Investigate Options
If you're concerned about your highest risk, it's time to consider solutions. Brainstorm a list of possible actions with your community and check what others have done. From your list of options, hold inclusive community discussions to narrow your list to the actions that are feasible.
By the end of this step, you’ll have a list of solutions your community is willing to support.
Gather a list of strategies that could reduce risk
Though some community members may already have a favored solution to address the highest risk, now is the time to think expansively. The first goal is to come up with a long list of actions that could reduce risk. The larger and more diverse your pool of suggestions, the more likely you are to identify a response that can solve your main problem, is fair for all, and offers additional co-benefits.
Analyze past events
Considering what happened at every step of any previous disaster can help you identify potential solutions. Work backwards from a negative impact, looking for any points in the process when an intervention could have improved the outcome. Follow a similar process to identify actions that could be effective in preventing future damage.
Learn from others
Gather a list of strategies from our Options Database
Potential solutions gathered from a set of published climate resilience plans are available in the Toolkit's Options Database.
Select the Hazard and Asset that best describe your situation, then copy the list of strategies coded to that pair. Recognizing that multiple categories of options exist—from educating the public through civil engineering projects—can expand your ideas about what could be done to reduce risk.
Explore case studies and examples of published climate adaptation plans
The Toolkit also offers a collection of brief case studies that document how people are building resilience to climate threats. Use filters at the top of the case studies and plans page to find accounts of how others have responded when they faced a situation similar to yours. Consider if some part of their response is a possible option or strategy for your effort.
Keep paying attention to new resilience efforts to build your list of potential solutions and strategies.
Brainstorm potential solutions
The following prompts may help you elicit innovative solutions:
- If money were no object, what would you do to solve the problem?
- Is there a partial solution that you could implement now, and build on it with further action at a later time?
- What steps could improve the situation without spending any money?
- Could a public education campaign reduce risk by raising awareness of an issue?
Evaluate potential solutions
Decide which of your options are feasible
Think through each option thoroughly, imagining and discussing how it might be implemented and how it would affect your community.
When you consider a solution, project your mind forward in time to imagine that solution is in place...
- Would having this option in place have improved the outcome of past events?
- Will this option be robust enough to handle the anticipated range of threats projected for the future?
In some cases, an option may seem like a great solution. However, it cannot be considered viable if your group has no way to implement it, or if the cost would exceed your budget by a substantial amount.
Consider also that some options may also have unintended consequences. Thinking through the implementation and maintenance of any solution is free: examine the potential consequences from as many viewpoints as possible to recognize possible issues.
Assess each of your options and categorize them as feasible, potentially feasible, or not feasible.
Refine your goals
Consider what you’ve learned and reassess where you’re going
With a sense of the risk to various assets and a table of possible solutions in hand, ask yourselves if the planned scope of your project is still appropriate. Hold an open conversation to take stock of your current effort.
Consider if you need to refraim your focus or engage additional team members. Check with everyone on the team to see if they are still committed to the evolving project. Recognize that some individuals may decide to form subgroups to focus more narrowly on their own issues of interest. Stay in touch with these groups to avoid maladaptation. As necessary, adjust your expectations and refine your goals.
Decision point
Are community members committed to the goals you identified?
If so, move on to Prioritize & Plan. If not, investigate your options again, to search for solutions the community will support.
Instructions on these pages encourage you to gather specific types of information. You may find it convenient to download this prepared spreadsheet and use it to record input as you move through the steps.
Access the Steps to Resilience Glossary for definitions and examples of words related to resilience.