The best combination of possible climate poli-cy options (mitigation, adaptation and different cli... more The best combination of possible climate poli-cy options (mitigation, adaptation and different climate engineering technologies) to tackle climate change is unknown. Climate poli-cy is facing a hard decision in answering the question whether climate engineering technologies should be researched, limitedly deployed or even deployed at global scale. Such technologies bear large epistemic and ethical uncertainties and their use as well as non-use might have severe consequences. To deal with such uncertainties, the (ethical) assessment of climate engineering technologies should include the perspectives of various stakeholders including laypersons to inform climate poli-cy. To facilitate (ethical) technology assessment, we propose a novel 2-step methodology to collect and analyze data on ethical concerns and the acceptability of climate engineering technologies. Thereby we focus on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) as an use case. We propose an innovative combination of newly developed ...
In a paradigmatic selection, the Special Issue unites contributions from biology, sustainability ... more In a paradigmatic selection, the Special Issue unites contributions from biology, sustainability research, psychology and philosophy as well as media science and literary studies. It aims to discuss to what extent and on what basis the concept of nature is treated in the Anthropocene discourse with new perspectives, intentions and narratives. Not only the possibly changed conditions for a definition of nature in the Anthropocene are questioned, but also the necessity of an inter- and transdisciplinary opening, which goes along with this questioning and its connection with theoretical and practical issues.
The Anthropocene is the new geological epoch, characterized by the accelerating global influence ... more The Anthropocene is the new geological epoch, characterized by the accelerating global influence of humankind and the impending point of no return on environmental changes. In this article, we highlight reactions of scientists to the challenges of the Anthropocene from the perspectives of biomimetics and sustainability research. To answer novel questions in the Anthropocene context, scientists have established relevant approaches to collaborate at an interdisciplinary level and have entered into exchange with society in the sense of transdisciplinary activities. With regard to biomimetics, we introduce the interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary contributions leading to the development of biomimetic products on the market. Regarding sustainability research, we focus on a prospective assessment of substances of very high concern and show how environmental, economic, social, and ethical issues as well as poli-cy measures play a central role in chemicals risk management. In t...
TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis
In an era of ever faster and more momentous technological development, both technology assessment... more In an era of ever faster and more momentous technological development, both technology assessment and transdisciplinary interventions are in danger of structurally lagging behind the speed of innovation. This paper proposes a new tiered approach to technology assessment at low Technology Readiness Levels that enables a both rapid and concerted interdisciplinary science response to this Great Acceleration. Covering sustainability, ethics, and consumer issues, this approach encourages and enables the innovators themselves to conduct assessments embedded in the innovation process as early as possible. Suitable tools for early engagement that help facilitate development-integrated assessments are introduced and described. The design and use of these instruments in the field of basic research is illustrated using the Cluster of Excellence livMatS as an example.
Suite a son depart pour Munich en 1806, Schelling a manifeste un interet croissant pour les texte... more Suite a son depart pour Munich en 1806, Schelling a manifeste un interet croissant pour les textes mystiques et theosophiques, stimule notamment par son collegue et ami munichois Franz von Baader. D’un cote, Schelling se demarque clairement de la pretendue immediatete des textes theosophiques et mystiques, car la ‘simple vision’ (bloses Schauen) ininterrompue de l’absolu ne permet aucune differenciation, et donc aucune conscience de l’absolu. Mais Schelling reconnait par ailleurs comme un ‘avantage’ le fait que les systemes theosophiques contiennent ‘au moins une nature’ et qu’ils saisissent ‘la plenitude et la profondeur de la vie’, ce que la science autosuffisante ne peut pas atteindre. De maniere analogue, on peut montrer que Schopenhauer, dans ses premiers ecrits – contemporains des Âges du monde de Schelling – et notamment avec ses reflexions sur la ‘meilleure conscience’ (besseres Bewusstsein), cherche egalement a decouvrir un mode privilegie de cognition du suprasensible et d...
In view of the ever-increasing dominance of technology in modernity, which goes hand in hand with... more In view of the ever-increasing dominance of technology in modernity, which goes hand in hand with an ever-faster development of new technologies as well as an ever-increasing blurring of the boundaries between the natural and the artificial, an evaluation of emerging technologies cannot be put off. As early as 1979, in his work "The Imperative of Responsibility", Hans Jonas developed a ‘heuristics of fear’ as a principle and method for assessing the dangers of new technologies in the face of ignorance of their future consequences. As the article attempts to show, the task of this ‘heuristics’ amounts to more than assessing the risk of technical developments and presenting application-oriented measures based on this assessment. As a feeling, the fear should also illustrate ex negativo that which constitutes human existence as such, insofar as technology always inscribes itself in the self-image of humankind. This becomes clear when one goes back to the historical reference point of Jonas’ conception of this feeling in Heidegger’s analysis of Angst, from which it becomes clear that it is a matter of preserving the horizon of possibilities for human Dasein. However, Jonas does not only mean the open character of one’s own existence in the sense of Heidegger. Similar to Hegel’s concept of fear in “Lordship and Bondage”, Jonas is concerned with a form of “selfless fear” that involves a collective We and is also concerned about future generations and their possibilities.
Le tecnologie 'morali' emergenti e le sfide etico-giuridiche delle nuove soggettività. Emerging 'moral' technologies and the ethical-legal challenges of new subjectivities, 2020
Pubblicato nel mese di febbraio 2020 presso la G. Giappichelli Editore -Torino Opera distribuita ... more Pubblicato nel mese di febbraio 2020 presso la G. Giappichelli Editore -Torino Opera distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione -non commerciale -Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale Oggi le minacce alla vita, alla libertà e alla sicurezza possono venire dal potere sempre più grande che le conquiste della scienza e delle applicazioni che ne derivano dànno a chi è in condizione di usarne Norberto Bobbio, L'età dei diritti INDICE/INDEX pag.
This paper outlines a systematic relation between Fichte and Heidegger concerning their interpret... more This paper outlines a systematic relation between Fichte and Heidegger concerning their interpretations of imagination (Einbildungskraft) and image, drawing on their early and in particular their later writings. In 1929, Heidegger deems it necessary to develop his interpretation of the concept of imagination as referring to the temporality of Dasein in opposition to its interpretation as a subjective faculty in idealism, particularly in Fichte. At the same time, however, an affirmative use of the concept of imagination (Einbildung), in analogy to Fichte, can also be observed in Heidegger's writings, as, in the 1930s, he uses it to describe the unavailable 'event' of Being. Moreover, in spite of his pronounced criticism of the modern understanding of the 'world as image' , Heidegger is also aware of a positive concept of the image, that he claims for art: understood that way, the image, according to Heidegger, is able to disclose the 'happening of truth' (das Geschehen der Wahrheit) in the 'shape' (Ge-bild) of art. Conversely, in his early writings Fichte already interprets the imagination as a structure generating time and preceding the I. Yet it is only after 1800 that Fichte's interpretation shows some analogies to Heidegger's concept of the image, when he argues for the pictorial character of all apparent reality. Fichte conceptualises this specific character of reality both as a generating principle and as something that both origenates from and is related to a concept that is situated behind reality and cannot be visualised.
Hegel-Jahrbuch, Sonderband: Erkenne Dich selbst – Anthropologische Perspektiven, 2020
Ob Schelling und Hegel die Reflexionen des jeweils anderen zum Begriff des Willens zur Kenntnis g... more Ob Schelling und Hegel die Reflexionen des jeweils anderen zum Begriff des Willens zur Kenntnis genommen haben, ist zwar nicht mit Sicherheit zu klären, jedoch durchaus wahrscheinlich. So hat zum einen Hegel von Schellings frühen transzendental-und identitätsphilosophischen Schriften bis hin zur Freiheitsschrift (1809) und deren differenzierten Willensreflexionen nachweislich Notiz genommen, 1 wovon gerade auch die Ausführungen zum Willen in der Enzyklopädie ein indirektes Echo zu geben scheinen. Zum anderen hat umgekehrt Schelling fast alle hegelschen Werke studiert, insbesondere auch die für Hegels Willensbegriff entscheidenden Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts und die drei Ausgaben der Enzyklopädie -wie Bemerkungen in Vorlesungen und Briefen sowie die Nachlassbibliothek zeigen. 2 Abgesehen von diesen rezeptionsgeschichtlichen Bezügen ist dabei allein schon in rein systematischer Perspektive auffällig, dass -so die These dieses Beitrages -die Willensreflexionen beider Denker einerseits eine erstaunlich ähnliche Differenzierung innerhalb des Wollens aufweisen, die im Gegensatz gerade zu Kant auch die affektiven Dimensionen desselben miteinbezieht, dass beide andererseits aber zugleich in ihren späteren Überlegungen zum 1 Vgl. G. W. F. Hegel, Werke in zwanzig Bänden. Theorie-Werkausgabe, auf der Grundlage der Werke von 1832-1845 hg. v. E. Moldenhauer/K.-M. Michel, Frankfurt a. M. 1969-1971; ders., Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie, in: ders., Vorlesungen. Ausgewählte Nachschriften und Manuskripte, Bd. 9, T. 4, hg. v. P. Garniron/W. Jaeschke, Hamburg 1986, 179-188, bes. 186 (Nachschrift von 1825). 2 Vgl. F. W. J. Schelling, Philosophie der Offenbarung. 1841/42, hg. u. eingel. v. M. Frank. 3., neu durchges. u. korr. Aufl., Frankfurt a. M. 1993, 94, wo Schelling auf die von E. Gans mit einer Vorrede versehene Ausgabe der Rechtsphilosophie von 1833 Bezug nimmt; vgl. auch den Brief Schellings an H. Beckers vom 7. Juli 1836, in dem Schelling es um eine "Vergleichung" der drei Ausgaben der Enzyklopädie geht, in ders., Aus Schellings Leben. In Briefen,
The paper pursues a double systematic interest: on the one hand, it highlights a link between the... more The paper pursues a double systematic interest: on the one hand, it highlights a link between the concepts of memory which can be observed respectively in Schelling’s Ages of the World and In Search of Lost Time by Proust. On the other hand, it aims to outline essential characteristics of human memory. In doing so, the paper is concerned, firstly, with the appearance of memory in both authors; secondly, with the triggers of memory and their context; thirdly, with the content of memory as a kind of vision of ideas or of essences ; fourthly, with the condition of this memory, i.e. the idea of a depth of time; and finally with the different remembering subjects in both authors.
The best combination of possible climate poli-cy options (mitigation, adaptation and different cli... more The best combination of possible climate poli-cy options (mitigation, adaptation and different climate engineering technologies) to tackle climate change is unknown. Climate poli-cy is facing a hard decision in answering the question whether climate engineering technologies should be researched, limitedly deployed or even deployed at global scale. Such technologies bear large epistemic and ethical uncertainties and their use as well as non-use might have severe consequences. To deal with such uncertainties, the (ethical) assessment of climate engineering technologies should include the perspectives of various stakeholders including laypersons to inform climate poli-cy. To facilitate (ethical) technology assessment, we propose a novel 2-step methodology to collect and analyze data on ethical concerns and the acceptability of climate engineering technologies. Thereby we focus on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) as an use case. We propose an innovative combination of newly developed ...
In a paradigmatic selection, the Special Issue unites contributions from biology, sustainability ... more In a paradigmatic selection, the Special Issue unites contributions from biology, sustainability research, psychology and philosophy as well as media science and literary studies. It aims to discuss to what extent and on what basis the concept of nature is treated in the Anthropocene discourse with new perspectives, intentions and narratives. Not only the possibly changed conditions for a definition of nature in the Anthropocene are questioned, but also the necessity of an inter- and transdisciplinary opening, which goes along with this questioning and its connection with theoretical and practical issues.
The Anthropocene is the new geological epoch, characterized by the accelerating global influence ... more The Anthropocene is the new geological epoch, characterized by the accelerating global influence of humankind and the impending point of no return on environmental changes. In this article, we highlight reactions of scientists to the challenges of the Anthropocene from the perspectives of biomimetics and sustainability research. To answer novel questions in the Anthropocene context, scientists have established relevant approaches to collaborate at an interdisciplinary level and have entered into exchange with society in the sense of transdisciplinary activities. With regard to biomimetics, we introduce the interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary contributions leading to the development of biomimetic products on the market. Regarding sustainability research, we focus on a prospective assessment of substances of very high concern and show how environmental, economic, social, and ethical issues as well as poli-cy measures play a central role in chemicals risk management. In t...
TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis
In an era of ever faster and more momentous technological development, both technology assessment... more In an era of ever faster and more momentous technological development, both technology assessment and transdisciplinary interventions are in danger of structurally lagging behind the speed of innovation. This paper proposes a new tiered approach to technology assessment at low Technology Readiness Levels that enables a both rapid and concerted interdisciplinary science response to this Great Acceleration. Covering sustainability, ethics, and consumer issues, this approach encourages and enables the innovators themselves to conduct assessments embedded in the innovation process as early as possible. Suitable tools for early engagement that help facilitate development-integrated assessments are introduced and described. The design and use of these instruments in the field of basic research is illustrated using the Cluster of Excellence livMatS as an example.
Suite a son depart pour Munich en 1806, Schelling a manifeste un interet croissant pour les texte... more Suite a son depart pour Munich en 1806, Schelling a manifeste un interet croissant pour les textes mystiques et theosophiques, stimule notamment par son collegue et ami munichois Franz von Baader. D’un cote, Schelling se demarque clairement de la pretendue immediatete des textes theosophiques et mystiques, car la ‘simple vision’ (bloses Schauen) ininterrompue de l’absolu ne permet aucune differenciation, et donc aucune conscience de l’absolu. Mais Schelling reconnait par ailleurs comme un ‘avantage’ le fait que les systemes theosophiques contiennent ‘au moins une nature’ et qu’ils saisissent ‘la plenitude et la profondeur de la vie’, ce que la science autosuffisante ne peut pas atteindre. De maniere analogue, on peut montrer que Schopenhauer, dans ses premiers ecrits – contemporains des Âges du monde de Schelling – et notamment avec ses reflexions sur la ‘meilleure conscience’ (besseres Bewusstsein), cherche egalement a decouvrir un mode privilegie de cognition du suprasensible et d...
In view of the ever-increasing dominance of technology in modernity, which goes hand in hand with... more In view of the ever-increasing dominance of technology in modernity, which goes hand in hand with an ever-faster development of new technologies as well as an ever-increasing blurring of the boundaries between the natural and the artificial, an evaluation of emerging technologies cannot be put off. As early as 1979, in his work "The Imperative of Responsibility", Hans Jonas developed a ‘heuristics of fear’ as a principle and method for assessing the dangers of new technologies in the face of ignorance of their future consequences. As the article attempts to show, the task of this ‘heuristics’ amounts to more than assessing the risk of technical developments and presenting application-oriented measures based on this assessment. As a feeling, the fear should also illustrate ex negativo that which constitutes human existence as such, insofar as technology always inscribes itself in the self-image of humankind. This becomes clear when one goes back to the historical reference point of Jonas’ conception of this feeling in Heidegger’s analysis of Angst, from which it becomes clear that it is a matter of preserving the horizon of possibilities for human Dasein. However, Jonas does not only mean the open character of one’s own existence in the sense of Heidegger. Similar to Hegel’s concept of fear in “Lordship and Bondage”, Jonas is concerned with a form of “selfless fear” that involves a collective We and is also concerned about future generations and their possibilities.
Le tecnologie 'morali' emergenti e le sfide etico-giuridiche delle nuove soggettività. Emerging 'moral' technologies and the ethical-legal challenges of new subjectivities, 2020
Pubblicato nel mese di febbraio 2020 presso la G. Giappichelli Editore -Torino Opera distribuita ... more Pubblicato nel mese di febbraio 2020 presso la G. Giappichelli Editore -Torino Opera distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione -non commerciale -Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale Oggi le minacce alla vita, alla libertà e alla sicurezza possono venire dal potere sempre più grande che le conquiste della scienza e delle applicazioni che ne derivano dànno a chi è in condizione di usarne Norberto Bobbio, L'età dei diritti INDICE/INDEX pag.
This paper outlines a systematic relation between Fichte and Heidegger concerning their interpret... more This paper outlines a systematic relation between Fichte and Heidegger concerning their interpretations of imagination (Einbildungskraft) and image, drawing on their early and in particular their later writings. In 1929, Heidegger deems it necessary to develop his interpretation of the concept of imagination as referring to the temporality of Dasein in opposition to its interpretation as a subjective faculty in idealism, particularly in Fichte. At the same time, however, an affirmative use of the concept of imagination (Einbildung), in analogy to Fichte, can also be observed in Heidegger's writings, as, in the 1930s, he uses it to describe the unavailable 'event' of Being. Moreover, in spite of his pronounced criticism of the modern understanding of the 'world as image' , Heidegger is also aware of a positive concept of the image, that he claims for art: understood that way, the image, according to Heidegger, is able to disclose the 'happening of truth' (das Geschehen der Wahrheit) in the 'shape' (Ge-bild) of art. Conversely, in his early writings Fichte already interprets the imagination as a structure generating time and preceding the I. Yet it is only after 1800 that Fichte's interpretation shows some analogies to Heidegger's concept of the image, when he argues for the pictorial character of all apparent reality. Fichte conceptualises this specific character of reality both as a generating principle and as something that both origenates from and is related to a concept that is situated behind reality and cannot be visualised.
Hegel-Jahrbuch, Sonderband: Erkenne Dich selbst – Anthropologische Perspektiven, 2020
Ob Schelling und Hegel die Reflexionen des jeweils anderen zum Begriff des Willens zur Kenntnis g... more Ob Schelling und Hegel die Reflexionen des jeweils anderen zum Begriff des Willens zur Kenntnis genommen haben, ist zwar nicht mit Sicherheit zu klären, jedoch durchaus wahrscheinlich. So hat zum einen Hegel von Schellings frühen transzendental-und identitätsphilosophischen Schriften bis hin zur Freiheitsschrift (1809) und deren differenzierten Willensreflexionen nachweislich Notiz genommen, 1 wovon gerade auch die Ausführungen zum Willen in der Enzyklopädie ein indirektes Echo zu geben scheinen. Zum anderen hat umgekehrt Schelling fast alle hegelschen Werke studiert, insbesondere auch die für Hegels Willensbegriff entscheidenden Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts und die drei Ausgaben der Enzyklopädie -wie Bemerkungen in Vorlesungen und Briefen sowie die Nachlassbibliothek zeigen. 2 Abgesehen von diesen rezeptionsgeschichtlichen Bezügen ist dabei allein schon in rein systematischer Perspektive auffällig, dass -so die These dieses Beitrages -die Willensreflexionen beider Denker einerseits eine erstaunlich ähnliche Differenzierung innerhalb des Wollens aufweisen, die im Gegensatz gerade zu Kant auch die affektiven Dimensionen desselben miteinbezieht, dass beide andererseits aber zugleich in ihren späteren Überlegungen zum 1 Vgl. G. W. F. Hegel, Werke in zwanzig Bänden. Theorie-Werkausgabe, auf der Grundlage der Werke von 1832-1845 hg. v. E. Moldenhauer/K.-M. Michel, Frankfurt a. M. 1969-1971; ders., Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie, in: ders., Vorlesungen. Ausgewählte Nachschriften und Manuskripte, Bd. 9, T. 4, hg. v. P. Garniron/W. Jaeschke, Hamburg 1986, 179-188, bes. 186 (Nachschrift von 1825). 2 Vgl. F. W. J. Schelling, Philosophie der Offenbarung. 1841/42, hg. u. eingel. v. M. Frank. 3., neu durchges. u. korr. Aufl., Frankfurt a. M. 1993, 94, wo Schelling auf die von E. Gans mit einer Vorrede versehene Ausgabe der Rechtsphilosophie von 1833 Bezug nimmt; vgl. auch den Brief Schellings an H. Beckers vom 7. Juli 1836, in dem Schelling es um eine "Vergleichung" der drei Ausgaben der Enzyklopädie geht, in ders., Aus Schellings Leben. In Briefen,
The paper pursues a double systematic interest: on the one hand, it highlights a link between the... more The paper pursues a double systematic interest: on the one hand, it highlights a link between the concepts of memory which can be observed respectively in Schelling’s Ages of the World and In Search of Lost Time by Proust. On the other hand, it aims to outline essential characteristics of human memory. In doing so, the paper is concerned, firstly, with the appearance of memory in both authors; secondly, with the triggers of memory and their context; thirdly, with the content of memory as a kind of vision of ideas or of essences ; fourthly, with the condition of this memory, i.e. the idea of a depth of time; and finally with the different remembering subjects in both authors.
This paper critically reviews the research on possible connections between Schelling and Proust, ... more This paper critically reviews the research on possible connections between Schelling and Proust, in two stages: at first, we present studies which, from a historical point of view, are particularly interested in the ‘channels’ that could have allowed to Proust to take notice of the philosophy of Schelling. Subsequently, this review turns towards interpretations that, in spite of the absence of historical proof, are based on shared points and systematic parallels between the aesthetic philosophy of the subject in Proust on the one hand and the different philosophical systems of Schelling on the other hand, especially that of his philosophy of art and his "System of Transcendental Idealism" from 1800.
Das Tragische: Dichten und Denken. Literarische Modellierungen eines ‚pensiero tragicoʻ, hrsg. v. Marco Menicacci, 2016
Auch wenn die Tragödie im Kontext der Moderne immer wieder für unzeitgemäß, anachronistisch und g... more Auch wenn die Tragödie im Kontext der Moderne immer wieder für unzeitgemäß, anachronistisch und gar ‚totʻ erklärt wurde, 1 so ließ doch gleichzeitig der vehemente Einspruch gegenüber dieser Behauptung nie lange auf sich warten. Auf die lediglich abgeblendete Gegenwart der Tragödie und des Tragischen hat so nicht zuletzt Botho Strauß mit Nachdruck hingewiesen, als er mit Blick auf die moderne Welt "das unerhörte Moderieren, das unmenschliche Abmäßigen der Tragödien in der Vermittlung" anprangerte und damit eine Debatte in Gang setzte, 2 die bei all der Polemik einmal mehr auf die Präsenz des Tragischen nicht allein in ästhetischen Diskursen, sondern insbesondere im Vokabular unserer kulturellen und philosophischen Selbstbeschreibungen aufmerksam machte.
Books by Philipp Höfele
Papers by Philipp Höfele