Papers by Saidna Z Bin Tahir

In the last of few years, the use of social media has become the main topic in teaching and learn... more In the last of few years, the use of social media has become the main topic in teaching and learning, but by the rapid development of technology, there must be a shift of students' interest in employment the media. Thus, this research aimed to reveal; (1) Do the use of social media improve the EFL students' writing skill; and (2) What factors affect the EFL students' writing achievement. This research employed experimental design. The respondent of the current research were two classes of third semester EFL students at the University of Jember. In collecting data, the researchers used writing test, interview, and observation. The data were analyzed using SPSS 18.0. The researchers found that; 1) The use of social media did not significantly improve the students' writing skill, and 2) There were some specific factors that hindered the students; achievement in writing descriptive text.

This research aimed to reveal; (1) what method was applied by lecturers in teaching speaking; (2)... more This research aimed to reveal; (1) what method was applied by lecturers in teaching speaking; (2) how was the method applied in the classroom; and (3) how was the students' perception toward the implementation of the method. This research employed qualitative research. The respondent of the current research were two non-native English lecturers who taught at the University of Iqra Buru in Ambon, Maluku. To collect the data, three kinds of the instrument were used; observation, interview and documents examination. The data were analyzed using Miles & Huberman technique who proposed three concurrent flows of action: a) data reduction; b) data display; and c) conclusion drawing/verification. The researchers found that; 1) The most of the method used in teaching speaking were grammar translation method, task-based, and lexical approach; 2) The implementing method in teaching speaking at the university consisted of material presentation and classroom discussion; 3) The students have bad perception toward the implementation of lecturers' method and learning activities in teaching speaking.

Pesantren or Islamic boarding schools are the foundation of the indigenous education system of In... more Pesantren or Islamic boarding schools are the foundation of the indigenous education system of Indonesia. They have roots in a long-standing Hindu-Islamic tradition prioritizing the use of two foreign languages, Arabic and English, besides Indonesian and local languages, both as the medium of instruction in teaching/learning and in daily communication. Thus, this study aims to determine; 1) the approach of multilingual teaching and learning used by language teachers at pesantren; and 2) the implementation of a multilingual teaching approach at pesantren. From a larger study applying multi-method design, this article uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects were a group of 15 language teachers, including 6 English teachers and 9 Arabic teachers at Pesantren IMMIM, Pondok Madinah, and Pesantren Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Gombara in Makassar who were purposively selected to participate in this study. The instruments used to collect data for the study included observation, interview, and documentation of the language teaching process inside or outside the classroom at the pesantrens. The data were analyzed descriptively through a three-stage model, namely data display, data reduction and data verification/presentation. The researcher showed that; 1) the teachers were not conscious of the approach that they used in multilingual teaching at pesantrens, but the findings of observation show a combination of approaches were used including immersion, transitional approach, dual language, and pullout; 2) The implementation of multilingual teaching at pesantrens consisted of four main specific teaching strategies, namely teacher-student communication, student-student relationships, daily routines, and language-group time activities.

This study aims to determine; 1) the competence of multilingual lecturers in English teaching at ... more This study aims to determine; 1) the competence of multilingual lecturers in English teaching at the University of Iqra Buru; 2) the factors influenced the multilingual lecturers' competence; and 3) the students' perception of multilingual lecturers' competence. This study employed qualitative research by applying grounded theory. The informant of the research was two of non-native English lecturers who have multilingual competence at the University of Iqra Buru. In collecting the data, the researchers employed three primary data collection techniques, namely; observation in which the researchers as nonparticipant observer who observed and wrote the field notes on teaching and learning process to see the multilingual lecturers' competence; Interviewed both the lecturers, the head of department, and the students using voice recorder. In addition, the data also was gathered through teaching document. To analyze the data, the researchers adopted a technique suggested by Strauss and Corbin which consists of three steps; open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The result showed that; 1) The multilingual lecturers have high competence in personal and social, while the lack of their pedagogical and professional competence has been reinforced by their good intercultural and emotional competence; 2) The main factors influenced the multilingual lecturers' competence were educational background, experiences, social interactions, and cross-cultural
This study aims to determine; 1) the competence of multilingual lecturers in English teaching at ... more This study aims to determine; 1) the competence of multilingual lecturers in English teaching at the University of Iqra Buru; 2) the factors influenced the multilingual lecturers' competence; and 3) the students' perception of multilingual lecturers' competence.

Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir is a lecturer of English Educational Department at the Univ... more Bioprofile
Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir is a lecturer of English Educational Department at the University of Iqar Buru, Indonesia. He is a doctoral candidate in English Education Program from the State University of Makassar. His areas of interest and research include teaching media, TEFL, Arabic and Linguistics, and Multilingual. He can be contacted at
This study aimed to determine 1) the pattern of language choice in various situations covering languages such as Indonesian, Arabic, English, and other local languages used at the Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) of IMMIM, 2) an overview of a linguistic phenomenon that occurs at the Pesantren of IMMIM, and 3) the factors affecting students’ languages selection.
This study was a part of a multimethod, multisite, or large-scale research approach. To meet the need of the article, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects were a group of 20 students who were purposively sampled to participate in this study. The instruments used to collect the data included observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed descriptively through a three-stage model, namely data display, data reduction, and data presentation and verification.
The researcher found that 1) the pattern of language choice that was observed indicated that Indonesian was the instructional language for general school subjects and was used as a communication tool inside the classroom. Arabic was found to be the language hugely associated with Islamic subjects and also the language that must be used on certain days inside of pesantren. English was the language choice for the science subjects and must also be used on certain days. The local language was used to interact with students’ families at the guest house during their visits to the pesantren; 2) aspects of monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, code-switching, code-mixing, diglossia, interference and Peslanglish (Pesantren’s Slang English) were observed which helped describe the overall linguistic situation at the pesantren; 3) The general factors affecting students’ language selection were locations, topics, interlocutors, participants, and other determined factors (i.e., the students’ educational backgrounds, motivation, habits, students’ ages, mother tongues, teachers’ educational backgrounds, and the environment).

The attitude is one of the important aspects of multilingual teaching and learning successful at ... more The attitude is one of the important aspects of multilingual teaching and learning successful at Pesantren or Islamic boarding school in Indonesia. This study aimed to know the effect of attitude of Santri/students and Ustadz/teachers toward multilingual education at Pesantren in Makassar, Indonesia.This study applied quantitative approach using survey design. The population of the study is all Santri and Ustadz of Pesantren of IMMIM, Pondok Madinah, and Pesantren of Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Gombara amount to 839 populations which consist of 788 Santries and 51 Ustadzs in academic year 20014/2015. The total samples of simple random sampling technique are 85 then accomplished to 100 samples. In collecting data, the researcher employed questionnaire using Likert Scale model. The data have been analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS Ver. 17.The researcher found that there was an effect of Santri and Ustadzs’ attitude toward multilingual education at pesantren but it was not significant caused of the lack of knowledge, belief, and loyalty to the government regulation.

The objectives of research were: (1) to find out whether or not the use of Yahoo Messenger (YM) i... more The objectives of research were: (1) to find out whether or not the use of Yahoo Messenger (YM) improves the students’ speaking skill, and (2) to find out whether or not the students are interested in joining speaking class. This research employed Quasi Experimental Time Series Design. The sample consisted of 15 students of second semester of English Department of University of Iqra Buru in academic year 2012/2013. The data were collected through three kinds of instruments: speaking test to obtain data of students’ speaking skill, questionnaire to obtain data of students’ interest, and observation to obtain data of students’ activeness in joining speaking class. Data on students’ speaking skill were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, data on students’ interest were analyzed using Likert scale, and observation data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the research were: (1) the use of Yahoo Messenger in teaching speaking improved the students speaking skill; (2) the use of Yahoo Messenger increased the students’ interest in joining speaking class. It can be concluded that the use of Yahoo Messenger was effective medium to improve the students’ speaking skill in terms of accuracy, fluency, and comprehensibility, and YM can increase the students’ interest in joining speaking class.

This research aims to find out whether Facebook was able to improve the students’ achievement in ... more This research aims to find out whether Facebook was able to improve the students’ achievement in English writing narrative text. This research used Action Research design. The subjects of the research were the second semester students of English Department of FKIP at University of Iqra Buru. The research consisted of two cycles; each cycle consisted of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The data-collecting methods were observation and test. The data were analyzed using descriptive comparative manner. The result of the research shown that learning writing narrative text through Facebook can improve the students’ writing skill. The average score of the initial achievement is 42.07, while at the first cycle is 61.59, and finally, at the second cycle is 68.11. In addition, learning writing through Facebook also increased the students’ motivation in writing exercises and learning.
Pesantren memiliki system dan karakteristik tersendiri yang telah menjadi bagian integral dari se... more Pesantren memiliki system dan karakteristik tersendiri yang telah menjadi bagian integral dari sebuah lembaga social. Karakteristik Pesantren IMMIM Makassar terletak pada penekanan penguasaan bahasa asing yaitu Arab dan Inggris, hal itu karena Pesantren ini mengembangkan tiga kurikulum yaitu DIKNAS, DEPAG, dan kurikulum Pesantren. Dalam studi ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengungkapkan gejala dan data kontekstual dimana peneliti sebagai instrument kunci. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode pengajaran bahasa Inggris di Pesantren IMMIM sudah cukup baik namun perlu melakukan perubahan approach dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa berkomunikasi dalam bahasa asing.

Abstrak: Humor merupakan salah satu alat yang sangat penting untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Humo... more Abstrak: Humor merupakan salah satu alat yang sangat penting untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Humor pada awalnya adalah jenis perilaku bahasa dan akan berbeda antara individu dan individu maupun antara budaya yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Namun ada suatu perbedaan yang tampaknya berlaku universal yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana efek dari humor itu dicapai, terutama dalam sebuah acara Talk show di TV. Freud (1905) membedakan antara humor verbal dan nonverbal/konseptual. Data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga rekaman video acara talk show ‘Bukan Empat Mata’ yang dirilis oleh Trans7 TV dan disiarkan pada setiap hari Minggu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analisa wacana dengan pendekatan analisa transkrip terhadap dialog dalam data. Penelitian ini lebih memfokuskan pada bagian-bagian linguistic dalam verbal humor. Kemudian pada tingkat wacana akan menggunakan analisa wacana terhadap latar belakang budaya dan esensial humor dalam acara talk show ‘Bukan Empat Mata’

this study aimed to find out whether the students of the eighth of SMP Al-Hilal Ambon master pres... more this study aimed to find out whether the students of the eighth of SMP Al-Hilal Ambon master present continues tense by using series picture. And; what types of difficulty do the students at the eighth grades of SMP Al-Hilal Ambon in mastering present continues tense by using series picture. The researcher collected data and analyze the test of present continues tense by using series picture and the researcher use percentage of formula to know how many students that have influences in mastering simple present continues tense by using series picture. The scope of this research around the students at the eighth grades itself as the subject of this research in SMP Al-Hilal Ambon on October 11 th 2008 in one class and the total students are 22, so the researcher take as sample in one class are 22 students. The most important goal of this research is to determine the principles which can be general or universal, to get the data accumulation in certain research activity.
Papers by Saidna Z Bin Tahir
Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir is a lecturer of English Educational Department at the University of Iqar Buru, Indonesia. He is a doctoral candidate in English Education Program from the State University of Makassar. His areas of interest and research include teaching media, TEFL, Arabic and Linguistics, and Multilingual. He can be contacted at
This study aimed to determine 1) the pattern of language choice in various situations covering languages such as Indonesian, Arabic, English, and other local languages used at the Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) of IMMIM, 2) an overview of a linguistic phenomenon that occurs at the Pesantren of IMMIM, and 3) the factors affecting students’ languages selection.
This study was a part of a multimethod, multisite, or large-scale research approach. To meet the need of the article, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects were a group of 20 students who were purposively sampled to participate in this study. The instruments used to collect the data included observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed descriptively through a three-stage model, namely data display, data reduction, and data presentation and verification.
The researcher found that 1) the pattern of language choice that was observed indicated that Indonesian was the instructional language for general school subjects and was used as a communication tool inside the classroom. Arabic was found to be the language hugely associated with Islamic subjects and also the language that must be used on certain days inside of pesantren. English was the language choice for the science subjects and must also be used on certain days. The local language was used to interact with students’ families at the guest house during their visits to the pesantren; 2) aspects of monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, code-switching, code-mixing, diglossia, interference and Peslanglish (Pesantren’s Slang English) were observed which helped describe the overall linguistic situation at the pesantren; 3) The general factors affecting students’ language selection were locations, topics, interlocutors, participants, and other determined factors (i.e., the students’ educational backgrounds, motivation, habits, students’ ages, mother tongues, teachers’ educational backgrounds, and the environment).
Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir is a lecturer of English Educational Department at the University of Iqar Buru, Indonesia. He is a doctoral candidate in English Education Program from the State University of Makassar. His areas of interest and research include teaching media, TEFL, Arabic and Linguistics, and Multilingual. He can be contacted at
This study aimed to determine 1) the pattern of language choice in various situations covering languages such as Indonesian, Arabic, English, and other local languages used at the Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) of IMMIM, 2) an overview of a linguistic phenomenon that occurs at the Pesantren of IMMIM, and 3) the factors affecting students’ languages selection.
This study was a part of a multimethod, multisite, or large-scale research approach. To meet the need of the article, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects were a group of 20 students who were purposively sampled to participate in this study. The instruments used to collect the data included observation, interview, and documentation. The data were analyzed descriptively through a three-stage model, namely data display, data reduction, and data presentation and verification.
The researcher found that 1) the pattern of language choice that was observed indicated that Indonesian was the instructional language for general school subjects and was used as a communication tool inside the classroom. Arabic was found to be the language hugely associated with Islamic subjects and also the language that must be used on certain days inside of pesantren. English was the language choice for the science subjects and must also be used on certain days. The local language was used to interact with students’ families at the guest house during their visits to the pesantren; 2) aspects of monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, code-switching, code-mixing, diglossia, interference and Peslanglish (Pesantren’s Slang English) were observed which helped describe the overall linguistic situation at the pesantren; 3) The general factors affecting students’ language selection were locations, topics, interlocutors, participants, and other determined factors (i.e., the students’ educational backgrounds, motivation, habits, students’ ages, mother tongues, teachers’ educational backgrounds, and the environment).