Davis Game Jam 2022 - Phoenix Flight
This was a submission for the UC Davis Game Jam of 2022, hosted by the Game Development and Arts Club. The theme of this game jam was REBIRTH.
You are a phoenix trying to clear the weather and get some sun. You crash and burn into the ground from every impact, but you always get back up. Make it to the goal in as few launches as possible!
Click to launch, and press space to glide.
Joshua Peterson: Main Programmer
Ryan Cheung: Secondary Programmer, Sound Designer and Musician
MUSIC OST: https://soundcloud.com/racerbeats/dgj2022-phoenix-flight-rebirth
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Love the particle work! You really explode off the ground after launching. The sound builds.. and builds... and BAM, particles go flying, and you're off at a breakneck speed. The lightning doesn't really feel fair.. It doesn't seem like I have the reaction time nor the maneuverability to avoid them, so it was a little frustrating. Still, the custom music? Awesome touch. Great game guys!
This phoenix reminds me of the old times playing Homm2, so much memories. Beautifully made!