Similar to other coastal regions worldwide, forests created by brown macroalgae have severely dec... more Similar to other coastal regions worldwide, forests created by brown macroalgae have severely declined in recent decades across the Macaronesian oceanic archipelagos (northeastern Atlantic), eroding the provision of ecosystem services. However, the putative effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors (both local and global) on such declines across spatial and temporal scales remain unresolved. Our research endeavored to investigate the connection between local and global stressors and the distribution and extent of the brown macroalgae Gongolaria abies-marina in the rocky intertidal and adjacent subtidal zones of Gran Canaria over the past four decades. We also quantified the presence of populations at small scales, according to local micro-habitat topography ("open rock" versus "refuge"). Through herbarium records, we additionally analyzed the historical variation in the thallus size of the species. Finally, we experimentally assessed the thermotolerance of embryonic stages to warming. The main environmental drivers explaining the regression of G. abies-marina were the increasing number of marine heatwaves, while the number of local human impacts (quantified through the HAPI index) also accounted for further regression in the extent of marine forests. Warming experimentally reduced the survival and size of macroalgal embryos. A progressive miniaturization of the species, currently restricted to micro-habitat refuges as a survival strategy, seems likely to be the final stage in the progressive disappearance of this macroalgae from the island's rocky shores.
Black corals are important components of mesophotic and deep-water marine habitats. Their presenc... more Black corals are important components of mesophotic and deep-water marine habitats. Their presence at great depths (e.g., 50 to 200 m) makes accessibility difficult, limiting our understanding of the associated biodiversity. Amphipods dominate vagile epifauna in marine habitats around the world, fulfilling important ecosystem functions. However, there are no studies on amphipods exclusively associated with black corals, including relationships between their ecological patterns (e.g., abundances) and the size of coral colonies. We investigated the epifaunal composition and abundance associated with black coral colonies of Antipathella wollastoni in the subtropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. In total, 1,736 epifaunal individuals were identified, of which 1,706 (98.27%) were amphipods, belonging to 6 taxa. We identified and described a new amphipod genus and species within the Stenothoidae family, Wollastenothoe minuta gen. nov., sp. nov., which outnumbered the amphipod assemblage (86.15%) and provided a complete taxonomic key of Stenothoidae family including this new finding. For the first time, the association between an amphipod species and a black coral was described, including a strong correlation between coral colony size and amphipod abundances. This study demonstrates that epifauna associated with mesophotic black corals remains largely undescribed.
The global economy is increasingly focusing on the Oceans to meet its needs, for which maritime s... more The global economy is increasingly focusing on the Oceans to meet its needs, for which maritime spatial planning is being fostered to promote this is done sustainably. Thus, assessing the current state and future development trends of the maritime sectors is key to evaluating the performance of the planning process. This is the aim of this study, in which the main maritime sectors related to the blue economy present in the archipelagos of the European Macaronesia Sea Basin, i.e. the Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain), were identified and studied. The following maritime sectors were analysed: fisheries, marine aquaculture, marine biotechnology, coastal and maritime tourism, maritime transport, ship repair and maintenance, extraction of aggregates, deep-sea mining, offshore oil and gas, renewable ocean energies, and desalination. As part of the PLASMAR project, partners undertook in 2017-19 a literature review gathering scientific papers, official statistics and reports, which were complemented by interviews with experts from the economic sectors and public administration departments. Results show that while some maritime sectors are well established, others are emerging sectors with varying long-term growth potential. Besides, development patterns vary across the archipelagos. This study represents the first effort in the Macaronesia Sea Basin to set the basis of the current and future development conditions of the blue economy in applicability to maritime spatial planning processes at a regional level. The future post-pandemic context will provide a unique opportunity to promote the blue economy sectors and activities through the support provided by the EU Green Deal and Recovery and Resilience Plans, as well as with the actions envisioned under the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). The European Macaronesia example -given its wide maritime territory, commitment, and capacities in terms of expertise and networking-presents a great potential to act as a good practice to extrapolate the new approach for a sustainable blue economy to other similar geographical settings such as island regions/states.
In this study, patterns in the taxonomic richness and composition of the fish fauna inhabiting Cy... more In this study, patterns in the taxonomic richness and composition of the fish fauna inhabiting Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows were described across their entire distribution range in the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, the study tested whether there are differences in the composition of fish assemblages between those ecoregions encompassed by the distribution range of C. nodosa, and whether these differences in composition are connected with differences in bioclimatic affinities of the fish faunas. A literature review resulted in a total of 19 studies, containing 22 fish assemblages at 18 locations. The ichthyofauna associated with C. nodosa seagrass meadows comprises 59 families and 188 species. The western Mediterranean (WM) Sea has the highest species richness (87 species). Fish assemblages from the Macaronesia-Canary Islands, the Sahelian Upwelling, South European Atlantic Shelf and the WM differ, in terms of assemblage composition, relative to other ecoregions. In contrast, the composition of the fish fauna from the central and eastern Mediterranean overlaps. There is a significant serial correlation in fish assemblage composition between adjacent ecoregions along the distribution range of C. nodosa. Dissimilarities in assemblage composition are connected with the geographical separation between locations, and the mean minimum annual seawater temperature is the environmental factor that explains most variation in fish assemblage composition.
This paper reports the presence of Cantherhines macrocerus (Hollard, 1853) in shallow waters of P... more This paper reports the presence of Cantherhines macrocerus (Hollard, 1853) in shallow waters of Principe Island (São Tomé e Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea). This sighting represents the first time that the Whitespotted filefish is collected in the tropical waters of the Gulf of Guinea (Western Equatorial Africa).
Since the conception of the genus Laurencia by Lamouroux in 1813, several red macroalgal species ... more Since the conception of the genus Laurencia by Lamouroux in 1813, several red macroalgal species have been included in it. In recent decades, the development of modern molecular tools has resulted in multiple taxonomic modifications, and presently, eight related genera are recognized in the so-called Laurencia complex. In the Macaronesian Region (Central East Atlantic Ocean), species from the Laurencia complex are keystone elements of the benthic communities, especially in the intertidal zone. In this review, we consolidate the existing knowledge about the Laurencia complex within the Macaronesian archipelagos and nearby areas. Morphological descriptions and phylogeographic remarks of the 16 currently accepted species-whose records were molecular or morphologically confirmed-are included together with an identification key for the Macaronesian Region. The phylogeographic data allowed us to re-visit the role of the Macaronesian archipelagos as a bridge area for the marine flora of the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas (remnants of the former Thetyan Sea) or contemplate their marine flora as the result of successive processes of recolonization after the Quaternary glaciations from those donor areas. Finally, some comments about the frontiers of the research in the Laurencia complex in the Macaronesian Region and nearby coastal areas are included.
Page 1. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, del 21 al 24 de septiembre de Estudio de la biomasa de las co... more Page 1. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, del 21 al 24 de septiembre de Estudio de la biomasa de las comunidades de macroalgas en la costa sureste de Gran Canaria MR Sánchez-Almendros\ P. Saavedra ^ y R. Haroun^ ' Dpto. Biología, Fac. ...
Sao Tome and Principe is a small island state located in the Gulf of Guinea (West Equatorial Afri... more Sao Tome and Principe is a small island state located in the Gulf of Guinea (West Equatorial Africa) with fragile mangrove habitats along its coastlines. These habitats are threatened by historical conversion to land for agriculture uses, overharvesting for firewood and charcoal, changing hydrology and coastal erosion; the last impacts increasing their vulnerability to sea-level rise. In the case of Sao Tome mangroves, road construction (sometimes very close or even crossing through the habitat itself) is considered as a major factor leading to its transformation.
The ecology of reef fish varies with depth, although patterns in diversity remain largely undescr... more The ecology of reef fish varies with depth, although patterns in diversity remain largely undescribed, in particular the complementarity of their taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic facets. In the present study we investigated patterns of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of fish on 21 reefs, at depths ranging from 3 to 31 m, at Prı ´ncipe Island (Gulf of Guinea). Taxonomic and functional diversity decreased monotonically with depth; the pattern was less accentuated for phylogenetic diversity. Functional diversity was saturated at high levels of taxonomic diversity, reflecting redundancy in species traits, particularly at the shallower reefs. Functional diversity increased linearly with phylogenetic diversity; thus, increasing niche availability seems to translate into a larger diversity of phylogenies. Dissimilarities in the structure and composition of fish assemblages among reefs were correlated with differences in depth, including a progressive turnover in species. Depth affected the functional traits of nearshore reef fish. Trophic breadth decreased with depth; carnivores and planktivores increased with depth, whereas herbivores decreased with depth. Smallsized fusiform fish dominated on the shallowest reefs. In summary, the present study demonstrated decays in biodiversity, from different perspectives, of reef fish with depth, which are connected with shifts in fish traits.
Similar to other coastal regions worldwide, forests created by brown macroalgae have severely dec... more Similar to other coastal regions worldwide, forests created by brown macroalgae have severely declined in recent decades across the Macaronesian oceanic archipelagos (northeastern Atlantic), eroding the provision of ecosystem services. However, the putative effects of natural and anthropogenic stressors (both local and global) on such declines across spatial and temporal scales remain unresolved. Our research endeavored to investigate the connection between local and global stressors and the distribution and extent of the brown macroalgae Gongolaria abies-marina in the rocky intertidal and adjacent subtidal zones of Gran Canaria over the past four decades. We also quantified the presence of populations at small scales, according to local micro-habitat topography ("open rock" versus "refuge"). Through herbarium records, we additionally analyzed the historical variation in the thallus size of the species. Finally, we experimentally assessed the thermotolerance of embryonic stages to warming. The main environmental drivers explaining the regression of G. abies-marina were the increasing number of marine heatwaves, while the number of local human impacts (quantified through the HAPI index) also accounted for further regression in the extent of marine forests. Warming experimentally reduced the survival and size of macroalgal embryos. A progressive miniaturization of the species, currently restricted to micro-habitat refuges as a survival strategy, seems likely to be the final stage in the progressive disappearance of this macroalgae from the island's rocky shores.
Black corals are important components of mesophotic and deep-water marine habitats. Their presenc... more Black corals are important components of mesophotic and deep-water marine habitats. Their presence at great depths (e.g., 50 to 200 m) makes accessibility difficult, limiting our understanding of the associated biodiversity. Amphipods dominate vagile epifauna in marine habitats around the world, fulfilling important ecosystem functions. However, there are no studies on amphipods exclusively associated with black corals, including relationships between their ecological patterns (e.g., abundances) and the size of coral colonies. We investigated the epifaunal composition and abundance associated with black coral colonies of Antipathella wollastoni in the subtropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. In total, 1,736 epifaunal individuals were identified, of which 1,706 (98.27%) were amphipods, belonging to 6 taxa. We identified and described a new amphipod genus and species within the Stenothoidae family, Wollastenothoe minuta gen. nov., sp. nov., which outnumbered the amphipod assemblage (86.15%) and provided a complete taxonomic key of Stenothoidae family including this new finding. For the first time, the association between an amphipod species and a black coral was described, including a strong correlation between coral colony size and amphipod abundances. This study demonstrates that epifauna associated with mesophotic black corals remains largely undescribed.
The global economy is increasingly focusing on the Oceans to meet its needs, for which maritime s... more The global economy is increasingly focusing on the Oceans to meet its needs, for which maritime spatial planning is being fostered to promote this is done sustainably. Thus, assessing the current state and future development trends of the maritime sectors is key to evaluating the performance of the planning process. This is the aim of this study, in which the main maritime sectors related to the blue economy present in the archipelagos of the European Macaronesia Sea Basin, i.e. the Azores and Madeira (Portugal), and the Canary Islands (Spain), were identified and studied. The following maritime sectors were analysed: fisheries, marine aquaculture, marine biotechnology, coastal and maritime tourism, maritime transport, ship repair and maintenance, extraction of aggregates, deep-sea mining, offshore oil and gas, renewable ocean energies, and desalination. As part of the PLASMAR project, partners undertook in 2017-19 a literature review gathering scientific papers, official statistics and reports, which were complemented by interviews with experts from the economic sectors and public administration departments. Results show that while some maritime sectors are well established, others are emerging sectors with varying long-term growth potential. Besides, development patterns vary across the archipelagos. This study represents the first effort in the Macaronesia Sea Basin to set the basis of the current and future development conditions of the blue economy in applicability to maritime spatial planning processes at a regional level. The future post-pandemic context will provide a unique opportunity to promote the blue economy sectors and activities through the support provided by the EU Green Deal and Recovery and Resilience Plans, as well as with the actions envisioned under the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). The European Macaronesia example -given its wide maritime territory, commitment, and capacities in terms of expertise and networking-presents a great potential to act as a good practice to extrapolate the new approach for a sustainable blue economy to other similar geographical settings such as island regions/states.
In this study, patterns in the taxonomic richness and composition of the fish fauna inhabiting Cy... more In this study, patterns in the taxonomic richness and composition of the fish fauna inhabiting Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows were described across their entire distribution range in the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, the study tested whether there are differences in the composition of fish assemblages between those ecoregions encompassed by the distribution range of C. nodosa, and whether these differences in composition are connected with differences in bioclimatic affinities of the fish faunas. A literature review resulted in a total of 19 studies, containing 22 fish assemblages at 18 locations. The ichthyofauna associated with C. nodosa seagrass meadows comprises 59 families and 188 species. The western Mediterranean (WM) Sea has the highest species richness (87 species). Fish assemblages from the Macaronesia-Canary Islands, the Sahelian Upwelling, South European Atlantic Shelf and the WM differ, in terms of assemblage composition, relative to other ecoregions. In contrast, the composition of the fish fauna from the central and eastern Mediterranean overlaps. There is a significant serial correlation in fish assemblage composition between adjacent ecoregions along the distribution range of C. nodosa. Dissimilarities in assemblage composition are connected with the geographical separation between locations, and the mean minimum annual seawater temperature is the environmental factor that explains most variation in fish assemblage composition.
This paper reports the presence of Cantherhines macrocerus (Hollard, 1853) in shallow waters of P... more This paper reports the presence of Cantherhines macrocerus (Hollard, 1853) in shallow waters of Principe Island (São Tomé e Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea). This sighting represents the first time that the Whitespotted filefish is collected in the tropical waters of the Gulf of Guinea (Western Equatorial Africa).
Since the conception of the genus Laurencia by Lamouroux in 1813, several red macroalgal species ... more Since the conception of the genus Laurencia by Lamouroux in 1813, several red macroalgal species have been included in it. In recent decades, the development of modern molecular tools has resulted in multiple taxonomic modifications, and presently, eight related genera are recognized in the so-called Laurencia complex. In the Macaronesian Region (Central East Atlantic Ocean), species from the Laurencia complex are keystone elements of the benthic communities, especially in the intertidal zone. In this review, we consolidate the existing knowledge about the Laurencia complex within the Macaronesian archipelagos and nearby areas. Morphological descriptions and phylogeographic remarks of the 16 currently accepted species-whose records were molecular or morphologically confirmed-are included together with an identification key for the Macaronesian Region. The phylogeographic data allowed us to re-visit the role of the Macaronesian archipelagos as a bridge area for the marine flora of the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas (remnants of the former Thetyan Sea) or contemplate their marine flora as the result of successive processes of recolonization after the Quaternary glaciations from those donor areas. Finally, some comments about the frontiers of the research in the Laurencia complex in the Macaronesian Region and nearby coastal areas are included.
Page 1. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, del 21 al 24 de septiembre de Estudio de la biomasa de las co... more Page 1. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, del 21 al 24 de septiembre de Estudio de la biomasa de las comunidades de macroalgas en la costa sureste de Gran Canaria MR Sánchez-Almendros\ P. Saavedra ^ y R. Haroun^ ' Dpto. Biología, Fac. ...
Sao Tome and Principe is a small island state located in the Gulf of Guinea (West Equatorial Afri... more Sao Tome and Principe is a small island state located in the Gulf of Guinea (West Equatorial Africa) with fragile mangrove habitats along its coastlines. These habitats are threatened by historical conversion to land for agriculture uses, overharvesting for firewood and charcoal, changing hydrology and coastal erosion; the last impacts increasing their vulnerability to sea-level rise. In the case of Sao Tome mangroves, road construction (sometimes very close or even crossing through the habitat itself) is considered as a major factor leading to its transformation.
The ecology of reef fish varies with depth, although patterns in diversity remain largely undescr... more The ecology of reef fish varies with depth, although patterns in diversity remain largely undescribed, in particular the complementarity of their taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic facets. In the present study we investigated patterns of taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity of fish on 21 reefs, at depths ranging from 3 to 31 m, at Prı ´ncipe Island (Gulf of Guinea). Taxonomic and functional diversity decreased monotonically with depth; the pattern was less accentuated for phylogenetic diversity. Functional diversity was saturated at high levels of taxonomic diversity, reflecting redundancy in species traits, particularly at the shallower reefs. Functional diversity increased linearly with phylogenetic diversity; thus, increasing niche availability seems to translate into a larger diversity of phylogenies. Dissimilarities in the structure and composition of fish assemblages among reefs were correlated with differences in depth, including a progressive turnover in species. Depth affected the functional traits of nearshore reef fish. Trophic breadth decreased with depth; carnivores and planktivores increased with depth, whereas herbivores decreased with depth. Smallsized fusiform fish dominated on the shallowest reefs. In summary, the present study demonstrated decays in biodiversity, from different perspectives, of reef fish with depth, which are connected with shifts in fish traits.
Papers by Ricardo Haroun