Presentamos un catálogo comentado de las especies del género Blechnum L. para Mesoamérica y Sudam... more Presentamos un catálogo comentado de las especies del género Blechnum L. para Mesoamérica y Sudamérica. Para la mayoría de los nombres se proporcionan los datos sobre indicaciones locotípicas, tomados del protólogo, y sobre los tipos, así como los sinónimos. Siempre que ha sido posible, los sinónimos se citan también con la reseña de sus tipos o indicaciones locotípicas. Se dan referencias sobre distribución geográfica, ecología y rango altitudinal de los táxones y se aportan observaciones que pudieran contribuir al mejor conocimiento de los mismos. Se incluyen los híbridos cuya citología y nombre se conocen, mientras que aquellos que no han sido formalmente descritos se citan por la fórmula híbrida de los nombres de los presuntos parentales.
In this work, we contribute with the first essay devoted to relating the effect of brassinosteroi... more In this work, we contribute with the first essay devoted to relating the effect of brassinosteroids on the germination and development of fern spores of Pteridium aquilinum, Polystichum lonchitis and Pteris vittata. The effect of brassinosteroids (BRs) on the germination and development of fern spores is species-dependent. In the case of P. aquilinum, which is antheridiogen sensitive and in which rhizome reproduction predominates, BR treatment caused a negative effect over spore germination. For P. vittata, also antheridiogen sensitive and which forms large populations with sexual origen, BR treatment caused a slight negative effect on spore germination. Finally, for P. lonchitis, antheridiogen insensitive, the effect of BR treatment was positive. Thus, brassinosteroid application seems to regulate fern spore germination by modulating antheridiogen levels. Regarding further gametophyte development, the effects range from increasing the development velocity in P. lonchitis (which would aid the species in their reproductive role under adverse environmental conditions) to the independence in P. aquilinum and P. vittata (which, in general, live under less hard environmental conditions). Further research will be done in order to elucidate in detail the relationship between brassinosteroids, sexual organ expression and sporophyte production in the three species, considering at the time the use of antheridiogen system and the formation of apogamous plants. These results are providing valuable new information regarding the role of brassinosteroids on fern spore germination and growth as well as raising new questions for future studies.
Struthiopteris (Blechnaceae) has recently been classified on the basis of molecular and morpholog... more Struthiopteris (Blechnaceae) has recently been classified on the basis of molecular and morphological evidence, and some of its species are now included in the sister genus Spicantopsis. However, the lack of studies on several important morphological features impedes a sound assessment of their congruence with this new systematic arrangement, as well as of their range of variation and taxonomic value in this group of ferns. Here we present a study on the spores and sporangia using both light and scanning electron microscopy in Struthiopteris and Spicantopsis, using samples of all their species, and almost all their varieties. We provide full morphological descriptions of the spores and sporangia of all these taxa. We point out that the perispore structure and ornamentation and the number and the thickness of stomium cells in the sporangium clearly distinguish both genera.
Anales Del Jardin Botanico De Madrid, Dec 30, 2003
Se presenta un estudio de morfología foliar comparada en los táxones del género Isoetes que crece... more Se presenta un estudio de morfología foliar comparada en los táxones del género Isoetes que crecen en la Península Ibérica: /. durieui e /. histrix (terrestres), /. setaceum, I. velatum subsp. velatum (anfibios) e /. brochonii, I. echinosporum, I. x hickeyi, I. lacustre, I. longissimum e /. velatum subsp. asturicense (acuáticos). Se incluye también en la comparación un taxon anfibio tetraploide no descrito, relacionado morfológicamente con /. velatum, que hasta su descripción se designa provisionalmente como Isoetes sp. Se estudiaron varias colecciones ibéricas y, en el caso de algunos táxones, se incluyeron ejemplares procedentes de otras localidades de Europa y América, con el fin de contrastar los rasgos analizados. Los caracteres estudiados fueron: ornamentaciones cuticulares, modelos epidérmicos y estomas (morfología, distribución y dimensiones), contomo de las secciones transversales foliares, epidermis en corte (membrana cuticular, cutícula, ornamentaciones cuticulares), desarrollo relativo del mesofilo, presencia o ausencia y distribución del colénquima, diafragmas foliares y presencia o ausencia de protuberancias intercelulares pécticas de las células de los diafragmas (de tipo filamento). Todos los caracteres son independientes de la edad de los microfilos, de la madurez de las plantas y, en general, del habitat, y se observan por igual en material fresco o restaurado mediante una técnica que se propone en este trabajo. Palabras clave: mesofilo, modelos epidérmicos, morfología foliar, ornamentaciones cuticulares, protuberancias intercelulares pécticas.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2013
Arborescent species of the genus Blechnum (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta). Although the genus Blechnu... more Arborescent species of the genus Blechnum (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta). Although the genus Blechnum has been largely studied, problems of species characterization, nomenclature, classification and taxonomy remain unsolved. For these reasons, in this study we intend to deepen in the characterization of the arborescent group of Blechnum with a review of eight species: B. brasiliense, B. columbiense, B. cycadifolium, B. magellanicum, B. moritzianum, B. schomburgkii, B. tabulare and B. werckleanum.Type material and several collections from diverse herbaria were studied. For morphological studies we used both herbarium and fresh material collected by the authors in fieldwork between 2005 and 2010. Rhizomes, stipes, vascularization of costae, as well as several characters of the lamina, such as outline, division, venation, margin structure, epidermal patterns, stomata, presence and types of hypodermis, and mesophyll of pinnae were studied. Important aspects of the morphology of the sporophyte have been analyzed, and external characters have been correlated with internal diagnostic ones to use the most reliable external traits in keys and descriptions. Taxonomy has been updated, and corrections have been introduced to the species nomenclature and comments were included to summarize the current knowledge of the geographical distribution and ecology. The presence of B. tabulare in America is confirmed, and the taxonomy of the species is updated, since external and internal morphology indicated that other related, American and African species, such as B. spannagelii and B. madagascariense must be included under that name. Similar studies carried out on B. schomburgkii indicated that the name is a synonym of B. auratum subsp. auratum, while B. auratum subsp. columbiense is treated here as a well characterized species. Detailed study of numerous specimens allowed to characterize B. moritzianum, being the correct name to apply to the recently described B. yungense. A refreshed description of the species is presented together with a list of new, selected materials to illustrate current known geographical distribution. Expanded data on ecology, geographical distribution and affinities are given, and a key for species identification is presented.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2013
Arborescent species of the genus Blechnum (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta). Although the genus Blechnu... more Arborescent species of the genus Blechnum (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta). Although the genus Blechnum has been largely studied, problems of species characterization, nomenclature, classification and taxonomy remain unsolved. For these reasons, in this study we intend to deepen in the characterization of the arborescent group of Blechnum with a review of eight species: B. brasiliense, B. columbiense, B. cycadifolium, B. magellanicum, B. moritzianum, B. schomburgkii, B. tabulare and B. werckleanum.Type material and several collections from diverse herbaria were studied. For morphological studies we used both herbarium and fresh material collected by the authors in fieldwork between 2005 and 2010. Rhizomes, stipes, vascularization of costae, as well as several characters of the lamina, such as outline, division, venation, margin structure, epidermal patterns, stomata, presence and types of hypodermis, and mesophyll of pinnae were studied. Important aspects of the morphology of the sporophyte have been analyzed, and external characters have been correlated with internal diagnostic ones to use the most reliable external traits in keys and descriptions. Taxonomy has been updated, and corrections have been introduced to the species nomenclature and comments were included to summarize the current knowledge of the geographical distribution and ecology. The presence of B. tabulare in America is confirmed, and the taxonomy of the species is updated, since external and internal morphology indicated that other related, American and African species, such as B. spannagelii and B. madagascariense must be included under that name. Similar studies carried out on B. schomburgkii indicated that the name is a synonym of B. auratum subsp. auratum, while B. auratum subsp. columbiense is treated here as a well characterized species. Detailed study of numerous specimens allowed to characterize B. moritzianum, being the correct name to apply to the recently described B. yungense. A refreshed description of the species is presented together with a list of new, selected materials to illustrate current known geographical distribution. Expanded data on ecology, geographical distribution and affinities are given, and a key for species identification is presented.
En este trabajo se han estudiado caracteres de las pinnas esporógenas en 42 taxones de Blechnum L... more En este trabajo se han estudiado caracteres de las pinnas esporógenas en 42 taxones de Blechnum L., con el fin de poner en evidencia su valor diagnóstico en el nivel específico o de grupos de especies afines. Se incluyeron especies palustres, herbáceas terrestres, cordatoides, arborescentes y epífitas o hemiepífitas. Se estudiaron la anatomía de las pinnas fértiles, los tipos de indusios en relación con las láminas, el receptáculo y la vena comisural, su modelo epidérmico y caracteres de esporangios. En general, los caracteres muestran una fuerte coincidencia con los grupos de afi nidad previamente establecidos por otros rasgos morfológicos y moleculares, y algunos se manifiestan como diagnósticos en el nivel específico. Se hacen comentarios adicionales sobre los caracteres, a la luz de las diferentes apreciaciones filogenéticas y evolutivas propuestas para el género. Nuestros resultados sugieren que estos caracteres deben ser incluidos en cualquier propuesta taxonómica que se haga ...
Las plantas vasculares que no forman semillas son conocidas con el nombre vulgar de helechos, pre... more Las plantas vasculares que no forman semillas son conocidas con el nombre vulgar de helechos, presentando unas 120 especies en la península ibérica, más abundantes en ambientes forestales húmedos y saxícolas. En entornos urbanos y semiurbanos no suelen ser muy numerosos, un hecho que parece estar unido a la escasa presencia de sus esporas en la atmósfera de estas zonas, en comparación con otras partículas biológicas como las esporas fúngicas o los granos de polen. El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar una clave de determinación de los tipos de esporas de licófitos y helechos más comunes en los entornos urbanos o sus proximidades, discriminando para ello 12 géneros. Se pretende así facilitar su identificación en muestras aerobiológicas y permitir, con ello, un mayor conocimiento de estos tipos esporales y sus dinámicas atmosféricas urbanas.
Parablechnum is the most diverse genus of Blechnaceae (ca. 65 species), with a pantropical distri... more Parablechnum is the most diverse genus of Blechnaceae (ca. 65 species), with a pantropical distribution and two centers of diversity, in America and in the Austro-Pacific region. The species are dimorphic, with often erect rhizomes and rhizomatic scales, 1-pinnate fronds, with truncate blade at base, conform apex and stalked pinnae. This group presents many taxonomic problems, needing more detailed studies to resolve these conflicts of separation between species. This work deals with the American complex of P. cordatum in which the species P. cordatum, P. schiedeanum, P. chilense, P. falciforme and Blechnum varians are included. A biometric analysis of sporangia and spores, important taxonomic structures in the distinction of ferns, has been carried out. The data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance and a discriminant analysis. In addition, the spores were observed under a scanning electron microscope to study their ornamentation. Of the characters we have studied thickn...
Cranfillia opaca is a fern species present in New Caledonia, for which a great variation in morph... more Cranfillia opaca is a fern species present in New Caledonia, for which a great variation in morphology is reported. Some other species such as Blechnum deplanchei have been proposed, but those were later synonymized with C. opaca. In this work, we have studied this taxon at both the morphological and the anatomical level, as well as its ecology and geographical distribution. We found differences between C. opaca s.s. and B. deplanchei in the morphology of the sterile and fertile fronds, in several morphoanatomical features such as trichome shape, length, and distribution, and length and/or shape of different structures of sporangia and spores. The distribution of both taxa was also different, but they are sympatric at some localities. The differences identified in this study support the recognition of both taxa, and the combination of Cranfillia deplanchei (Baker) Vázquez Ferreira & Gabriel y Galán, which we propose here. A new taxonomic description is provided for both species.
The infrageneric classification of Asplenium, the most species-rich genus of ferns, is notoriousl... more The infrageneric classification of Asplenium, the most species-rich genus of ferns, is notoriously difficult as a result of extensive morphological homoplasy combined with exceptional morphological disparity. Besides a core Asplenium, 29 satellite genera have been described, but most of them have not been widely accepted. In recent years, molecular phylogenetic studies found most of these satellite genera to be nested in Asplenium, but several morphologically distinct taxa have not yet been included in such studies. One of these elements is the monospecific neotropical genus Schaffneria which is characterized by undivided suborbicular blades, lack of a costa, black stipes, netted veins and single or paired sori. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic inference based on the chloroplast DNA markers rbcL, rps4, rps4-trnS and trnL-trnF indicated a position of Schaffneria nigripes within Asplenium. We thus propose to treat Schaffneria as a synonym of Asplenium and adopt the name Asplenium nigripes. With the current sampling, Asplenium (Schaffneria) nigripes is placed sister to A. pumilum, the only species of Asplenium with whitish catenate hairs on its leaves. Despite considerable morphological differences, both species resemble each other in several features including filiform-lanceolate, mostly entire, brown-blackish rhizome scales with a darksclerotic center and some marginal projections, a striate, hairy epidermis, echinolophate spore ornamentation with slim microechinate folds forming small lacunae, and Aspidium-type gametophytes.
En este trabajo se han estudiado caracteres de las pinnas esporogenas en 42 taxones de Blechnum L... more En este trabajo se han estudiado caracteres de las pinnas esporogenas en 42 taxones de Blechnum L. , con el fi n de poner en evidencia su valor diagnostico en el nivel especifi co o de grupos de especies afi nes. Se incluyeron especies palustres, herbaceas terrestres, cordatoides, arborescentes y epifi tas o hemiepifi tas. Se estudiaron la anatomia de las pinnas fertiles, los tipos de indusios en relacion con las laminas, el receptaculo y la vena comisural, su modelo epidermico y caracteres de esporangios. En general, los caracteres muestran una fuerte coincidencia con los grupos de afinidad previamente establecidos por otros rasgos morfologicos y moleculares, y algunos se manifi estan como diagnosticos en el nivel especifi co. Se hacen comentarios adicionales sobre los caracteres, a la luz de las diferentes apreciaciones fi logeneticas y evolutivas propuestas para el genero. Nuestros resultados sugieren que estos caracteres deben ser incluidos en cualquier propuesta taxonomica que ...
Steereella lilliana is reported as a new record for the bryophyte flora in Argentina and South Am... more Steereella lilliana is reported as a new record for the bryophyte flora in Argentina and South America. Furthermore, the distribution of Frullania brasiliensis in Argentina, previously known only from Misiones and Salta, is expanded to the provinces of Tucuman and Cordoba. Additionally, Stephaniella paraphyllina, is new to the province of San Luis, collected in Sierra de Comechingones, and this represents its southernmost distribution. Brief comments about morphological characters, keys to related species in Argentina, as well as habitat details are given.
RESUMEN : Se ha realizado una revisión detallada de B. loxense y B. stipitellatum. Se han estudia... more RESUMEN : Se ha realizado una revisión detallada de B. loxense y B. stipitellatum. Se han estudiado aspectos importantes de la morfología externa e interna del esporófito. Los caracteres estudiados fueron los rizomas y otros ejes (escamas, estructura interna, presencia de mucílagos, tipos de haces de las costas), las láminas (división, venación, estructura de los márgenes, los modelos epidérmicos, tipos de hipodermis y mesofilo de pinnas o segmentos). La presencia y caracteres de la hipodermis, la especialización del mesofilo, la presencia de protuberancias intercelulares pécticas (verrugas) y los tipos de indusio se analizan por primera vez. Se han destacado los caracteres que pueden apreciarse en material vivo pero que también se conservan en material herborizado, ya que éste es, con frecuencia, el único disponible para el botánico en el caso particular de las especies subarborescentes aquí tratadas, en las que los materiales son escasos o de difícil recolección.
A study of the spores of 64 neotropical and palaeotropical taxa of the genus Blechnum was perform... more A study of the spores of 64 neotropical and palaeotropical taxa of the genus Blechnum was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Two basic types of perispores were recognised: perispore smooth or only slightly ornamented (laevigate, with micro-granules or micro-lamellae, venulose and rugulate), and perispore ornamented (rugate, low reticulate, cristatereticulate, orbiculate, and colliculate). SEM observations allow for distinguishing differences in the structure of perispores, but the character does not correlate with the ornamentation. The smooth exospore predominates among the studied species. Results suggest that perispore characters have important diagnostic value, since different combinations of ornamentation/structure were found among the studied species. Moreover, when spore characters are considered together with other morphological traits of the sporophytes and the habit of plants, ornamentation of spores becomes a useful complementary feature at the specific level. The results are discussed in light of the recent systematic studies and emphasise that any eventual subdivision of the genus Blechnum must include characters of the sporophyte as well as spore features to ensure a more robust classification than the previously proposed. The spores also show a significant affinity between Blechnum and other genera of Blechnaceae, which was also suggested by recent phylogenetic studies.
Presentamos un catálogo comentado de las especies del género Blechnum L. para Mesoamérica y Sudam... more Presentamos un catálogo comentado de las especies del género Blechnum L. para Mesoamérica y Sudamérica. Para la mayoría de los nombres se proporcionan los datos sobre indicaciones locotípicas, tomados del protólogo, y sobre los tipos, así como los sinónimos. Siempre que ha sido posible, los sinónimos se citan también con la reseña de sus tipos o indicaciones locotípicas. Se dan referencias sobre distribución geográfica, ecología y rango altitudinal de los táxones y se aportan observaciones que pudieran contribuir al mejor conocimiento de los mismos. Se incluyen los híbridos cuya citología y nombre se conocen, mientras que aquellos que no han sido formalmente descritos se citan por la fórmula híbrida de los nombres de los presuntos parentales.
In this work, we contribute with the first essay devoted to relating the effect of brassinosteroi... more In this work, we contribute with the first essay devoted to relating the effect of brassinosteroids on the germination and development of fern spores of Pteridium aquilinum, Polystichum lonchitis and Pteris vittata. The effect of brassinosteroids (BRs) on the germination and development of fern spores is species-dependent. In the case of P. aquilinum, which is antheridiogen sensitive and in which rhizome reproduction predominates, BR treatment caused a negative effect over spore germination. For P. vittata, also antheridiogen sensitive and which forms large populations with sexual origen, BR treatment caused a slight negative effect on spore germination. Finally, for P. lonchitis, antheridiogen insensitive, the effect of BR treatment was positive. Thus, brassinosteroid application seems to regulate fern spore germination by modulating antheridiogen levels. Regarding further gametophyte development, the effects range from increasing the development velocity in P. lonchitis (which would aid the species in their reproductive role under adverse environmental conditions) to the independence in P. aquilinum and P. vittata (which, in general, live under less hard environmental conditions). Further research will be done in order to elucidate in detail the relationship between brassinosteroids, sexual organ expression and sporophyte production in the three species, considering at the time the use of antheridiogen system and the formation of apogamous plants. These results are providing valuable new information regarding the role of brassinosteroids on fern spore germination and growth as well as raising new questions for future studies.
Struthiopteris (Blechnaceae) has recently been classified on the basis of molecular and morpholog... more Struthiopteris (Blechnaceae) has recently been classified on the basis of molecular and morphological evidence, and some of its species are now included in the sister genus Spicantopsis. However, the lack of studies on several important morphological features impedes a sound assessment of their congruence with this new systematic arrangement, as well as of their range of variation and taxonomic value in this group of ferns. Here we present a study on the spores and sporangia using both light and scanning electron microscopy in Struthiopteris and Spicantopsis, using samples of all their species, and almost all their varieties. We provide full morphological descriptions of the spores and sporangia of all these taxa. We point out that the perispore structure and ornamentation and the number and the thickness of stomium cells in the sporangium clearly distinguish both genera.
Anales Del Jardin Botanico De Madrid, Dec 30, 2003
Se presenta un estudio de morfología foliar comparada en los táxones del género Isoetes que crece... more Se presenta un estudio de morfología foliar comparada en los táxones del género Isoetes que crecen en la Península Ibérica: /. durieui e /. histrix (terrestres), /. setaceum, I. velatum subsp. velatum (anfibios) e /. brochonii, I. echinosporum, I. x hickeyi, I. lacustre, I. longissimum e /. velatum subsp. asturicense (acuáticos). Se incluye también en la comparación un taxon anfibio tetraploide no descrito, relacionado morfológicamente con /. velatum, que hasta su descripción se designa provisionalmente como Isoetes sp. Se estudiaron varias colecciones ibéricas y, en el caso de algunos táxones, se incluyeron ejemplares procedentes de otras localidades de Europa y América, con el fin de contrastar los rasgos analizados. Los caracteres estudiados fueron: ornamentaciones cuticulares, modelos epidérmicos y estomas (morfología, distribución y dimensiones), contomo de las secciones transversales foliares, epidermis en corte (membrana cuticular, cutícula, ornamentaciones cuticulares), desarrollo relativo del mesofilo, presencia o ausencia y distribución del colénquima, diafragmas foliares y presencia o ausencia de protuberancias intercelulares pécticas de las células de los diafragmas (de tipo filamento). Todos los caracteres son independientes de la edad de los microfilos, de la madurez de las plantas y, en general, del habitat, y se observan por igual en material fresco o restaurado mediante una técnica que se propone en este trabajo. Palabras clave: mesofilo, modelos epidérmicos, morfología foliar, ornamentaciones cuticulares, protuberancias intercelulares pécticas.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2013
Arborescent species of the genus Blechnum (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta). Although the genus Blechnu... more Arborescent species of the genus Blechnum (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta). Although the genus Blechnum has been largely studied, problems of species characterization, nomenclature, classification and taxonomy remain unsolved. For these reasons, in this study we intend to deepen in the characterization of the arborescent group of Blechnum with a review of eight species: B. brasiliense, B. columbiense, B. cycadifolium, B. magellanicum, B. moritzianum, B. schomburgkii, B. tabulare and B. werckleanum.Type material and several collections from diverse herbaria were studied. For morphological studies we used both herbarium and fresh material collected by the authors in fieldwork between 2005 and 2010. Rhizomes, stipes, vascularization of costae, as well as several characters of the lamina, such as outline, division, venation, margin structure, epidermal patterns, stomata, presence and types of hypodermis, and mesophyll of pinnae were studied. Important aspects of the morphology of the sporophyte have been analyzed, and external characters have been correlated with internal diagnostic ones to use the most reliable external traits in keys and descriptions. Taxonomy has been updated, and corrections have been introduced to the species nomenclature and comments were included to summarize the current knowledge of the geographical distribution and ecology. The presence of B. tabulare in America is confirmed, and the taxonomy of the species is updated, since external and internal morphology indicated that other related, American and African species, such as B. spannagelii and B. madagascariense must be included under that name. Similar studies carried out on B. schomburgkii indicated that the name is a synonym of B. auratum subsp. auratum, while B. auratum subsp. columbiense is treated here as a well characterized species. Detailed study of numerous specimens allowed to characterize B. moritzianum, being the correct name to apply to the recently described B. yungense. A refreshed description of the species is presented together with a list of new, selected materials to illustrate current known geographical distribution. Expanded data on ecology, geographical distribution and affinities are given, and a key for species identification is presented.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2013
Arborescent species of the genus Blechnum (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta). Although the genus Blechnu... more Arborescent species of the genus Blechnum (Blechnaceae: Pteridophyta). Although the genus Blechnum has been largely studied, problems of species characterization, nomenclature, classification and taxonomy remain unsolved. For these reasons, in this study we intend to deepen in the characterization of the arborescent group of Blechnum with a review of eight species: B. brasiliense, B. columbiense, B. cycadifolium, B. magellanicum, B. moritzianum, B. schomburgkii, B. tabulare and B. werckleanum.Type material and several collections from diverse herbaria were studied. For morphological studies we used both herbarium and fresh material collected by the authors in fieldwork between 2005 and 2010. Rhizomes, stipes, vascularization of costae, as well as several characters of the lamina, such as outline, division, venation, margin structure, epidermal patterns, stomata, presence and types of hypodermis, and mesophyll of pinnae were studied. Important aspects of the morphology of the sporophyte have been analyzed, and external characters have been correlated with internal diagnostic ones to use the most reliable external traits in keys and descriptions. Taxonomy has been updated, and corrections have been introduced to the species nomenclature and comments were included to summarize the current knowledge of the geographical distribution and ecology. The presence of B. tabulare in America is confirmed, and the taxonomy of the species is updated, since external and internal morphology indicated that other related, American and African species, such as B. spannagelii and B. madagascariense must be included under that name. Similar studies carried out on B. schomburgkii indicated that the name is a synonym of B. auratum subsp. auratum, while B. auratum subsp. columbiense is treated here as a well characterized species. Detailed study of numerous specimens allowed to characterize B. moritzianum, being the correct name to apply to the recently described B. yungense. A refreshed description of the species is presented together with a list of new, selected materials to illustrate current known geographical distribution. Expanded data on ecology, geographical distribution and affinities are given, and a key for species identification is presented.
En este trabajo se han estudiado caracteres de las pinnas esporógenas en 42 taxones de Blechnum L... more En este trabajo se han estudiado caracteres de las pinnas esporógenas en 42 taxones de Blechnum L., con el fin de poner en evidencia su valor diagnóstico en el nivel específico o de grupos de especies afines. Se incluyeron especies palustres, herbáceas terrestres, cordatoides, arborescentes y epífitas o hemiepífitas. Se estudiaron la anatomía de las pinnas fértiles, los tipos de indusios en relación con las láminas, el receptáculo y la vena comisural, su modelo epidérmico y caracteres de esporangios. En general, los caracteres muestran una fuerte coincidencia con los grupos de afi nidad previamente establecidos por otros rasgos morfológicos y moleculares, y algunos se manifiestan como diagnósticos en el nivel específico. Se hacen comentarios adicionales sobre los caracteres, a la luz de las diferentes apreciaciones filogenéticas y evolutivas propuestas para el género. Nuestros resultados sugieren que estos caracteres deben ser incluidos en cualquier propuesta taxonómica que se haga ...
Las plantas vasculares que no forman semillas son conocidas con el nombre vulgar de helechos, pre... more Las plantas vasculares que no forman semillas son conocidas con el nombre vulgar de helechos, presentando unas 120 especies en la península ibérica, más abundantes en ambientes forestales húmedos y saxícolas. En entornos urbanos y semiurbanos no suelen ser muy numerosos, un hecho que parece estar unido a la escasa presencia de sus esporas en la atmósfera de estas zonas, en comparación con otras partículas biológicas como las esporas fúngicas o los granos de polen. El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar una clave de determinación de los tipos de esporas de licófitos y helechos más comunes en los entornos urbanos o sus proximidades, discriminando para ello 12 géneros. Se pretende así facilitar su identificación en muestras aerobiológicas y permitir, con ello, un mayor conocimiento de estos tipos esporales y sus dinámicas atmosféricas urbanas.
Parablechnum is the most diverse genus of Blechnaceae (ca. 65 species), with a pantropical distri... more Parablechnum is the most diverse genus of Blechnaceae (ca. 65 species), with a pantropical distribution and two centers of diversity, in America and in the Austro-Pacific region. The species are dimorphic, with often erect rhizomes and rhizomatic scales, 1-pinnate fronds, with truncate blade at base, conform apex and stalked pinnae. This group presents many taxonomic problems, needing more detailed studies to resolve these conflicts of separation between species. This work deals with the American complex of P. cordatum in which the species P. cordatum, P. schiedeanum, P. chilense, P. falciforme and Blechnum varians are included. A biometric analysis of sporangia and spores, important taxonomic structures in the distinction of ferns, has been carried out. The data were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance and a discriminant analysis. In addition, the spores were observed under a scanning electron microscope to study their ornamentation. Of the characters we have studied thickn...
Cranfillia opaca is a fern species present in New Caledonia, for which a great variation in morph... more Cranfillia opaca is a fern species present in New Caledonia, for which a great variation in morphology is reported. Some other species such as Blechnum deplanchei have been proposed, but those were later synonymized with C. opaca. In this work, we have studied this taxon at both the morphological and the anatomical level, as well as its ecology and geographical distribution. We found differences between C. opaca s.s. and B. deplanchei in the morphology of the sterile and fertile fronds, in several morphoanatomical features such as trichome shape, length, and distribution, and length and/or shape of different structures of sporangia and spores. The distribution of both taxa was also different, but they are sympatric at some localities. The differences identified in this study support the recognition of both taxa, and the combination of Cranfillia deplanchei (Baker) Vázquez Ferreira & Gabriel y Galán, which we propose here. A new taxonomic description is provided for both species.
The infrageneric classification of Asplenium, the most species-rich genus of ferns, is notoriousl... more The infrageneric classification of Asplenium, the most species-rich genus of ferns, is notoriously difficult as a result of extensive morphological homoplasy combined with exceptional morphological disparity. Besides a core Asplenium, 29 satellite genera have been described, but most of them have not been widely accepted. In recent years, molecular phylogenetic studies found most of these satellite genera to be nested in Asplenium, but several morphologically distinct taxa have not yet been included in such studies. One of these elements is the monospecific neotropical genus Schaffneria which is characterized by undivided suborbicular blades, lack of a costa, black stipes, netted veins and single or paired sori. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic inference based on the chloroplast DNA markers rbcL, rps4, rps4-trnS and trnL-trnF indicated a position of Schaffneria nigripes within Asplenium. We thus propose to treat Schaffneria as a synonym of Asplenium and adopt the name Asplenium nigripes. With the current sampling, Asplenium (Schaffneria) nigripes is placed sister to A. pumilum, the only species of Asplenium with whitish catenate hairs on its leaves. Despite considerable morphological differences, both species resemble each other in several features including filiform-lanceolate, mostly entire, brown-blackish rhizome scales with a darksclerotic center and some marginal projections, a striate, hairy epidermis, echinolophate spore ornamentation with slim microechinate folds forming small lacunae, and Aspidium-type gametophytes.
En este trabajo se han estudiado caracteres de las pinnas esporogenas en 42 taxones de Blechnum L... more En este trabajo se han estudiado caracteres de las pinnas esporogenas en 42 taxones de Blechnum L. , con el fi n de poner en evidencia su valor diagnostico en el nivel especifi co o de grupos de especies afi nes. Se incluyeron especies palustres, herbaceas terrestres, cordatoides, arborescentes y epifi tas o hemiepifi tas. Se estudiaron la anatomia de las pinnas fertiles, los tipos de indusios en relacion con las laminas, el receptaculo y la vena comisural, su modelo epidermico y caracteres de esporangios. En general, los caracteres muestran una fuerte coincidencia con los grupos de afinidad previamente establecidos por otros rasgos morfologicos y moleculares, y algunos se manifi estan como diagnosticos en el nivel especifi co. Se hacen comentarios adicionales sobre los caracteres, a la luz de las diferentes apreciaciones fi logeneticas y evolutivas propuestas para el genero. Nuestros resultados sugieren que estos caracteres deben ser incluidos en cualquier propuesta taxonomica que ...
Steereella lilliana is reported as a new record for the bryophyte flora in Argentina and South Am... more Steereella lilliana is reported as a new record for the bryophyte flora in Argentina and South America. Furthermore, the distribution of Frullania brasiliensis in Argentina, previously known only from Misiones and Salta, is expanded to the provinces of Tucuman and Cordoba. Additionally, Stephaniella paraphyllina, is new to the province of San Luis, collected in Sierra de Comechingones, and this represents its southernmost distribution. Brief comments about morphological characters, keys to related species in Argentina, as well as habitat details are given.
RESUMEN : Se ha realizado una revisión detallada de B. loxense y B. stipitellatum. Se han estudia... more RESUMEN : Se ha realizado una revisión detallada de B. loxense y B. stipitellatum. Se han estudiado aspectos importantes de la morfología externa e interna del esporófito. Los caracteres estudiados fueron los rizomas y otros ejes (escamas, estructura interna, presencia de mucílagos, tipos de haces de las costas), las láminas (división, venación, estructura de los márgenes, los modelos epidérmicos, tipos de hipodermis y mesofilo de pinnas o segmentos). La presencia y caracteres de la hipodermis, la especialización del mesofilo, la presencia de protuberancias intercelulares pécticas (verrugas) y los tipos de indusio se analizan por primera vez. Se han destacado los caracteres que pueden apreciarse en material vivo pero que también se conservan en material herborizado, ya que éste es, con frecuencia, el único disponible para el botánico en el caso particular de las especies subarborescentes aquí tratadas, en las que los materiales son escasos o de difícil recolección.
A study of the spores of 64 neotropical and palaeotropical taxa of the genus Blechnum was perform... more A study of the spores of 64 neotropical and palaeotropical taxa of the genus Blechnum was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Two basic types of perispores were recognised: perispore smooth or only slightly ornamented (laevigate, with micro-granules or micro-lamellae, venulose and rugulate), and perispore ornamented (rugate, low reticulate, cristatereticulate, orbiculate, and colliculate). SEM observations allow for distinguishing differences in the structure of perispores, but the character does not correlate with the ornamentation. The smooth exospore predominates among the studied species. Results suggest that perispore characters have important diagnostic value, since different combinations of ornamentation/structure were found among the studied species. Moreover, when spore characters are considered together with other morphological traits of the sporophytes and the habit of plants, ornamentation of spores becomes a useful complementary feature at the specific level. The results are discussed in light of the recent systematic studies and emphasise that any eventual subdivision of the genus Blechnum must include characters of the sporophyte as well as spore features to ensure a more robust classification than the previously proposed. The spores also show a significant affinity between Blechnum and other genera of Blechnaceae, which was also suggested by recent phylogenetic studies.
Papers by Carmen Prada