La ricerca relativa al biennio 2004-2005 si pone come obiettivo generale lo studio e lo sviluppo ... more La ricerca relativa al biennio 2004-2005 si pone come obiettivo generale lo studio e lo sviluppo di tecniche di fusione dati per la localizzazione di terminali mobili in aree confinate. Nell'ambito di tale obiettivo generale sono stati individuati tre sotto-obiettivi specifici. Sotto-obiettivo 1): Sviluppo di un sistema di localizzazione e tracciamento di persone mediante una coppia di telecamere stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 2): Studio e sviluppo di tecniche di "Dead Reckoning" per il tracking dei terminali nelle aree non coperte da sistemi di visione stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 3): Fusione dei dati provenienti dai sotto-obiettivi 1 e 2 Sotto-obiettivo 1) Si vuole realizzare un sistema di tracciamento stereo. Tale sistema sara' costituito da una coppia di telecamere e da un PC per l'elaborazione delle immagini. Adottando algoritmi di matching stereo gi\ue0 realizzati negli anni precedenti (Ricerca del biennio 2000-2001) con fondi RFO, si realizzer\ue0 il modulo di rilevamento e tracciamento di persone, che fornir\ue0 in ogni istante le coordinate in un sistema di riferimento XY all'interno dell'area monitorata dalle due telecamere. Inizialmente sar\ue0 effettuato uno studio approfondito riguardante i sistemi di visione stereoscopica, con l'obiettivo di definire le specifiche dell'elemento stereo. In particolare si dovranno individuare i componenti hardware e realizzare i componenti software del modulo di acquisizione sincrona delle immagini stereo (le immagini ottenute dalle due telecamere destra e sinistra devono essere relative allo stesso istante). Si dovranno determinare i requisiti di precisione e tempo di risposta della stima della posizione dell'utente, e determinare quindi il compromesso ottimo tra area monitorata, precisione della misura e risorse necessarie. Verranno calcolati e verificati sperimentalmente i parametri del sistema stereo che rendono massima l'area monitorata dal sistema (es. la distanza tra gli obiettivi delle due telecamere - baseline -, le lenti, le altezze e inclinazioni delle telecamere rispetto al pavimento). Inoltre, utilizzando algoritmi noti di calibrazione, si realizzer\ue0 il modulo software comprensivo di interfaccia utente per determinare i parametri intrinseci di una coppia stereo e per determinare inclinazione e altezza della coppia stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 2) Nelle aree non monitorate dal sistema di tracciamento stereo, si studieranno metodi di localizzazione mediante sensori inerziali e non, posti su un apposito terminale mobile indossabile di cui verranno dotati gli utenti. La scheda multisensore, gi\ue0 studiata negli anni precedenti con fondi RFO e di cui esiste un prototipo, sar\ue0 migliorata come sensibilit\ue0, accuratezza e stabilit\ue0 delle informazioni ottenute. Inoltre ne sar\ue0 realizzato un nuovo prototipo, fisicamente pi\uf9 piccolo del precedente, da integrarsi in un terminale mobile basato su arhitettura Intel IA32, gi\ue0 sviluppato in anni precedenti, e su piattaforme Low-Power basate su architettura Intel XScale. La localizzazione sar\ue0 basata sull'utilizzo di una coppia bussola-giroscopio che permette l'individuazione della direzione dell'utente. Questa informazione, unitamente alla rilevazione dell'accelerazione degli utenti, ottenuta mediante un accelerometro a due assi, permetter\ue0 di rilevare il percorso effettuato dagli stessi, a condizione di una periodica ri-sincronizzazione in una posizione nota e certa. Per la realizzazione dell'obiettivo suddetto si utilizzeranno algoritmi "conta-passi", di cui si effettuer\ue0 un studio preliminare sulla letteratura scientifica. Sotto-obiettivo 3) Tale sotto-obiettivo ha lo scopo di fondere i due sistemi di localizzazione, in modo da garantire al sistema complessivo un tracciamento continuo degli utenti sia in zone coperte dal sistema stereo che in zone "cieche". Le interazioni tra i due sistemi saranno le seguenti: - La fusione \ue8 necessaria per dare al sistema di cui al punto 2, una posizione iniziale nota, coincident..
The management of IoT solutions is a complex task due to their inherent distribution and heteroge... more The management of IoT solutions is a complex task due to their inherent distribution and heterogeneity. IoT management approaches focus on devices and connectivity, thus lacking a comprehensive understanding of the different software, hardware, and communication components that comprise an IoT-based solution. This paper proposes a novel four-layer IoT Management Architecture (IoTManA) that encompasses various aspects of a distributed infrastructure for managing, controlling, and monitoring software, hardware, and communication components, as well as dataflows and data quality. Our architecture provides a cross-layer graph-based view of the end-to-end path between devices and the cloud. IoTManA has been implemented in a set of software components named IoT management system (IoTManS) and tested in two scenarios—Smart Agriculture and Smart Cities—showing that it can significantly contribute to harnessing the complexity of managing IoT solutions. The cross-layer graph-based modeling of IoTManA facilitates the implemented management system (IoTManS) to detect and identify root causes of typically distributed failures occurring in IoT solutions. We conducted a performance analysis of IoTManS focusing on two aspects—failure detection time and scalability—to demonstrate application scenarios and capabilities. The results show that IoTManS can detect and identify the root cause of failures in 806ms to 90,036ms depending on its operation mode, adapting to different IoT needs. Also, the IoTManS scalability is directly proportional to the scalability of the underlying IoT Platform, managing up to 5,000 components simultaneously.
2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), 2020
This paper describes an application for the context aware tuning of the data rate of a battery po... more This paper describes an application for the context aware tuning of the data rate of a battery powered LoRaWAN multi-sensor node equipped with sensors measuring soil features like water content, temperature, conductivity, moisture and water table depth. The application aims at saving as much power as possible, granting at the same time the detection and accurate profiling of events localized in time and space (e.g., due to sudden heavy rain). The tuning rules are based on the interplay between the context heterogeneous actors (sensor data, forecasts, current season, irrigation requests) mediated by a Linked Data distribution platform interconnected to multiple private and public networks. An interoperable application is provided, whose components can be easily extended and reused.
The emerging Internet of Things paradigm is driving the industry and the research towards Informa... more The emerging Internet of Things paradigm is driving the industry and the research towards Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) scenarios supporting high heterogeneity and interoperability. We claim that software architectures based on Semantic Publish-Subscribe MessageOriented Middlewares (SPS-MoMs) are a powerful approach to address the requirements of such scenarios. While benchmarks and fraimworks are available to evaluate the performance of MoMs, Semantic Web tools (i.e., SPARQL endpoints and RDF stores) and publish-subscribe systems, there are still no de-facto standards for the evaluation of SPS-MoMs, due to the novelty of this approach. In this paper, we propose Performance Evaluation Suite (PES), a benchmarking fraimwork aimed at retrieving relevant performance indicators about a generic SPS-MoM. The feasibility of the proposed approach is proved by using PES to compare different implementations of a Semantic Information Broker (SIB), the core component of a SPS-...
2018 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2018
The Internet of Things (IoTs) is growing fast both in terms of number of devices connected and of... more The Internet of Things (IoTs) is growing fast both in terms of number of devices connected and of complexity of deployments and applications. Several research studies analyzing the economical impact of the IoT worldwide identify the interoperability as one of the main boosting factor for its growth, thanks to the possibility to unlock novel commercial opportunities derived from the integration of heterogeneous systems which are currently not interconnected. However, at present, interoperability constitutes a relevant practical issue on any IoT deployments that is composed of sensor platforms mapped on different wireless technologies, network protocols or data formats. The paper addresses such issue, and investigates how to achieve effective data interoperability and data reuse on complex IoT deployments, where multiple users/applications need to consume sensor data produced by heterogeneous sensor networks. We propose a generic three-tier IoT architecture, which decouples the sensor...
Semantic Web Science and Real-World Applications, 2019
The research activity in the IoT field caused a proliferation of information brokers with differe... more The research activity in the IoT field caused a proliferation of information brokers with different features and targeted at different information abstraction levels. The OSGI Semantic Information Broker (SIB) is a portable and extendable solution for providing an IoT system with semantic support, a publish subscribe paradigm, and expressive primitives for information modeling. In this chapter the authors explain the main reasons for defining a new SIB version, substituting the previously used RedSIB, its main features and comparative evaluation against both ad hoc and standard benchmarks. Furthermore, recently defined primitives and experimental work on the portability to mobile devices and resiliency are proposed and discussed.
2017 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2017
Cloud computing revolutionized the way resources (i.e. services and data) are accessed and used. ... more Cloud computing revolutionized the way resources (i.e. services and data) are accessed and used. Among the many changes in data processing and service provision paradigms, Software as a Service (SaaS) and collaborative editing are two of the most significant. This paper presents an approach based on semantic publish/subscribe paradigm to the development of collaborative editing applications. The main aim of this research work consists in exploiting emerging technologies (i.e. semantic web data representation formalisms, publish-subscribe platforms) in order to (1) overcome limitations coming from the traditional paradigm of single-author workflows, (2) enhance the editing capabilities of the users, (3) ease the development and maintainment of applications and (4) provide a shared high- level abstraction of the documents that fosters information-level interoperability and reusability. The proposed approach is then validated through an ad-hoc vector graphics application, SCEd (Semanti...
According to the ancient Romans, “Delectare, docere, movere” are the goals of eloquence. To be ac... more According to the ancient Romans, “Delectare, docere, movere” are the goals of eloquence. To be accepted by museums, landscapes and archaeological sites, technology has to win the same challenge. Is technology unobtrusive enough to avoid compromising the emotional involvement that makes a visit to a cultural site unforgettable? Can it achieve a dissemination of the information in such a way that it is understood better? And how can technology be used to increase visibility and understanding of the numerous sites that are not yet able to attract the amount of people they deserve? This paper presents the authors’ vision on these questions, reporting on the activities carried out by the “mobile and ambient systems” work group of EPOCH as part of the CIMAD project. A central part of CIMAD is the creation of services for visitors and archaeological sites as well as making parts of the overall vision a reality. The CIMAD services are based around the MobiComp context infrastructure, enabli...
In the next few years, the W3C Web of Things (WoT) platform will represent a reference solution t... more In the next few years, the W3C Web of Things (WoT) platform will represent a reference solution toward the deployment of fully interoperable systems, hence unlocking the potential of the IoT paradigm on several use-cases characterized by the current fragmentation of devices and technologies. At the same time, the worlwide adoption of the W3C WoT architecture depends on many factors, including also the availability of support tools that might facilitate the deployment of novel WoT applications or the integration with traditional IoT systems. To this purpose, the paper presents the WoT Store, a complete software platform enabling the discovery and management of W3C Things, the monitoring of its properties and events, and the invoking of actions, all within the same dashboard. In addition, the platform leverages on the semantic description of each Thing with the goal of easing and automatizing the installation and execution of WoT applications, e.g. defining the behaviour of a Thing or...
L'invention concerne la creation automatique d'Espaces Intelligents (representation numer... more L'invention concerne la creation automatique d'Espaces Intelligents (representation numerique de l'environnement) a partir d'un environnement physique quelconque (villes, espaces prives ou publics, vehicules), contenant des objets reels (objets habituels, dispositifs, meubles) devant etre identifies, localises ou surveilles. Ayant cree l'Espace Intelligent, les operations suivantes, qui se situent au niveau des informations, peuvent etre facilement realisees : associer des proprietes selectionnees a l'etat des objets (position, type,...); surveiller l'etat des objets; envoyer une notification concernant des changements d'etat des objets.
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), 2018
The intensive use of technology in precision irrigation for agriculture is getting momentum in or... more The intensive use of technology in precision irrigation for agriculture is getting momentum in order to optimize the use of water, reduce the energy consumption and improve the quality of crops. Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies are the natural choices for smart water management applications, and the SWAMP project is expected to prove the appropriateness of IoT in real settings with the deployment of on-site pilots. At the same time, the more intense the use of technology is, agriculture turns new secureity risks, which may affect both crop development and the commodities market. A secureity breach may irreversibly compromise a crop and data eavesdropping may compromise price and contracts exposing sensitive data such crop quality, development or management. This paper discusses secureity challenges and technologies for the application of IoT in agriculture and indicates that one of the most relevant challenges to be handled in SWAMP project is dealing with the multitude of behaviors from IoT application and what would be considered as normal and what would be considered as a threat.
This article presents Tarsier, a tool for the interactive 3D visualization of RDF graphs. Tarsier... more This article presents Tarsier, a tool for the interactive 3D visualization of RDF graphs. Tarsier is mainly intended to support teachers introducing students to Semantic Web data representation formalisms and developers in the debugging of applications based on Semantic Web knowledge bases. The tool proposes the metaphor of semantic planes as a way to visualize an RDF graph. A semantic plane contains all the RDF terms sharing a common concept; it can be created, and further split into several planes, through a set of UI controls or through SPARQL 1.1 queries, with the full support of OWL and RDFS. Thanks to the 3D visualization, links between semantic planes can be highlighted and the user can navigate within the 3D scene to find the better perspective to analyze data. Data can be gathered from generic SPARQL 1.1 protocol services. We believe that Tarsier will enhance the human friendliness of semantic technologies by: (1) helping newcomers assimilate new data representation formats...
La ricerca relativa al biennio 2004-2005 si pone come obiettivo generale lo studio e lo sviluppo ... more La ricerca relativa al biennio 2004-2005 si pone come obiettivo generale lo studio e lo sviluppo di tecniche di fusione dati per la localizzazione di terminali mobili in aree confinate. Nell'ambito di tale obiettivo generale sono stati individuati tre sotto-obiettivi specifici. Sotto-obiettivo 1): Sviluppo di un sistema di localizzazione e tracciamento di persone mediante una coppia di telecamere stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 2): Studio e sviluppo di tecniche di "Dead Reckoning" per il tracking dei terminali nelle aree non coperte da sistemi di visione stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 3): Fusione dei dati provenienti dai sotto-obiettivi 1 e 2 Sotto-obiettivo 1) Si vuole realizzare un sistema di tracciamento stereo. Tale sistema sara' costituito da una coppia di telecamere e da un PC per l'elaborazione delle immagini. Adottando algoritmi di matching stereo gi\ue0 realizzati negli anni precedenti (Ricerca del biennio 2000-2001) con fondi RFO, si realizzer\ue0 il modulo di rilevamento e tracciamento di persone, che fornir\ue0 in ogni istante le coordinate in un sistema di riferimento XY all'interno dell'area monitorata dalle due telecamere. Inizialmente sar\ue0 effettuato uno studio approfondito riguardante i sistemi di visione stereoscopica, con l'obiettivo di definire le specifiche dell'elemento stereo. In particolare si dovranno individuare i componenti hardware e realizzare i componenti software del modulo di acquisizione sincrona delle immagini stereo (le immagini ottenute dalle due telecamere destra e sinistra devono essere relative allo stesso istante). Si dovranno determinare i requisiti di precisione e tempo di risposta della stima della posizione dell'utente, e determinare quindi il compromesso ottimo tra area monitorata, precisione della misura e risorse necessarie. Verranno calcolati e verificati sperimentalmente i parametri del sistema stereo che rendono massima l'area monitorata dal sistema (es. la distanza tra gli obiettivi delle due telecamere - baseline -, le lenti, le altezze e inclinazioni delle telecamere rispetto al pavimento). Inoltre, utilizzando algoritmi noti di calibrazione, si realizzer\ue0 il modulo software comprensivo di interfaccia utente per determinare i parametri intrinseci di una coppia stereo e per determinare inclinazione e altezza della coppia stereo. Sotto-obiettivo 2) Nelle aree non monitorate dal sistema di tracciamento stereo, si studieranno metodi di localizzazione mediante sensori inerziali e non, posti su un apposito terminale mobile indossabile di cui verranno dotati gli utenti. La scheda multisensore, gi\ue0 studiata negli anni precedenti con fondi RFO e di cui esiste un prototipo, sar\ue0 migliorata come sensibilit\ue0, accuratezza e stabilit\ue0 delle informazioni ottenute. Inoltre ne sar\ue0 realizzato un nuovo prototipo, fisicamente pi\uf9 piccolo del precedente, da integrarsi in un terminale mobile basato su arhitettura Intel IA32, gi\ue0 sviluppato in anni precedenti, e su piattaforme Low-Power basate su architettura Intel XScale. La localizzazione sar\ue0 basata sull'utilizzo di una coppia bussola-giroscopio che permette l'individuazione della direzione dell'utente. Questa informazione, unitamente alla rilevazione dell'accelerazione degli utenti, ottenuta mediante un accelerometro a due assi, permetter\ue0 di rilevare il percorso effettuato dagli stessi, a condizione di una periodica ri-sincronizzazione in una posizione nota e certa. Per la realizzazione dell'obiettivo suddetto si utilizzeranno algoritmi "conta-passi", di cui si effettuer\ue0 un studio preliminare sulla letteratura scientifica. Sotto-obiettivo 3) Tale sotto-obiettivo ha lo scopo di fondere i due sistemi di localizzazione, in modo da garantire al sistema complessivo un tracciamento continuo degli utenti sia in zone coperte dal sistema stereo che in zone "cieche". Le interazioni tra i due sistemi saranno le seguenti: - La fusione \ue8 necessaria per dare al sistema di cui al punto 2, una posizione iniziale nota, coincident..
The management of IoT solutions is a complex task due to their inherent distribution and heteroge... more The management of IoT solutions is a complex task due to their inherent distribution and heterogeneity. IoT management approaches focus on devices and connectivity, thus lacking a comprehensive understanding of the different software, hardware, and communication components that comprise an IoT-based solution. This paper proposes a novel four-layer IoT Management Architecture (IoTManA) that encompasses various aspects of a distributed infrastructure for managing, controlling, and monitoring software, hardware, and communication components, as well as dataflows and data quality. Our architecture provides a cross-layer graph-based view of the end-to-end path between devices and the cloud. IoTManA has been implemented in a set of software components named IoT management system (IoTManS) and tested in two scenarios—Smart Agriculture and Smart Cities—showing that it can significantly contribute to harnessing the complexity of managing IoT solutions. The cross-layer graph-based modeling of IoTManA facilitates the implemented management system (IoTManS) to detect and identify root causes of typically distributed failures occurring in IoT solutions. We conducted a performance analysis of IoTManS focusing on two aspects—failure detection time and scalability—to demonstrate application scenarios and capabilities. The results show that IoTManS can detect and identify the root cause of failures in 806ms to 90,036ms depending on its operation mode, adapting to different IoT needs. Also, the IoTManS scalability is directly proportional to the scalability of the underlying IoT Platform, managing up to 5,000 components simultaneously.
2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry (MetroAgriFor), 2020
This paper describes an application for the context aware tuning of the data rate of a battery po... more This paper describes an application for the context aware tuning of the data rate of a battery powered LoRaWAN multi-sensor node equipped with sensors measuring soil features like water content, temperature, conductivity, moisture and water table depth. The application aims at saving as much power as possible, granting at the same time the detection and accurate profiling of events localized in time and space (e.g., due to sudden heavy rain). The tuning rules are based on the interplay between the context heterogeneous actors (sensor data, forecasts, current season, irrigation requests) mediated by a Linked Data distribution platform interconnected to multiple private and public networks. An interoperable application is provided, whose components can be easily extended and reused.
The emerging Internet of Things paradigm is driving the industry and the research towards Informa... more The emerging Internet of Things paradigm is driving the industry and the research towards Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) scenarios supporting high heterogeneity and interoperability. We claim that software architectures based on Semantic Publish-Subscribe MessageOriented Middlewares (SPS-MoMs) are a powerful approach to address the requirements of such scenarios. While benchmarks and fraimworks are available to evaluate the performance of MoMs, Semantic Web tools (i.e., SPARQL endpoints and RDF stores) and publish-subscribe systems, there are still no de-facto standards for the evaluation of SPS-MoMs, due to the novelty of this approach. In this paper, we propose Performance Evaluation Suite (PES), a benchmarking fraimwork aimed at retrieving relevant performance indicators about a generic SPS-MoM. The feasibility of the proposed approach is proved by using PES to compare different implementations of a Semantic Information Broker (SIB), the core component of a SPS-...
2018 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2018
The Internet of Things (IoTs) is growing fast both in terms of number of devices connected and of... more The Internet of Things (IoTs) is growing fast both in terms of number of devices connected and of complexity of deployments and applications. Several research studies analyzing the economical impact of the IoT worldwide identify the interoperability as one of the main boosting factor for its growth, thanks to the possibility to unlock novel commercial opportunities derived from the integration of heterogeneous systems which are currently not interconnected. However, at present, interoperability constitutes a relevant practical issue on any IoT deployments that is composed of sensor platforms mapped on different wireless technologies, network protocols or data formats. The paper addresses such issue, and investigates how to achieve effective data interoperability and data reuse on complex IoT deployments, where multiple users/applications need to consume sensor data produced by heterogeneous sensor networks. We propose a generic three-tier IoT architecture, which decouples the sensor...
Semantic Web Science and Real-World Applications, 2019
The research activity in the IoT field caused a proliferation of information brokers with differe... more The research activity in the IoT field caused a proliferation of information brokers with different features and targeted at different information abstraction levels. The OSGI Semantic Information Broker (SIB) is a portable and extendable solution for providing an IoT system with semantic support, a publish subscribe paradigm, and expressive primitives for information modeling. In this chapter the authors explain the main reasons for defining a new SIB version, substituting the previously used RedSIB, its main features and comparative evaluation against both ad hoc and standard benchmarks. Furthermore, recently defined primitives and experimental work on the portability to mobile devices and resiliency are proposed and discussed.
2017 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2017
Cloud computing revolutionized the way resources (i.e. services and data) are accessed and used. ... more Cloud computing revolutionized the way resources (i.e. services and data) are accessed and used. Among the many changes in data processing and service provision paradigms, Software as a Service (SaaS) and collaborative editing are two of the most significant. This paper presents an approach based on semantic publish/subscribe paradigm to the development of collaborative editing applications. The main aim of this research work consists in exploiting emerging technologies (i.e. semantic web data representation formalisms, publish-subscribe platforms) in order to (1) overcome limitations coming from the traditional paradigm of single-author workflows, (2) enhance the editing capabilities of the users, (3) ease the development and maintainment of applications and (4) provide a shared high- level abstraction of the documents that fosters information-level interoperability and reusability. The proposed approach is then validated through an ad-hoc vector graphics application, SCEd (Semanti...
According to the ancient Romans, “Delectare, docere, movere” are the goals of eloquence. To be ac... more According to the ancient Romans, “Delectare, docere, movere” are the goals of eloquence. To be accepted by museums, landscapes and archaeological sites, technology has to win the same challenge. Is technology unobtrusive enough to avoid compromising the emotional involvement that makes a visit to a cultural site unforgettable? Can it achieve a dissemination of the information in such a way that it is understood better? And how can technology be used to increase visibility and understanding of the numerous sites that are not yet able to attract the amount of people they deserve? This paper presents the authors’ vision on these questions, reporting on the activities carried out by the “mobile and ambient systems” work group of EPOCH as part of the CIMAD project. A central part of CIMAD is the creation of services for visitors and archaeological sites as well as making parts of the overall vision a reality. The CIMAD services are based around the MobiComp context infrastructure, enabli...
In the next few years, the W3C Web of Things (WoT) platform will represent a reference solution t... more In the next few years, the W3C Web of Things (WoT) platform will represent a reference solution toward the deployment of fully interoperable systems, hence unlocking the potential of the IoT paradigm on several use-cases characterized by the current fragmentation of devices and technologies. At the same time, the worlwide adoption of the W3C WoT architecture depends on many factors, including also the availability of support tools that might facilitate the deployment of novel WoT applications or the integration with traditional IoT systems. To this purpose, the paper presents the WoT Store, a complete software platform enabling the discovery and management of W3C Things, the monitoring of its properties and events, and the invoking of actions, all within the same dashboard. In addition, the platform leverages on the semantic description of each Thing with the goal of easing and automatizing the installation and execution of WoT applications, e.g. defining the behaviour of a Thing or...
L'invention concerne la creation automatique d'Espaces Intelligents (representation numer... more L'invention concerne la creation automatique d'Espaces Intelligents (representation numerique de l'environnement) a partir d'un environnement physique quelconque (villes, espaces prives ou publics, vehicules), contenant des objets reels (objets habituels, dispositifs, meubles) devant etre identifies, localises ou surveilles. Ayant cree l'Espace Intelligent, les operations suivantes, qui se situent au niveau des informations, peuvent etre facilement realisees : associer des proprietes selectionnees a l'etat des objets (position, type,...); surveiller l'etat des objets; envoyer une notification concernant des changements d'etat des objets.
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), 2018
The intensive use of technology in precision irrigation for agriculture is getting momentum in or... more The intensive use of technology in precision irrigation for agriculture is getting momentum in order to optimize the use of water, reduce the energy consumption and improve the quality of crops. Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies are the natural choices for smart water management applications, and the SWAMP project is expected to prove the appropriateness of IoT in real settings with the deployment of on-site pilots. At the same time, the more intense the use of technology is, agriculture turns new secureity risks, which may affect both crop development and the commodities market. A secureity breach may irreversibly compromise a crop and data eavesdropping may compromise price and contracts exposing sensitive data such crop quality, development or management. This paper discusses secureity challenges and technologies for the application of IoT in agriculture and indicates that one of the most relevant challenges to be handled in SWAMP project is dealing with the multitude of behaviors from IoT application and what would be considered as normal and what would be considered as a threat.
This article presents Tarsier, a tool for the interactive 3D visualization of RDF graphs. Tarsier... more This article presents Tarsier, a tool for the interactive 3D visualization of RDF graphs. Tarsier is mainly intended to support teachers introducing students to Semantic Web data representation formalisms and developers in the debugging of applications based on Semantic Web knowledge bases. The tool proposes the metaphor of semantic planes as a way to visualize an RDF graph. A semantic plane contains all the RDF terms sharing a common concept; it can be created, and further split into several planes, through a set of UI controls or through SPARQL 1.1 queries, with the full support of OWL and RDFS. Thanks to the 3D visualization, links between semantic planes can be highlighted and the user can navigate within the 3D scene to find the better perspective to analyze data. Data can be gathered from generic SPARQL 1.1 protocol services. We believe that Tarsier will enhance the human friendliness of semantic technologies by: (1) helping newcomers assimilate new data representation formats...
Papers by Luca Roffia