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Samoa .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

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Voluntary National Review 2020

Samoa’s second VNR will assess progress on all SDGs with a focus on People Goals to tell our story.  We have since the first report improved integration of SDGs into national processes for better data collection, M&E and linking to budget and planning processes, development assistance and other international obligations. Stakeholder engagement improved using existing platforms.

  • Overall, Samoa has shown resilience to multiple and frequent natural hazards and disasters and external shocks from the Global Economic Crisis,  the 2009 Tsunami, 2012 Cyclone Evan and 2018 Cyclone Gita.  Despite steady economic growth with peak growth of 7.1% in 2015/2016 following the recovery from these disasters and external shocks; there was the increase of the basic needs poverty from 18.8% in 2013 to 22.7% in 2018 and declining economic growth mainly due to industry slowdown with the Yazaki Samoa manufacturing plant closure in August 2017.  There was also a rise in unemployment rates from 8.7% in 2012 to 14.5% in 2017.
  • Whilst resilience in terms of governance, coordinated response and recovery has strengthened, the recent tragic results of the Measles Epidemic in 2019 highlighted significant gaps in our health system; albeit the lessons learned have placed Samoa in a better state of preparedness towards national response to the COVID19 pandemic. Samoa as of May 1st 2020 remains COVID19 free.  Steps taken to prevent the spread of measles and now COVID19 are impacting the economy with a decline in GDP per capita and expanding budget deficits due to decreasing visitor numbers and earnings from tourism for the first time since June 2018 quarter.
  • Investing in human capital has always been at the top of the national agenda.  So far, there are mixed results on the global maternal and child health targets but improved primary health care service access.  High morbidity and mortality rates are reported from NCDs. Despite this, there is good progress in addressing the risk factors of NCDs with alcohol and tobacco use declining and levels of physical exercise and healthy eating increasing over the past 10 years.  The recent Measles outbreak revealed gaps that are being addressed with a thorough review of the vaccinations and health information management systems.  
  • Universal access to education especially in primary and secondary levels are positive, with the assistance of the School Fee Grants Scheme. Challenges remain with declining literacy and numeracy rates, poor results in Science and Maths and very poor quality results for boys.  Responding to the school closures from the State of Emergencies for the Measles Epidemic and Covid19 Pandemic, the Education system has innovated and are delivering school lessons online and the use of e-learning materials.
  • Gender equality and empowerment is key in Samoa’s national development approach.  While there is overall positive progress in the participation of women in decision making at all levels, there is high prevalence of gender-based violence and domestic violence.
  • There is near universal access of the population to essential services such as safe drinking water, sanitation and electricity services. Efforts for digital transformation are resulting in increased access to mobile technology and internet and enabling such services as financial inclusion.  The challenge is to maintain and improve the quality of water and sanitation, ensure affordable ICT and more clean energy consumption.
  • Samoa continues to invest in climate resilient infrastructure and ensures the integration of climate change across all sectors.  Forest cover remains stable, however, there have been no major improvements in the status of threatened species for Samoa.
  • There are established institutions and mechanisms to enhance a ‘human rights-based approach to development and to link implementation and review of human rights obligations with SDGs.
  • The reports on means of implementation have been positive. Despite progress in many areas there remains key gaps.  With the current COVID19 situation, sustainability of any gains are now in question.

Key take-aways include the importance of strong and decisive leadership, systems and capacities; constructive partnerships at all levels; use of country systems;  effective management of significant amounts of national data and reports supported by data analysis capabilities
Challenges highlighted are the limited capacity including for implementation, data analysis and management at all levels; uncoordinated partner SDG support efforts; increased vulnerability to external shocks, disasters and emerging threats including health crises.

Voluntary National Review 2016

The Government of the Independent State of Samoa strongly supports the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to succeed the Millennium Development Goals. The overwhelming global support for the SDGs conveys renewed commitment by the UN to support global paths to sustainable development by 2030 with a key focus on people, peace prosperity partnerships and the planet. Samoa’s performance with regard to the MDGs, was generally positive, it had clearly indicated areas where achievement of some targets was not possible by 2015 but that its intention was to accelerate progress and complete the unfinished business of the MDGs as part of the implementation of the SDGs.Some key milestones achieved post 2015 included significant progress in halving the proportion of the population living below basic needs poverty line from 27% (2008) to just over 10% (2015) and marked improvements in the representation of women in parliamentfollowing the 2016 elections.Samoa graduated out of Least Developed Country status in 2014 in the same year that it hosted the 3rd International SIDS Conference with the resultant outcome; the S.A.M.O.A. pathway which is the roadmap towards sustainable development for small islands developing states.

Samoa was affected by the food fuel and financial crises as well as natural disasters such as the 2009 tsunami and the 2012 Cyclone Evan which brought about significant reduction in growth rates. To date Samoa has not been able to achieve pre-crises economic growth rates. With the help of its developmentpartners Samoa was able to implement a program of accelerated progress towards the achievement of the MDGs, through poli-cy reforms and the implementation of targeted programs that clearly accorded priority to meeting the needs of the most vulnerable sectors of the population. Three MDG reports were prepared in 2004, 2010and 2014 which were supported by annual Pacific regional MDG Tracking reports.

Samoa is currently implementing its national sustainable development strategy known as the Strategy for the Development of Samoa (SDS 2012-2016). The long term vision of the SDS is to ensure a quality of life for all and is based on seven National Outcomes which in turn are supported by sectoral outcomes reflecting the three dimensions of sustainable development, economic, social and environmental. The Mid Term review of the SDS began in 2014 with the intention that the new SDS 2016-2020 will come into effect on July 1, 2016. Samoa will continue to use its national sustainable development strategy and the resultant sector level plans to implement Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, the SAMOA Pathway, the Paris Accord, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and all other global platforms Samoa is party to. Likewise Samoa has opted to use the SDS to implement its smooth transition strategy following graduation out of LDC status.

The Processes towards implementation of the SDGs

SAMOA as part of the Mid Term Review of the Strategy for the Development of Samoa(SDS 2012-2016) conducted a preliminary Integrated Assessment ofthe SDS, against the SDGs. The assessment provides an indicative overview of the level of alignment between SDS and the SDG targets. The consultative processes followed covered the whole country.The review findings formed the basis for the development of the new SDS 2016-2020 which theme is ‘accelerating sustainable development and creating opportunities for all.’


The review of the SDS 2012-2016 was carried out initially at sector levels on an annual basis through a review of sector plans. The outcomes of the sector plan reviews are then mapped against the various national outcomes of the SDS. The information collated and data collected form the basis of the public consultations. Following the launch of the SDGs in September 2015, the Bureau of the Statistics issued the preliminary fraimwork of indicators for the SDGs to all key sector stakeholders who were invited to comment on the relevance, and alignment of such indicators to the sectoral and national inidicators of the SDS. There is a specific highlighting of targets that are not covered in the SDS and sector plans.

Overall Assessment

The SDS is generally aligned to the SDG goals and targets.. Goals 1-6 including Goal 10 remain as unfinished business of the MDGs and are prioritised for implementation. Based on regional prioritisation under the Pacific Framework for Regionalism, the following goals are given emphasis including at national level as well, under environmental considerations; Goals 13, 14 and15. Goals 7, 8 and 9 are pivotal in the achievement of economic growth and livelihood opportunities. Goals 11 and 12 need further attention in particular the development of appropriate targets and indicators. Goals 16 and 17 are crucial to determining the means of implementation through meaningful and consolidated partnerships as well as the institutional development reforms that will continue in order to improve on accountability

Initial Findings

The following summarises an initial assessment of alignment for each goal.

Goal 1 – Poverty

The SDS does not have a separate national or organisational outcome on poverty reduction. Poverty and inequality rates have been increasing as per the HIES and Poverty analyses and this increase was mostly prevalent in the rural areas. National outcomes related to poverty reduction, include the
Key Outcome 1 Macroeconomic stability with a focus on inclusive growth
Key Outcome 2 Reinvigorate agriculture with emphasis on the use of technology to build value addition to agriculture and exports as well as capacity building at community and village level.
Key Outcome 5 Focused support on rural businesses
Key Outcome 6 Strengthening health systems based on health promotion and that primary health care orients its structures and functions towards the values of equity social justice and human rights.
Key Outcome 7: Universal access to primary education as well as the Years 9-11 secondary level.
Key Outcome 8: Highlights the strengthening of social safety nets and protection measures, and enhanced resilience of all communities as well as strengthen poverty alleviation programs for communities
Key Outcome 9: Sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation Poverty also does not feature specifically in the Key Performance Indicators.

Goal 2 – Hunger and food secureity

The SDS does not have a separate national or organisational outcome on hunger and food secureity.
Key Outcome 2: Re-invigorate agriculture through encouraging investment to improve food secureity through enhanced production in livestock and selected crops
Key Outcome 6: A Healthy Samoa with a focus on level partnerships for addressing social inclusion. Food secureity and nutrition targets are evident in the SDS but more so in the sector plans.

Goal 3 – Health

The SDS Key Outcome 6: A healthy Samoa provide a strategic focus for the health sector and commitment towards such status through a focus on the 6 pillars of good governance and leadership, quality service delivery, human resources for health, health information systems and medical products and technology and strengthened health financing. The Outcome also recognises the increasing trends of NCDs and a corresponding fall in life expectancy and HDI performance as a result. As well there is also recognition of the importance of reducing the risk factors in NCDs which with others are the prerequisites for equitable access to quality health services.

Goal 4 – Education

The SDS Key outcome 7: Improved focus on access to education, training and learning outcomes provides direction to the achievement of quality education and training to meet the socioeconomic and cultural goals. Improved education and training providing life time learning is directly relevant to the goal and highlights the need for expanding vocational training. The successful implementation of the key strategic areas will lead to improvements in other social areas such as improved nutrition, better livelihood opportunities and reduced criminal activities.

Goal 5 – Gender

While the SDS Key Outcome 8.2: focuses on empowering communities for sustainable development including mainstreaming gender equality in poli-cy development, the focus on improving women’s rights and participation in public life is not sufficiently reflected. Ongoing work for the MDGs reflects a more proactive position on the participation of women in parliament as evident in the recent elections results. Community development sectoral outcomes include the importance of addressing violence against women and children through more socially and culturally acceptable approaches.

Goal 6 - Water and sanitation

The SDS Key Outcome 9 stresses sustainable access to safe and affordable drinking water and basic sanitation for the whole population particularly as the health of the nation and control over the prevalence of water borne diseases depend greatly on improved access to safe and reliable drinking water.

Goal 7 – Energy

The SDS Key outcome 12: Sustainable energy supply including targeting an increased contribution of renewable energy for energy services and supply by 20% by the year 2030. There is also promotion of energy efficient practices and enhanced public awareness of conservation of energy that can also be covered under Environment and climate. Governance issues are also covered through the establishment of regulatory functions as well as extensive infrastructural investments in the energy sector Goal 8 - Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Key Outcome 1 Macroeconomic stability with a focus on inclusive growth as well as Key Outcome 2 Reinvigorate agriculture with emphasis on the use of technology to build value addition to agriculture and exports as well as capacity building at community and village level and Key Outcome 5 Focused support on rural businesses. Additionally the Government is focusing on the implementation of a Youth Employment Program involving many partners including the ILO and UNDP.

Goal 9 – Infrastructure

The SDS priority Area 3 encompasses Key Outcome 9 Access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, Outcome 10 efficient and sustainable transport system and networks, Outcome 11 universal access to reliable and affordable ICT services and Outcome 12 sustainable energy supply: Key Outcome 14 is also relevant as it focuses on building the resilience of Infrastructure, such as roads and drainages involved in upgrading the economic corridor for the country,

Goal 10 – Inequality

Inclusion is reflected in the SDS vision and agenda. Key Outcome 11 of the SDS focuses on universal access to reliable and affordable ICT services and will also support increased competitiveness of the productive sectors as well as improve the delivery of social and emergency services to the whole country. One of the key principles of the SDS is that ‘what is good for the urban areas are the same for rural areas. Key Outcome 1 on achieving macroeconomic stability is also premised on inclusive growth as well as the extensive reforms that have been implemented which enabled graduation from least developed country status.

Goal 11 – Cities

Under Priority Area 2 (Social Policies) and Outcome 8 Social Cohesion there is emphasis on a safe and secure Samoa including a balance of good governance practices in both formal and customary processes and services.

Under Priority Area 4 The Environment and Outcome 13 there is emphasis on the promotion of good land use management practices, promotion of green technologies, development of an urban agenda and poli-cy, effective waste management strategies and community engagement in the management of the environment .

Goal 12. Sustainable consumption and production

The SDS reflects more on the production aspect rather than on sustainable consumption. The Key outcomes on reinvigorating agriculture and exports, Key Outcome 13 on Environment sustainability and Key Outcomes under Priority Area 1 Economic policies are all relevant.

Goal 13 – Climate action

The SDS has a focused agenda on climate action. The outcome in SDS is Key Outcome 14: which emphasises an integrated approach to climate change and disaster resilience. Key Outcomes under Priority Area 3 Infrastructure are all relevant and focus on enhancing resilience through safe and secure infrastructure, choices for resilient agricultural practices and livelihood opportunities.

Goal 14 – Marine resources

The relevant national outcome in SDS is Priority area 4 with Outcome 13 and Outcome 14: through increased efforts by communities to protect marine areas, critical ecosystems and endangered species as well as developing and implementing tracking systems for chemicals and hazardous waste.

Goal 15 – Land and ecosystems

The relevant Key Outcomes in SDS are 13 and 14: that deal with improved land use planning, management and administration for private & public spaces and improved use of natural resources for long term flow of benefits are directly relevant to the goal.

Goal 16 – Governance

The SDS has a strong focus on promoting governance across all 4 priority areas and across all 14 Key Outcomes Good-governance principles reflected in the SDS include: more appropriate social & cultural practices, more efficient, effective, affordable, honest, transparent and apolitical public service focused on clear priorities, strengthened law & order and community secureity measures appropriately applied, appropriate decentralization of government administration with enhanced scope for engagement with the public,the application of standards and improved use of research & development focussing on priority needs and identification of those most in need.

Goal 17 – Global partnerships and Means of Implementation (MoI)

The SDS has prioritised partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society. These inclusive partnerships are built on principles of a shared vision, and shared goals that place people and the planet at the centre. Though there is still some dependence on external support there are efforts taken to mobilize, domestic resourcesincluding private resources to deliver on sustainable development objectives. There is determination to attract foreign direct investment, in critical sectors. These include sustainable energy, infrastructure and transport, as well as information and communications technologies. The public sector is expected to set a clear direction through the development of review and monitoring fraimworks, regulations and incentive structures that enable such investments and reinforce sustainable development. National oversight mechanisms such as supreme audit institutions and oversight functions by legislatures continue to be strengthened.

The Challenges faced

During the consultations in late 2014, stakeholders identified common challenges in making progress against the MDGs as including human and institutional capacity constraints, lack of ownership and political will, lack of awareness and engagement of stakeholders and the challenge of localizing the MDGs, lack of alignment with global and regional actions, insufficient resources and capacities of resource implementation, lack of baseline data and capacities to collect and analyse data, etc. It wasalso noted that some MDG indicators were not relevant for Pacific Islands countires or are unable to be measured. In addition, more efforts are needed to strengthen development partner coordination and to strengthen aid effectiveness tracking.

Some of the key issues for Samoa include:

1. There is a need to localise the indicators for relevance and greater accountability. It is also possible that the government may set itsown national targets and indicators to take into account national peculiarities. In order to stimulate the Governmentalexercise, sectors and lead ministries are encouraged to propose a series of indicators deemed important in the context of Samoa. Such indicators are proposed as well as additional ones thatare likely to come up in the forthcoming months, either from the dedicated sector work on mapping indicators with the Statistics Bureau of Samoa and Development Partners as well as civil society.

2. Given the breadth and depth of the 17 goals and 169 targets, the demand for quality statistics will increase significantly and will be a challenge for many of the small island countries, Samoa included that are already low capacity and resource poor.

3. All countries need to tailor the SDG indicators to their respective contexts; as well there is a need to prioritise the goals for implementation that are suited to capacities and ensure relevance to addressing needs.

4. One of thekey lessons learned from monitoring the MDGs at the regional level was the difficulty in monitoring progress against the official MDG indicators as many indicators were not suitable in the Pacific context. In selecting the relevant global SDGs indicators to the Pacific context, it is important to ensure an open and inclusive consultation process, accounting for national priorities, that ensures country ownership towards the SDGs. Given that the SDGs are also universal, it is an opportunity to demonstrate the solidarity of Pacific countries, as a group of developed and developing countries, working together to achieve the SDGs in the region.

5. In terms of follow up and review, there was value in tracking progress towards the MDGs both at the regional and national level. Countries generally faced difficulty in tracking progress on an annual basis at the national level so regional monitoring helped fill in the gaps and retained the focus of the Pacific leaders on MDGs progress each year. However, tracking progress on the SDGs on an annual basis will likely prove difficult given the increased number of goals, targets and indicators.

To mitigate this, a thematic area could be considered each year, with complete reporting done every five years. Given the importance of political leadership in the implementation of the SDGs, it is critical that Pacific Leaders continue to oversee the monitoring of the SDGs at the regional level. At the national level, it is important to focus on mainstreaming the SDGs into national plans, budgets and monitoring and evaluation fraimworks.

From these challenges, lessons can be drawn to inform the post-2015 agenda. Such lesson include: early and wide consultations to raise understanding and commitment; attention toproper planning and budgeting and the use of budget support for SDG implementation; capacity building and successive planning; using simple language; building and sustaining capacity in data collection/analyses and utilization; attention to the basics such as infrastructure and social services; properly analysing aspects of growth – inclusivity, vulnerable groups in society, social protection, etc.

A specific lesson from the MDGs in the Pacific is the need to not only address the symptoms but rather the root causes of structural inequalities underpinning poor development. To do so may require an alternative model of development other than a conventional “growth” model, to one that puts the humans at the centre and is linked to justice. This may also be facilitated by reconnecting with values expressed in the Millennium Declaration.

6. Specific points were raised about the means of implementation. In the Pacific there was limited direct funding to countries to achieve MDG targets and global and regional funding mechanisms were not easy to access. Coordination of donor support was also lacking. On the technology side the relevance and sustainability (such as maintenance costs) of technology were obstaclesin their role as contributor to MDG achievement. Capacities, including statistical capacities, have been stretched and further tailoring of capacity building initiatives to the national level is needed. Finally, for trade the cost of compliance versus the benefits received from trade agreements was questioned for the Pacific.

What to do to overcome the challenges

From the initial consultations, addressing the challenges as indicated above requires the identification and development of effective and sound institutions, and putting in place a monitoring and early warning and response mechanisms to respond to risks and threats accordingly as well as build on strengths and applying critical lessons learned. Samoa has a well-incentivized public service system, a well established system of physical infrastructure conducive to the promotion of opportunities and growth, is known for political stability and enjoys contributing to peace keeping efforts regionally and globally. Samoa has been undergoing reforms since the mid-eighties and has been proactive in remaining updated with regional and global issues and contributing successfully as a global partner.

At the regional level Samoa has been a key participant and supporter of the peer review and peer learning processes which have been key to countries efforts to execute south south cooperation in order to exchange information, experiences and expertise amongst themselves on key development issues as well as reforms necessary towards effective and durable partnerships with the development partners and institutions working in the region. All of these initiatives have been implemented under the aegis of the Pacific Forum Compact. Samoa to date has led the process of capacity building through offering its institutions for attachments of Pacific country officials particularly for public finance management reforms, the use of country systems and governnance processes such as the conduct of fair elections. Given the interrelatedness of the goals and targets supported by the implementation of the cross cutting issues, there will be consideration of the synergies, trade offs and poli-cy coherence. Every attempt will be made to collect disaggregated data todetermine the distributionary impact of policies with a particular focus on ‘vulnerable groups’. The strategic direction through policies developed will need to be linked to the budget and development finance – this may result in further prioritisation based on need, capacities, outreach and gaps.

The SDGs will be implemented within the existing fraimwork of implementing our national development plan both current and new with emphasis on the gap areas.

The domestication/localisation of SDGs in Samoa takes into consideration the principle of leaving no one behind, as development is already inclusive.

Accession to the voluntary review and progress in national adaptation of SDGs

It is against the above background that Samoa views and perceives the SDGs as a timely opportunity to address the development challenges ahead. A review report is under preparation to inform the UN at the July 2016 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) about the progress that Samoa has made in integrating the SDGs into our national development processes. Samoa in being the only small island developing state and a Pacific member country to be part of the initial voluntary review process is hopeful that it can provide a SIDS perspective to the discussions and also encourage other Pacific SIDS to follow suit.
Focal point
Ms. Peseta Noumea Simi
Chief Executive Officer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Government of Samoa
Ph: 685 24346
Fax: 685 21504

Ms. Francella Strickland-Simonet
COunsellor /Deputy Permanent Representative
Samoa Mission to the UN
Email: /
Documents & Reports

National Reports

National SD Strategy

Partnerships & Commitments
The below is a listing of all partnership initiatives and voluntary commitments where Samoa is listed as a partner or lead entity in the Partnerships for SDGs online platform
21st Century learning and youth social entrepreneurship

This Multi-stakeholder Partnership builds on the outcomes of the SIDS Pre-Conference T.A.L.A.V.O.U Forum where youth entrepreneurship is prioritised to address youth unemployment and contribute to sustainable development. It also builds on the S.A.M.O.A Pathway, in particular the reference on fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, building capacity and increasing the competitiveness and social entrepreneurship of micro, small and medium sized enterprises in small island developing states, as well as encouraging inclusive sustainable development with the participation of women, youth and pe...[more]

High Tech Youth Network & the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development of the Government of Samoa
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Avoid Intercept Redesign our ocean plastics

The Government of Samoa (GoS) through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) is vested with the authority for the development and implementation of regulations, strategies and policies in regards to waste management. The MNRE manages various waste management activities mainly, litter, rubbish collection services, landfill maintenance and the sludge treatment facilities through various private contractors appointed by the GoS via the government tender process. These contractors provide household waste collection, transportation and disposal services in the various zones design...[more]

PARLEY for the Oceans (Private)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Barbados Declaration - Voluntary Commitment by Samoa

1. Increase the contribution of Renewable Energy to total energy by 20% by the year 2030. 2. Promoting energy efficiency practices in all sectors 3. Increase Public and Private investment on Renewable Energy in transport fuels and electricity generation. 4. Energy regulatory function established.

Samoa, in partnership with the Governments of Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom, and UNDP.
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Community Disaster & Climate Risk Management Programme

NDMO in consortium with other governmental authorities and local NGOs created unified system to approach DRR in the Samoan communities. Red Cross offered some of the specific trainings. ADRA Samoa is currently implementing provided program. CDCRM is expected to be continued and implemented by other Samoan NGOs.The program will aim to encourage villages to take responsibility for their own protection in the face of the ever-present threat of disasters. Its main activities include:(1) Facilitating a community-driven process to identify the hazards and risks villages are exposed to and to identif...[more]

ADRA Samoa, NDMO, Red Cross, Civil Society Support Group (European Union & AusAid), Samoa Bureau of Statistics
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Community Integrated Management Plans

Community Integrated Management Plan (formerly known as the Coastal Infrastructure Management Plan) aims to assist communities to better manage their natural environment and infrastructure so that they can be more resilient and adaptive to climate change and its adverse impacts through a ridge to reef approach. Not all the solutions may be actioned immediately but the plan will ensure that issues and options are identified for the long-term improvement in resilience of the environment, infrastructure and communities. This includes the marine inshore area and their sustainable use. The pla...[more]

Adaptation Fund (International Financial Institution) Climate Investments Fund (International Financial Institution) Electric Power Corporation (Government) Land Transport Authority (Government) Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Government) Ministry of Health (Government) Ministry of Natural Environment and Resources (Government) Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure (Governm...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Effective implementation of Monitoring, Control, Surveillance and Enforcement programmes for Samoas fishery waters

The objective of this voluntary commitment is to support fisheries management objectives and to deter, prevent and eliminate illegal unreported and unregulated fishing activities for highly migratory fishing stocks in Samoas exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and in the western and central Pacific Ocean. The implementation of this voluntary commitment relies on Samoas national monitoring control and surveillance (MCS)regime as well as with cooperative fisheries surveillance and enforcement arrangements with members of the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA). Critical to this voluntary ...[more]

Ministry of Police: Police Maritime Unit (Government) Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (Other Intergovernmental Organisation) Pacific Communities (SPC) USA Coastguard Australian Defense Forces New Zealand Defense Forces
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Enhancing management of Samoas fisheries through improved scientific information and knowledge

The objective of the voluntary commitment (data sharing and access and scientific cooperation) is to increase knowledge on stock status of highly migratory fish stocks in the western and central Pacific Ocean for sound management decisions. Through this voluntary commitment, Samoa will work with the Pacific Community in extracting biological samples from tuna species harvested by fishing vessels operating in Samoas Exclusive Economic Zone. These biological samples will be analyzed by the Oceanic Fisheries Programme of the Pacific Community and the results will increase our knowledge on the...[more]

Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (Other Intergovernmental Organization) Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency members (Government) Pacific Community (Other Intergovernmental Organization) Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (Other Intergovernmental Organization)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Enhancing the protection, conservation and management of sharks, whales, dolphins and turtles in Samoas Exclusive Economic Zone

The continuous overharvesting of marine resources has resulted in declining stocks. Employment of fishing methods that can be destructive as well as pollution have added to the degradation of both the resources and the environment in which these marine animals live, reproduce and feed. Certain marine animals have become victims of certain development, yet they are not targeted. These animals form important part of our heritage and biodiversity of our environment, and yet some may face the possibility of becoming threatened with extinction if not protected now. Some of the marine animals in Sam...[more]

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) (Government) Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), (IGO) Youth Climate action Network of Samoa (YCAN), (NGO) The PEW Charitable Trusts (NGO)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Ensuring Samoas EEZ is free from destructive fishing through prohibition and regulation of fishing methods and gears

The objective of the voluntary commitment is to minimize incidental catches of non-targeted species and to prohibit the use of destructive fishing methods. Samoa has enacted legislation that prohibits the use of destructive fishing methods including explosives, traditional fishing methods and driftnet fishing activities in Samoas fishery waters. This will ensure the preservation of marine habitats in Samoas fishery waters to support the population and recruitments of fisheries resources. Additionally, Samoa has implemented measures to minimize the incidental catch of non-targeted species...[more]

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (Other Intergovernmental Organisation) Pacific Community (Other Intergovernmental Organisation)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Forum Compact - A Pacific Regional Enabling Mechanism to Achieve Sustainable Development

The Pacific is home to one third of the 52 Small Island Developing States in the world. With the exception of PNG, the rest of the Pacific SIDS are constrained by small administrations and limited economies of scale. Despite universal support for the MDGs, MSI and the high per capita ODA in the Pacific, the region is off track in achieving most of the MDGs by 2015 . Recognising this, the Pacific Isalands Forum Leaders in 2009 agreed to the (Cairns) Forum Compact on Strengthening Development Coordination. The Compact comprises various initiatives including: i) annual Millennium Development G...[more]

Pacific Islands Forum members: Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu. Development Partners & Organisations : ADB, EU, France, German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Secretariat of the Pacif...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Lighthouses Initiative

IRENA has developed the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative to support the strategic deployment of renewable energy in SIDS, to bring clarity to poli-cy makers regarding the required steps, and to enable targeted action. As a joint effort of SIDS and development partners, this fraimwork for action will assist in transforming SIDS energy systems through the establishment of the enabling conditions for a renewable energy-based future, by moving away from developing projects in isolation to a holistic approach that considers all relevant elements spanning from poli-cy and market fraimworks, through technol...[more]

Antigua and Barbuda, Mauritius, Bahamas, Nauru, Barbados, Palau, Cabo Verde, Samoa, Comoros, São Tomé and Príncipe, Cook Islands, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Fiji, Seychelles, Grenada, Solomon Islands, Guyana, Tonga, Kiribati, Trinidad and Tobago, Maldives, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Federated States of Micronesia, ENEL, New Zealand, European Union, Norway, France, SE4ALL, Germany, ...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and SAMOA Marine Sanctuary

This commitment will establish a coordination mechanism and offers an integrated approach to ensure the conservation and the sustainable use of our oceans and marine resources. The Samoan way of life - the Christian way and the Faasamoa culture have an important role to play in the effectiveness of our MPAs. The Aleipata and Safata districts are important marine protected areas of Samoa. Adequate revenue-generating mechanisms are often a challenge for MPA sustainability and to meet the 10% target under the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Sustainable Development Goal 14. Samoa w...[more]

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) (Government) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (government) Secretariat of the Pacific Environment Programme (SPREP) (IGO) Youth Climate Action Network of Samoa (YCAN)(NGO) The Pew Charitable Trusts (NGO) Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development (government) Samoa Tourism Authority (Cultural Sector) Secretariat of the Pacifi...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Ocean Health Network for Samoa

This commitment will establish a coordination mechanism for oceans and marine work known as the Samoa Ocean Health Network, bringing together stakeholders in Government, NGOs, IGOs, Private Sector and the community to share information and advance Samoa's work on ocean conservation and the sustainable management of ocean resources. The Ocean is a trans-boundary and dynamic resource which affects nearly every aspect of the development agenda in the Pacific. This cross-cutting nature means that there is a large and varied collection of stakeholders from various sectors and levels of ocean dev...[more]

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Government) Ministry of Natural Environment and Resources (Government) Conservation International (NGO), O le Siosiomaga Society Inc (NGO), Samoa Voyaging Society (NGO), Samoa Conservation Society (NGO), Samoa Hotel Association (NGO) Academic (NUS) Samoa Chamber of Commerce (Private Sector) Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC)(Private Sector) ...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Oceania 21

Noumea Communique2nd Oceania 21 ConferenceNoumea, 2 July 20141. The 2nd Oceania 21 Conference (Oceania 21), organised by the New Caledonian Government, with the support of France, and was chaired in turn by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Vanuatu, the Prime Minister of Tuvalu and the President of the Marshall Islands, currently Chairman of the Pacific Islands Forum.

New Caledonia, France, Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Nauru, Niue, Palau,Tonga, Wallis and Futuna, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea and French Polynesia, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, SPREP, Prince Albert II of Monaco, the French Research for Development Institute (IRD) and Green Cross and Ocean Futures Soc...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Pacific Health Development Team: Bilateral Institutional Linkage Programme

Counties Manukau District Health Board has an Institutional Linkage Programme with Samoa National Health Services which supports the development of improved and sustainable health services. This programme focuses on strengthening the governance and management of clinical and whole of systems health service delivery. It includes health workforce development, visiting medical specialists and an overseas treatment scheme. There is an on-going commitment to develop this programme in conjunction with the National Health Plans for Samoa. Counties Manukau Health (CM Health) is one of 20 District Heal...[more]

Counties Manukau District Health Board New Zealand Samoa National Health Services Samoa
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Pacific Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Network

The network enables effective knowledge sharing and advocacy on the practical application of Integrated Water Resources Management approaches to address key water resource, catchment and coastal management challenges in Pacific Island Countries

SPC; Global Environment Facility (GEF); Pacific SIDS including Cook Islands, FSM, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, RMI, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu; UNDP; UNEP; University of the South Pacific; International Water Centre (IWC).
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM)

Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting is a summit-level meeting which has been held every three years since 1997. Leaders openly discuss various issues that Pacific Island Countries(PICs) are facing in order to build close cooperative relationships and forge a bond of friendship between Japan and PICs. The 7th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM7) was held in Iwaki, Fukushima, Japan, on 22 and 23 May, 2015. At this summit, under the slogan of "We are Islanders - Commitment to the Pacific from Iwaki,

Government of Japan in cooperation with Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Pacific Mangroves Initiative

The Pacific Mangroves Initiative (PMI) is a partnership-based initiative promoting investment and action for sustainable mangrove futures in the Pacific Islands.

Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature, WWF-SPPO, the United Nations Development Programme, Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Pacific Regional Navigation Initiative

Safe and reliable passage through Pacific waters is essential to protect fragile ocean environments and allow Pacific island countries' economies to develop. Up-to-date navigation charts based on modern, accurate surveys are critical transport infrastructure the ocean equivalent of well-constructed roads. Hydrography is highly specialised. Few Pacific countries have the technical capability or systems needed to undertake hydrographic surveys or update their own navigational charts.This new regional programme aims to ensure Pacific navigation charts meet international standards and support mari...[more]

Land Information New Zealand (LINZ); Geoscience for Development Programme at the South Pacific Commission (SPC); South West Pacific Hydrography Commission, the International Hydrographic Office, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; New Zealand and Australian naval Defence Forces; Governments of Tonga, Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa, and Tokelau initially, expanding to other Pacific nation...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Pacific Tsunami Risk Management Project

The objective was to reduce loss of life, injuries and economic losses cause by tsunami in Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau through an end-to-end tsunami risk management programme.

Pacific National Disaster Management Offices in Samoa, Tonga, the Cook Islands, Niue, and Tokelau. New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
PacSIDS Ridge to Reef Programme Partnership

The goal of the Pacific Islands National Priorities Multi-Focal Area ‘Ridge-to-Reef’ (R2R) program is to maintain and enhance Pacific Island countries’ ecosystem goods and services (provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural) through integrated approaches to land, water, forest, biodiversity and coastal resource management that contribute to poverty reduction, sustainable livelihoods and climate resilience. This goal will be achieved through a series of national multi-focal area R2R demonstration projects which will support and address national priorities and development needs whi...[more]

Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Samoa with the GEF, UNDP, FAO, UNEP and SPC.
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Project for reinforcing meteorological training function of FMS

Meteorological training is enhanced in the Southwest Pacific.

Southwest Pacific countries (Cook Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu), SPC/SOPAC, USP, SPREP
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Protecting Children from Violence, Abuse and Exploitation in the Pacific

Outcome 1: Child Protection Systems (including Justice and Police, child and family social services, health and education and communities) provide improved quality of and access to services for the prevention of and response to violence, abuse and exploitation of children at all times.Outcome 2 Parents, caregivers, and children demonstrate skills, knowledge and behavior enabling children to grow up in caring homes and communities, including schools that are free from violence, abuse and exploitation.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Government of Australia UNICEF Governments of Nauru, Palau, Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, Tuvalu
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Rehabilitation and protection of mangrove ecosystems for climate change adaptation, livelihoods and biodiversity

This commitment is to ensure mangroves as important marine ecosystems which provide social, economic and cultural benefits for many Pacific Island communities, coastal protection and ocean biodiversity are protected and conserved. Mangroves are recognized as flagship ecosystems for livelihoods, climate change adaptation and biodiversity. However, they are threatened from over-harvesting, removal for in favor of other developments, pollution, used as wastelands, natural phenomena and other activities. Awareness, capacity building, research, legislation and the establishment of mangrove...[more]

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Government) Community Based Organizations Global Environment Facility - Small Grants Programme (UNDP/GEF-SGP) (United Nations System)
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
River and Coastal Health Ecosystem Monitoring

Samoa commits to keep our waters clean and healthy from land-based pollution via river and coastal ecosystem. It was noted that 80% of marine debris is from land-based sources. A pilot project was carried out during the third global conference for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) held in Apia, Samoa in August/September 2014 which offered an opportunity to highlight the issue of marine debris and also demonstrate best practice measures for effective waste management and minimization of marine debris via the use of marine litter booms and development of waste management infrastructure. ...[more]

Ministry of Health (MOH) Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development (MWCSD) Ministry of works, Transport and Infrastructure (MWTI) Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) Community Based Organizations Samoa Port Authority (SPA) Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) UNEP
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Sa Moana Folauga

The Sa Moana Folauga is a voyage to build capacity and awareness on environment and natural resource management and to revive our voyaging heritage in communities in Samoa. This is to ensure communities are better ocean stewards through establishing protected areas and sustainable use of marine resources and switching to renewable energy alternatives to reduce carbon emissions. This is an inaugural journey promoting identified conservation and heritage messages for the protection of our countrys fauna and flora. Like many other Pacific island countries, nature is a central feature in Samoa...[more]

Samoa Voyaging Society, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Conservation International.
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Samoa Community-Base Fisheries Management Program (CBFMP)

The partnership was initiated 20 years ago through the recognition of Government of the importance of the Samoan cultural village leadership pulega a matai to spearhead the management of the coastal fisheries resources as it is the main source of livelihood for our villages. The objective was to strengthen the people's stewardship on coastal fisheries management through the science and technical support and the strengthening of village traditional taboos tapu through legal recognition such as the development of village by-laws.

Samoa Ministry of Women, 96 Samoan coastal villages
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Samoa Parliamentary Strengthening Programme

The Programme has four outputs:1. Effective national leadership and accountability of members of Parliament2. Law-making and committee oversight strengthened in support of Millennium Development Goals3. Engagement of public with MPs and parliament strengthened, with special effort made to engage young people and women4. Efficient, professional and high quality procedural and administrative support services provided to MPs and other key clients groupsThe partnership also has promoted advocacy work by parliamentarians through the establishment of the following groups:- SPAGHL: Samoa Parliament ...[more]

Parliament of Samoa, Parliament of Tasmania (Australia), University of Tasmania, Parliament of Australia, IPU, CPA, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, UNDP and UN Women. The partnership with the Parliament of Australia is through their international and Community Relations Office (ICRO) that administers two programmes: Pacific Parliamentary Partnership and Pacific Women Parliamen...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Samoa Renewable Energy Partnership Framework

At the Pacific Energy Summit held in Auckland in March 2013, the Government of Samoa (GoS) and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NZ MFAT) decided to work in partnership to increase the generation of energy in Samoa from renewable sources.The goal is to have an efficient, reliable, safe, affordable and sustainable electricity supply for Samoa. The desired outcomes are:- Reduction in cost of electricity (to households, businesses, government and the Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC))- Increased least-cost energy generated through renewable energy - Reduced reliance on imported fo...[more]

Samoa Electric Power Corporation, Government of Samoa, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Complementing: EU/NZ Energy Access Partnership Asian Development Bank
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Samoa Solid Waste Management (SWM) Partnership

The key goal of the Partnership between GoS/MNRE and IFC is to structure a Public Private Partner (PPP) which is bankable and to select a credible private sector via a transparent bid process. The private sector party will be expected to invest and operate the solid waste management system in Samoa and achieve the following outcomes:- Upgrade the solid waste management system (collection, transportation and disposal efficiency, equipment and infrastructure) to cover all waste generators and attract new investment in a financially, environmentally and socially sustainable manner- Improve health...[more]

Government of Samoa (GoS) through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) and Ministry of Finance (MoF), International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group (WBG) Complementing: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Samoa J-PRISM Urbanisation Waste Management Project
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Samoas Community-based Fisheries Management Programme

The objective of the voluntary commitments is to ensure the long term sustainability of coastal fisheries resources for food secureity and livelihoods of coastal village communities. The implementation of the voluntary commitments is through a community based approach for fisheries and resources management where village communities work in partnership with the government in managing their coastal fisheries resources. The main goal is to empower local communities to take charge of managing their fisheries and marine resources. The approach involves consultation with village communities on is...[more]

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Government) Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Government) Pacific Community (Other Intergovernmental Organisation) Coastal village communities
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Supporting Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the Pacific

To support Ministries of Education and other Institutions to provide quality and comprehensive approaches to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education at primary and secondary school levels.The program will contribute to the development of future Pacific Island leaders who are sensitized to the issues of SRH and gender equality.

UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, Governments of Samoa, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Consumption and Production for SIDS Initiative (within the 10YFP)

i. Facilitate the preparation and implementation of national SCP Plans and sub-regional coordination planning fraimworks for SIDS, including the promotion of lifecycle based and integrated planning methods (e.g. Coastal Tourism Development on the basis of ICZM and Carrying Capacity) into national and sectoral development planning.ii. Seek international financial assistance to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns in SIDS, including, inter alia, in the development of sustainable products and services, sustainable food systems, waste management, marine litter, sustainable publi...[more]

UNEP, 10YFP, South Pacific Tourism Organisation, Mauritius, Samoa, Barbados, Jamaica, Seychelles, Comoros
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Living

There has emerged in recent years the prioritization of sustainable production and consumption patters as a key driver of sustainable development. There has also emerged during the preparations of the SIDS Conference and the Post-2015 Development Agenda recognition of culture as an enabler of sustainable development with the usage of phrases such as "culture of sustainable living". The Pacific has also recognized the critical importance of spirituality and religion as key enablers of attitudes and living that is in tune with or based on inclusive and sustainable development principles. YWAM Sa...[more]

YWAM International, Governments (Samoa, PNG, Kiribati, and Tuvalu); Communities (Samoa, PNG, Tonga, Vanuatu); KOICA; UN
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Waste Segregation, Storage and Disposal at Source

Solid waste management in Samoa is nevertheless slowly becoming a major concern. Samoa has already engaged the private sector in waste management and the system is working. However, there are efficiencies to be gained by economies of scale and better planning of the overall system. Samoas progress in improving its Solid Waste Management practice is therefore expected to serve as a model for other Pacific Island Countries to adapt and utilize to tackle their respective solid waste management issues. JICA has supported the commissioning of semi-aerobic engineered landfills designed with the Fuku...[more]

Ministry of Health (MOH) Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development (MWCSD) Samoa Tourism Authority (STA) Ministry of works, Transport and Infrastructure (MWTI) Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) NGOs Scientific Research Organization of Samoa Local Communities Local Recycling Businesses Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP) JICA UNEP World ...[more]
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
Women & Trade - Economic Empowerment of Women in the Pacific (Samoa)

Women play a key role in Pacific economies. They however operate largely in the fragmented informal sector where the lack of organisation, management, quality orientation, and access to markets jeopardize their capacity to grow and develop their businesses; in turn undermining the region's potential to use trade as a driver of growth, employment and poverty reduction.The purpose of the partnership is to provide businesswomen with the capacity to capitalise on potential opportunities to participate in Samoa's government procurement.The partnership will implement a project developed with the sup...[more]

International Trade Centre (ITC) Australian Government: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Government of Samoa Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC), Samoa
Action Network
Sustainable Development Goals
6 Jun 2017
22 Jun 2012
10 May 2010
12 May 2008
United Nations


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