Rural Radio on-demand programmes by Voices for change published on 2024-09-23T07:59:23Z This playlist features on-demand radio programmes produced during the Rural radio event at the World Food Forum in FAO HQ from 15-17 October 2024. Genre Learning Contains tracks EN-QU-Dongyu-FAO-Director-General by Voices for change published on 2024-10-21T11:37:58Z EN-Fatouma-Seid-Deputy-Director-PSU-evaluation of the GFFF by Voices for change published on 2024-10-21T11:38:47Z EN-Peterschmitt-Etienne-FAO Representative Somalia-Radio and Rural communication services in Somalia by Voices for change published on 2024-10-21T11:38:20Z EN - Andrea Alfieri EU - CapacityDevelopment by Voices for change published on 2024-10-25T13:13:13Z EN - Andrea Alfieri EU-investments by Voices for change published on 2024-10-25T13:12:44Z
EN-Fatouma-Seid-Deputy-Director-PSU-evaluation of the GFFF by Voices for change published on 2024-10-21T11:38:47Z
EN-Peterschmitt-Etienne-FAO Representative Somalia-Radio and Rural communication services in Somalia by Voices for change published on 2024-10-21T11:38:20Z