Papers by Eduardo Atalah S.
Cuadernos de nutrición, 1991

Revista Medica De Chile, Aug 1, 2005
Risk factors for non communicable chronic diseases among workers of a financial company Backgroun... more Risk factors for non communicable chronic diseases among workers of a financial company Background: The epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in Chile, requires the development of strategies in health promotion and prevention. Aim: To assess the prevalence of risk factors for chronic non communicable diseases among workers of a financial company in Metropolitan Santiago. Material and Methods: Assessment of 2,225 workers (1,383 males with a median age of 49 years and 842 females with a median age of 43 years). All answered an enquiry about education, medical history, smoking habits and physical activity. Body mass index and blood pressure were measured and a blood sample was obtained to measure blood glucose and lipid levels. Logistic repression models were used to determine the main risk factors for hypertension, diabetes, obesity, hypercholesterolemia and hyperuricemia. Results: Sixteen percent of studied subjects were obese, 49% had overweight, 57% had hypercholesterolemia, 28% had high blood pressure, 4% were diabetic, 4% had hyperuricemia, 45% smoked and 83% were sedentary. Each worker had a mean of 2.4±1.1 risk factors. This figure was significantly higher among men, obese subjects, those older than 40 years and those with a lower educational level. Conclusions: There is an important disease burden among the studied subjects, specially among obese and older individuals. Healthy lifestyles should be promoted in this population (
Revista Medica De Chile, Aug 1, 2004
PubMed, May 1, 1997
The access to information is crucial to plan, define and evaluate nutritional interventions. Anal... more The access to information is crucial to plan, define and evaluate nutritional interventions. Analyzing the main nutritional indices proposed by international fora for food and nutrition surveillance, the usefulness of anthropometry is underscored due to its simplicity and low cost. The height/age index has advantages and limitations, considering that height may be influenced by genetic factors. The joint analysis of different indicators allows a correct individual or population nutritional assessment. It is concluded that height continues to be a good index of nutritional status and of standard of living in countries where nutritional problems are relevant.
Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición, Jun 1, 2008
Revista chilena de pediatría, Nov 1, 2003
... siendo fundamental en una próxima etapa validar los diagnósticos entregados por el estándares... more ... siendo fundamental en una próxima etapa validar los diagnósticos entregados por el estándarespañol a través de ... 19.- SPSS for Windows, version 10.0, SPSS Inc, 1989-1999. ... 20.- Fernades A, Mourato AP, Xavier MJ, Andrade D, Fernandes C, Palha M:Characterization of the ...
Cuad. méd.-soc. (Santiago de Chile), 1994
![Research paper thumbnail of [Analysis of the nutritional status of the population from Santiago]](
PubMed, Jul 1, 1993
The aim of this work was to analyze the nutrimental situation of people living in Santiago, revie... more The aim of this work was to analyze the nutrimental situation of people living in Santiago, reviewing the recent published information on this topic. There was profuse information about deficiency nutrimental problems among maternal and infantile groups, but fairly less in other age groups and about surplus disease. Considering food purchasing capacity, an important percentage of the population is located below the line of poverty. Child mortality has a low and decreasing rate and the general mortality structure shows a decline of infections causes. There is a low prevalence and degree of undernutrition among preschool children and a low proportion of low birth weight newborns. Instead, low stature affects a high proportion of school age children and its prevalence increases in puberal ages. Obesity predominates among adults and its risk factors are female sex, low stature and a low socio-economical level. Iron deficiency anemia is the most important specific deficiency. Outstanding features are the degree of communal development, a relatively better situation of Santiago compared with the national average and the lack of information and specific policies towards overfeeding related problems.
PubMed, Aug 1, 1992
The prevalence of enamel fluorosis and its severity was studied in 118 young men of 2 socio-econo... more The prevalence of enamel fluorosis and its severity was studied in 118 young men of 2 socio-economic levels. The subjects were born and resided for at least 6 years in Chilean communities with different natural levels of fluoride in drinking water. There was a high prevalence of enamel defect overall (54%) most of it of mild degree (36%). This was not related to the level of fluoride in drinking water, however further studies are needed since Chilean children are receiving fluoride from other sources. A national program to supplement drinking water with fluoride should take this information into account.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Efficacy of a national program to promote breast feeding: Chile 1993-2002]](
PubMed, Dec 1, 2004
Promotion of breast feeding is a priority in Chilean health's policies. The aim of the study was ... more Promotion of breast feeding is a priority in Chilean health's policies. The aim of the study was to evaluate the tendency of breastfeeding (exclusive, continued, partial), in children less than 18 months old, controlled in the Chilean public health system, based in four national surveys. Through a 24 h food intake recall (breastfeeding, water, juice, infant formula, solids) food patterns were explored every 3 years, as well as maternal participation in jobs located away from home. the sample consisted of approximately 10 thousand children, less than 18 months old of the 28 health services throughout the country. The prevalence of children with exclusive breastfeeding, predominant (breastfeeding, water or juice), complemented (breastfeeding plus solids) or any other way of feeding for each month of age in each survey, and changes in period studied, was determined. Between 1993 and 2002, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months increased from 16 to 43.1% (p<0.001) and predominant breastfeeding from 25.4 to 57.4%. at the same time, complemented breastfeeding at 12 months increased from 10.7 to 21.3%, and partial or complemented breastfeeding in 12 to 18 month old children went from 24.1 to 46.7%. Maternal work located away from home was inversely associated with the prevalence of exclusive and complemented breastfeeding during the first year (p<0.001). There has been a significant increase of maternal breastfeeding in the period analyzed. The negative effects of maternal labor on breastfeeding suggests to explore more effective forms of social support to the working mother.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Assessment of the nutritional impact of the complementary feeding program of Panama in children under five years old]](
PubMed, Mar 1, 2004
To evaluate the nutritional impact of the Complementary Feeding Program of Panama in children und... more To evaluate the nutritional impact of the Complementary Feeding Program of Panama in children under 5 years old. A retrospective cohort of children beneficiaries of the program was studied and compared with others of the same age and districts not involved in this intervention. Weight for age (W-A), height for age (H-A), and weight for height (W-H) was calculated in each control and the nutritional status determined according to Ministry of Health norms. Every beneficiary received six pounds/month of a food supplement containing cereals, legumes, calcium, iron and vitamin A (350 Kcal and 12 g of protein by 100 grams). Most of the children enter into the program in their second year of life with an average W-A and W-H of -1.5 +/- 1.2 and -0.6 +/- 0.9 respectively; both indicators were declining before the intervention (-0.6 +/- 1.2 y -0.3 +/- 1.3 respectively, p < 0.01). In 9 months of intervention an average change in W-A of 0.0 +/- 1.1 and H-A of - 0.1 +/- 1.1 was observed (NS). Weight gain was higher in children with lower W-A, in families with less children or mother with better education level (p < 0.05). In 35% of malnourished children and 24% of children at risk nutritional status improved during the intervention. Children with higher nutritional deficit at the beginning of the program have significantly better nutritional improvement (p < 0.001), encouraging the importance on focusing this program in malnourished children.
Revista chilena de nutrición, Aug 1, 2003
... que realizaron las encuestas: Auxiliares de Nutrición: Josefina Vargas, Guadalupe Muñoz, Mari... more ... que realizaron las encuestas: Auxiliares de Nutrición: Josefina Vargas, Guadalupe Muñoz, Mariela Portillo, Melissa Batista, Nadia Orribarra, Bautista Arcia, Melva Jované, Maribel Serrano, Zuleika Alvarado, Sophia ... Eduardo Atalah S. Casilla 13.898, Correo 21, Santiago, Chile. ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Prevalence of endemic dental fluorosis and its relation with fluoride content of public drinking water]](
PubMed, Nov 1, 1994
The prevalence of dental fluorosis, a manifestation of chronic fluoride toxicity on ameloblasts, ... more The prevalence of dental fluorosis, a manifestation of chronic fluoride toxicity on ameloblasts, is increasing in communities with or without fluoride supplementation of drinking water. The aim of this work was to study the prevalence and severity of fluorosis in Chile and its relationship to socioeconomic level and fluoride content of drinking water. Six hundred ninety three children aged 7 to 12 years old, coming from four cities with drinking water fluoride levels of 0, 0.3, 1 and 2.2 ppm were subjected to a standardized odontological examination looking for clinical manifestations of fluorosis. The global prevalence of fluorosis was 32%, being 61.4% in the city with the highest drinking water fluoride concentration and 20% in the city without fluoride in the drinking water. Likewise, the prevalence of fluorosis was higher in children of high socioeconomic level. It is concluded that the high prevalence of fluorosis, although generating only mild lesions, should be object of epidemiological surveillance.
Revista chilena de pediatría, May 1, 2002
... Marcela Gaete G. 1 , Eduardo Atalah S. 1 , Julia Araya A. 2. Resumen. ... Eur J Clin Nutr 199... more ... Marcela Gaete G. 1 , Eduardo Atalah S. 1 , Julia Araya A. 2. Resumen. ... Eur J Clin Nutr 1997; 51: 578-84. [ Links ] 18. Castillo C, Atalah E, Benavides X, Urteaga C: Patrones alimentarios en adultos que asisten a consultorios de atención primaria en la Región Metropolitana. ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Proposal of a new standard for the nutritional assessment of pregnant women]](
PubMed, Dec 1, 1997
Background: There is evidence to suggest that the criteria for nutritional assessment of pregnant... more Background: There is evidence to suggest that the criteria for nutritional assessment of pregnant women, used by the Chilean Ministry of Health, overestimates nutritional disturbances. Aim: To propose a new reference table to assess the nutritional status of pregnant women, based on body mass index. Material and methods: The table was theoretically defined using criteria for normality proposed by FAO and the weight increase during pregnancy that is associated with a lower maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. In 665 pregnant women, weight, height, mid arm circumference and skinfolds were measured using standard techniques. Body mass index, arm fat and muscle area and percentage of body fat were calculated. Body composition for each nutritional category, derived from the body mass index or "Rosso-Mardones classification", was analyzed. Results: According to the new table, under weight women had lower percentage of body fat and mid arm circumference and overweight women had higher weight, skinfold thickness and percentage of body fat than the homologous groups defined according to Rosso-Mardones tables. Conclusions: The proposed reference table may be useful to correct distortions generated by the current norms for nutritional assessment of pregnant women, proposed by the Chilean Ministry of Health. It has to be validated, analyzing its sensitivity, specificity and predictive value to predict fetal and maternal variables.
Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana, 2004
Nutrición como base del desarrollo El estado nutricional es un indicador fundamental en las Metas... more Nutrición como base del desarrollo El estado nutricional es un indicador fundamental en las Metas del Milenio del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el desarrollo (PNUD). ik Es un reconocimiento a que las políticas, programas y procesos para mejorar la nutrición tienen un papel fundamental en el desarrollo global. Está presente en 6 de los 18 objetivos. Alimentación: dimensión ética y moral "Toda persona tiene derecho a un nivel de vida adecuado que le asegure, así como a su familia, la salud y el bienestar, yen especial la alimentación, el vestido, la vivienda, la asistencia médica y los servicios sociales necesarios" Artículo 25, Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, 1948 5.1i2 1fi 24 1111 .46 42 411 54 '32 Americ. ¿Cómo es la situación nutricional del preescolar en la región? ¿Es reversible el daño nutricional después de los 18 meses?
Papers by Eduardo Atalah S.