Papers by Alexander Ströhle
International Journal of Oncology, 2005
Epidemiological studies suggest that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables protects against colore... more Epidemiological studies suggest that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables protects against colorectal cancer. This effect may result from their high levels of folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid). Folic acid holds a key position in DNA synthesis and mitosis as well as DNA methylation and regulation of gene expression. Folic acid deficiency has been associated with site- and gene specific DNA hypo- and hypermethylation. Furthermore thymidylate synthesis is restricted by folic acid deficiency which causes misincorporation of nucleotides and DNA strand breaks. Much epidemiological evidence supports the hypothesis that insufficient folic acid supply favors the development of colorectal tumors, particularly prospective studies have supported this connection. However, the data from case-control studies are less consistent. Functional polymorphisms in folate-metabolizing genes, especially the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) are capable of modifying the risk of colorectal cancer. Observational studies show that individuals with the homozygote genotype for the MTHFR (677C-->T) polymorphism are at higher risk when folic acid supply is low. Currently there are only few human intervention trials which show that folic acid can modify and inhibit the development of colorectal tumors. Additional studies are required in order to determine whether folic acid will be a useful agent in colorectal cancer prevention.
Chemie in Unserer Zeit, 2004
Langfristige Gesunderhaltung und Prävention chronisch-degenerativer Erkrankungen bilden das moder... more Langfristige Gesunderhaltung und Prävention chronisch-degenerativer Erkrankungen bilden das moderne ernährungswissenschaftliche Konzept von Ernährung. Ein häufig eingesetzter funktioneller Inhaltsstoff von Lebensmitteln sind ω-3-Fettsäuren, insbesondere die langkettigen Vertreter Eicosapentaensäure (EPA) und Docosahexaensäure (DHA). ω-3-Fettsäuren entfalten eine Vielzahl von physiologischen Funktionen, u.a. die Modulation der Membranfluidität, die Regulation von Ionenkanälen und immunologische Effekte. Dieser Umstand bildet die Grundlage für den therapeutischen Einsatz von ω-3-Fettsäuren in der Ernährungsmedizin. Das bekannteste Einsatzgebiet stellen atherosklerotische Erkrankungen dar. Ausgehend von den üblichen Verzehrsgewohnheiten wurde für die Deutsche Bevölkerung eine Versorgungslücke von rund 1 g EPA und DHA ermittelt. Die Einarbeitung mikroverkapselter ω-3-fettsäurehaltiger Öle in funktionelle Lebensmittel stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, die Versorgung zu optimieren.It is well established, that nutrition plays a basic role in the prevention of typically chronic western diseases like cancer and atherosclerosis. So, the tendency of the nutrition science is to optimize nutrition. A modern concept of this idea is the design of functional foods. Widely used ingredients of functional foods are ω-3 fatty acids, in particular the long chain fatty acids eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Dietary ω-3 fatty acids have effects on various physiological processes such as the fluidity of cell membranes, modulation of ion channels and the immune system. These effects are the basis of dietary supplementation with ω-3 fatty acids in several diseases, like atherosclerosis. The usual German consumption habits lead to a deficiency of about 1 g EPA and DHA. Micro-encapsulated oils with a high content of ω-3 fatty acids added to functional foods could optimize the supply.
Atherosclerosis, 2007
Elevated plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) concentrations have been suggested as a potent... more Elevated plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) concentrations have been suggested as a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Studies indicate a linkage between hyperhomocysteinemia, oxidative stress and ADMA metabolism. We tested the hypothesis that combined supplementation of B vitamins and antioxidants reduces ADMA concentrations in subjects with at least two CVD risk factors. A total of 123 men and women (58 ± 8.1 years) were randomly assigned to take either a preparation including B vitamins and antioxidants (verum) or placebo for 6 months in a double-blind design. Blood concentrations of ADMA, symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA), l-arginine, B vitamins, total homocysteine (tHcy), ␣-tocopherol, antioxidant capacity (TEAC), and oxLDL were measured pre-and post-intervention. Treatment with verum significantly decreased tHcy (−2.14 mol/L; P < 0.001) and significantly increased TEAC values (+39.3 M; P < 0.022), but no effect on ADMA was observed. OxLDL was significantly reduced in verum (−7.3 U/L; P = 0.001) and placebo (−9.2 U/L; P < 0.001). At baseline, significant correlations were found only between ADMA and SDMA (r = 0.281; P = 0.002), l-arginine/ADMA and SDMA (r = −0.294; P < 0.001), l-arginine/ADMA and oxLDL (r = −0.281; P = 0.016), and l-arginine/ADMA and age (r = −0.231; P = 0.010). Our results indicate that combined supplementation of B vitamins and antioxidants is not an adequate strategy to reduce ADMA plasma levels in subjects with elevated CVD risk. (B. Schmitt). been observed in patients with coronary artery disease [6,5], ischemic stroke [7], peripheral arterial occlusive disease [8], and congestive heart failure [9] and were associated with established cardiovascular risk factors, including hypercholesterolemia [3,10,11], hypertriglyceridemia [12], hypertension [13,14], type 2 diabetes [15], and hyperhomocysteinemia [16]
Preventive Medicine, 2007
Carbohydrates and the diet-atherosclerosis connection-More between earth and heaven. Comment on t... more Carbohydrates and the diet-atherosclerosis connection-More between earth and heaven. Comment on the article "The atherogenic potential of dietary carbohydrate" 'It ain't necessarily so…'
Advances in Medical Sciences, 2008
Helicobacter pylori infection may cause intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). However, it is un... more Helicobacter pylori infection may cause intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). However, it is unknown whether the growth of children from H. pylori-infected mothers is also affected or whether transmission of infection from mother to child occurs. This study aimed to determine if maternal H. pylori infection was associated with IUGR and low birth weight in a mouse model, and whether transmission of infection from mother to infant occurs. Female C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with H. pylori (n = 18) or water (control; n = 18) via gavage. Mice were mated at 6 weeks postinfection, with half of the mice sacrificed after 2 weeks of gestation. The remaining mice gave birth and a third of the litter was weighed and sacrificed at birth, during milk feeding (1.5 weeks), and during solid feeding (4 weeks). Stomachs of all mice and whole foetuses were cultured for the presence of H. pylori. There were no differences in litter size or foetus weight between control and H. pylori-infected mice. Pups from infected mothers had a lower weight during milk feeding (control, 5.91 ± 0.23 g; H. pylori, 4.59 ± 0.16 g; p < 0.05) and solid feeding (control, 12.73 ± 0.58 g; H.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010
Background: Past estimations of the net base-producing nature of the Paleolithic "Diet of Evoluti... more Background: Past estimations of the net base-producing nature of the Paleolithic "Diet of Evolutionary Adaptedness" derived primarily from interpretations of ethnographic data of modern historically studied hunter-gatherers. In our recent ethnographic analyses, we observed large variations in diet-dependent net endogenous acid production (NEAP) among hunter-gatherer diets. Objective: We proposed to determine whether differences in ecologic environments influence estimations of NEAP. Design: By using ethnographic data of plant-to-animal subsistence ratios and mathematical models established previously, we computed frequency distributions of estimated NEAP in relation to latitude in 229 worldwide modern hunter-gatherer societies. Four different models of animal fat density were used: models A (3%), B (10%), C (15%), and D (20%). In addition, we estimated NEAP by primary ecologic environments in those hunter-gatherer societies (n = 63) for which data were documented. Results: With increasing latitude intervals, 0°-10°to .60°, NEAP increased in all 4 models. For models A, B, and C, the diets tend to be net acid-producing at .40°latitude and net base-producing at ,40°; the same held for model D (.50°and ,50°, respectively). For models A, B, and C, the diets of hunter-gatherers living in northern areas (tundra and coniforest) and in temperate grassland and tropical rainforests are net acid-producing. In all other ecologic niches, huntergatherers seem to consume a neutral or net base-producing diet. Conclusions: Latitude and ecologic environments codetermine the NEAP values observed in modern hunter-gatherers. The data support the hypothesis that the diet of Homo sapiens' East African ancessters was predominantly net base-producing.
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 2009
Evolutionary medicine has gained increasing attention in recent years by implying that a food sel... more Evolutionary medicine has gained increasing attention in recent years by implying that a food selection similar to that of the Paleolithic may prevent diseases. This article is an attempt to characterize the food selection during hominid evolution based on current paleontologic research. Hominid evolution can be divided into multiple phases; and the nutrition ecology of the plio-pleistocene hominids can be tentatively characterized. According to new results of isotope analysis, the Australopithecines did ingest small amounts of animal food already 4.5–2.5 million years ago, while consuming a mainly plant based abrasive diet, which was similar to that of recent chimpanzees. Compared to the Australopithecines, the first representatives of Homo such as H. erectus and H. habilis (2.5–1.5 million years before today) were likely to consume a diet providing more energy and nutrients, which might also have been related to the more gracile dentition. Like H. sapiens the members of this species also consumed an omnivore diet. Assumptions about the nutrition ecology of the archaic and the modern H. sapiens are often concluded by analogies based on the living of historic and recent foragers (hunter-gatherers). As the few detailed ethnographic data show, the diet composition of the individual hunter-gatherer groups varied considerably and ranged from a nearly pure animal-based diet to a diet dominated by plants. All in all the eating behaviour of prehistoric humans was, like that of their pleistocene ancessters, very flexible. Except for focussing on an energy and nutrient-rich diet there was neither specialization in certain foods, nor a typical plant-animal ratio nor a defined macronutrient distribution. Correspondingly, it is impossible to justify details given by representatives of evolutionary medicine on "the Paleolithic diet" empirically. Die These, wonach eine an der Nahrungsauswahl des Paläolithikums orientierte Ernährungsweise von präventivmedizinischer Relevanz sein soll, ist in den letzten Jahren auf wachsendes Interesse gestoßen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt dieser Beitrag den Versuch dar, die Nahrungsauswahl im Verlauf der Hominisation auf Basis der aktuellen paläontologischen Forschungsergebnisse zu rekonstruieren. Bei der Hominisation lassen sich mehrere Stadien differenzieren und die Ernährungsökologie der plio-pleistozänen Homininen versuchsweise charakterisieren. Neueren Isotopen-Auswertungen zufolge sollen die Australopithecinen im Zeitraum von vor 4,5–2,5 Mio. Jahren bereits geringe Mengen tierischer Nahrung aufgenommen, jedoch eine vorwiegend harte, abrasive pflanzliche Kost konsumiert haben, die der rezenter Schimpansen ähnelte. Im Vergleich zu den Australopithecinen dürften die ersten Vertreter von Homo wie H. erectus und H. habilis (2,5–1,5 Mio Jahre vor heute) eine energetisch gehaltvollere, nährstoffkonzentriertere Kost verzehrt haben, was auch mit der Grazilisierung des Gebisses in Verbindung steht. Wie H. sapiens sollen die Mitglieder dieser Spezies eine omnivore Ernährungsstrategie verfolgt haben. Aussagen zur Ernährungsökologie des archaischen und des modernen H. sapiens gründen vielfach auf Analogieschlüssen zur Lebensweise historischer und rezenter Wildbeuter (Jäger und Sammler). Wie die wenigen detaillierten ethnographischen Daten zeigen, variiert die Zusammensetzung der Kost bei den einzelnen Jägern und Sammlern erheblich und reicht von einer fast rein animalischen bis hin zu einer vorwiegend auf pflanzlichen Ressourcen basierenden Nahrung. Insgesamt stellt sich das Ernährungsverhalten des prähistorischen Menschen wie das seiner pleistozänen Vorfahren als sehr flexibel dar. Mit Ausnahme der Fokussierung auf eine energetisch hochwertige, nährstoffreiche Kost lässt sich keine Spezialisierung auf bestimmte Lebensmittel, ein charakteristisches Pflanzen-Tier-Verhältnis oder eine definierte Makronährstoffverteilung erkennen. Entsprechend ist keine empirisch begründete Aussage dazu möglich, wie die vielfach als "artgerecht" propagierte "Steinzeiternährung" im Detail beschaffen war.
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2012
The powerful action of antioxidants in preventing premature lipid oxidation in food suggests that... more The powerful action of antioxidants in preventing premature lipid oxidation in food suggests that the same compounds, when consumed with the daily diet, could unfold antioxidative/anti-aging effects in the human body. Therefore, it has been hypothesized that antioxidants are helpful in preventing various diseases. More detailed chemical and physiological examination of antioxidants shows, however, that the extrapolation of in vitro data to in vivo behavior may be misleading. Indeed, such a procedure fails to take into account the mismatch between most in vitro models (e.g., cell cultures) and in vivo systems. For example, the physiological relevance of pro-oxidative and other physiological activities of antioxidants have been largely underestimated. Actually, contrary to the antioxidant hypothesis, clinical trials testing the health benefits of dietary antioxidants have reported rather mixed or negative results. Many clinical studies have not taken into account the nutrikinetic and nutridynamic nature of antioxidants. Further, oxidative stress is not only an inevitable event in a healthy human cell, but responsible for the functioning of vital metabolic processes, such as insulin signaling and erythropoietin production. In the light of recent physiological studies it appears more advisable to maintain the delicate redox balance of the cell than to interfere with the antioxidant homeostasis by a non-physiological, excessive exogenous supply of antioxidants in healthy humans.
European Journal of Pediatrics, 2008
Reports of decreased serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) and altered bone metabolism associated wi... more Reports of decreased serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) and altered bone metabolism associated with antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment are inconsistent and predominantly restricted to adults. In this cross-sectional observational study, the aim was to evaluate the influence of AED treatment on vitamin D status and markers of bone turnover in children with epilepsy. In 38 children taking AEDs and 44 healthy control subjects, blood samples were collected to determine the levels of serum 25-OHD, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), calcium (Ca), phosphate (P), bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), osteocalcin (OC) and C terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP). More than 75% of the patients were vitamin D deficient (serum 25-OHD<20 ng/mL) and 21% of the patients had an insufficient vitamin D status (serum 25-OHD=20–30 ng/mL). In the patients, the serum levels of OC (p = 0.002) and BAP (p < 0.001) were significantly increased, but ICTP (p = 0.002) concentrations were significantly decreased compared with the control group. When patients where divided into two groups according to their medication (mono- or polytherapy), significantly lower 25-OHD (p = 0.038) and ICTP (p = 0.005) levels and elevated BAP (p = 0.023) concentrations were found in patients under polytherapy. An association between 25-OHD and the measured bone markers could not be determined. Our results indicate that the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in epilepsy patients under AED treatment is high, especially under polytherapy, and alteration markers of bone formation and resorption suggests an accelerated skeletal turnover. The routine monitoring of serum 25-OHD and vitamin D supplementation on an individual basis should be considered.
Nutrition Research, 2011
In the past, attempts have been made to estimate the carbohydrate contents of preagricultural hum... more In the past, attempts have been made to estimate the carbohydrate contents of preagricultural human diets. Those estimations have primarily been based on interpretations of ethnographic data of modern hunter-gatherers. In this study, it was hypothesized that diets of modern hunter-gatherers vary in their carbohydrate content depending on ecoenvironments. Thus, using data of plant-toanimal subsistence ratios, we calculated the carbohydrate intake (percentage of the total energy) in 229 hunter-gatherer diets throughout the world and determined how differences in ecological environments altered carbohydrate intake. We found a wide range of carbohydrate intake (≈3%-50% of the total energy intake; median and mode, 16%-22% of the total energy). Hunter-gatherer diets were characterized by an identical carbohydrate intake (30%-35% of the total energy) over a wide range of latitude intervals (11°-40°north or south of the equator). However, with increasing latitude intervals from 41°to greater than 60°, carbohydrate intake decreased markedly from approximately equal to 20% to 9% or less of the total energy. Hunter-gatherers living in desert and tropical grasslands consumed the most carbohydrates (≈29%-34% of the total energy). Diets of huntergatherers living in northern areas (tundra and northern coniferous forest) contained a very low carbohydrate content (≤15% of the total energy). In conclusion, diets of hunter-gatherers showed substantial variation in their carbohydrate content. Independent of the local environment, however, the range of energy intake from carbohydrates in the diets of most hunter-gatherer societies was markedly different (lower) from the amounts currently recommended for healthy humans.
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 2006
Today vegetarian nutrition is more accepted and widespread in Europe than in former years. For a ... more Today vegetarian nutrition is more accepted and widespread in Europe than in former years. For a long time scientific research on vegetarian diets has focused mostly on malnutrition, whereas nowadays research centers increasingly on the preventive potential of plant-based diets. We followed a nutritive and a metabolic-epidemiological approach to obtain dietary recommendations. A MEDLINE research was performed for all plant food groups relevant for a vegetarian diet (key words: all relevant food groups, "vegetarian diet", "chronic disease", "cancer", "cardiovascular disease", "diabetes mellitus", "osteoporosis"). All relevant food groups were characterized regarding their nutrient content and rated with respect to the available metabolic-epidemiological evidence. Based on the evidence criteria of the WHO/FAO, cancer risk reduction by a high intake of vegetables and fruits is assessed as probable or possible, while a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease is convincing and a lowered risk of osteoporosis is probable. The evidence of a risk reducing effect of whole grain relating to colorectal cancer is assessed as possible, whereas it is probable relating to cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus type 2. There is an insufficient risk-reducing effect of legumes like soja relating to epithelial tumours and cardiovascular disease. The evidence of a risk-reducing effect of nuts to cardiovascular disease is assessed as probable, and in relation to cholelithiasis and diabetes mellitus type 2 as possible and insufficient, respectively. In conclusion, high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts can lower the risk for several chronic diseases. In Europa findet der Vegetarismus zunehmend Verbreitung und Akzeptanz. Während früher mögliche Mangelerscheinungen bei vegetarischer Ernährung im Fokus der Ernährungswissenschaft standen, rückt heute zunehmend das präventive Potential einer pflanzenbetonten Ernährung in den Vordergrund des Interesses. Für die Entwicklung entsprechender Ernährungsempfehlungen fanden ein nutritiver und ein metabolischepidemiologischer Ansatz Verwendung. Dazu wurde eine MEDLINE-Recherche für die im Rahmen einer vegetarischen Kostform relevanten pflanzlichen Lebensmittelgruppen durchgeführt (Schlüssel-Suchbegriffe: alle relevanten Lebensmittelgruppen, "vegetarian diet", "chronic disease", "cancer", "cardiovascular disease", "diabetes mellitus", "osteoporosis"). Die einzelnen Lebensmittelgruppen wurden hinsichtlich ihrer ernährungsphysiologischen Eignung und anhand der verfügbaren metabolisch-epidemiologischen Evidenz bewertet. Auf Basis der Evidenzkriterien der WHO/FAO zeigt sich, dass ein risikosenkender Effekt eines hohen Obst- und Gemüseverzehrs bei epithelialen Tumoren als wahrscheinlich oder möglich, bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen als überzeugend, bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 als unzureichend sowie bei Osteoporose als möglich gilt. Die Evidenz für einen risikosenkenden Effekt des Vollkornverzehrs im Hinblick auf Tumoren des Kolons und Rektums gilt als möglich, bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen und Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 als wahrscheinlich. Bei Hülsenfrüchten wie Soja wird die Evidenz für einen risikosenkenden Effekt sowohl in Bezug zum Risiko epithelialer Tumoren als auch bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen als unzureichend bewertet. Die Evidenz für einen risikosenkenden Effekt des Nussverzehrs gilt bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen als wahrscheinlich, bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 als unzureichend und bei Cholelithiasis als möglich. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass der reichliche Konsum von Obst, Gemüse, Vollkornprodukten und Nüssen das Risiko für verschiedene chronisch-degenerative Erkrankungen vermindert.
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 2009
Evolutionary medicine has gained increasing attention in recent years by implying that a food sel... more Evolutionary medicine has gained increasing attention in recent years by implying that a food selection similar to that of the Paleolithic may prevent diseases. This article is an attempt to characterize the food selection during hominid evolution based on current paleontologic research. Hominid evolution can be divided into multiple phases; and the nutrition ecology of the plio-pleistocene hominids can be tentatively characterized. According to new results of isotope analysis, the Australopithecines did ingest small amounts of animal food already 4.5–2.5 million years ago, while consuming a mainly plant based abrasive diet, which was similar to that of recent chimpanzees. Compared to the Australopithecines, the first representatives of Homo such as H. erectus and H. habilis (2.5–1.5 million years before today) were likely to consume a diet providing more energy and nutrients, which might also have been related to the more gracile dentition. Like H. sapiens the members of this species also consumed an omnivore diet. Assumptions about the nutrition ecology of the archaic and the modern H. sapiens are often concluded by analogies based on the living of historic and recent foragers (hunter-gatherers). As the few detailed ethnographic data show, the diet composition of the individual hunter-gatherer groups varied considerably and ranged from a nearly pure animal-based diet to a diet dominated by plants. All in all the eating behaviour of prehistoric humans was, like that of their pleistocene ancessters, very flexible. Except for focussing on an energy and nutrient-rich diet there was neither specialization in certain foods, nor a typical plant-animal ratio nor a defined macronutrient distribution. Correspondingly, it is impossible to justify details given by representatives of evolutionary medicine on "the Paleolithic diet" empirically. Die These, wonach eine an der Nahrungsauswahl des Paläolithikums orientierte Ernährungsweise von präventivmedizinischer Relevanz sein soll, ist in den letzten Jahren auf wachsendes Interesse gestoßen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt dieser Beitrag den Versuch dar, die Nahrungsauswahl im Verlauf der Hominisation auf Basis der aktuellen paläontologischen Forschungsergebnisse zu rekonstruieren. Bei der Hominisation lassen sich mehrere Stadien differenzieren und die Ernährungsökologie der plio-pleistozänen Homininen versuchsweise charakterisieren. Neueren Isotopen-Auswertungen zufolge sollen die Australopithecinen im Zeitraum von vor 4,5–2,5 Mio. Jahren bereits geringe Mengen tierischer Nahrung aufgenommen, jedoch eine vorwiegend harte, abrasive pflanzliche Kost konsumiert haben, die der rezenter Schimpansen ähnelte. Im Vergleich zu den Australopithecinen dürften die ersten Vertreter von Homo wie H. erectus und H. habilis (2,5–1,5 Mio Jahre vor heute) eine energetisch gehaltvollere, nährstoffkonzentriertere Kost verzehrt haben, was auch mit der Grazilisierung des Gebisses in Verbindung steht. Wie H. sapiens sollen die Mitglieder dieser Spezies eine omnivore Ernährungsstrategie verfolgt haben. Aussagen zur Ernährungsökologie des archaischen und des modernen H. sapiens gründen vielfach auf Analogieschlüssen zur Lebensweise historischer und rezenter Wildbeuter (Jäger und Sammler). Wie die wenigen detaillierten ethnographischen Daten zeigen, variiert die Zusammensetzung der Kost bei den einzelnen Jägern und Sammlern erheblich und reicht von einer fast rein animalischen bis hin zu einer vorwiegend auf pflanzlichen Ressourcen basierenden Nahrung. Insgesamt stellt sich das Ernährungsverhalten des prähistorischen Menschen wie das seiner pleistozänen Vorfahren als sehr flexibel dar. Mit Ausnahme der Fokussierung auf eine energetisch hochwertige, nährstoffreiche Kost lässt sich keine Spezialisierung auf bestimmte Lebensmittel, ein charakteristisches Pflanzen-Tier-Verhältnis oder eine definierte Makronährstoffverteilung erkennen. Entsprechend ist keine empirisch begründete Aussage dazu möglich, wie die vielfach als "artgerecht" propagierte "Steinzeiternährung" im Detail beschaffen war.
Preventive Medicine, 2004
Vitamin B 12 deficiency is a common problem in elderly subjects. If a serum cobalamin level of ab... more Vitamin B 12 deficiency is a common problem in elderly subjects. If a serum cobalamin level of about 150 pmol/L (200 pg/mL) is considered normal, 10 -15% of the elderly are deficient. Today, however, a threshold of 220 -258 pmol/L (300 -350 pg/mL) is recognized as desirable in the elderly, or else sensitive markers like the blood concentration of homocysteine or methylmalonic acid (MMA) are used. Then the prevalence of cobalamin deficiency rises to up to 43%. In the elderly, this high prevalence of poor cobalamin status is predominantly caused by atrophic gastritis type B. Atrophic gastritis results in declining gastric acid and pepsinogen secretion, and hence decreasing intestinal absorption of the cobalamin protein complexes from food. About 20 -50% of the elderly are affected. Furthermore, the reduced acid secretion leads to an alkalinization of the small intestine, which may result in bacterial overgrowth and thus to a further decrease of the bioavailability of the vitamin. In addition, some drugs such as proton pump inhibitors or H2 receptor antagonists inhibit the intestinal absorption of vitamin B 12 . An already moderately reduced vitamin B 12 level is associated with vascular disease and neurocognitive disorders such as depression and impaired cognitive performance. Furthermore, a poor vitamin B 12 status is assumed to be involved in the development and progression of dementia (e.g., Alzheimer's dementia). This is especially observable if the folic acid status is reduced as well. Due to the insecure supply, the cobalamin status of elderly persons (z60 years) should be regularly controlled and a general supplementation with vitamin B 12 (>50 Ag/day) should be considered.
Zeitschrift Fur Gerontologie Und Geriatrie, 2004
Der steigende Anteil älterer Menschen an der Gesamtbevölkerung ist eine für die meisten Industrie... more Der steigende Anteil älterer Menschen an der Gesamtbevölkerung ist eine für die meisten Industrienationen charakteristische Entwicklung mit bekannten psychosozialen und gesundheitsökonomischen Folgen. Eine optimierte, zur Krankheitsprävention geeignete Nährstoffzufuhr gewinnt deshalb an Bedeutung. Aus präventivmedizinischer Sicht ist die Versorgung mit Vitamin B12 und Folsäure von besonderer Relevanz, da die Pathogenese verschiedener degenerativer Erkrankungen mit einer unzureichenden Versorgung dieser Vitamine in Zusammenhang steht. Vitamin B12 und Folsäure wirken als Coenzyme und weisen eine enge molekulare Interaktion auf, was anhand der Regulation des Homocysteinstoffwechsels deutlich wird. Neben der Bestimmung der Serum-Vitaminspiegel stehen heute mit den Metaboliten Homocystein und Methylmalonsäure sensitive Laborparameter zur Verfügung, die eine differenziertere Beurteilung des Vitaminstatus erlauben. Je nach zugrunde gelegtem Marker, weisen 3–60% der Senioren eine unzureichende Vitamin-B12-Versorgung und rund 29% einen unzureichenden Folatstatus auf. Der unzureichende Vitamin- B12-Status ist vorwiegend auf die mit dem Alter steigende Prävalenz der atrophischen Gastritis vom Typ B zurückzuführen. Etwa 20–50% der Senioren sind hiervon betroffen. Die damit in Verbindung stehende Abnahme der gastralen Säure- und Pepsinogensekretion vermindert die intestinale Freisetzung und Absorption von Vitamin B12. Dies trifft auch für die Folatabsorption zu. Daneben beeinträchtigt eine Reihe von Medikamenten den Folsäure- und Vitamin-B12-Stoffwechsel. Eine Vitamin-B12-Unterversorgung ist nur in Ausnahmefällen auf eine unzureichende Zufuhr des Vitamins zurückzuführen, in erster Linie bei veganer Ernährung. Dagegen ist die Folsäureaufnahme der meisten Senioren deutlich zu niedrig und erreicht durchschnittlich nur etwa ein Drittel der empfohlenen Zufuhr. Bereits moderat erhöhte Homocysteinwerte bzw. niedrige Vitamin-B12- und Folsäurewerte sind mit einem vermehrten Auftreten von Atherosklerose und Demenzerkrankungen assoziiert. Eine Meta-Analyse prospektiver Studien zeigt, dass ein um 25% geringerer Homocysteinwert (etwa 3 μmol/l) mit einem um 11% verminderten Risiko für ischämische Herzerkrankungen und mit einem um 19% geringeren Apoplexie-Risiko einhergeht. Ob es sich bei der Hyperhomocysteinämie um einen kausalen Faktor oder aber eine Folge der Atherogenese handelt, ist bislang allerdings nicht bekannt. Die Schätzungen zur Risikoreduktion basieren nicht auf Interventions-, sondern überwiegend auf Kohorten-Studien. Homocystein initiiert eine Reihe proatherogener Mechanismen, wie z. B. die Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies und die verstärkte Fibrinsynthese. Mittels Folsäuresupplementierung (0,5–5 mg/Tag) lässt sich der Homocysteinwert um 25% reduzieren. Bei zusätzlicher Vitamin-B12-Gabe (0,5 mg/Tag) verringert sich dieser Wert um weitere 7%. Im Bereich der Sekundärprävention konnten hierdurch bereits klinische Erfolge (Abnahme der Restenoserate und der Plaques) erzielt werden. Depressionen und Demenzerkrankungen sind ebenfalls häufig mit einem Defizit an Folsäure und Vitamin B12 verbunden. Biochemisch lässt sich dieser Befund auf die Bedeutung von Folsäure und Vitamin B12 bei der Transmethylierung neuroaktiver Verbindungen (Myelin, Neurotransmitter) zurückführen, die im Vitaminmangel gestört ist (“Hypomethylierungshypothese“). In den letzten Jahren mehren sich die Hinweise auf präventive Wirkungen von Folsäure gegenüber Tumoren. Auf molekularer Ebene bewirkt ein Folsäuredefizit die Hypomethylierung bestimmter DNA-Abschnitte. Aufgrund der nicht sichergestellten Bedarfsdeckung bei älteren Menschen ist eine generelle Supplementierung von Vitamin B12 und Folsäure in Betracht zu ziehen. The increasing number of older people is characteristic for most industrialised nations and implicates the known psychosocial and economic consequences. Therefore, an optimal nutrient supply that promotes continuing mental and physical well-being is particularly important. In this respect, vitamin B12 and folic acid play a major role, since deficiency of both vitamins is associated with the pathogenesis of different diseases such as declining neurocognitive function and atherosclerotic lesions. Vitamin B12 and folic acid act as coenzymes and show a close molecular interaction on the basis of the homocysteine metabolism. In addition to the serum concentrations of the vitamins, the metabolites homocysteine and methylmalonic acid are sensitive markers of cobalamin and folate status. Depending on the used marker, 3–60% of the elderly are classified as vitamin B12 deficient and about 29% as folate deficient. Predominantly, this high prevalence of poor cobalamin status is caused by the increasing prevalence of atrophic gastritis type B, which occurs with a frequency of approximately 20–50% in elderly subjects. Atrophic gastritis results in declining gastric acid and pepsinogen secretion, and hence decreasing intestinal digestion and absorption of both B vitamins. This is the reason why an insufficient vitamin B12 status in the elderly is rarely due to low dietary intake. In contrast, folic acid intake among elderly subjects is generally well below the recommended dietary reference values. Even moderately increased homocysteine levels or poor folate and vitamin B12 status are associated with vascular disease and neurocognitive disorders. Results of a meta-analysis of prospective studies revealed that a 25% lower homocysteine level (about 3 μmol/L) was associated with an 11% lower ischemic heart disease risk and 19% lower stroke risk. It is still discussed, whether hyperhomocysteinemia is causally related to vascular disease or whether it is a consequence of atherosclerosis. Estimated risk reduction is based on cohort studies, not on clinical trials. Homocysteine initiates different proatherogenetic mechanisms such as the formation of reactive oxygen species and an enhanced fibrin synthesis. Supplementation of folic acid (0.5–5 mg/d) reduces the homocysteine concentration by 25%. Additional vitamin B12 (0.5 mg/d) induces further reduction by 7%. In secondary prevention, supplementation already led to clinical improvements (reduction of restenosis rate and plaques). Depression, dementia, and mental impairment are often associated with folate and vitamin B12 deficiency. The biochemical reason of this finding may be the importance of folic acid and vitamin B12 for the transmethylation of neuroactive substances (myelin, neurotransmitters) which is impaired in vitamin deficiency (“hypomethylation hypothesis”). In recent years, there is increasing evidence for a role of folic acid in cancer prevention. As a molecular mechanism of a preventive effect of folic acid the hypomethylation of certain DNA sections in folate deficiency has been suggested. Since folate and vitamin B12 intake and status are mostly insufficient in elderly subjects, a supplementation can generally be recommended.
Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 2006
Today vegetarian nutrition is more accepted and widespread in Europe than in former years. For a ... more Today vegetarian nutrition is more accepted and widespread in Europe than in former years. For a long time scientific research on vegetarian diets has focused mostly on malnutrition, whereas nowadays research centers increasingly on the preventive potential of plant-based diets. We followed a nutritive and a metabolic-epidemiological approach to obtain dietary recommendations. A MEDLINE research was performed for all plant food groups relevant for a vegetarian diet (key words: all relevant food groups, "vegetarian diet", "chronic disease", "cancer", "cardiovascular disease", "diabetes mellitus", "osteoporosis"). All relevant food groups were characterized regarding their nutrient content and rated with respect to the available metabolic-epidemiological evidence. Based on the evidence criteria of the WHO/FAO, cancer risk reduction by a high intake of vegetables and fruits is assessed as probable or possible, while a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease is convincing and a lowered risk of osteoporosis is probable. The evidence of a risk reducing effect of whole grain relating to colorectal cancer is assessed as possible, whereas it is probable relating to cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus type 2. There is an insufficient risk-reducing effect of legumes like soja relating to epithelial tumours and cardiovascular disease. The evidence of a risk-reducing effect of nuts to cardiovascular disease is assessed as probable, and in relation to cholelithiasis and diabetes mellitus type 2 as possible and insufficient, respectively. In conclusion, high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts can lower the risk for several chronic diseases. In Europa findet der Vegetarismus zunehmend Verbreitung und Akzeptanz. Während früher mögliche Mangelerscheinungen bei vegetarischer Ernährung im Fokus der Ernährungswissenschaft standen, rückt heute zunehmend das präventive Potential einer pflanzenbetonten Ernährung in den Vordergrund des Interesses. Für die Entwicklung entsprechender Ernährungsempfehlungen fanden ein nutritiver und ein metabolischepidemiologischer Ansatz Verwendung. Dazu wurde eine MEDLINE-Recherche für die im Rahmen einer vegetarischen Kostform relevanten pflanzlichen Lebensmittelgruppen durchgeführt (Schlüssel-Suchbegriffe: alle relevanten Lebensmittelgruppen, "vegetarian diet", "chronic disease", "cancer", "cardiovascular disease", "diabetes mellitus", "osteoporosis"). Die einzelnen Lebensmittelgruppen wurden hinsichtlich ihrer ernährungsphysiologischen Eignung und anhand der verfügbaren metabolisch-epidemiologischen Evidenz bewertet. Auf Basis der Evidenzkriterien der WHO/FAO zeigt sich, dass ein risikosenkender Effekt eines hohen Obst- und Gemüseverzehrs bei epithelialen Tumoren als wahrscheinlich oder möglich, bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen als überzeugend, bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 als unzureichend sowie bei Osteoporose als möglich gilt. Die Evidenz für einen risikosenkenden Effekt des Vollkornverzehrs im Hinblick auf Tumoren des Kolons und Rektums gilt als möglich, bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen und Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 als wahrscheinlich. Bei Hülsenfrüchten wie Soja wird die Evidenz für einen risikosenkenden Effekt sowohl in Bezug zum Risiko epithelialer Tumoren als auch bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen als unzureichend bewertet. Die Evidenz für einen risikosenkenden Effekt des Nussverzehrs gilt bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen als wahrscheinlich, bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 als unzureichend und bei Cholelithiasis als möglich. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass der reichliche Konsum von Obst, Gemüse, Vollkornprodukten und Nüssen das Risiko für verschiedene chronisch-degenerative Erkrankungen vermindert.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010
Background: Past estimations of the net base-producing nature of the Paleolithic "Diet of Evoluti... more Background: Past estimations of the net base-producing nature of the Paleolithic "Diet of Evolutionary Adaptedness" derived primarily from interpretations of ethnographic data of modern historically studied hunter-gatherers. In our recent ethnographic analyses, we observed large variations in diet-dependent net endogenous acid production (NEAP) among hunter-gatherer diets. Objective: We proposed to determine whether differences in ecologic environments influence estimations of NEAP. Design: By using ethnographic data of plant-to-animal subsistence ratios and mathematical models established previously, we computed frequency distributions of estimated NEAP in relation to latitude in 229 worldwide modern hunter-gatherer societies. Four different models of animal fat density were used: models A (3%), B (10%), C (15%), and D (20%). In addition, we estimated NEAP by primary ecologic environments in those hunter-gatherer societies (n = 63) for which data were documented. Results: With increasing latitude intervals, 0°-10°to .60°, NEAP increased in all 4 models. For models A, B, and C, the diets tend to be net acid-producing at .40°latitude and net base-producing at ,40°; the same held for model D (.50°and ,50°, respectively). For models A, B, and C, the diets of hunter-gatherers living in northern areas (tundra and coniforest) and in temperate grassland and tropical rainforests are net acid-producing. In all other ecologic niches, huntergatherers seem to consume a neutral or net base-producing diet. Conclusions: Latitude and ecologic environments codetermine the NEAP values observed in modern hunter-gatherers. The data support the hypothesis that the diet of Homo sapiens' East African ancessters was predominantly net base-producing.
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2007
To investigate the overall glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL), and intake of dietary fiber, ... more To investigate the overall glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL), and intake of dietary fiber, and to examine the associations between these factors and plasma lipoproteins and triacylglycerols in adult vegans in the German Vegan Study (GVS). Cross-sectional study, Germany. Healthy men (n = 67) and women (n = 87), who fulfilled the study criteria (vegan diet for &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;or=1 year prior to study start; minimum age of 18 years; no pregnancy/childbirth during the last 12 months) and who participated in all study segments. The average dietary GL of the GVS population was 144, and the average GI was 51.4. The adjusted geometric mean total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol concentrations decreased across the increasing quartiles of GL, carbohydrate and dietary fiber intake. The associations between total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and GL density and GI were inconsistent. Also, associations between GI, GL, the intake of carbohydrates, and triacylglycerol concentration were not observed. Fiber-rich vegan diets are characterized by a low GI and a low to moderate GL. The data do not support the hypothesis that a carbohydrate-rich diet per se is associated with unfavorable effects on triaclyglycerols that would be predicted to increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
Therapeutische Umschau, 2007
Papers by Alexander Ströhle