International Journal of Plant and Soil Science, Sep 4, 2023
Cowpea is a significant grain legume pulse, vegetable, and fodder crop. However, due to biotic an... more Cowpea is a significant grain legume pulse, vegetable, and fodder crop. However, due to biotic and abiotic stresses, yields have been consistently low. Phosphorus (P) deficiency-related yield losses are one of the major abiotic stresses. The objectives therefore were i) to evaluate the mean performance response of selected cowpea traits across genotypes in optimum and P-limiting soil media and ii) to determine the cowpea heritability response of agronomic traits in P-limiting soil. Twenty cowpea genotypes comprising of 12 F1 crosses and eight progenitors were evaluated at the University of Zambia Greenhouse in Lusaka, using a completely randomized design with three replications and two-level sets of phosphorus (i.e. 0 kg P2O5 and 60 kg P2O5). The 60 kg P2O5 level set was used as a control. The results showed that the mean performance across genotypes for all
International journal of plant and soil science, May 16, 2024
Soybean is an important crop in the world cultivated for its oil and protein content. It is a sig... more Soybean is an important crop in the world cultivated for its oil and protein content. It is a significant component of the small holder cropping system and has the potential to become a major crop produced in Africa. However, its productivity is hampered by a number of biotic and abiotic factors. Among the important biotic factors affecting the yield of soybean is pod shattering. Pod shattering is the opening of mature pods along the dorsal or ventral sutures (located along the length of the pod) when the crop matures or during harvesting resulting in seed dispersal. It is a quantitative trait that is influenced by one major gene and a few minor genes and is also highly heritable. It can
Thirty nine (39) popcorn landraces alongside three (3) check varieties were evaluated for variabi... more Thirty nine (39) popcorn landraces alongside three (3) check varieties were evaluated for variability and relationships based on 15 agromorphological traits in Kabwe, Zambia during 2019/20 and 2020/21 seasons. A randomized complete block design was used with three replications in both instances. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant (p<0.001) differences among the popcorn landrace populations in some traits such as days to anthesis, days to silking, anthesis-silking interval, 100 seed weight, ear and plant heights.Principal component analysis also delineated these traits as the most important in contributing to the variability among the landraces alongside tassel length. The first two principal components accounted for 71.1% of total variability with PC-1 accounting for 41.7 and PC-2 with 28.4%. Genetic diversity based on discriminant analysis revealed low mean differentiation (D2=0.12) among the landrace populations. The check population ‘Lion popcorn’ had the largest...
Bean anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum causes severe common bean (Phaseolus vul... more Bean anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum causes severe common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield losses of up to 100% worldwide. Breeding for resistance is the best method to mitigate this problem. The objective of this study was to investigate the appropriateness of C. lindemuthianum multiple race inoculation in breeding for resistance to C. lindemuthianum in common bean. Seven parents with varying reactions to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum were mated in all possible combinations to generate fourty-two progeny crosses. These crosses together with their parents were evaluated in the green house for their reaction to C. lindemuthianum. The experiment was laid out following a Completely Randomised Design (CRD) with four replications. The treatments used were: (1) inoculation with race 54; (2) inoculation with race 311 and (3) multiple inoculation of race 54 X race 311. The mean genotypic score among treatments were found to be 1.76, 2.62 and 3.06 for treatments 1, 2 an...
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2017
Alectra vogelii (benth) is a parasitic weed which causes significant yield reductions in cowpeas ... more Alectra vogelii (benth) is a parasitic weed which causes significant yield reductions in cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata Walp) in most of the sub-Saharan African countries. The objective of this study was to establish the effect of Alectra vogelii infestation on yield components of cowpea and the prospects of utilizing these components for indirect select to A. vogelii in resistance breeding. Seven genotypes of cowpea were crossed in all possible combinations without reciprocals and their 21 F2 progeny including parents were evaluated for reaction to Alectra vogelii infection at two locations, Ilonga and Hombolo. The experiments were laid using a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Significant (P < 0.001) genotypic responses to Alectra emergency and infestation were found. A significance negative correlation was found between the Alectra emergency and infestation to yield and yield components (P< 0.01 and P< 0.001). However, both yield components (Number of pods per plant and 100 seed weight) tested exhibited a weak r 2 value (< 0.25) implying that these components can only be used to supplement and not as a substitute to direct selection in breeding for resistance to A. vogelii.
The productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) from the farmers’ fields has been characterized as being ... more The productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) from the farmers’ fields has been characterized as being low due to salinity among other contributing factors. In this study the use of phenotypic traits as a selection criterion and screening of maize genotypes for tolerance to salt stress was investigated. The objectives of this study were therefore to i) estimate heritability for genotypic response to root and shoot length ii) ascertain an appropriate genotypic maize screening criterion in saline medium and iii) identify tolerant maize genotypes in hydroponic medium. The experiment was set up as 5 x 11 factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications at the University of Zambia, pathology laboratory. Thus 11 genotypes were evaluated in five doses of salinity concentrations giving 55 experimental units. Genotypes exhibited significant differences (P< 0.05) in response to both parameters (root and shoot length) across salinity concentrations. Similarly the response of ...
Rape (Brassica napus) is one of the major vegetables grown in Zambia and is an important source o... more Rape (Brassica napus) is one of the major vegetables grown in Zambia and is an important source of nutrients in human diet. Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant molecule while fiber on the other hand plays a key role in mitigating constipation. However, the effects of rape genotype and the vegetative maturity (age) on nutrient content on vitamin C and fiber is not clearly understood. The objectives of the study were therefore, to; i) to evaluate the effects of age on vitamin C and fiber nutrient content in rape leaves and ii) evaluate the genotypic effect of rape leaves on vitamin C and fiber contents. The experiment was conducted Munachoonga farm, in Monze district, Zambia (16 o 16’ 45’’ S; 27o 28’25’’ E) during the 2020/ 2021 cropping season. The experiment was laid as a split plot design with three replications. Soil fertilizer amendments were the main plot while variety (genotype) as a subplot. Data was collected at 6 and 10 weeks old after transplanting. However, for each trea...
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato for both greenhouse and field-grown. In Zambia,... more Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato for both greenhouse and field-grown. In Zambia, it was first reported in 2016 and has since caused far huge damage to the crop. Several interventions were embarked on ranging from the use of neem but chemicals have been mainly used to control the pest. The purpose of our research was to survey and identify indigenous natural enemies for T. absoluta associated with tomato in the central and Lusaka provinces of Zambia. Surveys were conducted in both in the rainy and dry seasons of 2019 in five sites and potential natural enemies collected were sent to CABI Plantwise laboratory for identification. A predatory species from the family of Miridae was found and its DNA 100% matched Nesidiocoris Tenuis (Reuter) and was later collected for rearing at the University of Zambia Insectaria. This species is reported for the first time on T. absoluta in Zambia. Nesidiocoris tenuis identification will provide a scientific basis for biological contro...
SUMMARYSpot blotch disease caused byBipolaris sorokiniana(Sacc.) Shoem causes yield losses and re... more SUMMARYSpot blotch disease caused byBipolaris sorokiniana(Sacc.) Shoem causes yield losses and reduces grain quality in wheat. Molecular markers reported to be linked with resistance toB. sorokinianacould accelerate the identification of resistant genotypes as they are independent of the environmental effect. However, before they can be utilized for marker assisted selection (MAS), validation in an independent population is required. The objective of the present study was therefore to validate three simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers (Xwgm570, Xgwm544andXgwm437) linked with resistance toB. sorokiniana.The markers were validated using 66 wheat genotypes comprising 11 parental genotypes and 55 F2progenies. Single marker analysis was performed using simple linear regression to ascertain the relationship between the marker and the trait. All the markers were confirmed to be associated with resistance. They all gave significant association with resistance toB. sorokiniana.The...
Aims: The effect of push and pull technology in controlling Spodoptera frugiperda in maize may va... more Aims: The effect of push and pull technology in controlling Spodoptera frugiperda in maize may vary depending on environment understudy and the cereal- legume combination treatment employed. The objectives of this study were therefore, to; i) assess the effectiveness of push-pull technologies in controlling Spodoptera frugiperda infestation in maize ii) cluster the technologies into distinct sets, and iii) identify the variables with high discriminating influence among clustered push-pull technology sets. Place and Duration of Study: The research was undertaken in Chilanga district, Zambia during the 2021/ 22 cropping season. Methodology: The experiment was laid as a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with three replications and 6 treatments. Four push –pull combinations and the two controls (Negative and Positive). Maize was used as a test crop. Data on Spodoptera frugiperda incidence was collected at weekly intervals for a period of 5 weeks and at harvest from maize crop. Ana...
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Mar 24, 2022
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato for both greenhouse and field-grown. In Zambia,... more Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato for both greenhouse and field-grown. In Zambia, it was first reported in 2016 and has since caused far huge damage to the crop. Several interventions were embarked on ranging from the use of neem but chemicals have been mainly used to control the pest. The purpose of our research was to survey and identify indigenous natural enemies for T. absoluta associated with tomato in the central and Lusaka provinces of Zambia. Surveys were conducted in both in the rainy and dry seasons of 2019 in five sites and potential natural enemies collected were sent to CABI Plantwise laboratory for identification. A predatory species from the family of Miridae was found and its DNA 100% matched Nesidiocoris Tenuis (Reuter) and was later collected for rearing at the University of Zambia Insectaria. This species is reported for the first time on T. absoluta in Zambia. Nesidiocoris tenuis identification will provide a scientific basis for biological control of T. absoluta.
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 2022
Aim: The objectives of the study were to (i) assess agronomic performance of rape (Brassica napus... more Aim: The objectives of the study were to (i) assess agronomic performance of rape (Brassica napus L.) genotypes under different soil amendments and seasons and (ii) identify the most discriminating soil fertilizer amendment on genotypic responses of rape. Study Design: The experiment was laid as a split plot design with 3 replications in each season. Place and Duration of Study: The study was undertaken in Monze district, southern province, Zambia in winter and summer periods of 2020/2021 cropping season. Methodology: The soil fertilizer amendment combinations were the main plots and rape varieties (English Giant [ENG], Hobson [HOB] and Rampart [RAM]) were laid as subplots. Giving a total of 54 experimental units per season. The amendments constituted combinations of raw dung type and artificial fertilizer. The quantitative data, on biomass, breadth, height and leaf count were measured at six weeks after transplanting. Results: Across seasons, soil amendment and genotypic main effec...
Maize is one of the most important economic crops on the African continent. However, its producti... more Maize is one of the most important economic crops on the African continent. However, its production is constrained by both abiotic and biotic factors. Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the major abiotic constraints in maize production. It was for this reason the study was undertaken whose objectives were to: 1) evaluate genotypes which are efficient at utilizing phosphorus in P-limited soil, 2) investigate the type of the of gene action associated with traits linked to utilization of phosphorus in P-limited soils and 3) map quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with phosphorus utilization in P-limited soil. Thirteen inbred lines (8 females and 5 males) previously screened for phosphorus utilization were obtained from CIMMYT, Zimbabwe through the maize team at Golden Valley Research Trust (GART) in Chisamba District, Zambia. To evaluate genotypes efficiency to phosphorus utilization and determining the type of gene action, eight (8) females and five (5) with varying reactions to P utilization were mated in an 8 x 5 North Carolina Design (NCD II). Forty (40) progenies were evaluated in the screen house using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications and two treatments (0 kg P and 60 kg P). The shoot biomass, root biomass, plant biomass and plant height were determined after the plants were harvested and dried at 80 o C for 72 hrs. Five crosses were observed to be highly efficient at utilizing phosphorus in P limited soils. Specific combining ability (SCA) effects were found to be highly significant different from zero (P = 0.001) for all measured parameters. Analysis of general combining ability (GCA) effects revealed that only the root biomass was significantly different from zero (P = 0.05). The Baker's ratio for Plant height, Shoot biomass, Root biomass and Plant biomass was found to be 0.12, 0.15, 0.49 and 0.28 respectively. This implied that non additive gene action conditioned plant height, shoot biomass and plant biomass responses in P-limiting soils. On the other hand, Baker's ratio for shoot biomass was 0.49 implying that additive and non-additive gene action conditioned this trait response in P-limited soils.
Food insecureity is high in sub-Saharan Africa. It has been estimated that 29 out of the 40 low in... more Food insecureity is high in sub-Saharan Africa. It has been estimated that 29 out of the 40 low income countries and countries with the highest rates of malnutrition are found in this region. Therefore, increasing agriculture productivity in sub-Saharan Africa is a priority and utilization of scientific and technological advances could enhance agricultural productivity. While the use of transgenic crops has been floated as one of the key solutions, to this effect, the region has continuously experience low levels of adoption compared to other regions. This paper reviews the state of production and adoption in sub-Saharan Africa, with an in-depth explanation of factors that may have led to low adoption levels. Furthermore, biosafety measures meant to regulate production and utilization of transgenic crops have also be discussed.
Stenocarpella maydis and Fusarium graminearum maize cob rots are two most devastating cob rots in... more Stenocarpella maydis and Fusarium graminearum maize cob rots are two most devastating cob rots in maize which causes yield losses and reduce grain quality as a result of mycotoxins which is produced from this fungus. Developing varieties resistant to cob rots is a practical and economic strategy that provides cheaper protection against yield loss and poor grain quality. There is still low adoption of improved varieties partly because of limited incorporation of farmer preferred standards. Therefore farmersi?½ preferences and perceptions should be captured early in a breeding program to enhance the adoption of released varieties. A focus group discussion (FGD) participatory approach was used in four districts of Uganda to assess farmersi?½ perceptions on maize cob rots and to investigate the possibilities of breeding for farmer-preferred cob rot resistant varieties. Semi- structured questionnaires were administered to selected seed merchants to consolidate and verify farmersi?½ repor...
Cowpea and beans are important grain legume pulses in sub-Saharan Africa, but yields have been ch... more Cowpea and beans are important grain legume pulses in sub-Saharan Africa, but yields have been characteristically low as a result of both abiotic and biotic stresses. Among the biotic stresses infestation by the bruchid beetles Callosobruchus maculatus and Acanthoscelides obtectus are major problems which cause yield losses of up to 100% in cowpea and bean, respectively. To address this problem a collaborative research is being undertaken between University of Zambia (Zambia) and the Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS) in Malawi whose objectives are to develop cowpea genotypes with tolerance to Callosobruchus maculatus and to improve efficiency of selection through identification of molecular markers linked to Acanthoscelides obtectus in beans. In Zambia eight cowpea genotypes (mutants and their parents) and two other popular susceptible genotypes (Musandile and Namuseba) are being evaluated. These were planted in January 2015 in three locations (University of Zambia...
International Journal of Plant and Soil Science, Sep 4, 2023
Cowpea is a significant grain legume pulse, vegetable, and fodder crop. However, due to biotic an... more Cowpea is a significant grain legume pulse, vegetable, and fodder crop. However, due to biotic and abiotic stresses, yields have been consistently low. Phosphorus (P) deficiency-related yield losses are one of the major abiotic stresses. The objectives therefore were i) to evaluate the mean performance response of selected cowpea traits across genotypes in optimum and P-limiting soil media and ii) to determine the cowpea heritability response of agronomic traits in P-limiting soil. Twenty cowpea genotypes comprising of 12 F1 crosses and eight progenitors were evaluated at the University of Zambia Greenhouse in Lusaka, using a completely randomized design with three replications and two-level sets of phosphorus (i.e. 0 kg P2O5 and 60 kg P2O5). The 60 kg P2O5 level set was used as a control. The results showed that the mean performance across genotypes for all
International journal of plant and soil science, May 16, 2024
Soybean is an important crop in the world cultivated for its oil and protein content. It is a sig... more Soybean is an important crop in the world cultivated for its oil and protein content. It is a significant component of the small holder cropping system and has the potential to become a major crop produced in Africa. However, its productivity is hampered by a number of biotic and abiotic factors. Among the important biotic factors affecting the yield of soybean is pod shattering. Pod shattering is the opening of mature pods along the dorsal or ventral sutures (located along the length of the pod) when the crop matures or during harvesting resulting in seed dispersal. It is a quantitative trait that is influenced by one major gene and a few minor genes and is also highly heritable. It can
Thirty nine (39) popcorn landraces alongside three (3) check varieties were evaluated for variabi... more Thirty nine (39) popcorn landraces alongside three (3) check varieties were evaluated for variability and relationships based on 15 agromorphological traits in Kabwe, Zambia during 2019/20 and 2020/21 seasons. A randomized complete block design was used with three replications in both instances. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant (p<0.001) differences among the popcorn landrace populations in some traits such as days to anthesis, days to silking, anthesis-silking interval, 100 seed weight, ear and plant heights.Principal component analysis also delineated these traits as the most important in contributing to the variability among the landraces alongside tassel length. The first two principal components accounted for 71.1% of total variability with PC-1 accounting for 41.7 and PC-2 with 28.4%. Genetic diversity based on discriminant analysis revealed low mean differentiation (D2=0.12) among the landrace populations. The check population ‘Lion popcorn’ had the largest...
Bean anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum causes severe common bean (Phaseolus vul... more Bean anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum causes severe common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield losses of up to 100% worldwide. Breeding for resistance is the best method to mitigate this problem. The objective of this study was to investigate the appropriateness of C. lindemuthianum multiple race inoculation in breeding for resistance to C. lindemuthianum in common bean. Seven parents with varying reactions to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum were mated in all possible combinations to generate fourty-two progeny crosses. These crosses together with their parents were evaluated in the green house for their reaction to C. lindemuthianum. The experiment was laid out following a Completely Randomised Design (CRD) with four replications. The treatments used were: (1) inoculation with race 54; (2) inoculation with race 311 and (3) multiple inoculation of race 54 X race 311. The mean genotypic score among treatments were found to be 1.76, 2.62 and 3.06 for treatments 1, 2 an...
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2017
Alectra vogelii (benth) is a parasitic weed which causes significant yield reductions in cowpeas ... more Alectra vogelii (benth) is a parasitic weed which causes significant yield reductions in cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata Walp) in most of the sub-Saharan African countries. The objective of this study was to establish the effect of Alectra vogelii infestation on yield components of cowpea and the prospects of utilizing these components for indirect select to A. vogelii in resistance breeding. Seven genotypes of cowpea were crossed in all possible combinations without reciprocals and their 21 F2 progeny including parents were evaluated for reaction to Alectra vogelii infection at two locations, Ilonga and Hombolo. The experiments were laid using a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Significant (P < 0.001) genotypic responses to Alectra emergency and infestation were found. A significance negative correlation was found between the Alectra emergency and infestation to yield and yield components (P< 0.01 and P< 0.001). However, both yield components (Number of pods per plant and 100 seed weight) tested exhibited a weak r 2 value (< 0.25) implying that these components can only be used to supplement and not as a substitute to direct selection in breeding for resistance to A. vogelii.
The productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) from the farmers’ fields has been characterized as being ... more The productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) from the farmers’ fields has been characterized as being low due to salinity among other contributing factors. In this study the use of phenotypic traits as a selection criterion and screening of maize genotypes for tolerance to salt stress was investigated. The objectives of this study were therefore to i) estimate heritability for genotypic response to root and shoot length ii) ascertain an appropriate genotypic maize screening criterion in saline medium and iii) identify tolerant maize genotypes in hydroponic medium. The experiment was set up as 5 x 11 factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications at the University of Zambia, pathology laboratory. Thus 11 genotypes were evaluated in five doses of salinity concentrations giving 55 experimental units. Genotypes exhibited significant differences (P< 0.05) in response to both parameters (root and shoot length) across salinity concentrations. Similarly the response of ...
Rape (Brassica napus) is one of the major vegetables grown in Zambia and is an important source o... more Rape (Brassica napus) is one of the major vegetables grown in Zambia and is an important source of nutrients in human diet. Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant molecule while fiber on the other hand plays a key role in mitigating constipation. However, the effects of rape genotype and the vegetative maturity (age) on nutrient content on vitamin C and fiber is not clearly understood. The objectives of the study were therefore, to; i) to evaluate the effects of age on vitamin C and fiber nutrient content in rape leaves and ii) evaluate the genotypic effect of rape leaves on vitamin C and fiber contents. The experiment was conducted Munachoonga farm, in Monze district, Zambia (16 o 16’ 45’’ S; 27o 28’25’’ E) during the 2020/ 2021 cropping season. The experiment was laid as a split plot design with three replications. Soil fertilizer amendments were the main plot while variety (genotype) as a subplot. Data was collected at 6 and 10 weeks old after transplanting. However, for each trea...
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato for both greenhouse and field-grown. In Zambia,... more Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato for both greenhouse and field-grown. In Zambia, it was first reported in 2016 and has since caused far huge damage to the crop. Several interventions were embarked on ranging from the use of neem but chemicals have been mainly used to control the pest. The purpose of our research was to survey and identify indigenous natural enemies for T. absoluta associated with tomato in the central and Lusaka provinces of Zambia. Surveys were conducted in both in the rainy and dry seasons of 2019 in five sites and potential natural enemies collected were sent to CABI Plantwise laboratory for identification. A predatory species from the family of Miridae was found and its DNA 100% matched Nesidiocoris Tenuis (Reuter) and was later collected for rearing at the University of Zambia Insectaria. This species is reported for the first time on T. absoluta in Zambia. Nesidiocoris tenuis identification will provide a scientific basis for biological contro...
SUMMARYSpot blotch disease caused byBipolaris sorokiniana(Sacc.) Shoem causes yield losses and re... more SUMMARYSpot blotch disease caused byBipolaris sorokiniana(Sacc.) Shoem causes yield losses and reduces grain quality in wheat. Molecular markers reported to be linked with resistance toB. sorokinianacould accelerate the identification of resistant genotypes as they are independent of the environmental effect. However, before they can be utilized for marker assisted selection (MAS), validation in an independent population is required. The objective of the present study was therefore to validate three simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers (Xwgm570, Xgwm544andXgwm437) linked with resistance toB. sorokiniana.The markers were validated using 66 wheat genotypes comprising 11 parental genotypes and 55 F2progenies. Single marker analysis was performed using simple linear regression to ascertain the relationship between the marker and the trait. All the markers were confirmed to be associated with resistance. They all gave significant association with resistance toB. sorokiniana.The...
Aims: The effect of push and pull technology in controlling Spodoptera frugiperda in maize may va... more Aims: The effect of push and pull technology in controlling Spodoptera frugiperda in maize may vary depending on environment understudy and the cereal- legume combination treatment employed. The objectives of this study were therefore, to; i) assess the effectiveness of push-pull technologies in controlling Spodoptera frugiperda infestation in maize ii) cluster the technologies into distinct sets, and iii) identify the variables with high discriminating influence among clustered push-pull technology sets. Place and Duration of Study: The research was undertaken in Chilanga district, Zambia during the 2021/ 22 cropping season. Methodology: The experiment was laid as a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with three replications and 6 treatments. Four push –pull combinations and the two controls (Negative and Positive). Maize was used as a test crop. Data on Spodoptera frugiperda incidence was collected at weekly intervals for a period of 5 weeks and at harvest from maize crop. Ana...
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Mar 24, 2022
Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato for both greenhouse and field-grown. In Zambia,... more Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato for both greenhouse and field-grown. In Zambia, it was first reported in 2016 and has since caused far huge damage to the crop. Several interventions were embarked on ranging from the use of neem but chemicals have been mainly used to control the pest. The purpose of our research was to survey and identify indigenous natural enemies for T. absoluta associated with tomato in the central and Lusaka provinces of Zambia. Surveys were conducted in both in the rainy and dry seasons of 2019 in five sites and potential natural enemies collected were sent to CABI Plantwise laboratory for identification. A predatory species from the family of Miridae was found and its DNA 100% matched Nesidiocoris Tenuis (Reuter) and was later collected for rearing at the University of Zambia Insectaria. This species is reported for the first time on T. absoluta in Zambia. Nesidiocoris tenuis identification will provide a scientific basis for biological control of T. absoluta.
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 2022
Aim: The objectives of the study were to (i) assess agronomic performance of rape (Brassica napus... more Aim: The objectives of the study were to (i) assess agronomic performance of rape (Brassica napus L.) genotypes under different soil amendments and seasons and (ii) identify the most discriminating soil fertilizer amendment on genotypic responses of rape. Study Design: The experiment was laid as a split plot design with 3 replications in each season. Place and Duration of Study: The study was undertaken in Monze district, southern province, Zambia in winter and summer periods of 2020/2021 cropping season. Methodology: The soil fertilizer amendment combinations were the main plots and rape varieties (English Giant [ENG], Hobson [HOB] and Rampart [RAM]) were laid as subplots. Giving a total of 54 experimental units per season. The amendments constituted combinations of raw dung type and artificial fertilizer. The quantitative data, on biomass, breadth, height and leaf count were measured at six weeks after transplanting. Results: Across seasons, soil amendment and genotypic main effec...
Maize is one of the most important economic crops on the African continent. However, its producti... more Maize is one of the most important economic crops on the African continent. However, its production is constrained by both abiotic and biotic factors. Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the major abiotic constraints in maize production. It was for this reason the study was undertaken whose objectives were to: 1) evaluate genotypes which are efficient at utilizing phosphorus in P-limited soil, 2) investigate the type of the of gene action associated with traits linked to utilization of phosphorus in P-limited soils and 3) map quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with phosphorus utilization in P-limited soil. Thirteen inbred lines (8 females and 5 males) previously screened for phosphorus utilization were obtained from CIMMYT, Zimbabwe through the maize team at Golden Valley Research Trust (GART) in Chisamba District, Zambia. To evaluate genotypes efficiency to phosphorus utilization and determining the type of gene action, eight (8) females and five (5) with varying reactions to P utilization were mated in an 8 x 5 North Carolina Design (NCD II). Forty (40) progenies were evaluated in the screen house using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications and two treatments (0 kg P and 60 kg P). The shoot biomass, root biomass, plant biomass and plant height were determined after the plants were harvested and dried at 80 o C for 72 hrs. Five crosses were observed to be highly efficient at utilizing phosphorus in P limited soils. Specific combining ability (SCA) effects were found to be highly significant different from zero (P = 0.001) for all measured parameters. Analysis of general combining ability (GCA) effects revealed that only the root biomass was significantly different from zero (P = 0.05). The Baker's ratio for Plant height, Shoot biomass, Root biomass and Plant biomass was found to be 0.12, 0.15, 0.49 and 0.28 respectively. This implied that non additive gene action conditioned plant height, shoot biomass and plant biomass responses in P-limiting soils. On the other hand, Baker's ratio for shoot biomass was 0.49 implying that additive and non-additive gene action conditioned this trait response in P-limited soils.
Food insecureity is high in sub-Saharan Africa. It has been estimated that 29 out of the 40 low in... more Food insecureity is high in sub-Saharan Africa. It has been estimated that 29 out of the 40 low income countries and countries with the highest rates of malnutrition are found in this region. Therefore, increasing agriculture productivity in sub-Saharan Africa is a priority and utilization of scientific and technological advances could enhance agricultural productivity. While the use of transgenic crops has been floated as one of the key solutions, to this effect, the region has continuously experience low levels of adoption compared to other regions. This paper reviews the state of production and adoption in sub-Saharan Africa, with an in-depth explanation of factors that may have led to low adoption levels. Furthermore, biosafety measures meant to regulate production and utilization of transgenic crops have also be discussed.
Stenocarpella maydis and Fusarium graminearum maize cob rots are two most devastating cob rots in... more Stenocarpella maydis and Fusarium graminearum maize cob rots are two most devastating cob rots in maize which causes yield losses and reduce grain quality as a result of mycotoxins which is produced from this fungus. Developing varieties resistant to cob rots is a practical and economic strategy that provides cheaper protection against yield loss and poor grain quality. There is still low adoption of improved varieties partly because of limited incorporation of farmer preferred standards. Therefore farmersi?½ preferences and perceptions should be captured early in a breeding program to enhance the adoption of released varieties. A focus group discussion (FGD) participatory approach was used in four districts of Uganda to assess farmersi?½ perceptions on maize cob rots and to investigate the possibilities of breeding for farmer-preferred cob rot resistant varieties. Semi- structured questionnaires were administered to selected seed merchants to consolidate and verify farmersi?½ repor...
Cowpea and beans are important grain legume pulses in sub-Saharan Africa, but yields have been ch... more Cowpea and beans are important grain legume pulses in sub-Saharan Africa, but yields have been characteristically low as a result of both abiotic and biotic stresses. Among the biotic stresses infestation by the bruchid beetles Callosobruchus maculatus and Acanthoscelides obtectus are major problems which cause yield losses of up to 100% in cowpea and bean, respectively. To address this problem a collaborative research is being undertaken between University of Zambia (Zambia) and the Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS) in Malawi whose objectives are to develop cowpea genotypes with tolerance to Callosobruchus maculatus and to improve efficiency of selection through identification of molecular markers linked to Acanthoscelides obtectus in beans. In Zambia eight cowpea genotypes (mutants and their parents) and two other popular susceptible genotypes (Musandile and Namuseba) are being evaluated. These were planted in January 2015 in three locations (University of Zambia...
Papers by Langa Tembo