True female empowerment is only possible through a shift in society’s values. In altering the min... more True female empowerment is only possible through a shift in society’s values. In altering the mind-set of individuals, women across all nations will be granted the opportunity to work alongside men in all facets of life. As a woman of Lebanese descent, born and raised within Australia, I have been granted a stream of endless opportunities to live out my life as I please. This isn't to say, however, that I am ignorant to the oppressed experiences faced by both the women who have come before me and those continuing this battle today. Without this fight for equal rights, I wouldn’t be able to write this very piece. As such, it has been an honour contributing to this book. Throughout this text, Dr Edmond Melhem effectively highlights the countless struggles faced by the women of modern Iraq, Kuwait, the Arab Republic of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. In focusing on their contribution to the national struggle and their participation in the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), he outlines how Antun Sa´adeh helped to shape the lives of the women who participated in his Party. Established as a national movement seeking social unity and progress, as well as its national liberation and sovereignty, Sa´adeh aspired to build an equal society in which women were not seen as inferior or subordinate to men, but rather, equal to them. Ultimately highlighting the need for education, the power of non-government organisations (NGOs) and the spread of political parties that allow the participation of women, it was through these mechanisms that Sa’adeh’s vision was slowly achieved. In maintaining a constant appreciation for my family’s history with the SSNP, working on this book has allowed me to further understand the way in which men and women assisted each other in the national struggle. Breaking down the barriers of society, it was through this combined effort that the SSNP is still able to operate today. I am proud of my family’s migrant history and I am equally proud of their participation within the SSNP. I admire the tolerant nature of Sa´adeh and I equally admire the group of women who used this party as a platform to gain their deserved rights. Women still have a long way to go but with Dr Melhem drawing attention to the unpraised women of the SSNP, we can use them as an example of how to continue their fight within society today.
Joumana Awad Editor of SYRIAN WOMEN Their struggle in society and their empowerment through the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)
حصاون العضاوية في الحزب الساور: القومي الاجتماعي لا يحصال االانتسااب لَى الحزب لأن الانتسااب
يعني... more حصاون العضاوية في الحزب الساور: القومي الاجتماعي لا يحصال االانتسااب لَى الحزب لأن الانتسااب يعني النسااااا والق ا راة بل يحصااااال االانتماء طوعاً وإ ا ردياً بناء على ا،تناع تا االعقيدة القومية الاجتمااية والإيمااان بهااا. نَاا انتماااء اَااااااااااااعور: وجااداني عقلني نااااع من وعي و إد ا رك لحقيقااة الم اَااد القوميااة الاجتماااياة وناتج عن ا،تنااع االعقيادة حصااااااااااااال في عقال الفرد ووجدان لذلل ،رر هذا الفرد ام الء حريتا إو ا ردت الوااية وثقت بنفسا هن رَبط مصايره في مصاير العقيدة وانتصاارها. يقون ساعاده: " ن الانتماء لَى الحزب الساور: القومي الإجتماعي دليل على ممارساة الديم اِ رتية. والزايم ليس دكتاتو ا ر بل هو زايم هكبر وهعظم م سسة يدا على التط وع الح ر الناتج عن عميق الإ،تناع الشخص ي ونضوج الوعي".
Antoun Saadeh believed culture and education were vital tools for creating a better society. He a... more Antoun Saadeh believed culture and education were vital tools for creating a better society. He argued that a nation could protect its identity and overcome challenges by fostering awareness, critical thinking, and creativity. National education would promote social peace, leading to a more harmonious, just, and compassionate society and a more peaceful and equitable world.
Antoun Saadeh believed that true progress could only be achieved by adopting a scientific and rat... more Antoun Saadeh believed that true progress could only be achieved by adopting a scientific and rational approach based on logical thinking and careful research. He emphasized that science without a noble purpose is as useless as ignorance. He once said, "Science that does not benefit is like ignorance that does not harm."1 For Saadeh, science makes life better, more beautiful, and more meaningful.2 Using science to benefit society helps create progress and prosperity in all areas of life. Saadeh did not see science as just theoretical knowledge but as an essential tool for solving problems, creating change, and building a better society based on knowledge. He believed that science supports rational thinking, as using facts and evidence helps people avoid falling into naive beliefs and superstitions. This idea is clear in his call to avoid "scientific and religious charlatanism" that confuses ideas and moves away from the truth.3
Sa´adeh emphasized a culture of peaceful co-existence and cooperation between nations of the worl... more Sa´adeh emphasized a culture of peaceful co-existence and cooperation between nations of the world based on respect and mutual interests rejecting the hegemony of the super-powerful nations and their system of greedy capitalism,
Corrupt politics and prevailing ideologies have led to significant crises, conflicts, and wars in... more Corrupt politics and prevailing ideologies have led to significant crises, conflicts, and wars in our time. These callous views and doctrines have encouraged people to become egoistic, self-serving, and aggressive. Consequently, humanity has suffered many disasters, the most catastrophic of which were the First and Second World Wars. Antun Sa'adeh can be considered Syria's "gift to the world." He introduced his new philosophy of spiritual-materialism (Al-Madrahiyyah) as an alternative to the dominant ideologies of the time. This philosophy was designed to aid the Syrian nation, in particular, and humanity at large. Al-Madrahiyyah, defined as the philosophy of unifying interaction that connects human forces in the struggle for existence and evolution, aims to restore Syrian ingenuity to its rightful role and contribute to societal progress and human development in general. The core tenets of Sa'adeh's philosophy are articulated in his principles and other writings, including his speeches, articles, and lectures, which collectively serve as detailed explanations of his worldview.
هذه الورقة تتحدث عن ما قدمته الأمة السورية للعالم من إسهامات حضاريّة إنسانيّة رفيعة وما يختزن تار... more هذه الورقة تتحدث عن ما قدمته الأمة السورية للعالم من إسهامات حضاريّة إنسانيّة رفيعة وما يختزن تاريخها الفكريّ الثّقافيّ الرّوحيّ والسّياسيّ والاجتماعيّ من فنّ وعلم وطبّ ومنطِق وفلسفات وشرائع وملاحم وأساطير وعبقريّات وبطولات وإنجازات. هذا التاريخ الغني وهذه العطاءات السخية تدفعنا للقول أنه يحق للسّوريّين أينما كانوا أن يفتخروا ويعتزّوا بأمّتهم السّوريّة لما أعطته للعالم
Antun Sa'adeh was deeply committed to knowledge, dedicated to finding creative solutions to his n... more Antun Sa'adeh was deeply committed to knowledge, dedicated to finding creative solutions to his nation's problems and offering his people a better life. His thirst for knowledge drove him to be so prolific throughout his life. His creative mind is evident in his sublime ideas of Syrian nationalism. These novel ideas, or principles, constitute the fundamentals of a deep philosophy concerned with essential issues.
ROM the time Antun Sa´adeh worked with his father, Dr Khalil Sa´adeh, in journalism until his exe... more ROM the time Antun Sa´adeh worked with his father, Dr Khalil Sa´adeh, in journalism until his execution in 1949, he always promoted the emancipation of women and saw that for democratization to prevail in society women must be given their freedom and equality. His writings reveal that he was against their oppression at home and against their discrimination within society.
في هذا الزمن الرديء، زمن الأوجاع والمآسي.. كم نحن بحاجة لنستلهم الدروس من الأشخاص العظماء في التا... more في هذا الزمن الرديء، زمن الأوجاع والمآسي.. كم نحن بحاجة لنستلهم الدروس من الأشخاص العظماء في التاريخ الذين أضاءوا سُبلَ الفكرِ وعمَّقوا الوجدان وخرجوا من حدودِ الزّمانِ والمكان، وراحوا يخطّطونَ لحياةٍ جديدةٍ، ويرسُمونَ مثلًا عليا بديعةً لمجتمعاتِهم.
Sa´adeh discussed two works of Shafiq Ma´alouf. The first was "al-'Ahlam" [The Dreams], which he ... more Sa´adeh discussed two works of Shafiq Ma´alouf. The first was "al-'Ahlam" [The Dreams], which he saw in it "a pure, natural, pulsating feeling". 1 The second was his famous poem: '´Abqar' (1936), which he criticized because it was void of any philosophical meaning and was based on old Arab mythology. This poem tells the story of an imaginary journey, which the poet takes, flying to the valley of ´Abqar on the back of the muses and the jinn, where a multitude of weird and horrifying creatures live.
Antun Sa’adeh was a firm believer in the idea of Syrian nationalism and determined to prove that ... more Antun Sa’adeh was a firm believer in the idea of Syrian nationalism and determined to prove that this idea was not invented by himself, but was rooted amongst the Christian Lebanese and believed by both Orthodox and Maronites as well as by Muslims.
The Qur’an mentions twenty-five messengers sent by God at different times of history to teach man... more The Qur’an mentions twenty-five messengers sent by God at different times of history to teach mankind and deliver His Divine message. Among them, “Muhammad stands as the Last Messenger and the crowning glory of the foundation of prophethood.” Noah and Abraham, Ishmael and Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, and other great messengers were all mortals, human beings, endowed with Divine revelations.
في مجمل كتاباته، يشدّد سعاده على مسألة الأخلاق الجديدة ويعتبرها شيئاً أساسياً جداً في الحياة وشر... more في مجمل كتاباته، يشدّد سعاده على مسألة الأخلاق الجديدة ويعتبرها شيئاً أساسياً جداً في الحياة وشرطاً ضرورياً وأساسياً لنجاح أية مؤسسة او عملية إصلاحية او بنائية او أية خطة سياسية او حربية او إدارية أو إقتصادية. وبكلام آخر، إن الأخلاق يجب ان تشمل كل نواحي الحياة الاجتماعية وتؤثّر فيها. ووجودها شرط أساسي لنجاح أي نشاط إنساني-إنتاجي وشرط ضروري لبقاء المجتمع ونهوضه وارتقائه وبدونها لا يمكن للأمة ان تنهض وتبني عظمتها. "فالأخلاق الضعيفة والمثالب النفسية قلما قدرت على النهوض بأمة، أو تغيير حالة شعب سيئة" لأنها أخلاق مثالبية، تمثيلية، مساومة، لا يهمها تغيير حالة الشعب بل هي مستعدة دائما للقبول بالوجود على ما هو عليه من ضعف وتضعضع وذل وانحطاط. أما الأخلاق القومية الجديدة فهي أخلاق صراعية، غائية، معنية بالتغيير والإصلاح والإرتقاء للأفضل والأجمل لأنها أخلاق تعبيرية تسعى دائماً للتعبير عن إرادة الشعب ومصالحه وحقه في الحياة الجيدة، الراقية.
المدرحية هي فلسفة إجتماعية جديدة تتناول الإنسان، بحقيقته الإجتماعية، والقيم الإنسانية وقضايا الوج... more المدرحية هي فلسفة إجتماعية جديدة تتناول الإنسان، بحقيقته الإجتماعية، والقيم الإنسانية وقضايا الوجود الإنساني وتطوره. وينبثق عن هذه الفلسفة الشاملة "نظرات جديدة في الإجتماع بأشكاله النفسية والإقتصادية والسياسية جميعها" ، ويعتبرها سعاده "فلسفة كاملة في الإجتماع والتاريخ" و"نظرة جديدة إلى الحياة والكون والفن" تُشَكِّلُ فتحاً فلسفياً جديداً "ومركز انطلاق نحو سمو إنساني جديد."
الصدق القومي هو الإحساس النبيل النابع من القلوب المؤمنة، من إنسانية الإنسان المجتمع الجديد.. وهو ... more الصدق القومي هو الإحساس النبيل النابع من القلوب المؤمنة، من إنسانية الإنسان المجتمع الجديد.. وهو السلوك الحسن المعبّر أجمل تعبير عن حقيقة المجتمع الأصيلة ومثله العليا وعن نفسيته الجميلة وتوقها للخير والتفوّق والإبداع. هو حب الإنسان والوطن وهو الوفاء للشعب والدفاع عن حقوقه ومصالحه. هو الفعل النبيل النابع من الإيمان الجديد، من الوجدان الاجتماعي الحي، النقي، والمشّع بأنواره على المجتمع القومي بأكمله. وهو مفهوم جديد للنزاهة والأمانة والصفاء والإخلاص للغايات السامية وللهدف القومي الأخير.
Sa´adeh's orientation toward himself and his world is quite unique. He had a high level of self-e... more Sa´adeh's orientation toward himself and his world is quite unique. He had a high level of self-esteem and self-respect. He believed that his life had a special meaning and that he was put on Earth to do some great thing that would benefit his nation and the rest of the World. He saw himself as the "teacher and guide of the nation", articulating clearly the struggles facing people and aiming to create abundance in their lives and to foster a culture of cooperation and productivity. He devoted his entire life to a national, unifying cause and to a set of lofty virtues, which he wanted to spread into society. He affirmed his devotion to his cause in his outstanding oath, declaring:
Syrian Women: Their Struggle in Society and their Empowerment through the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), 2016
This article shows how wartime conditions can radically transform the position of women in the wo... more This article shows how wartime conditions can radically transform the position of women in the work force and bring about change in their economic and political status. Focusing on the political conflict in Palestine, the article illustrates how the Palestinian women have sacrificed a lot, alongside men, in the hope to remove all forms of oppression and achieve liberation of the homeland. While most women continue to play traditional roles in the family and society, some have been advocating openly for the rights and concerns of women on economic, health and social issues (such as equal rights in marriage, divorce and inheritance), as well as on matters related to their representation in decision-making posts. Women’s achievements, since the inception of the intifada, are widespread. Their unity and continuous efforts to formulate their demands and rights through active participation in society and public life, and the prospects of creating statehood with a constitution that stipulates social justice and gender equity for all, carries a hope for a better future.
True female empowerment is only possible through a shift in society’s values. In altering the min... more True female empowerment is only possible through a shift in society’s values. In altering the mind-set of individuals, women across all nations will be granted the opportunity to work alongside men in all facets of life. As a woman of Lebanese descent, born and raised within Australia, I have been granted a stream of endless opportunities to live out my life as I please. This isn't to say, however, that I am ignorant to the oppressed experiences faced by both the women who have come before me and those continuing this battle today. Without this fight for equal rights, I wouldn’t be able to write this very piece. As such, it has been an honour contributing to this book. Throughout this text, Dr Edmond Melhem effectively highlights the countless struggles faced by the women of modern Iraq, Kuwait, the Arab Republic of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. In focusing on their contribution to the national struggle and their participation in the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), he outlines how Antun Sa´adeh helped to shape the lives of the women who participated in his Party. Established as a national movement seeking social unity and progress, as well as its national liberation and sovereignty, Sa´adeh aspired to build an equal society in which women were not seen as inferior or subordinate to men, but rather, equal to them. Ultimately highlighting the need for education, the power of non-government organisations (NGOs) and the spread of political parties that allow the participation of women, it was through these mechanisms that Sa’adeh’s vision was slowly achieved. In maintaining a constant appreciation for my family’s history with the SSNP, working on this book has allowed me to further understand the way in which men and women assisted each other in the national struggle. Breaking down the barriers of society, it was through this combined effort that the SSNP is still able to operate today. I am proud of my family’s migrant history and I am equally proud of their participation within the SSNP. I admire the tolerant nature of Sa´adeh and I equally admire the group of women who used this party as a platform to gain their deserved rights. Women still have a long way to go but with Dr Melhem drawing attention to the unpraised women of the SSNP, we can use them as an example of how to continue their fight within society today.
Joumana Awad Editor of SYRIAN WOMEN Their struggle in society and their empowerment through the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)
حصاون العضاوية في الحزب الساور: القومي الاجتماعي لا يحصال االانتسااب لَى الحزب لأن الانتسااب
يعني... more حصاون العضاوية في الحزب الساور: القومي الاجتماعي لا يحصال االانتسااب لَى الحزب لأن الانتسااب يعني النسااااا والق ا راة بل يحصااااال االانتماء طوعاً وإ ا ردياً بناء على ا،تناع تا االعقيدة القومية الاجتمااية والإيمااان بهااا. نَاا انتماااء اَااااااااااااعور: وجااداني عقلني نااااع من وعي و إد ا رك لحقيقااة الم اَااد القوميااة الاجتماااياة وناتج عن ا،تنااع االعقيادة حصااااااااااااال في عقال الفرد ووجدان لذلل ،رر هذا الفرد ام الء حريتا إو ا ردت الوااية وثقت بنفسا هن رَبط مصايره في مصاير العقيدة وانتصاارها. يقون ساعاده: " ن الانتماء لَى الحزب الساور: القومي الإجتماعي دليل على ممارساة الديم اِ رتية. والزايم ليس دكتاتو ا ر بل هو زايم هكبر وهعظم م سسة يدا على التط وع الح ر الناتج عن عميق الإ،تناع الشخص ي ونضوج الوعي".
Antoun Saadeh believed culture and education were vital tools for creating a better society. He a... more Antoun Saadeh believed culture and education were vital tools for creating a better society. He argued that a nation could protect its identity and overcome challenges by fostering awareness, critical thinking, and creativity. National education would promote social peace, leading to a more harmonious, just, and compassionate society and a more peaceful and equitable world.
Antoun Saadeh believed that true progress could only be achieved by adopting a scientific and rat... more Antoun Saadeh believed that true progress could only be achieved by adopting a scientific and rational approach based on logical thinking and careful research. He emphasized that science without a noble purpose is as useless as ignorance. He once said, "Science that does not benefit is like ignorance that does not harm."1 For Saadeh, science makes life better, more beautiful, and more meaningful.2 Using science to benefit society helps create progress and prosperity in all areas of life. Saadeh did not see science as just theoretical knowledge but as an essential tool for solving problems, creating change, and building a better society based on knowledge. He believed that science supports rational thinking, as using facts and evidence helps people avoid falling into naive beliefs and superstitions. This idea is clear in his call to avoid "scientific and religious charlatanism" that confuses ideas and moves away from the truth.3
Sa´adeh emphasized a culture of peaceful co-existence and cooperation between nations of the worl... more Sa´adeh emphasized a culture of peaceful co-existence and cooperation between nations of the world based on respect and mutual interests rejecting the hegemony of the super-powerful nations and their system of greedy capitalism,
Corrupt politics and prevailing ideologies have led to significant crises, conflicts, and wars in... more Corrupt politics and prevailing ideologies have led to significant crises, conflicts, and wars in our time. These callous views and doctrines have encouraged people to become egoistic, self-serving, and aggressive. Consequently, humanity has suffered many disasters, the most catastrophic of which were the First and Second World Wars. Antun Sa'adeh can be considered Syria's "gift to the world." He introduced his new philosophy of spiritual-materialism (Al-Madrahiyyah) as an alternative to the dominant ideologies of the time. This philosophy was designed to aid the Syrian nation, in particular, and humanity at large. Al-Madrahiyyah, defined as the philosophy of unifying interaction that connects human forces in the struggle for existence and evolution, aims to restore Syrian ingenuity to its rightful role and contribute to societal progress and human development in general. The core tenets of Sa'adeh's philosophy are articulated in his principles and other writings, including his speeches, articles, and lectures, which collectively serve as detailed explanations of his worldview.
هذه الورقة تتحدث عن ما قدمته الأمة السورية للعالم من إسهامات حضاريّة إنسانيّة رفيعة وما يختزن تار... more هذه الورقة تتحدث عن ما قدمته الأمة السورية للعالم من إسهامات حضاريّة إنسانيّة رفيعة وما يختزن تاريخها الفكريّ الثّقافيّ الرّوحيّ والسّياسيّ والاجتماعيّ من فنّ وعلم وطبّ ومنطِق وفلسفات وشرائع وملاحم وأساطير وعبقريّات وبطولات وإنجازات. هذا التاريخ الغني وهذه العطاءات السخية تدفعنا للقول أنه يحق للسّوريّين أينما كانوا أن يفتخروا ويعتزّوا بأمّتهم السّوريّة لما أعطته للعالم
Antun Sa'adeh was deeply committed to knowledge, dedicated to finding creative solutions to his n... more Antun Sa'adeh was deeply committed to knowledge, dedicated to finding creative solutions to his nation's problems and offering his people a better life. His thirst for knowledge drove him to be so prolific throughout his life. His creative mind is evident in his sublime ideas of Syrian nationalism. These novel ideas, or principles, constitute the fundamentals of a deep philosophy concerned with essential issues.
ROM the time Antun Sa´adeh worked with his father, Dr Khalil Sa´adeh, in journalism until his exe... more ROM the time Antun Sa´adeh worked with his father, Dr Khalil Sa´adeh, in journalism until his execution in 1949, he always promoted the emancipation of women and saw that for democratization to prevail in society women must be given their freedom and equality. His writings reveal that he was against their oppression at home and against their discrimination within society.
في هذا الزمن الرديء، زمن الأوجاع والمآسي.. كم نحن بحاجة لنستلهم الدروس من الأشخاص العظماء في التا... more في هذا الزمن الرديء، زمن الأوجاع والمآسي.. كم نحن بحاجة لنستلهم الدروس من الأشخاص العظماء في التاريخ الذين أضاءوا سُبلَ الفكرِ وعمَّقوا الوجدان وخرجوا من حدودِ الزّمانِ والمكان، وراحوا يخطّطونَ لحياةٍ جديدةٍ، ويرسُمونَ مثلًا عليا بديعةً لمجتمعاتِهم.
Sa´adeh discussed two works of Shafiq Ma´alouf. The first was "al-'Ahlam" [The Dreams], which he ... more Sa´adeh discussed two works of Shafiq Ma´alouf. The first was "al-'Ahlam" [The Dreams], which he saw in it "a pure, natural, pulsating feeling". 1 The second was his famous poem: '´Abqar' (1936), which he criticized because it was void of any philosophical meaning and was based on old Arab mythology. This poem tells the story of an imaginary journey, which the poet takes, flying to the valley of ´Abqar on the back of the muses and the jinn, where a multitude of weird and horrifying creatures live.
Antun Sa’adeh was a firm believer in the idea of Syrian nationalism and determined to prove that ... more Antun Sa’adeh was a firm believer in the idea of Syrian nationalism and determined to prove that this idea was not invented by himself, but was rooted amongst the Christian Lebanese and believed by both Orthodox and Maronites as well as by Muslims.
The Qur’an mentions twenty-five messengers sent by God at different times of history to teach man... more The Qur’an mentions twenty-five messengers sent by God at different times of history to teach mankind and deliver His Divine message. Among them, “Muhammad stands as the Last Messenger and the crowning glory of the foundation of prophethood.” Noah and Abraham, Ishmael and Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, and other great messengers were all mortals, human beings, endowed with Divine revelations.
في مجمل كتاباته، يشدّد سعاده على مسألة الأخلاق الجديدة ويعتبرها شيئاً أساسياً جداً في الحياة وشر... more في مجمل كتاباته، يشدّد سعاده على مسألة الأخلاق الجديدة ويعتبرها شيئاً أساسياً جداً في الحياة وشرطاً ضرورياً وأساسياً لنجاح أية مؤسسة او عملية إصلاحية او بنائية او أية خطة سياسية او حربية او إدارية أو إقتصادية. وبكلام آخر، إن الأخلاق يجب ان تشمل كل نواحي الحياة الاجتماعية وتؤثّر فيها. ووجودها شرط أساسي لنجاح أي نشاط إنساني-إنتاجي وشرط ضروري لبقاء المجتمع ونهوضه وارتقائه وبدونها لا يمكن للأمة ان تنهض وتبني عظمتها. "فالأخلاق الضعيفة والمثالب النفسية قلما قدرت على النهوض بأمة، أو تغيير حالة شعب سيئة" لأنها أخلاق مثالبية، تمثيلية، مساومة، لا يهمها تغيير حالة الشعب بل هي مستعدة دائما للقبول بالوجود على ما هو عليه من ضعف وتضعضع وذل وانحطاط. أما الأخلاق القومية الجديدة فهي أخلاق صراعية، غائية، معنية بالتغيير والإصلاح والإرتقاء للأفضل والأجمل لأنها أخلاق تعبيرية تسعى دائماً للتعبير عن إرادة الشعب ومصالحه وحقه في الحياة الجيدة، الراقية.
المدرحية هي فلسفة إجتماعية جديدة تتناول الإنسان، بحقيقته الإجتماعية، والقيم الإنسانية وقضايا الوج... more المدرحية هي فلسفة إجتماعية جديدة تتناول الإنسان، بحقيقته الإجتماعية، والقيم الإنسانية وقضايا الوجود الإنساني وتطوره. وينبثق عن هذه الفلسفة الشاملة "نظرات جديدة في الإجتماع بأشكاله النفسية والإقتصادية والسياسية جميعها" ، ويعتبرها سعاده "فلسفة كاملة في الإجتماع والتاريخ" و"نظرة جديدة إلى الحياة والكون والفن" تُشَكِّلُ فتحاً فلسفياً جديداً "ومركز انطلاق نحو سمو إنساني جديد."
الصدق القومي هو الإحساس النبيل النابع من القلوب المؤمنة، من إنسانية الإنسان المجتمع الجديد.. وهو ... more الصدق القومي هو الإحساس النبيل النابع من القلوب المؤمنة، من إنسانية الإنسان المجتمع الجديد.. وهو السلوك الحسن المعبّر أجمل تعبير عن حقيقة المجتمع الأصيلة ومثله العليا وعن نفسيته الجميلة وتوقها للخير والتفوّق والإبداع. هو حب الإنسان والوطن وهو الوفاء للشعب والدفاع عن حقوقه ومصالحه. هو الفعل النبيل النابع من الإيمان الجديد، من الوجدان الاجتماعي الحي، النقي، والمشّع بأنواره على المجتمع القومي بأكمله. وهو مفهوم جديد للنزاهة والأمانة والصفاء والإخلاص للغايات السامية وللهدف القومي الأخير.
Sa´adeh's orientation toward himself and his world is quite unique. He had a high level of self-e... more Sa´adeh's orientation toward himself and his world is quite unique. He had a high level of self-esteem and self-respect. He believed that his life had a special meaning and that he was put on Earth to do some great thing that would benefit his nation and the rest of the World. He saw himself as the "teacher and guide of the nation", articulating clearly the struggles facing people and aiming to create abundance in their lives and to foster a culture of cooperation and productivity. He devoted his entire life to a national, unifying cause and to a set of lofty virtues, which he wanted to spread into society. He affirmed his devotion to his cause in his outstanding oath, declaring:
Syrian Women: Their Struggle in Society and their Empowerment through the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), 2016
This article shows how wartime conditions can radically transform the position of women in the wo... more This article shows how wartime conditions can radically transform the position of women in the work force and bring about change in their economic and political status. Focusing on the political conflict in Palestine, the article illustrates how the Palestinian women have sacrificed a lot, alongside men, in the hope to remove all forms of oppression and achieve liberation of the homeland. While most women continue to play traditional roles in the family and society, some have been advocating openly for the rights and concerns of women on economic, health and social issues (such as equal rights in marriage, divorce and inheritance), as well as on matters related to their representation in decision-making posts. Women’s achievements, since the inception of the intifada, are widespread. Their unity and continuous efforts to formulate their demands and rights through active participation in society and public life, and the prospects of creating statehood with a constitution that stipulates social justice and gender equity for all, carries a hope for a better future.
Sa´adeh crticises Haykal in relation to the latter’s terminology of ‘the East’ and ‘the West’. He... more Sa´adeh crticises Haykal in relation to the latter’s terminology of ‘the East’ and ‘the West’. He accused Haykal of speaking imprecisely about the East without looking into the history of the ‘East’ or into the philosophy of this history or even into Mohammedanism
الغزو الثقافي هي إستراتيجية فعّالة اعتمدها العدو لأنها تؤّمن له السيطرة والهيمنة الإقتصادية والسي... more الغزو الثقافي هي إستراتيجية فعّالة اعتمدها العدو لأنها تؤّمن له السيطرة والهيمنة الإقتصادية والسياسية بأساليب غير عسكرية. وغاية الغزو الثقافي والفكري هي إحتلال العقول وإحداث الهزيمة في نفوسنا وبالتالي إحداث تغييرات فكرية وذهنية تجعل من شعبنا مستسلماً للإرادتين الدولية والصهيونية وراضخاً لمشيئتهما. ان الغزو الثقافي هو أخطر من الغزو العسكري لأن من يحتل العقول يقضي على الحقائق ويقضي على أي امل في توليد إرادة التحرير في حين ان الإحتلال العسكري قد يؤدي إلى إستيقاظ الشعور القومي والإندفاع لمقاومة الإحتلال.
, the Maronites owe their name to the patron saint of their sect, Marun, who died about 410 A.D. ... more , the Maronites owe their name to the patron saint of their sect, Marun, who died about 410 A.D. Originally, they held to the Monothelite doctrine and they spoke Syriac which was a literary form of Aramaic. They continued to use their national language for more than three centuries after the Arab conquest of Syria. However, by the fifteenth century, their language was already Arabized. Nowadays, their clergy still use Syriac liturgies in the mass. Around the end of the seventh century, they escaped with their Patriarch, Yuhanna al-Sarumi, who was called Yuhanna Marun after their fifth-century saint, from the valley of the Orontes in the Syrian interior where “they had always been on poor terms with the Byzantine church and its Syrian followers, the Melchites”. They took refuge in Mt Lebanon.
Sa´adeh discussed two works of Shafiq Ma´alouf. The first was “al-‘Ahlam” [The Dreams], which he ... more Sa´adeh discussed two works of Shafiq Ma´alouf. The first was “al-‘Ahlam” [The Dreams], which he saw in it “a pure, natural, pulsating feeling”. The second was his famous poem: ‘´Abqar’ (1936), which he criticized because it was void of any philosophical meaning and was based on old Arab mythology.
Khalil Motran, a Lebanese-Egyptian poet , wrote romantic poetry of real excellence. His major the... more Khalil Motran, a Lebanese-Egyptian poet , wrote romantic poetry of real excellence. His major themes were human love, nature, freedom and problems of Arab countries. Sa´adeh discusses Khalil Motran’s ‘views on the modernization of poetry. He believed that Motran offered the most innovative opinion advanced by the scholars of Syria and Egypt to this day”. Nëvertheless, he argued that Motran has not offered the answer to realize poetry renewal.
The issues of fire, paradise, punishments and rewards are in the core of religion. Without these ... more The issues of fire, paradise, punishments and rewards are in the core of religion. Without these issues, Antun Sa´adeh argues, religion cannot be distinguished from sublime philosophical doctrines advocated by great philosophers in history or add anything to them.
Literature is not independent from the process of national revival; rather, it is very linked to ... more Literature is not independent from the process of national revival; rather, it is very linked to it. It is an expression of a national revival. As Sa´adeh conceptualized, literature “seeks the foremost fundamental reality of a better life in a world of beauty and higher values.”
The SSNP does not ignore the domestic causes of the Syrian crisis, which erupted in 2011. However... more The SSNP does not ignore the domestic causes of the Syrian crisis, which erupted in 2011. However, the party believes that the war is imposed upon Syria due to its geo-strategic and political significance, its unbending nationalist stance on the Palestinian question and its strong opposition to Israeli atrocities, its opposition to the invasion of Iraq and its support to movements of national resistance that have been confronting Israeli occupation.
Books by Edmond Melhem
As a woman of Lebanese descent, born and raised within Australia, I have been granted a stream of endless opportunities to live out my life as I please. This isn't to say, however, that I am ignorant to the oppressed experiences faced by both the women who have come before me and those continuing this battle today. Without this fight for equal rights, I wouldn’t be able to write this very piece. As such, it has been an honour contributing to this book.
Throughout this text, Dr Edmond Melhem effectively highlights the countless struggles faced by the women of modern Iraq, Kuwait, the Arab Republic of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. In focusing on their contribution to the national struggle and their participation in the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), he outlines how Antun Sa´adeh helped to shape the lives of the women who participated in his Party.
Established as a national movement seeking social unity and progress, as well as its national liberation and sovereignty, Sa´adeh aspired to build an equal society in which women were not seen as inferior or subordinate to men, but rather, equal to them. Ultimately highlighting the need for education, the power of non-government organisations (NGOs) and the spread of political parties that allow the participation of women, it was through these mechanisms that Sa’adeh’s vision was slowly achieved.
In maintaining a constant appreciation for my family’s history with the SSNP, working on this book has allowed me to further understand the way in which men and women assisted each other in the national struggle. Breaking down the barriers of society, it was through this combined effort that the SSNP is still able to operate today.
I am proud of my family’s migrant history and I am equally proud of their participation within the SSNP. I admire the tolerant nature of Sa´adeh and I equally admire the group of women who used this party as a platform to gain their deserved rights.
Women still have a long way to go but with Dr Melhem drawing attention to the unpraised women of the SSNP, we can use them as an example of how to continue their fight within society today.
Joumana Awad
Their struggle in society and their empowerment through the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)
This book can be ordered via Amazon
Papers by Edmond Melhem
يعني النسااااا والق ا راة بل يحصااااال االانتماء طوعاً وإ ا ردياً بناء على ا،تناع تا االعقيدة القومية الاجتمااية
والإيمااان بهااا. نَاا انتماااء اَااااااااااااعور: وجااداني عقلني نااااع من وعي و إد ا رك لحقيقااة الم اَااد القوميااة
الاجتماااياة وناتج عن ا،تنااع االعقيادة حصااااااااااااال في عقال الفرد ووجدان لذلل ،رر هذا الفرد ام الء حريتا إو ا ردت الوااية وثقت بنفسا هن رَبط مصايره في مصاير العقيدة وانتصاارها. يقون ساعاده: " ن الانتماء لَى
الحزب الساور: القومي الإجتماعي دليل على ممارساة الديم اِ رتية. والزايم ليس دكتاتو ا ر بل هو زايم هكبر
وهعظم م سسة يدا على التط وع الح ر الناتج عن عميق الإ،تناع الشخص ي ونضوج الوعي".
As a woman of Lebanese descent, born and raised within Australia, I have been granted a stream of endless opportunities to live out my life as I please. This isn't to say, however, that I am ignorant to the oppressed experiences faced by both the women who have come before me and those continuing this battle today. Without this fight for equal rights, I wouldn’t be able to write this very piece. As such, it has been an honour contributing to this book.
Throughout this text, Dr Edmond Melhem effectively highlights the countless struggles faced by the women of modern Iraq, Kuwait, the Arab Republic of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. In focusing on their contribution to the national struggle and their participation in the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), he outlines how Antun Sa´adeh helped to shape the lives of the women who participated in his Party.
Established as a national movement seeking social unity and progress, as well as its national liberation and sovereignty, Sa´adeh aspired to build an equal society in which women were not seen as inferior or subordinate to men, but rather, equal to them. Ultimately highlighting the need for education, the power of non-government organisations (NGOs) and the spread of political parties that allow the participation of women, it was through these mechanisms that Sa’adeh’s vision was slowly achieved.
In maintaining a constant appreciation for my family’s history with the SSNP, working on this book has allowed me to further understand the way in which men and women assisted each other in the national struggle. Breaking down the barriers of society, it was through this combined effort that the SSNP is still able to operate today.
I am proud of my family’s migrant history and I am equally proud of their participation within the SSNP. I admire the tolerant nature of Sa´adeh and I equally admire the group of women who used this party as a platform to gain their deserved rights.
Women still have a long way to go but with Dr Melhem drawing attention to the unpraised women of the SSNP, we can use them as an example of how to continue their fight within society today.
Joumana Awad
Their struggle in society and their empowerment through the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)
This book can be ordered via Amazon
يعني النسااااا والق ا راة بل يحصااااال االانتماء طوعاً وإ ا ردياً بناء على ا،تناع تا االعقيدة القومية الاجتمااية
والإيمااان بهااا. نَاا انتماااء اَااااااااااااعور: وجااداني عقلني نااااع من وعي و إد ا رك لحقيقااة الم اَااد القوميااة
الاجتماااياة وناتج عن ا،تنااع االعقيادة حصااااااااااااال في عقال الفرد ووجدان لذلل ،رر هذا الفرد ام الء حريتا إو ا ردت الوااية وثقت بنفسا هن رَبط مصايره في مصاير العقيدة وانتصاارها. يقون ساعاده: " ن الانتماء لَى
الحزب الساور: القومي الإجتماعي دليل على ممارساة الديم اِ رتية. والزايم ليس دكتاتو ا ر بل هو زايم هكبر
وهعظم م سسة يدا على التط وع الح ر الناتج عن عميق الإ،تناع الشخص ي ونضوج الوعي".
Sa´adeh discusses Khalil Motran’s ‘views on the modernization of poetry. He believed that Motran offered the most innovative opinion advanced by the scholars of Syria and Egypt to this day”. Nëvertheless, he argued that Motran has not offered the answer to realize poetry renewal.