lembaga pusat, tetapi oleh para pelaku yang bekerja s ama dengan memanfaatkan kode sumber (source-code) yang tersebar dan tersedia beb as (biasanya menggunakan fasilitas komunikasi internet).
Seminar Informatika (Tahun 2018) - Surakarta, Juni 2018, 2018
Abstrak Kesehatan merupakan hal yang paling berharga bagi manusia, karena siapa saja dapat mengal... more Abstrak Kesehatan merupakan hal yang paling berharga bagi manusia, karena siapa saja dapat mengalami gangguan kesehatan khusunya penyakit pada lambung. Kebanyakan masyarakat awam sangat kurang memperhatikan kesehatan, mereka menganggap remeh rasa sakit pada perut khususnya pada bagian lambung.Serta pola hidup yang tidak sehat sebagai faktor pemicu penyakit pada lambung. Kurangnya dokter spesialis penyakit lambung juga menjadi pemicu kendala dalam pemeranan pencegahan penyakit lambung sejak dini. Sehingga perlunya suatu teknologi yang mampu mengadopsi cara berfikir manusia yaitu teknologi kecerdasan buatan. Sistem pakar merupakan salah satu dari teknologi kecerdasan buatan. Sistem pakar ini dibuat sebagai sarana untuk membantu dokter dalam mendiagnosa dan penatalaksanaan terhadap pasien. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan metode inferensi Forward Chaining dengan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan aplikasi sistem pakar untuk mengidentifikasi penyakit pada lambung dengan keluaran berupa kemungkinan penyakit disertai pengobatannya. Diharapkan dibuatnya sistem pakar ini akan membantu dokter dan pasien/pengguna dalam mengidentifikasi awal penyakit pada lambung. Kata Kunci: sistem pakar, forward chaining,penyakit lambung.
Abstract Health is the most valuable thing for humans, because anyone can experience health problems especially diseases in the stomach. Most ordinary people are very less attention to health, they underestimate the pain in the abdomen, especially on the stomach.Serta unhealthy lifestyle as a trigger factor of disease in the stomach. Lack of gastric disease specialist is also a trigger of obstacles in the role of prevention of stomach disease early on. So the need for a technology that is able to adopt the way of human thinking that is technology artificial intelligence. Expert system is one of artificial intelligence technology. This expert system is created as a means to assist doctors in diagnosing and managing patients. This application was created using Forward Chaining inference method with Visual Basic programming language. This study is expected to produce expert system application to identify the disease in the stomach with the output of the possibility of disease and its treatment. It is hoped that this expert system will help doctors and patients / users in identifying the onset of the disease in the stomach. Keyword: Expert system, Disease in The Human Stomach,forward Chaining,Visual Basic.
Remastering Ubuntu = Cactus Os
Children OS (Children Operating System), Dimana operating system ini Buat untuk Anak Dengan tujua... more Children OS (Children Operating System), Dimana operating system ini Buat untuk Anak Dengan tujuan apabila anak sedang berinteraksi dengan kompuer anak anak akan di suguhkan dengan tampilan dan apa yang memang anak itu butuhkan sesuai denga umur mereka. Latar belakang pembuatan system operasi ini adalah melihat di jaman sekarang teknologi semakin berkambang pesat hinga masyarakat pun sudah tidak asing lagi dengan perangkat elektronik terutama gadget hal yang perlu di perhatikan adalah siapkah jika anak belum cukup umur apakah anak tersebut benar benar sudah siap dan bisa menerima hal yang baru entah itu baik atau buruk pasti nya belum. Di sisi lain orang tua tidak dapat selalu mendampingi dalam setiap kegiatan anak maka di harapkan system operasi ini dapat menyuguhkan kebutuhan sesuai dengan umur.
Thomas Vincent
Sistem Operasi Linux saat ini sudah tidak begitu asing bagi mahasiswa maupun komunitas komunita b... more Sistem Operasi Linux saat ini sudah tidak begitu asing bagi mahasiswa maupun komunitas komunita bidang teknologi yang lain, Linux adalah suatu sistem operasi yang bersifat multi user dan multi tasking, yang dapat berjalan di berbagai platform termasuk prosesor Intel maupun yang lebih tinggi. Sistem Operasi Linux juga dapat dijadikan sebagai Sistem Operasi modifikasi atau Remastering dikarenakan OS Linux bersifat Open Source. Ubuntu adalah jenis OS dari Linux yang akan dijadikan untuk bahan uji coba Remastering.
Puji Syukur penulis panjatkan atas karunia nikmat yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. ... more Puji Syukur penulis panjatkan atas karunia nikmat yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Karena berkat rahmat-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan Dosen Pembimbing mata kuliah Keamanan Sistem dengan baik. Makalah yang berjudul "SQl Injection" ini disusun berdasarkan rangkuman dari beberapa sumber informasi dari media elektronik, dengan bahasa dan penjelasan yang sederhana dan sistematis. Harapan penulis, makalah ini dapat menjadi salah satu media yang menarik untuk dibaca dan mudah dipahami oleh seluruh pembaca.Penulis menyadari masih banyak sekali kekurangan yang ada pada makalah yang telah dibuat kali ini. Oleh karena itu penulis bisa menerima kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun sehingga penulis dapat membuat karya yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya di kemudian hari. Terima kasih penulis haturkan kepada semua sumber yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu -persatu dimana yang telah memberi pencerahan dan pelajaran sehingga makalah ini dapat diselesaikan. Surakarta, Oktober 2018 Penulis A. Latar Belakang BAB I PENDAHULUAN
Atur serta edit dan tambahkan konfigurasi untuk forward dan reverse, pada file named.conf denga... more Atur serta edit dan tambahkan konfigurasi untuk forward dan reverse, pada file named.conf dengan mengetikan nano /etc/bind/named.conf dan tambahkan teks.
The magnetooptic effect of transparency material such as aquarium glass, acrylic, and micro slide... more The magnetooptic effect of transparency material such as aquarium glass, acrylic, and micro slide has been studied using Michelson Interferometer. The change of refractive index to magnetic field B is obtained by placement of samples in a coil applied on altered field 0-0,2 T. Results of interferometer test show that change of refractive index is linearly dependent on B for acrylic and slide. However, for aquarium glass, it is on B 2 dependency. This result is agreement to previous experiment that the structure of acrylic and slide is formed more regular as B applied.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2013
In order to obtain a desirable deposition thickness, nanostructured ternary CoNiCu alloys have be... more In order to obtain a desirable deposition thickness, nanostructured ternary CoNiCu alloys have been electrodeposited from salt solutions containing Co 2+ , Ni 2+ and Cu 2+ in the presence of a neutral surfactant alkyl polyglucoside (APG). Electrodeposition of CoNiCu was carried out in a three-electrode cell with indium-tin oxide (ITO) on glass plate, platinum wire and saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as working electrode, counter electrode and reference electrode, respectively. The nanostructured alloys were characterized by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and supported by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The nanostructured CoNiCu alloys prepared in sulphate solutions in the presence of APG produced a thinner layer of nanoparticles of the alloys compared with the one deposited in the absence of APG. For a fixed deposition time, 160s and at an applied potential of -875mV (SCE) the layer thickness was about 56 nm for electrodepositionin the presence of 3.25 wt.% APG and about 110 nm without APG. Only a small increase in thickness was observed when the potential was increased to more negative values i.e. -875 to -950 mV(SCE).
The measurement for influence of high voltage technique to Entrance Skin Exposure and Rate of Sca... more The measurement for influence of high voltage technique to Entrance Skin Exposure and Rate of Scattered Radiation Exposure on abdomen inspection have been conducted. The ESE measurement is conducted using Electrometer and calculated by semi empirical method, while in measurement of rate of scattered radiation exposure using survey meter at a distance of 100 cm from the object by varying data intake points and its direction of detector. The result indicates that the usage of high voltage technique yields absorbent dose of 124 mrad and radiation exposure of 339 mR. It is lower than the standard value of absorbent dose of 322.7 mrad and radiation exposure of 130,5 mR. The result of measurement is higher than calculation. In measurement of exposure of scattered radiation rate with detector position faced to object, on right side of cathode, it yields 1.03mR/hour with standard voltage and 0.32 mR/hour with high voltage technique. While in measuring exposure of scattered radiation rate and back-scattered obtained result on A' and C' (close to anoda and side of object) and A" and C" nearly same, with highest value of 1 mR/hour and 0.93 mR/hour at standard tube voltage and at high kV technique obtained lower value of 0.29mR/hour and 0.25mR/hour.
Applied Spectroscopy, 1999
An experim ental study has been carried out on the dynamical process taking place in the secondar... more An experim ental study has been carried out on the dynamical process taking place in the secondary plasma generated by a Qswitched Nd:YAG laser (80 m J, 8 ns) on a copper target at reduced pressu re. Accurate dynamical characteriza tion of the cross-sectional view of the plasma has been m ade possible by the unique combination of a plasma con® nem ent con® guration and the tim e-resolved m easurem ent technique. In addition to reaf® rm ing the role of the blast-wave mech anism in the generation of secondary plasm a, an analysis of the tim e-resolved spatial distributions of emission intensities and the time-resolved spatial distributions of tem perature was m ade. As a result, the occurrence of two-stage em ission processes, the``shock excitation stage'' and``cooling stage,'' has been proved. For instance, at 2 Torr it is shown that the em ission process is initiated by a brief shock excitation process (; 1 m s) and followed by a longer cooling process (; 3 m s). The experimental results concerning the characteristics of the plasma can be well understood by considering the two-stage processes.
Applied Spectroscopy, 1999
Excitation m echanisms for copper and zinc atoms as well as their ionic species in the Q-switched... more Excitation m echanisms for copper and zinc atoms as well as their ionic species in the Q-switched (Q-sw) Nd:YAG laser-induced shock wave plasma have been investigated with a tim e-gated optical m ultichannel analyzer (O MA) system for various experimental conditions. It is dem onstrated that the shock excitation process is the m ain m ech anism responsible for the emission spectra for laser energy ranging from 8 to 86 m J and surrounding air pressure from 2 to 50 Torr. At air pressu re below 2 Torr, collision-induced excitation appears to take over and becom es the operative m echanism . In all cases, the neutral emission dominates over the ionic emission, leading to a high signal-to-background ratio, which tends to decrease, however, at higher laser energy and air pressure.
Abstrak — In this paper, an approach to construct a dynamic feature weighting in question answeri... more Abstrak — In this paper, an approach to construct a dynamic feature weighting in question answering system is proposed. In order to find a set of optimum weights for a question and its answer (candidate) pair(s), a combination of genetic algorithm and logistic regression technique are introduced in our approach. As part of our experimental study, a standard dataset of non-factoid question and answer pairs, called UIUC, is used as a testing-case. The experiment results show that our approach can produce a set of feature weights which leads to a better performance compared to the conventional static weighting. Keywords— metaheuristik, algoritma genetika, regresi logistik sistem tanya jawab, pengurutan jawaban. I. PENDAHULUAN Sistem tanya jawab (STJ) adalah sebuah penerapan temu balik informasi yang diharapkan dapat memberikan sebuah kandidat jawaban secara langsung. Ditinjau dari sisi artitektur perangkat lunak, STJ memiliki empat komponen utama [1], yaitu: 1. analisis pertanyaan; 2. ...
Mobile devices have become more and more popular, and the services have grown in number and range... more Mobile devices have become more and more popular, and the services have grown in number and range. Ready access to the Internet is one of the characteristics of the mobile devices that deliver significant value for their users. However, the users are also concerned about costs and other factors related to this access. This paper describes a multi-objective model to optimally schedule a service on a mobile device that requires data communication with the external data repositories. These objectives are incomparable with each other and represent different personal and temporal needs and preferences. Thus, the objectives cannot be assigned unanimously accepted fixed weights to generate a single outcome metric. Pareto optimal solutions are used to provide the best option for determining efficient schedules.
2013 8th International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA), 2013
The paper describes a multi-objective model to optimally schedule a service on a mobile device th... more The paper describes a multi-objective model to optimally schedule a service on a mobile device that requires data communication with the external data repositories.
Papers by Very Setia Budi Murdianto
Abstract Health is the most valuable thing for humans, because anyone can experience health problems especially diseases in the stomach. Most ordinary people are very less attention to health, they underestimate the pain in the abdomen, especially on the stomach.Serta unhealthy lifestyle as a trigger factor of disease in the stomach. Lack of gastric disease specialist is also a trigger of obstacles in the role of prevention of stomach disease early on. So the need for a technology that is able to adopt the way of human thinking that is technology artificial intelligence. Expert system is one of artificial intelligence technology. This expert system is created as a means to assist doctors in diagnosing and managing patients. This application was created using Forward Chaining inference method with Visual Basic programming language. This study is expected to produce expert system application to identify the disease in the stomach with the output of the possibility of disease and its treatment. It is hoped that this expert system will help doctors and patients / users in identifying the onset of the disease in the stomach. Keyword: Expert system, Disease in The Human Stomach,forward Chaining,Visual Basic.
Abstract Health is the most valuable thing for humans, because anyone can experience health problems especially diseases in the stomach. Most ordinary people are very less attention to health, they underestimate the pain in the abdomen, especially on the stomach.Serta unhealthy lifestyle as a trigger factor of disease in the stomach. Lack of gastric disease specialist is also a trigger of obstacles in the role of prevention of stomach disease early on. So the need for a technology that is able to adopt the way of human thinking that is technology artificial intelligence. Expert system is one of artificial intelligence technology. This expert system is created as a means to assist doctors in diagnosing and managing patients. This application was created using Forward Chaining inference method with Visual Basic programming language. This study is expected to produce expert system application to identify the disease in the stomach with the output of the possibility of disease and its treatment. It is hoped that this expert system will help doctors and patients / users in identifying the onset of the disease in the stomach. Keyword: Expert system, Disease in The Human Stomach,forward Chaining,Visual Basic.