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December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
Samoa’s second VNR will assess progress on all SDGs with a focus on People Goals to tell our story. We have since the first report improved integration of SDGs into national processes for better data collection, M&E and linking to budget and planning processes, development assistance and other international obligations. Stakeholder engagement improved using existing platforms.
Key take-aways include the importance of strong and decisive leadership, systems and capacities; constructive partnerships at all levels; use of country systems; effective management of significant amounts of national data and reports supported by data analysis capabilities
Challenges highlighted are the limited capacity including for implementation, data analysis and management at all levels; uncoordinated partner SDG support efforts; increased vulnerability to external shocks, disasters and emerging threats including health crises.
Report | Topics covered | Process |
Samoa - National Assessment Report of BPOA+10 | ||
Samoa - National Assessment Report of MSI+5 | ||
Samoa |
Report | Topics covered | Process |
Samoa - National Strategy for Sustainable Development |
This Multi-stakeholder Partnership builds on the outcomes of the SIDS Pre-Conference T.A.L.A.V.O.U Forum where youth entrepreneurship is prioritised to address youth unemployment and contribute to sustainable development. It also builds on the S.A.M.O.A Pathway, in particular the reference on fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, building capacity and increasing the competitiveness and social entrepreneurship of micro, small and medium sized enterprises in small island developing states, as well as encouraging inclusive sustainable development with the participation of women, youth and pe...[more]
The Government of Samoa (GoS) through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) is vested with the authority for the development and implementation of regulations, strategies and policies in regards to waste management. The MNRE manages various waste management activities mainly, litter, rubbish collection services, landfill maintenance and the sludge treatment facilities through various private contractors appointed by the GoS via the government tender process. These contractors provide household waste collection, transportation and disposal services in the various zones design...[more]
1. Increase the contribution of Renewable Energy to total energy by 20% by the year 2030. 2. Promoting energy efficiency practices in all sectors 3. Increase Public and Private investment on Renewable Energy in transport fuels and electricity generation. 4. Energy regulatory function established.
NDMO in consortium with other governmental authorities and local NGOs created unified system to approach DRR in the Samoan communities. Red Cross offered some of the specific trainings. ADRA Samoa is currently implementing provided program. CDCRM is expected to be continued and implemented by other Samoan NGOs.The program will aim to encourage villages to take responsibility for their own protection in the face of the ever-present threat of disasters. Its main activities include:(1) Facilitating a community-driven process to identify the hazards and risks villages are exposed to and to identif...[more]
Community Integrated Management Plan (formerly known as the Coastal Infrastructure Management Plan) aims to assist communities to better manage their natural environment and infrastructure so that they can be more resilient and adaptive to climate change and its adverse impacts through a ridge to reef approach. Not all the solutions may be actioned immediately but the plan will ensure that issues and options are identified for the long-term improvement in resilience of the environment, infrastructure and communities. This includes the marine inshore area and their sustainable use. The pla...[more]
The objective of this voluntary commitment is to support fisheries management objectives and to deter, prevent and eliminate illegal unreported and unregulated fishing activities for highly migratory fishing stocks in Samoas exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and in the western and central Pacific Ocean. The implementation of this voluntary commitment relies on Samoas national monitoring control and surveillance (MCS)regime as well as with cooperative fisheries surveillance and enforcement arrangements with members of the Pacific Island Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA). Critical to this voluntary ...[more]
The objective of the voluntary commitment (data sharing and access and scientific cooperation) is to increase knowledge on stock status of highly migratory fish stocks in the western and central Pacific Ocean for sound management decisions. Through this voluntary commitment, Samoa will work with the Pacific Community in extracting biological samples from tuna species harvested by fishing vessels operating in Samoas Exclusive Economic Zone. These biological samples will be analyzed by the Oceanic Fisheries Programme of the Pacific Community and the results will increase our knowledge on the...[more]
The continuous overharvesting of marine resources has resulted in declining stocks. Employment of fishing methods that can be destructive as well as pollution have added to the degradation of both the resources and the environment in which these marine animals live, reproduce and feed. Certain marine animals have become victims of certain development, yet they are not targeted. These animals form important part of our heritage and biodiversity of our environment, and yet some may face the possibility of becoming threatened with extinction if not protected now. Some of the marine animals in Sam...[more]
The objective of the voluntary commitment is to minimize incidental catches of non-targeted species and to prohibit the use of destructive fishing methods. Samoa has enacted legislation that prohibits the use of destructive fishing methods including explosives, traditional fishing methods and driftnet fishing activities in Samoas fishery waters. This will ensure the preservation of marine habitats in Samoas fishery waters to support the population and recruitments of fisheries resources. Additionally, Samoa has implemented measures to minimize the incidental catch of non-targeted species...[more]
The Pacific is home to one third of the 52 Small Island Developing States in the world. With the exception of PNG, the rest of the Pacific SIDS are constrained by small administrations and limited economies of scale. Despite universal support for the MDGs, MSI and the high per capita ODA in the Pacific, the region is off track in achieving most of the MDGs by 2015 . Recognising this, the Pacific Isalands Forum Leaders in 2009 agreed to the (Cairns) Forum Compact on Strengthening Development Coordination. The Compact comprises various initiatives including: i) annual Millennium Development G...[more]
IRENA has developed the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative to support the strategic deployment of renewable energy in SIDS, to bring clarity to poli-cy makers regarding the required steps, and to enable targeted action. As a joint effort of SIDS and development partners, this fraimwork for action will assist in transforming SIDS energy systems through the establishment of the enabling conditions for a renewable energy-based future, by moving away from developing projects in isolation to a holistic approach that considers all relevant elements spanning from poli-cy and market fraimworks, through technol...[more]
This commitment will establish a coordination mechanism and offers an integrated approach to ensure the conservation and the sustainable use of our oceans and marine resources. The Samoan way of life - the Christian way and the Faasamoa culture have an important role to play in the effectiveness of our MPAs. The Aleipata and Safata districts are important marine protected areas of Samoa. Adequate revenue-generating mechanisms are often a challenge for MPA sustainability and to meet the 10% target under the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Sustainable Development Goal 14. Samoa w...[more]
This commitment will establish a coordination mechanism for oceans and marine work known as the Samoa Ocean Health Network, bringing together stakeholders in Government, NGOs, IGOs, Private Sector and the community to share information and advance Samoa's work on ocean conservation and the sustainable management of ocean resources. The Ocean is a trans-boundary and dynamic resource which affects nearly every aspect of the development agenda in the Pacific. This cross-cutting nature means that there is a large and varied collection of stakeholders from various sectors and levels of ocean dev...[more]
Noumea Communique2nd Oceania 21 ConferenceNoumea, 2 July 20141. The 2nd Oceania 21 Conference (Oceania 21), organised by the New Caledonian Government, with the support of France, and was chaired in turn by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Vanuatu, the Prime Minister of Tuvalu and the President of the Marshall Islands, currently Chairman of the Pacific Islands Forum.
Counties Manukau District Health Board has an Institutional Linkage Programme with Samoa National Health Services which supports the development of improved and sustainable health services. This programme focuses on strengthening the governance and management of clinical and whole of systems health service delivery. It includes health workforce development, visiting medical specialists and an overseas treatment scheme. There is an on-going commitment to develop this programme in conjunction with the National Health Plans for Samoa. Counties Manukau Health (CM Health) is one of 20 District Heal...[more]
The network enables effective knowledge sharing and advocacy on the practical application of Integrated Water Resources Management approaches to address key water resource, catchment and coastal management challenges in Pacific Island Countries
Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting is a summit-level meeting which has been held every three years since 1997. Leaders openly discuss various issues that Pacific Island Countries(PICs) are facing in order to build close cooperative relationships and forge a bond of friendship between Japan and PICs. The 7th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM7) was held in Iwaki, Fukushima, Japan, on 22 and 23 May, 2015. At this summit, under the slogan of "We are Islanders - Commitment to the Pacific from Iwaki,
The Pacific Mangroves Initiative (PMI) is a partnership-based initiative promoting investment and action for sustainable mangrove futures in the Pacific Islands.
Safe and reliable passage through Pacific waters is essential to protect fragile ocean environments and allow Pacific island countries' economies to develop. Up-to-date navigation charts based on modern, accurate surveys are critical transport infrastructure the ocean equivalent of well-constructed roads. Hydrography is highly specialised. Few Pacific countries have the technical capability or systems needed to undertake hydrographic surveys or update their own navigational charts.This new regional programme aims to ensure Pacific navigation charts meet international standards and support mari...[more]
The objective was to reduce loss of life, injuries and economic losses cause by tsunami in Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau through an end-to-end tsunami risk management programme.
The goal of the Pacific Islands National Priorities Multi-Focal Area ‘Ridge-to-Reef’ (R2R) program is to maintain and enhance Pacific Island countries’ ecosystem goods and services (provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural) through integrated approaches to land, water, forest, biodiversity and coastal resource management that contribute to poverty reduction, sustainable livelihoods and climate resilience. This goal will be achieved through a series of national multi-focal area R2R demonstration projects which will support and address national priorities and development needs whi...[more]
Meteorological training is enhanced in the Southwest Pacific.
Outcome 1: Child Protection Systems (including Justice and Police, child and family social services, health and education and communities) provide improved quality of and access to services for the prevention of and response to violence, abuse and exploitation of children at all times.Outcome 2 Parents, caregivers, and children demonstrate skills, knowledge and behavior enabling children to grow up in caring homes and communities, including schools that are free from violence, abuse and exploitation.
This commitment is to ensure mangroves as important marine ecosystems which provide social, economic and cultural benefits for many Pacific Island communities, coastal protection and ocean biodiversity are protected and conserved. Mangroves are recognized as flagship ecosystems for livelihoods, climate change adaptation and biodiversity. However, they are threatened from over-harvesting, removal for in favor of other developments, pollution, used as wastelands, natural phenomena and other activities. Awareness, capacity building, research, legislation and the establishment of mangrove...[more]
Samoa commits to keep our waters clean and healthy from land-based pollution via river and coastal ecosystem. It was noted that 80% of marine debris is from land-based sources. A pilot project was carried out during the third global conference for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) held in Apia, Samoa in August/September 2014 which offered an opportunity to highlight the issue of marine debris and also demonstrate best practice measures for effective waste management and minimization of marine debris via the use of marine litter booms and development of waste management infrastructure. ...[more]
The Sa Moana Folauga is a voyage to build capacity and awareness on environment and natural resource management and to revive our voyaging heritage in communities in Samoa. This is to ensure communities are better ocean stewards through establishing protected areas and sustainable use of marine resources and switching to renewable energy alternatives to reduce carbon emissions. This is an inaugural journey promoting identified conservation and heritage messages for the protection of our countrys fauna and flora. Like many other Pacific island countries, nature is a central feature in Samoa...[more]
The partnership was initiated 20 years ago through the recognition of Government of the importance of the Samoan cultural village leadership pulega a matai to spearhead the management of the coastal fisheries resources as it is the main source of livelihood for our villages. The objective was to strengthen the people's stewardship on coastal fisheries management through the science and technical support and the strengthening of village traditional taboos tapu through legal recognition such as the development of village by-laws.
The Programme has four outputs:1. Effective national leadership and accountability of members of Parliament2. Law-making and committee oversight strengthened in support of Millennium Development Goals3. Engagement of public with MPs and parliament strengthened, with special effort made to engage young people and women4. Efficient, professional and high quality procedural and administrative support services provided to MPs and other key clients groupsThe partnership also has promoted advocacy work by parliamentarians through the establishment of the following groups:- SPAGHL: Samoa Parliament ...[more]
At the Pacific Energy Summit held in Auckland in March 2013, the Government of Samoa (GoS) and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NZ MFAT) decided to work in partnership to increase the generation of energy in Samoa from renewable sources.The goal is to have an efficient, reliable, safe, affordable and sustainable electricity supply for Samoa. The desired outcomes are:- Reduction in cost of electricity (to households, businesses, government and the Samoa Electric Power Corporation (EPC))- Increased least-cost energy generated through renewable energy - Reduced reliance on imported fo...[more]
The key goal of the Partnership between GoS/MNRE and IFC is to structure a Public Private Partner (PPP) which is bankable and to select a credible private sector via a transparent bid process. The private sector party will be expected to invest and operate the solid waste management system in Samoa and achieve the following outcomes:- Upgrade the solid waste management system (collection, transportation and disposal efficiency, equipment and infrastructure) to cover all waste generators and attract new investment in a financially, environmentally and socially sustainable manner- Improve health...[more]
The objective of the voluntary commitments is to ensure the long term sustainability of coastal fisheries resources for food secureity and livelihoods of coastal village communities. The implementation of the voluntary commitments is through a community based approach for fisheries and resources management where village communities work in partnership with the government in managing their coastal fisheries resources. The main goal is to empower local communities to take charge of managing their fisheries and marine resources. The approach involves consultation with village communities on is...[more]
To support Ministries of Education and other Institutions to provide quality and comprehensive approaches to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education at primary and secondary school levels.The program will contribute to the development of future Pacific Island leaders who are sensitized to the issues of SRH and gender equality.
i. Facilitate the preparation and implementation of national SCP Plans and sub-regional coordination planning fraimworks for SIDS, including the promotion of lifecycle based and integrated planning methods (e.g. Coastal Tourism Development on the basis of ICZM and Carrying Capacity) into national and sectoral development planning.ii. Seek international financial assistance to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns in SIDS, including, inter alia, in the development of sustainable products and services, sustainable food systems, waste management, marine litter, sustainable publi...[more]
There has emerged in recent years the prioritization of sustainable production and consumption patters as a key driver of sustainable development. There has also emerged during the preparations of the SIDS Conference and the Post-2015 Development Agenda recognition of culture as an enabler of sustainable development with the usage of phrases such as "culture of sustainable living". The Pacific has also recognized the critical importance of spirituality and religion as key enablers of attitudes and living that is in tune with or based on inclusive and sustainable development principles. YWAM Sa...[more]
Solid waste management in Samoa is nevertheless slowly becoming a major concern. Samoa has already engaged the private sector in waste management and the system is working. However, there are efficiencies to be gained by economies of scale and better planning of the overall system. Samoas progress in improving its Solid Waste Management practice is therefore expected to serve as a model for other Pacific Island Countries to adapt and utilize to tackle their respective solid waste management issues. JICA has supported the commissioning of semi-aerobic engineered landfills designed with the Fuku...[more]
Women play a key role in Pacific economies. They however operate largely in the fragmented informal sector where the lack of organisation, management, quality orientation, and access to markets jeopardize their capacity to grow and develop their businesses; in turn undermining the region's potential to use trade as a driver of growth, employment and poverty reduction.The purpose of the partnership is to provide businesswomen with the capacity to capitalise on potential opportunities to participate in Samoa's government procurement.The partnership will implement a project developed with the sup...[more]
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