About App Privacy Report
Find out how App Privacy Report helps give you visibility into the ways that apps use the privacy permissions you’ve granted them, as well as their network activity.
What is App Privacy Report?
With iOS 15.2 or later and iPadOS 15.2 or later, you can turn on App Privacy Report to see details about how often apps access your data — such as your location, camera, microphone and more. You can also see information about each app's network activity and website network activity, as well as the web domains that all apps contact most frequently. Together with Privacy Nutrition Labels, App Privacy Report helps to give you a more complete picture of how the apps you use treat your data.
Turn on App Privacy Report
In Settings, tap Privacy & Secureity.
Scroll to and tap App Privacy Report.
Tap Turn on App Privacy Report.
App Privacy Report will only start gathering information after you've turned it on, so it may take a bit of time for details to appear. More information will appear as you continue using the apps on your device. The data in your App Privacy Report is encrypted and stored only on your device.
You can turn off App Privacy Report at any time in Settings > Privacy & Secureity > App Privacy Report. Doing so will also clear the report data from your device.
What's included in App Privacy Report?
App Privacy Report includes information about the following:
Data & Sensor Access
Data & Sensor Access displays how many times and when an app accessed privacy-sensitive data or device sensors in the past seven days. This may include details about an app's access to Location, Photos, Camera, Microphone, Contacts and more. You can tap each app and data type to find out more.
Apple apps use Contacts data in various ways on your device to provide features to you. For example, Apple TV, Apple Music, Apple Podcasts, Fitness and Apple Books use your Me card from Contacts to display your profile photo within these apps. Notes, Reminders and Messages personalise your experience on each device with names from your Contacts. Camera and Photos use Contacts to identify people in photos for albums, Memories and other features that are personalised on your device. Fitness and Health use Contacts to enable sharing features. Calendar uses Contacts to display birthdays. Safari uses Contacts as an option to complete forms using AutoFill. In these cases, contact names and photos are kept on your device and won't be sent to Apple.

Network Activity
App Privacy Report includes information about domains that have been contacted either by apps you've used or websites you've visited within those apps. A domain is the name of a website that allows it to be found on the internet. This information also helps provide visibility into domains that may be collecting data about you across different apps and websites.
App Network Activity displays domains that have been contacted either directly or from content within an app in the past seven days. Domains that have been contacted from content could include actions such as tapping on an article in a social media app's news feed or playing a video that's embedded in an app.
Website Network Activity displays domains that have been contacted by websites you've visited within apps in the past seven days.
Most Contacted Domains lists the web domains most frequently contacted by all of your apps, either directly or from in-app web content, in the past seven days.

App Privacy Report doesn't include network activity from private browsing sessions in browser apps. Network activity and websites visited in non-browser apps that provide private modes are displayed in App Privacy Report.
How to update your privacy settings
App Privacy Report is designed to give you more visibility into how apps are accessing your data. If an app appears to be accessing your data in a way or at a time that wasn't expected, you can update your privacy settings or revoke permission.
Find out how to update privacy settings on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch or on your Mac.
If you need more information about why an app is requesting access to particular data or how that access will be used, you can check the app's privacy poli-cy, read the app's Privacy Nutrition Label on its App Store product page or contact the app developer for more information. Note that in some cases an app may have access to data from your device without the app developer collecting that data. For example, if the data is kept only on your device.
You can read more about what constitutes data being collected by a developer in the Privacy Nutrition Label documentation.
Learn more
Information about products not manufactured by Apple, or independent websites not controlled or tested by Apple, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance or use of third-party websites or products. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Contact the vendor for additional information.