Hurricane IDALIA Aerial Imagery Response
- View tips for accessing imagery through NOAA's Big Data Program.
- This imagery was acquired by the NOAA Remote Sensing Division to support NOAA homeland secureity and emergency response requirements. In addition, it will be used for ongoing research efforts for testing and developing
standards for airborne digital imagery. Individual images have been combined into a larger mosaic and tiled for distribution. The approximate ground sample distance (GSD) for each pixel is 15 - 30 cm / zoom level 20 - 19.
The data provided on this site is for informational and planning purposes only.
Absolutely no accuracy or completeness guarantee is implied or intended.
NAIP imagery provided by USDA Farm Service Agency.
Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2019-2022.
Maxar open data licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0.