Papers by Carolina Tanjal
La planicie costera del Río de la Plata se desarrolla en el litoral noreste y este de la Provinci... more La planicie costera del Río de la Plata se desarrolla en el litoral noreste y este de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, donde una de las principales limitantes para el desarrollo socioeconómico es el predominio de agua subterránea salina. Asimismo, el litoral de Bahía Samborombón, en la planicie costera del estuario exterior, es la zona con mayores problemas de abastecimiento de agua ya que aquí, contrariamente a lo que ocurre en la planicie del tramo inferior y medio del estuario, también en las zonas más continentales existen problemas de salinización de acuíferos. No obstante, pueden reconocerse ambientes geomorfológicos donde las condiciones hidrolitológicas favorecen el almacenamiento de agua dulce, como los cordones litorales que se desarrollan en el tramo medio y norte del litoral de la bahía. En estas unidades se forman lentes de agua dulce producto de la recarga preferencial del agua de lluvia, las cuales no solo constituyen las fuentes actuales de abastecimiento de agua, sino ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2021
measurements. Likewise, the map was validated using satellite images and the inhabitants in dange... more measurements. Likewise, the map was validated using satellite images and the inhabitants in danger in the basin were quantified. The results show that the flood hazard areas correspond mainly to the floodplain of rivers and tributaries, while the main and secondary divide zones have low flood hazard sectors. On the other hand, numerous urban settlements were identified within flood hazard areas, these being urban settlements in the vicinity of old urban centers and new gated communities with high value homes, quantifying 1961 inhabitants at flood hazard and showing poor territorial planning. The methodology proposed gives to the management agencies the possibility of generating land use maps, as well as designing mitigation and contingency plans after a large rainfall event.
River Research and Applications, 2021
Chemistry of surface water and groundwater can beconditioned by geology, anthropic influence, and... more Chemistry of surface water and groundwater can beconditioned by geology, anthropic influence, and exchange of flow between them.The Pampean Plain located in Argentina has gaining streams and mainly ruralactivities. An increase in the concentration of chemical values of surfacewaters with respect to groundwater can be attributed to the anthropogeniccontribution. The aim of thiswork was to identify the natural and/or anthropic processes that determine thechemistry of surface water and groundwater in a sector of the Pampean Plain ofArgentina through the analysis of major and trace elements, 18O and 2Hisotopes, and statistical tools. Asurface water and groundwater sampling network was designed, wherephysicochemical parameters were measured, and samples were taken to determinemajor and trace elements and stable isotopes of water. The results indicate that dissolution, cation exchangeand evaporation are the main processes that determine the chemistry of themajor elements associated with natural processes without showing evidence ofanthropic involvement. Sometrace elements that are statistically associated with major ions evidencewater-sediment interaction within the aquifer. On the other hand, traceelements, as heavy metals, present a higher concentration in surface watercompared to groundwater. This fact, evidences an anthropogenic contributionattributable to anthropic activities. The multivariate statistical analysisallowed discriminating between those trace elements associated with naturalprocesses from those influenced by anthropic activity, even when theseelements´ concentration was very low.Fil: Borzi, Guido Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Idaszkin, Yanina Lorena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; ArgentinaFil: Tanjal, Carolina Verónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Galliari, Maria Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Química Inorgánica "Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Química Inorgánica "Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Cátedra de Hidrología General; ArgentinaFil: Carol, Eleonora Silvina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; Argentin
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022
The aim of this work is to determine the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in littoral... more The aim of this work is to determine the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in littoral ridges, sand sheets, and lunettes environments to evaluate the control that hydro-geomorphological features exert over salinity and water chemistry. To achieve this, geomorphological units were mapped and a groundwater monitoring network was established comprising shallow exploration wells and pre-existing deeper wells. Hydrolithological characteristics of sediments were described during field surveys, and also analyzed by XRD technique and binocular magnifying glass observation. Physicochemical parameters of water were measured in situ and samples were taken for major and trace elements (As, Sr, Fe, and Mn) analysis. Both littoral ridges and sand sheets are constituted by shell fragments and sands which are highly permeable sediments where thicker and freshwater lenses are stored. Conversely, lunettes develop smaller lenses due to the presence of silty sediments, which are shallow salinized. Additionally, water—sediment interaction determines geochemical processes like precipitation—dissolution of minerals (mainly carbonates), cation exchange, amorphous and biogenic silica dissolution, and silicate weathering which also regulate the presence of elements, such as As, Fe, and Mn. Given the relevance of littoral ridges, sand sheets, and lunettes in the development of freshwater lenses for water supply for the population and ecological sustenance, it is important to understand the factors and processes which regulate groundwater quality, primarily in sectors where freshwater sources are scarce.
Water, 2021
Quaternary sea level fluctuations have led to the development of beach ridges on many South Atlan... more Quaternary sea level fluctuations have led to the development of beach ridges on many South Atlantic coasts. The objective of this paper was to asses from lithological, hydrochemical, isotopic, and geophysical studies the salinization processes affecting groundwater stored in Pleistocene and Holocene beach ridges of the northern Patagonian coast. A hydrogeomorphological characterization of the area was performed using digital elevation models, the interpretation of satellite images, and field studies. Vertical electrical soundings were performed on transects running perpendicular to beach ridges in order to define variations in the freshwater-saltwater interface position. The salinity, chemistry, and stable isotopes of the groundwater were analyzed. The results demonstrated that the groundwater salinization of Pleistocene ridges responds to processes associated with the geological-geomorphological evolution of the area. The cementation of these surface sediments limits rainwater inf...
Las marismas son humedales costeros altamente productivos que brindan servicios ecosistémicos imp... more Las marismas son humedales costeros altamente productivos que brindan servicios ecosistémicos importantes, tales como la eliminación de nutrientes y depuración de aguas (Odum, 1978). Sin embargo, las modificaciones antrópicas que afectan a gran parte de las marismas en todo el mundo inducen cambios en el funcionamiento hidrológico que pueden afectar el ciclado de nutrientes. Principalmente, el aumento en la concentración de fósforo conlleva a procesos de eutrofización del humedal (Smith et al., 1999, Wigand, 2008). El enriquecimiento en nutrientes conlleva a un aumento de la producción primaria del sistema, y gran parte de la biomasa producida termina depositándose en el fondo por efecto de la gravedad. La acumulación de materia orgánica en el sedimento será aprovechada por organismos heterótrofos que la descomponen a costa del consumo de oxígeno disuelto en el agua, creando condiciones de anoxia en el fondo de la columna de agua. La generación de un ambiente anóxico favorece la act...
En las proximidades al Cerro Domuyo, en el norte neuquino, se desarrolla un complejo sistema hidr... more En las proximidades al Cerro Domuyo, en el norte neuquino, se desarrolla un complejo sistema hidrológico que drena en sentido NE-SO y que involucra descargas subterráneas geotermales, arroyos y mallines (Fig. 1). La geología de la región está representada principalmente por domos volcánicos que se derramaron sobre la ladera occidental del Cerro Domuyo (Pesce, 2010), la montaña más alta de la Patagonia con una altura superior a los 4700 msnm. Se origenaron a partir de un intenso volcanismo cenozoico, cubriendo un basamento compuesto por rocas sedimentarias mesozoicas depositadas en discordancia sobre rocas ígneas paleozoicas (Zanettini, 2001).
The salar de Olaroz is the main Li project in Argentina but the sources and dynamics of the eleme... more The salar de Olaroz is the main Li project in Argentina but the sources and dynamics of the element in this basin are still unknown. In order to identify sources and to understand the dynamics of Li in the salt pan, chemical and isotopic analysis (δ 7 Li, and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr) of brines, thermal waters, ignimbrites and sediments outcroping in the basin were performed. The results indicate that the origen of the Li present in the brines is the result of bedrock weathering (likely volcaniclastic sediments and ignimbrites), enhanced by warm thermal waters circulating at depth. An important fraction of Li is likely adsorbed onto clay minerals and Fe (hydr)oxides present in deep fine-grained sediments. Therefore, it is expected that high concentrations of Li are also found in sediments.
El area costera de la localidad de Mar del Tuyu en Argentina, ha tenido un desarrollo urbanistico... more El area costera de la localidad de Mar del Tuyu en Argentina, ha tenido un desarrollo urbanistico poco planificado, en donde la playa central del nucleo turistico presenta graves problemas de erosion. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el estado actual de la costa de dicha localidad contrastando los cambios de la linea de costa frente a las medidas de mitigacion efectuadas. Para ello se recopilo informacion en el municipio y en campo sobre las acciones realizadas y se analizaron una serie de fotografias aereas e imagenes de satelite. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que ha existido un retroceso paulatino de la linea de costa que compromete a las edificaciones que se encuentran en la zona intermareal. Las actuaciones efectuadas desde la administracion local y desde los propietarios, se han centrado en la aportacion de aridos a la playa a modo de cordon dunar, o en la instalacion de estructuras de tipo captadores tendentes a acumular arena las cuales no han logrado recuperar la play...
Interactions and exchanges between surface water, groundwater, and the atmosphere are some of the... more Interactions and exchanges between surface water, groundwater, and the atmosphere are some of the most relevant functions that regulate environmental characteristics in wetlands. These functions depend on environmental attributes such as topography, geological-geomorphological setting and, in the case of coastal wetlands, the relationship with tidal flows. The aim of this work is to analyse the water flows in different landscape units of the wetland in the coastal plain of the Río de la Plata estuary within the Parque Costero del Sur biosphere reserve. For this purpose, monthly water balances and groundwater level measurements were compared with daily precipitation and tidal height data from the Río de la Plata estuary. The results show how water dynamics in the wetland responds to different geological-geomorphological and climatic controls. The main inlets and outlets of water, as well as the flow exchanges, vary according to the different landscape units, forming a complex system ...
La marisma del arroyo Jabalí, ubicada al sureste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, forma parte de ... more La marisma del arroyo Jabalí, ubicada al sureste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, forma parte de la Reserva Natural de Usos Múltiples Bahía San Blas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar el agua superficial del arroyo y subterránea de la marisma asociada, a fin de generar datos base en un área con escasos antecedentes. Para ello, se analizó la geomorfología e instaló una red de monitoreo conformada por 14 freatímetros y 4 puntos de muestreo de agua superficial ubicados en 4 transectas a lo largo del arroyo. En las muestras de agua se midieron in situ los parámetros fisicoquímicos y se analizó en laboratorio la composición iónica mayoritaria. Las muestras de agua superficial tienen conductividad eléctrica entre 49,5 y 71,6 mS/cm y las subterráneas entre 26,8 y 98,3 mS/cm, siendo mayor en la marisma alta que en la baja. Iónicamente todas las muestras resultaron ser cloruradas sódicas.
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2021
Abstract The South Atlantic coast in Argentine Patagonia is an area where semi-arid to arid condi... more Abstract The South Atlantic coast in Argentine Patagonia is an area where semi-arid to arid conditions predominate and coastal populations present serious water supply problems. The aim of the work was to evaluate the factors that condition the salinization processes of coastal aquifers from a hydrochemical and isotopic analysis of the groundwater located in Pleistocene and Holocene littoral ridges in the northern sector of Patagonia in Bahia San Blas. A geomorphological characterization of the area was carried out using digital elevation models, satellite image interpretation and field surveys. Groundwater chemistry was analyzed in 40 shallow wells and 2 tidal water samples. At each point, electrical conductivity, temperature and pH of water were measured and samples were taken for analysis of major ions and stable isotopes. The salinization processes were analyzed by means of ionic and isotopic relationship graphs and were subsequently modeled using free software. The results obtained allowed the identification of the factors that determine the salinization of coastal aquifers. Particularly in the Pleistocene coastal ridges, the cementation of the most superficial sediments reduces permeability conditioning rainwater infiltration. This, together with the presence of soluble salts on the surface and the mixing with sea water, determines the salinization of the groundwater. In contrast to these, in the Holocene coastal ridges without cementation, rainwater infiltrates forming freshwater lenses where salinization processes occur only at the edges of the lenses where the saltwater wedge is located. The data provided in this paper are useful in prospecting freshwater sources along the arid coast of Patagonia where freshwater availability is scarce. They can also be extrapolated to other sectors worldwide with similar geological and climatic environments.
DYNA, 2020
Las llanuras constituyen áreas de gran potencial para la producción agropecuaria afectadas frecue... more Las llanuras constituyen áreas de gran potencial para la producción agropecuaria afectadas frecuentemente por inundaciones. El objetivo del trabajo es utilizar una metodología que permita evidenciar bajo qué condiciones ocurren inundaciones en áreas de llanura con escasez de información base, tomando como caso de estudio a la cuenca del río Samborombón, situada en el centro-este de Argentina. Para esto fueron observadas imágenes satelitales Landsat y se realizaron balances hídricos diarios, para posteriormente realizar un análisis estadístico de recurrencia. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que las inundaciones se ven influenciadas en gran medida por las condiciones hídricas previas del suelo. La metodología utilizada permite estimar períodos de retorno en cuencas de llanura de baja pendiente requiriendo solamente de imágenes satelitales de libre acceso y de datos de precipitación y temperatura media diaria, obteniendo resultados que reflejan el estado de la cuenca posterior a ev...
Revista del Museo de La Plata, 2020
El presente dossier de la Revista del Museo de La Plata reúne nueve de los artículos presentados ... more El presente dossier de la Revista del Museo de La Plata reúne nueve de los artículos presentados en la V RAGSU, los cuales abordan distintas especialidades dentro de la geoquímica de la superficie.
Revista del Museo de La Plata, 2020
La cuenca del río Samborombón localizada en el noreste de la provincia de Buenos Aires es una cue... more La cuenca del río Samborombón localizada en el noreste de la provincia de Buenos Aires es una cuenca rural donde, si bien domina la ganadería extensiva, han comenzado a desarrollarse en los últimos años establecimientos ganaderos intensivos. El engorde de ganado en corral genera gran cantidad de excretas que son una fuente puntual de contaminación del agua. En sectores donde el abastecimiento de agua para consumo es mediante la explotación del agua subterránea, estos focos de contaminación pueden limitar su potabilidad. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la influencia de un corral de engorde en la hidroquímica del acuífero freático en la cuenca alta del río Samborombón, así como también analizar la vulnerabilidad social y el riesgo hídrico presente en el área. Para esto se efectuó la toma de muestras de agua para determinar iones mayoritarios, trazas y fósforo en laboratorio, midiéndose in situ el pH y la conductividad eléctrica. Los resultados indican que la ganadería intensiva co...
Science of The Total Environment, 2020
When thrombus fractures and breaks off it can occlude vital vessels such as those of the heart, l... more When thrombus fractures and breaks off it can occlude vital vessels such as those of the heart, lung, or brain. These thromboembolic conditions are responsible for 1 in 4 deaths worldwide. This problem is also of significant current interest as 1 in 3 COVID-19 intensive care patients exhibit thromboembolic complications. Thrombus resistance to fracture is driven by its intrinsic fracture toughness as well as other, non-surface-creating dissipative mechanisms. In our current work, we identify and quantify these latter mechanisms toward future studies that aim to delineate fracture from other forms of dissipation. To this end, we use an in vitro thrombus mimic system to produce whole blood clots and explore their dissipative mechanics under simple uniaxial extension, cyclic loading, and stress-relaxation. We found that whole blood clots exhibit Mullins effect, hysteresis, permanent set, strain-rate dependence, and nonlinear stress-relaxation. Interestingly, we found that performing these tests under dry or submerged conditions did not change our results. However, performing these tests under room temperature or body temperature conditions yielded differences. Overall, we have demonstrated that whole blood clots show several dissipative phenomena-similarly to hydrogels-that will be critical to our understanding of thrombus fracture.
Papers by Carolina Tanjal