Elia Gonnella
I graduated from Centro Studi Fingerstyle, Siena Jazz University, University of Siena (BA), and University of Verona (MA).
PhD Student at University of Salento and Universität zu Köln
PhD Student at University of Salento and Universität zu Köln
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Books by Elia Gonnella
Papers by Elia Gonnella
strictly mark his philosophy for rigor and determinacy. If it is not possible to think Being from the categories of the entity, it is also true that the difference is a tank of possibilities and developments to which Heidegger himself hints at. From the accuracy of the early works to the overturning of the problem in the later works, the ontological difference is a constant of Heideggerian thought. This paper seeks to push Existenz from a mode of being of Dasein to a mode of giving of Seiende. In accordance with his late writings, bringing the question of the Being-existence bond towards the perspective of the entity – and not only the entity among entities that poses the question –, the development of the problem in Heidegger’s meditation is analysed through the questions of ontological difference – the mode of negation, the between of distinction, the specific situatedness that defines experience, the Being, as a member of ontological difference, in its connection to the Nichts, the Event as a relaxation of the connection between Sein and Seiende. The entity that is existent is the convergence point of the Event where Being and existent, Being and existence, are not in contrast, but protrude (ragen) towards each other revealing the traits of a Seyende des Seyns, of the entity of Being.
strictly mark his philosophy for rigor and determinacy. If it is not possible to think Being from the categories of the entity, it is also true that the difference is a tank of possibilities and developments to which Heidegger himself hints at. From the accuracy of the early works to the overturning of the problem in the later works, the ontological difference is a constant of Heideggerian thought. This paper seeks to push Existenz from a mode of being of Dasein to a mode of giving of Seiende. In accordance with his late writings, bringing the question of the Being-existence bond towards the perspective of the entity – and not only the entity among entities that poses the question –, the development of the problem in Heidegger’s meditation is analysed through the questions of ontological difference – the mode of negation, the between of distinction, the specific situatedness that defines experience, the Being, as a member of ontological difference, in its connection to the Nichts, the Event as a relaxation of the connection between Sein and Seiende. The entity that is existent is the convergence point of the Event where Being and existent, Being and existence, are not in contrast, but protrude (ragen) towards each other revealing the traits of a Seyende des Seyns, of the entity of Being.
Parole Chiave: Logos - Pensiero - Ragione - Suono - Visione
The relationship between knowledge and vision seems really consolidated. It started in ancient Greece and we can found its basis in Plato. The history of logos as reason and as western foundation of culture gives us enormous examples in terms of metaphors and approaches in the knowledge-vision relationship. «I see it» is like «I know it». However if we look at the basis of logos we find the deep meaning of gathering, composition, bond and bind (lèghein), so as to we could choose «to gather» as the best translation of logos (Hoffmann). My aim is to show how this key feature is represented by sounds. To think is to link information, memories and so on and the principal property of sound is union and merger. We can argue for a «sonorous thought» but in reality this property is simply the founding element of thought and reason. In fact if we analyse the limits of our knowledge (Kant, Plessner) we discover the incorrectness of knowledge-vision relationship – like the knowledge-discourse relationship. We should investigate this guideline as the recent research for Covid-19 vaccine has shown.
Logos – Thought – Reason – Sound – Vision
Die Beziehung zwischen Wissen und Vision ist fundierte. Diese Beziehung ist im Griechenland aufgegangen und wir finden in Plato seine Grundlage. Die Geschichte des Logos als Vernunft und Grundbegriff der westlichen Kultur gibt uns viele Beispiele für verschiedene Metaphern und Sucheinstellungen der Wissen-Vision Beziehung. «Ich sehe» steht für «Ich weiß». In die Fundamente des Logos es gibt die tiefe Bedeutung «Sammlung», «Zusammensetzung» und «Verbindung» (lèghein), sodass wir «sammeln» als die beste Übersetzung von Logos wählen konnten (Hoffmann). Mein Zweck ist diese Schallfundamentalelement zu zeigen. Denken heißt die Informationen, die Erinnerungen und so weiter zu verbinden und die Hauptcharakteristik des Tons ist die Vereinigung und die Verschmelzung. Wir können für ein «klangliches Denken» argumentieren, aber diese Eigenschaft ist die Denken- Vernunftfundamentalelement. Wenn wir die Grenzen unseres Wissens analysieren (Kant, Plessner), finden wir die Unkorrektheit der Wissen-Vision Beziehung – wie diese der Wissen-Gespräch. Wir sollten in diesem Gesichtspunkt suchen, wie die letzte Covid-19ImpfstoffForschung gezeigt habe.
Logos – Denken – Vernunft – Ton – Vision